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Whitby Free Press, 8 May 1996, p. 21

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Wflltby> Free Press, Wecfnesday, May 8, 199.6 , Page 21 Juniors again aiim foir Ontarj'o titile The 1995 provincial champion Whitiy junior basebail team opens their season with a game against Ajax at roquois Park on Saturday, May 11, 1 p.m. The team wibl look a litt4e different this summer as; six new player join nine veterans returning for a try at a second consecutive Ontario titbe. Newcomens Darrel Jennings, Greg Pomroy, Jason Vain, Jason Lden, Terr Arges and Craig Lanegerjoin returning players Ian Andrew, Brad Newport, Blair Hardy, Adama Thompsou, Tim Irneson, TIm Puddister, Josh Miller, Keith Mils and Stçve Wood. Although two-thirds of the 395 championsbiljop squad had changed, the coaching staff feela that a provincial titi, la 1996 is within reach. "Tho younger players are very talented and with a cor. of veterana who have several chammonui aflbetwéen them, we'll b. ltheý rnng, sys head coach Ian Hardy. Pitching wiil be a major factor t" year, and the team will look at smre of the younger players such as Valin and Jennings ta boîster the regular staff of Puddister, Imeson, Mil and Newport. "W. saw smre very positive tbings from aur- newer pitchers during the. Mayors Cup exhibition games wvith Ajax," sys pitching coach Day. Imeson. "And they wüll have to continue ta play a key roi. if we are ta repeat as champions again this year." Whitby split the weekend doubleheader with Ajax, losing the fret gamne 8-3, sud wu*nlng the r second 10-3.'t Wbitby Chiefs play their homeJ games on Thursda nights onV Murkar field 'at Iroquis Park. Greg Booth returna this year as the lubis announcer. 1 Chiefa are sponsored by 18 Brooklin Legion Bra nch 152 and a the coaching staff is comprised Of Tan Hardy, Day. Imeson, Jeremy a Harnes ansd manager Jirn Andrew.t Durham College Athletnaoflthe y.ar CURUNG: womens MVP ý- Tanya Becker; mensa MVP - Dan Balachorek 5ASE9ALL.mk rook f th year - Steve McFaiane; top pitcher - Brad Bellerby; Lionel Boom Baker Memorial award: MVP - Anthony Weeks 8OFT5ALL~ rookie of h. year - Janice Gordan; MVP - Jule Coline GOLR rookie of th. yaar - Shawn Loo; Geuy Pou Raward: MVP -M&O Stauffer MEUS 5OCER: rookie of th. year- Terenoe Lazarua; MVP - OYNeiI Brown WXE OCMrkeo tepr-Maya Wade; MVP - Chantelle Ryan WOIENSVOI±EYBALL rocld. of theyear - Alison Thomas. Joanna Van Dyke, MVP - Samantha Langford MEMS VOLLEYBAI...,rookleocf the year -Stu Pow. Das>1 Rcfd; MVP - Pow. %.id VIOERK5BASCErDAU. rooWk iotheyear - MoIanwe Raeside, Stephanie Kas"la; MVP - Raeeide, Kas"la MENS BASSCETMUL- rachis ci the year Thomas Cary. Sean Stewart; MVP - Rick Jordan FEMALE ATHLEIE OF TI.EVEAR: Trracey Midiaud, Bownmville, soocer MALE ATHLETE CF THERVER: Auguto Duquse, .Havaa, Cuba-,baketblI More youth in 96lin eup A GIRLS' lacr competitionsi was held rei Oshawa. Àt the jamboree rosse 'Jamboree,' including skills workshops, and contests for hardest shot and accuracy, cÇently. at Donevan Collegiate Insttute in Photo by Jeremny Dresar, Whltby Free Press Warriors wn opener Whitby Warriors showed their dominance lu exhibition, pbay was no f luke aâ tbey cruahed Bramnp- ton 20-6 in tefr Ontario junior A lacrosse season opener last weok. Receutly acquired Grant John- itou, one of the top scorers lu the 1au lest Beason, showed bis och with five goals while Rab Kirkby bad tbree goals and three assista. Pst Joues and, Marty O'Brieu ma.h had two goals and five assists wbile Gavin Prout had a moal and five assista. Steve Tay- r and Steve Voituk -euh had wa goals, singles by Zac Aitken, rayStewart and Rab Fodor. cycing races In For the third straight yeaýr, rcling races will be beld in owutawu Oshawa. The Bicyéle Criterium -- a Bries of races on a flat short ircuit -- will b. held ou Victoria ýa, Mouday, May 20, starting t i8m. There às a range of skill aud ge bevels for-tbe event organ- ed by. downtown Oshawa busi- Bas groups and the D'Ornellas a inTeam Incé. TheOshawa, circuit is a 0.9- ilometre' rectaugular track fig Simncoe, Athol,. Centre sud )hn streets. Ji sel cir at ize nei kil usi JoI "We played well enough ta wiu, but we lacked iutensity and the killer instinct,» said coach Jim Bishop, wbose team 18 expec- ted ta challenge ODrangeville for the league title this season. "We will definitely be workiu, on this for our upcoming games. Warriors were scheduled ta hast Toronto Beaches iu Brookliu last night (Tuesday) and thon have a week off before basting Orangeville, at Iroquois Park, next Tuesday, Mayl14,8 p.m. The early season encounter betweon the two most powerful teams, either of which could be considered Minta Cup (Canadian championsbip) contenders, could b. one of the best lu league play this seasan. Juior A lacrosse 'Wa~eor'cfldcf. May 14. Orangsvlid Whithy. 8 p.m May 19. Whitby et Samnla7M pin. MW 24. Pefiwoough aà Whâby, 8 pan. May 2% WdmK t inriWhkMy.aBp.mL June 3. Whilby ad Bu&igla 8pan. Jwme4. Làsaa#ÉaiWhb. 8 p.M June 7. hl aiNations, p.m. haie 11.S C marno i WWub. SOWpr Jun. 14, WIUy utK-W. 8:=0panL JunI& SSwnla @ÊWhilb,.7 pm haie 1% WkbautSt C4ainu, O.s,&30pa JuneZ>M SxN"tios iWhiby. 8 p.m Jun. 25, Whby et Mbsahuge. apan June 27. Budkigian iWhiy.- ap.m hais 29t Whori a Onguiem, pim. Jtdy 1. WhabT iderôUak 7 pm . July2Z Whkby t Pelsiborugh.s an. Juli4. Bmaqiln e ihyt.SaP.nm S oMe youth bas been added to an otberwise veteran Brooklin Redmen club that will begin play Thursday lu Brampton, lu the Ontario major box lacrrosse league. Head coach Peter VI nd and assistant coach Kevinon Sickie feel the mix of. youth aud experience will enable Redmen ta challenge laat year's Canadian champion Six Nations tearo. Gary Gait, one of the spore's scoriun superstarswl gi lead the Redmeo otenoe, suppor- ted by veterans John Pusco, Tom Wreggitt, GregLeIngme, Erie Per- rom and Paul St. John. Willie Arnold, who had 55 points in 19 games last season, and Mike Wa]ko from the now defunct Owen Sound teani jolu Redmon, as doos Bill Calian, back with the'team after three 1ears with Caquitlam in the B.C. Reamen are counting on several young players ta give the team more speed and formn the nucleus of the team la future years. Týhey include last yoar's tbree draft picks fromn the Gloucester junior B team - iigh-soring Sean Moran and Matt igteinwaldý, and Pet Collins. Due ta a suspension banded out after an incident- late last season, Steinwald, who had 94 pointa lu 17 gaines, wan't play the first seven Redmen games. Redmen alsa *added Shawn Williams, who bad 78 pointa lu 20 mes for Brampton'sjuio A club. Second-year players Doug Noganash, big Dan Ladoueeur, aud Jason Pittersand tbird-year player Steve M Ceith are other young players alsa *ta be part of the «nuïcleus." Other team members are Glen Clark, Larry Dowuer and Rab Hannah. After Thursday's contest lu Brampton, Redmen will have their home apener agant Peter- borough Lakers an Frday night at Iraquois Park., game time 8:30 p-. 'Lakers have added junior scor- ing stars John Grant Jr. and Sgteve Toîl ta their lineup Season tickets are still avail- able and may be purchased at the door. Those who have ordered tickets but haven't yet Redmen sehedule May 9. Ool nai rnvon May 10. Peet>= uh ai BrocUln May 15. GranVpon al Brooklin May 17. BrolMn ai Feigus May 22. Six Nagions i Brooklin May 23. Brookin ai Peterborough Mtay 29. Fergus ai Orolin May 30. àfackln ut Six Naions June 5. Branyton ad Broodlin Jun. 8. Ooubdin i Patemtough Jun. 9. Brooljin al Six Nations (7 p.m.> Jun. 14. Fergus i Boohin June 19. Faigus al Broodin Jun. 28. Six Nations #à BroocUn June 29. Brooklis et Braîrpion (7 pi.>) July 3. Brairp<on al roodlin JuIy 6. Broohin al Féégus (7lp.m) July 10. Peterb>orough ad Brooklin July 11. Brooldin et Branlgon July 17. Six Naions et Brocha,, JuJy 19. Brookin i Fegus July 24. Peterboeough al i Bool,, JuIy 25. Broo&Bin al Paettorough July 28. Brocha,, ad Six Nagions (7 p.mTL Ail borne garnn ailbu playd al hoquoà p" nI VatdMy. &.d amidai8.30 Pmn Ad a.uy pgjiwg*9 »laiar 8-*30pm. mien received. them eau pick them up at the game from Iris Hunter. For the 1996 season, club pro- aident Paul Cotton has also assu- med the role of general manager. Ho will be assisted by director of operations Bob Duignan, last year's general manager, who had to reduce bis involvement due to work commitments with the City of Oshawa. Six Nations is oncel againt expected to be strong, with many othe game's superstars, inlui ing Jolh Tavares, the top scorer in the U.S. pro league, and Paul Git returningto.the liueup.that has won the Mnn Cp the past two seasons. iM Banamswin 7-13 The Whitby miner bantam rep basebialtem defeated Ajax 7-3 in the annual Mayoru Cup tournament May 4. There was'steilar pitcbing by starter Mlke Dunford, Steve Misevaki, and Luke Harden. Harden scored three runs and Chris Lazary drove in two runa.. Other players are Shawn Hubbard, Ryan Mitchell, Johna Barr, WIII Bright David Bescoe, Pat Merry. Darron Walker, Wayne Wickens, Adam ýBala and coaching staff members Rick Hubbard, Gary EHarding, Rick Dunford and Rick Marrison. .The teams frt regular season home game is sclieduled, for May 11, 4:30 p.m., agalat Pickering at Pringle, Creek Park. Mosquitoes 'bite Ajax The Wbitby major mosquito' basebaill team, sponsored by Tri- bow Interiors, won their first game of the season 11-3 over Ajax la the annual Mayors Cup tournament Saturday. Chiefs jumped into the lead early with Chris Bowler, Kevin Wallace and Scott Bird ail belting singles, thon Sean Cunningham and ike Melissis each pounding doubles ta score four runs ini the top of the first inmng Kyle Branson picked up the win, pitcbing four shutout inznxig. Kyle Simpeon tossed two strong -nzng before Derek unkin closed out the game facing four batters and etriking out two. Other team members are- Bradley Harden, Jeif Freeman, Crieas Cunliffe, Robert Cybalska and coaching staff members Doug F'reeman, Don Cunningham, Paul Funkin and Randy Simpson. 30 strikeouts In a duel in which, the two ] I i I i u S n P c E

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