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Whitby Free Press, 8 May 1996, p. 5

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Whltby Freo Preas, Weckiosdy, May 8,199, *Page5 Province could soon decide on modifiede alendar plan By YMark Reesor A Mimistry of Education deci- sion on a modiflod calendur ache- dule for a new Whitby olemen- tary ichool could ho forthcoming as Êarly as next weok. The miniaftry received the Dur- ham Board of Education'a formai requoat for approval for the ache- dule at C. Broughton public ichool lent Wodnssday. Education officor Alex Loy said Monday he hadn't had a chance te, look at the application C t but it will b. revieweèd "over :next weok or so and then (ws'l h) notifyingthe hourd... «It depends on where the final upprovar'ag*ven. It haan't heen rssolved whoèrs final approval la gutdin this office or is aigned h~the deputy mu*nistor or- the ssistant deputy m*niator Loroy attondod a prns mos lat weok at Anderson CVI te heur their concerna about Broughten flret-hund. Ho aid many of their com- plaints - boundaries and curri- culum, for exemple - are the {uridiction of the Durham "T'hero are some issues that need te ho uaddressed; whether it'a condiionai, on approval or severe enough te, cause the roquest to ho rejected, I can't say ut this timîe... &One hottom line is it's going te, cre down te, either full accop- tance, conditional acceptanco or rIe tini ywill consider comnmunity, toucher and union support for the modifled calendar in making its decision, ho said, étrossing that nothin ha yet hoon decided. "If it was a sure thing, I wouldn't ho hore,»' ho teold parents. "If it wa a doad dog, I wouldn't ho hors. Frmhero te liston. If it was a ruhher stamp, wýhy would I ho hothoring te drivre down hors on a Tuesday night? IWÏithy trustees Patty Bow- man and Doug Rosa Broughton principal Jack SmyÎka Whithy supermntendent Laura Elliott and hourd _plumier Lewis Morgulis were also ut the mee te face parentd , ofton-emotional ques- One parent wondered why out- of-houndary applications were uoeepted ut Pk-le Creok Public School for the lat five years, which wa already overcrowded, when the -bourd knew another achool would ho bujît. "I think theso applications were accepted juat to, pump up the population of the school te provoto the miniatry that we noodod another school in Whithy,» aho said. Fia raised on SaturdaY. The Klinsmen and Kinette clubs of Whitby invite local residents te take part -in a celebration of patriotism on Saturday, May 11. "Everyone is welcome te wear red and white and exnjoy the festivities at our third unnual Raiso the Flag Day," says Kin chair Klm Glover. 7"This hour-long event in a greaât way te celobrate the one symbol that unites us - the Canadian flug." The cermony vil be held at the Whitby municipal building on Roasland Road starting ut 11:30 a.m. School children, Air Cadet and Army Cadet marching bands, Town officials, and the Royal Cunadian Legion will tae part in the coremony. There will ho refrealments and "somtbing special" for the children. Heber, Don camn soon begins fHehoer Down Conservation Area priced ai $1,000 for the season. family camping facilities will bo Weekly serviced sites (water, open for public use as od May 15 hydro) are pr=e at$17.50 per this year. night, $105 awek nd a himited number of tent sites are ulso Treed sites are availuble on a avuflable at $12 per night and $72 seasonal and weekly rate aducent, a week. to the 600-acre park. Alsites are For more information, oeil 579- servioed (water, hydro) and are 0411. Rousseau's invites you to English «Afternoon Tea Saturday, May 1ilth from 4:.O0to 6:.00p. M. We in vite you to join us for tea and to welcome Karen Wiliams of Sanderson. Canada to our store. She will be presenting new colours and styles forspring at 4:3 0 sharp. During May arnd until the middle ofJune, save 2 0% on the complete Une of Sanderson fabrics and wallcoverings. R.S. VP. to Sharon Wright at (905) 668-3483 PS. - After our Presentation, we wili draw for a $50. discount offyour Sanàerson order. '. HERITAGE HOUSE Iiniited 216 Mary St. E., Whitby (905) 668-3483 or 686-0061 Mon -Fri - 10-6, Sat. - -10-5, Thurs & Fri evening by appc. Eighty out-of-houndury (OOB) atudents at Pringle can stay but *my kid lives ,two hlockS awaZ and youro tolling me ho cun't, as anor. Elliott admitted OOB atudents at Pringle are "'a problom," addingsaho's "tying teright the wronkr don. ovr-theoyeara hy flot acetigany now kmndergar- ton and Grade1lOOB atudonts. Current OOB studonts' appli- cation forme areaie hmg reviowed, sb. aimand i'a highly llkoly they will1bo roturn- ing hack to their honme achoola "I on thnkyou people havo a heurt,' naid one mother. "Our children havo hoon thore (at Pringlo) since kindorgarton. Al of a sudden, ini Grade 6, you decide, wham, woll just rip the carpot out hocause we want thia now thing te happen.' Broughiten studonts pting for the traditional cal endar are simply "hWUckil'te tep up h 120 modified calendar istudontha, anothor parent chargod. As evidence, ah. cited how a nowslotter for tho, ichool talkod -about four apecial thomo weoka for modifled track studonts but didn't mention anything planned for. the traditionai track "Why didn't you simply put down two linos' 'pIeuse note traditional truck parents4 havon't forgot about you - I will ho intsndinig te have four themei woeks for-you."9 "'A good point,' Smyka admit- ted, adding that hadn't hoon dons hbecausme thore was mors time te plan for ths traditional -yoar (the modifled yoar in ach- Thesmalertheplees th faterthduwllbeadotwgn g) 1 0 -d - - - ---- - - --- - - an- yard w ' - s-- in--- - Ioe Iice atswt ar atst ee - Inane Inet n et I b Ieptepl os Us aIadnhs rawtrn a I D Iunyu o ps ierglry Thi aI d xgn hc pes ptepoesadhl ls ipotn oian your compsterpro erlyfor Sm ai quantities of grass clippings can be added to: compost pile - but we encourage you to grasscycle insteadl ~'our I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fo moeifrainoIopotn rGasyln Ipes cotcIh eino uhmWrsDprmn t (9 5I6-7 1 r -0 -7 -13

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