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Whitby Free Press, 8 May 1996, p. 6

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Page 6, Whitby Free Press, Wedniesday, May 8, 1996 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby resîdents for Whîtby residents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN 1 ONTARIO COMMUNITY VRFIDCOMMUNITY NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X Pu bshed eve sbry en yesy bya677209 Ouspbindaj c 900 Hopkins St. /BOX 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minirflum 20% recycled content using vegetabîe based inks. *Ail written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by.copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit line to the Whitby Free Press. Keep it as mis To the oditor: Re: WhItby General Hospital Bulid a new rehab centre on already avallable govomment Iand, and bave WGH alone. There are sevoral ways ta ralse the money for such a wartbwhlbe cause. The Skydome, for Instance, cost abolit $500 millon, bt the public wlll" was appeased. Accoring ta the public relations departmont ai WGH, keeplng the statua quo la flot an option. WGH la portrayed as unover reachlng ls ful patontial and therefore shauld be avallablo for conversion ta a rehab fadlfty. Such a statement rot lods poorly on the curront operation of the baspital ln spite of a reent article that describes- lb. bospital as waard-wnnlngu and pr-ased for Ita current raie ln aur bealth cars system. lis current statua should romain. . n another article Ri l reported that Wbftby coundilbr Shirley Scot beleves she la belng harassed by the bospitl board because cf ber vocal and persistent opposition ta the- proposed rebab raie. Don't teel bad, FM. Scott. 1 waa personally taien ta task by lb. uipper echelons of WGH for dclstorting lb. 'Lost babies' To th.edl"or: later ta Mayor Tam A few days ago Town warkers cl down soins Ire branches acrasa tram my housad 404 Byron St S., -WbIby. They aiea cul down a robin's nest where i was watching the baby 1 thnk he wnwfthaut knowing or caring, look the Ives cf lb. baby robns.l1can hear the parent robins outalde my wndow gdeving for ther bat bables. The Town.should think of wildf. befre ronsy. I arn spealdng for tb. robins becase they have feoirga Caltiki oltorau 12 WNkb tacts" in a previaus latter ta the edilor. The bottom Ulne ... save aur general haspital. J. Gordon NMil WhlIby Gas pump 'averag ing To th. editor: . ba1» m corn athe conclusion tbat the cil and gas Induslry lsaa monopoly and a prtc-fildng cartel, wfth the. govemment as a allit partner, basklng In the extra tax revenue tbat th.ehlgh prices at the gas pumipa brlng. The hlgber the price. the greater the tax collecte&. The best way ta avold the necosslty of havi ng ta fil your tank wben prices are at their peak, la ta use an aid stock lnvestmnent systemr Caleddolar averaglng.0 In essence, do flot fil your tank up wbsn you reqtire gas; ju a u suffidient gas In ta kWs you two or three days, and use yaur credit card each time. In Ibis procesa, you dollar average up and down, thua averagng the prlce yau pay; Il works In several ways. You do not pay the peak price for gas, you can Stil fil up when the p rice at the pump bas Nit rock bttam. And yauwilMsend astrong message Io the oil and gas lndustry that when thoy inflate pricos ta an extorllonate and unacxceptible love on a preudably weelcly basis, thoy wll trWer a consumer responso that wl genSef our, five or six li'mes the sales sipa they Wl have ta procesa for sacti fil-up af gas. Thelu profit an lb. sale wl b. considerably kiow bocause 'you wil have dollar- averaged. RInaliy. whon yau see an Increase ofs 9many enta for abarrel i reported n bsness nsws, do not lm the ail barons convince you fthat Na la justification for th. huge woekly S" Ink gas prlcos. Jusl remember. taoek how many galions af ail are In an Induslry barrel, and reniember that it aices alnost four litres ta, malce on. gallon. Have a nlce day i the pumpa. Rob Burges. WhItby ioteedtI,_ __ _ _ __ _ _ Parents also 'sick and tiredO To the editor: Copy of, letter ta Audrey MacLoan, chair, Durham Board ai Educatian The parents dlrectly and lndlrectly inval vod vwth the, new C.E Braughton Public Schoat take offnc tovorcoemments ln the article,' ondar appravod' (Free Press, April 24). Yu may be sickand tired o heaing about this achoal, but we are slck and 1 ýtlred of the " ofa acknawledgment of, aurcoencerns fram aur elocted affials regarding thîs. whale affair. W. are "lc and tired af the deceittul way the baard sUd the C.E. Braughton School ln undoî the guise of a moditled schaal. W. are silk and tlred of the numbor cruncbes the baard staff bas put tagether that changes by the wsek and always ln the baard's favour. W. are slck and tired of the lu toki egrdngthe boundarles. W. are slck and tiredofaabaardaof elected affidials wha are not mepresentlng the public. We are slck and tlred af the petty blckeulng af the board over mundane issues sucb as free moals, how much a retlrlng tear*ier shoul get as a git, wblle the same board elmînates Juniar kindergarten, tires teachers and custodial staff and has ta -ssii properties ta pay their astranomical bIlas. We are slck and tired of watchlng a bwly prlicpal belng given the pawer ta make pramises ta be able to achieve the goal oaiaamodltled schoal year calendar ln Durbam Region. We are slck and tlred of watcbng a $6-mIllaon-plus schoi being bliIt ln an area alreoely welI established, a school that should be bull nardi ai Glen Dhu, a schoal that la caterrig ta a smail graup ln such limes af finandial restraint, a achoa that bas orcsd eniolment. We are sUcenod at bow thls uchool la belng treated as a speclal case. We are sickened that while w. are belng given the shait out of aur home school, aothers autslde the boundarles may continue attending a school that la supposedly s0 overcrawded, 226 studenta must lbave. We are slckened that ln twa years we are golng ta be allowed ta roapply ta aur wrearhome achool. And, Lest but not leasl, we are truly slckened that you ach ually feel threatensd enough that yau would hie polce oficers for possible rawdy demonstrators such as mysel, rny tainI4y- frinnda, îryn ighbours, my fellow taxpayens. Your board made this a reglanal Issu when you opened registration ta the entire reglon. Rt la your board that aur slected mnembers sit on, supaselysupportlng the pol that put them thore. Howaver, isal nr*thoc* W. havet»w hltb tepresntatives on the board. On. goos out of bIs War ta cuve advMo and support whlbe the otiler wil .flot respond ta ber phone cals and inquiries. One serves bis public.-the atierserves ... ? VYour commenté regardlng Maureen Clark% presonytation ta the board we uncalled for and deserve an apology. The public la entited ta make presentatlons ta the board. The tact that the minutes of the April 15, meeting rogardlng her presentation woro Incomplet., deserves* rovlwlng. Tho Thorntan Petdeserve tholr day as well, as dotePringie parents sbauld thoy choose ta. We bave beon ln touch wfth aur bcal trustees and your staff. When answors are not forthcomlng, tboy neod to b. simed publlcly and the standing committtoe meeting la that forum. The public deservos reports on tholr concerna. That la why you are thero. f you are so sIck and tired af thîs subjoct, thon do somethlng about IR. Uston ta the parents. Takeoaur suggestions serlausly. Admit you mado a mîstako building C.E. Braughton aW Crawtorth and Pringlo Drive. Stop the discrimlnating pradic ofaiforcing onrolmont and pckkln who gala ln and who doesnt If thomodfJod calondar trackç was rogion-wido regIstration, make the regulartrac rgltralltian r ýde The Durham Board cf Education will bs a groat doal ai tho publlc's educational taxes whon tho disgusted public directs thslr tax money elaewhore. And finaliy, when we rocolvod aur "wrejcton notice* for aur daughter ln the mail along wttb a farin loUer that was sent*tîah nôveprn kiM>Wed., aur blood bolled. Ms kno w who la bolng accepted cross- boundary Into aur homo schooi'and theyareal people obdo natevon ive wflhln tho Pringlo Creek boundary. Vau are- accepting chlldron tram aiover but not -the cilidren who. have gone ta this scol tram the very start ai thoir acadeicloIfe. The parents that Ive ln your sa- called C.E. Braugbtan sohool boundarles are sickç and tired, and now angry. Mr. and Mrs. P. Robinson Whltby Comments 'unfortunate' To th. edltor: The past week bas seen sanie Irying limes for those on bath aides cf tti. 'gay rig bts' issue. t bas bee pafllcularlyd9Ifcut for me, as a member af the Reform Party, ta recondile the unfortunate commenta made by MP Bob ingma cf Bnish Columbia and MP David Chaters of Alerta. wlth the prncdpies outNined ln Relarm's BIie Bock of party poles. Those policles Include the rlght of overy Indlvdual In Canada ta recelve fundamental jusice. and ta b. able ta take part ln Confedsratlon tree train discrimInation. As a director an the rding assocIaion for Durham, i have spent a great dealcoflime. and onergy promating the many positive elemnentaaif what Reforin lsala about onIV ta see two prominent figures ln the party speak ln sucti a way as ta, dlsplay whai appears ta b. a Ihgh lovel ai Intolerance and mlsplacd To suggest thel an'Ilual shouid be troated as a second class citizen ln an efdrt toa ppeaso bigoted customners ln a shop or business la contrary ta the bellefs of the Reformera i know'ci ln Durham diàng. eflèorm bas bad many poditve effects on national poices since the t electio. We have been persistent ln forcing changes ta fiscal, parlamentay and criminal M" Isues.Membra cf theýpanty from a l dinga nmaIstand unltd agodnst the tyes of commenta made by Rlngma and Chatters. Their misplaced priorttes must not aversharlow the manry positie strides made on public polcy. There la slmply no raom wàtbin the Roforni Party for an individualoa MP who does not reconîze the rights and freedoma isec= Canadlan as lndvdua& Dean Hlckey Recorlng secretary Reform Party, Durham Ridlng AssociatIon Crossing guard compassionate To th. editor: Re: Letter, %No respect for the dead,' by the Pleik famliy, Free Preas, May Ira Unfortunate thal th. Plenlc famiV dldn't have th. pleasure ai knawlng the crosslng, guard prir ta thM Incidenit if thoy had, they would know thaithIis gentle, compassionide womfan couki nover lntentionaly hur aersOnl.f,1 have a good deal of respect for ber, . ScIs. Copy ai Edwards

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