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Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1996, p. 25

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Whltby Free Presu, Wodnesday,, May 22j, 1996,1 I AN $C PI G A TI LE I AUO IR I HAP P AD AUCTION S I F RSALE hFRSL _ _ _ _ _s__ _ _ _ SPRING CLEAN-UPS,1 lawn dethatchlng, pruning, lawn rollng& grub control, re-saddîng &lnterlar& asonIawnpackages avallable. Freeeosilmates. CatI Doug et 430-8106. TOP SOL MIXED WITH mushraom compost, exceloent planting mix 3 yards $65 dolivered. 725-4002. TREES FOR sale: blue spruce 7' ta 8' $80- snowball $5; bridie wreath splrea e5; llac $5. Phone 655-8088. LAWN AERATION, from $30, 1/2 Êrice fertilizer, free estimates wvithln 4hurs. CalI 723-3833 anybme- beave name, address & phone number. Umted tUme aller. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass sesdlng, soddlng. Sprn ctoan-ups. Renovations ai ardes rock gardens, planting, firewood. Dutchway Lanscapng. (905) 649-3183f. SOD - 100% KENTUCKY Bkegrass. Pick-up/delivery, frssh cut daîly, free lawn care information. Gowlng qualty sod since 1962. CatI Ali-Green Sod Growers Ltd. (905) 725-9674 or 263-2213. ZZZBEST LAWNCU1TING & wvindow clsaning residential specilists. Owner does aJIlwark. Legitimate, fulI-ime business. Rlablo & lnsured. Senior discount. 100% workmanship guaranteed or don't pay. Free estimates. 571-5814. KING CUT lawncare qualty lawn cuts on a weekly or bi-weekl basis. Free estimates. Cali Jell or Paul et 718-5514. LOST &fOUIND LOST- CHILD'S GLASSES, brand new, betweeni Upton Ores. and Ormiston P.S. Cali 430-0503. IprepaId. includles tax,i f or 2 5 w ord clis oý>r I essx PETS 1ST PET SrIfl anddo walki. For senmr or for the poeft alan. al day. Roasanablo rates. 430-1591. 6 YEAR. OLD CHOW, house brokon. Good with klds, Ires ta gaad homo. CatI 721-2706 pleaso leave message. PASTURE BOARD for harsors, north Wt Otordigdg $l O/80. â-6~u ('5) 65-8369. PROFESSIONAL CAT and dog grooming, de-mattin, lpng, usag baths, complots bw lldr%. 808 Simca. St. S. CalIi stna 728-0203. NATURES FENCING cedars $5 delivered. 666-8500. FOR SALE dehumidifier, frfdge, stave, electrîc lawnmawer. 725-1937. VANTAGE ELECTRIC gultar wltth case, Humbucker pickups, Tunomnatlc bridge, vintage $250. Gomez electric guitar with case, Mother of Pearl, sunburst face, Humbucker pockups, Tunamatic bridge $350. (90'5) 571-1296. MAYTAG DRYER $125, cellng chandelier $25; Kenmore Semin machine $75; shower doors$M.- portable hairdryer $25- boat or traiter tailet, neyer used $50. Cali 728-1185.- TWO BROWN STORM DOORS $40 each or best aller. Two outside doors $10 each. Please calI atter six 668-0395. ELECTRIC UFT WALKING HEIGHT 30' $800 also 4 wheel traiter for transprting Ift $1500 & rant sray both $600. (905) EVE EXANS ARRAGED. 2 for 1. Buy anespar at $199, g et second pair af S.V. or contact lenses free. Discount for seniors and children. 43le 88tcia9. 102 Byron St. S. CEDAR TREES for hedglng 3'ta 81 Nrh Pick-up or delivered. 175-432-2237. JUDY'S BRIDAL RENTAL- affardable weddlng gowns ta buy or rent. Large selecton af sizes and stylfes. Foraointment calI Judy an 790-45 782. GOLF BALLS $4 DOZEN, Up. 576-2287. BOUNTY HUNTER TOWING. Wanted dead or allve: scrap cars& trucks, min. $40,cash reward. Same daick-up. 24hours, 7 days olil 90 -65-885. "86 MUSTANG LX 4 cyl. 4 speed standard l42kms, PS, PB POLI PT cert $1500 o.b.co. Aust "ssii 668-0520. 1984 FORD TEMPO 4 door, needs body and engins work. New tires and brakes. Couki be used for p arts or repairable. Cati 655-8091. $500 o.b.o. 1994 MAZDA MX6 LS Power everything tinted wvindows, Qtiarum security sun roof, na winters, spotless, ntenior black an blackç asklng $1 9,200 o.b.o. (905) 985-0880. Steve. Port Perry. 1984 AUDI 5000S, FULLY Ioaded, recently safetied, $2,250 o.b.o. CaJI 723-58152 after 5:OOpm. Need a car - Credit Problems? Bankrupt - Undlscharged? *Lease to own any make or model *Cash for t"ade Ca§ nowfor free quoted LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Call Jeuf (905) 683-6230 1991 JAYCO TENT TRAILER, modal 806, sleeps 6 only usod twlce, excellent shapeý, $4300 o.b.o. Cali (905) 655-8294 HARD TOP TENT TRAILIER, easlly tawed by smali car, sleeps six. Very gaod condition. 436-0721 shawa. BOA0S& SUPPLIES 1 141 BASS BOAT boat traller & electrlc start motor 6eo Weil traillln motor, ýseen at 85 'llilckson Rd. N Phono atter 6 666-1935. Happy Birthday Robert.. Ha»ppy reffrement! BATMAN OER *SAILOR MOON -TUXDO MASK* *SPIDERMAN - CINDERELLA *WHITE RANGER also Red, Green and Pink *Birthdays, Comoiany Picnics Etc. * NO VIOLENCE!.- DOUG (416)>439-8133 CLASSIFIED ADS GET 19E%%-à-TSM Whether you're buying or selling, put the classifiedfs ta work for youl Ta place your ad, cail 668M6111 VISIONS PSYCIUC - lave, monuy, carser, hae your future tald taday by ans af auýr truly giftsd pwchics. 1-900-451 -30251$2.99 min. Ty aur *Toronto Free calling service" (905) 683-0222. CALL NOW. Connect with ather calers instantly. Browse 1 00's af ads and leave messages. Free for mon and wamen. (905) 683-2808. Chit Chat Interactive. EVANLY RAYS servicing aver 20,000 Ontario hausehalds. Rated #1 in Canada. Police, paliticians & corporations use us. Cancerns about love, health, relationshlps maney. Just oel -900-451-4055, 24 h rs, $2.99/min., 18+, 1-900-451-4055. AUCTIONEERSI Thefpeaple af Wh tby and surrounding areas enjoy attendlng auction sales Let them Cno about your next sale by advertising in the most widely read pages in Whitby - Te Whitby Free Press, Classifieds. Cali: BINGO COUNTRY E~ IZOIoXoIs] 7:00 pm & 10:30 pmn Mon. - Sun. 1:00 Pm Sat. & Sun. 12:30 pm Mon., Tues. & Wed. p436-9404 Support Your Local Charites 5 Points Ma Ritson & Taunton, Oshawa (behind A&I Charities 945371 wAKO PT 2910 IN PRZ YOUR AD! 668.ý0594 AUCTION SALE 5PM Thurs. May 23196 et the Isiander Banuet Hall an Scugog Iland 1508 'orcy Gros.. App1lancos, furniture, antique, lion, dishos, Soa-doa, mare Rtems Io b. picksd up. Viowving 2pm. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES SAT. JUNE 1, 10AM FARM MACHINERy' VEHICLE, RV, BOAT AUC1'ION AT ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE, UNDSAY. Now acceptlng onslgnmonts af tractars, farm mac hinery cars, trucks 4X4's vans, tralers, matarkames, AV's, travel & tent trailers, aluminum, fishin- boats, cruisers, speed boýatss, 1ridng lawn mowers, shop, waadworking, construction equipment, taoensign or for info caîl MeLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 UNDSAY AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, MAY 26, 10:3Oam (vlewlng 9:30) MacGREGOR'S AUCTION HALL, Bowmanville. Take 401 ta Waverly Raad North ta #2 Hwy att Scgg St. narth 1 km fallaw auctian & Waw Mart signs Sunday1s auctian features an excellent offening af articles from the past ta prosent, antique fumliture, callectable & housohold effects, somoething for ane & ail. MScGREGOR AUCTION SERVICES Mîke MacGregor 905-987-5402 905-987-3664 nomme mu, so mmamme mu., nomm Paper Products, including m newspaper, comprise 36 per ! cent of the garbage placed ne ;.at.curbside for - pickup each *week.A Iof *it is recyclable. NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F MAVIS VIVIEN WILLJS, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, deceased. Ail Claims against the estate of Mavis Vivien WiIIis late of the Town of Whitby, who died on or about the i 7th day of January, 1996 must be filed with the undersigned personal repre- sentative on or before JuIy Sth, 1996; thereafter, the undersgned wiII distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then flled. DATED May iSth, 1996. Terry Lawrence and Jan Lawrence, Executors by their solicitor DAVID J. GILLESPIE 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S 1 (905) 666-2221 NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS Ail dlaims against the estate of KENNETH ALLAN VATES, JR., * (seIf-emfployed - Ken Vafes Trucking) late of the- Town of Whitby, in the Regionai Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the, 5th day of November, 1995, must be filed with the undersigned personal representatives on or before May 31lst, 1996, thereafter the undersigned wiII distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the dlaims then filed. DATED this 8th day of May, 1996. Jean Yates & Kenneth 'Yates- Sr., Trustees by their'soIicitoi, Sosna & Shaughnessy Barristers & Solicitors 214 Coibome Street West :Whitby, Ontano-;L1N 1X2 [ ALSO SAT. MORN. 9:30 A.M 1

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