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Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1996, p. 5

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t W ~ ~ i99~ .Pège6 WhIIbyl~r~ePrds~,'*eck~esday, '~ ~ Criniestoppors and Durham Regional Police are seeking the publicls help ini solving a robbeiy that occurred m 'Whitby on Mardi 23. Around 11:30 p.m. a ion. maie entered the. Pizza Pizza store at 80 Thickson Pd. E. While placing a food order with the store clerk, lie produoed a 12-inch kitchen-type knife and stated, "Give me ail your money." The. clerk complied and the. cuiprit thon left the. store with a quantity of cash, walking ini a westerly direcion. H. in descibed au male, white, medium build, -five feet five inciies to five feot Mx inches, sait and pepper coloured beerd and moustache, wearig a three-quarter length, army-style kiieki jacket witii a hood pulled over hiseiiead, blue jeans and white runners. Crimestoppers will pay a cash rewerd of up te, $1,000 for any 6nora 'on that leadu to an mreut. Callers nover have to give their name or testify in court. Cail 436-8477. Whitby -part of waterfront trait relay challenge On Saturdey, May 25, from Trenton i the. eaut and Stoney Creek in the. west, hundredu of people wil walk, run, cycle, skate, canoe, andfor mail ,the. 300- kIlomefrLe. Ontarjo watorfront fruil, including the 10.1-ilometre secetion li Whitby, for the. waterfront trail relay challenge. The. one-day celebration of the. Lake Ontario waterfront frail' flrst anmiversazy in being houted by waterfront communities, thi. Waterfront Regeneration Trust, and otiiei participants. Whitby ln on. of 20 communities located on tii. shore ofLake Ontario that wîll particê'îpate. Canadien Olympians wiil lead each, portion of the relay. Relay participants will have an opportunity to sign a acroil that 'will b. presented te the. Canadien Olympie team at thi. 1996 Atlanta Gaines. _The reley* challenge is open te, individuae, families, athietes, community groupe, busmnesses, industies, speixai intereutgrue To cover the ful length of the trail i on. day, the. challenge wlll ho dividedinto municipal sections, with eechi unicipelity havmng a start and finish lin.. At a Me~nae officiel starting time on May 25, Olympien and relay participants wil kIck off relay day in Trenton and Stoney Cre.k. Th. west will move east and the. east wiil move wost until the. finish lin, in Ajax in reaciied. The. fir.t participant te cross each municipal finish Uin. will launch the start oftiie neit mulnicipalitys relay. Tii. esimated stert time in Whitby in 5:30 p.m. Closing celebrations, on Toronte's Contre Islend, willl weloeme ail participants and mark the relay's completion witii a festival. It will feature enteraiment, refreulimonts, awards, displays and ectivities for ail eges. There will aluo b. an appearance by theIi.Lole Spit Treeo and Stephon Hunter -of'CBC9s The Health Show. Cherities, community, groupa, clubs and otiier orgenizations are invited te use the. relay te, raies. fimds both for their own programs as weil as the. newly eutablisiied Waterfront Regeneration Fun&d, dedic*tect-,-te supportinig -regenïeretion projects aiong the Lake Ontario weterfront and administered by the. Waterfront Regeneration Trust. Pledgos can be raisod by various grope witiiproceedus plit between the. organizetion and the watefront fund. Pledge forme cen b. picked up at municipal offices or obtan.d from the. Trust by phoning (416) 314-8572. The challenge is open te everyon.. Information is available through tiie challenge hotline et (416) 314-8572, fax at (416) 314- 9497 or write: Weterfront Regeeretion Trust, Waterfront Relay Challenge, 207 Queen's Quay West, Suite 580, Box 129, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 1A7. Tii. Waterfront Reeneration Trust lm bas an e-mail addrese linfo 0 wrtruutO.m A cmmemoretive t-shirt willb. sold te interested reley participants. Sales of t-shirts will offset the. conts of orgenizlng the. relay. Tii. t-shirt is availeble through thie Waterfront Regeneration Trust. adverllsement Dedicated to the field' *After 10-years in business the staff at J.M.T. Appliance Repair agrees on three facts: the hours are long, you have to be dedicated to your field, but the reward of repeat custamers and referrals help to make the venture warthwhile and successful. J. Marcel Tremblay, the owner of J.M.T., wants to pravide the Whitby area with specialized service by providinq parts ~O' and in-home servicefo ail major household appliances. J.M.T. empioys three service technicians who- actually make house catis ta remedy any appliance . prablems that you ma>. have. Marcel stresses that no repair is. undertaken before consulting with the custamer. "We do not believe in surprising the custamer with a bill, we J. Marcel Tremblay, Bull estimate the cost af the repair and ask permission ta go aheaci Our main concem is ta keep the cast dawn for aur custamers. We would rather rebuild than replace" "We have emphasized honest custamer service from day one," says J. Marcel. When yau cati J.M.T. with an appliance problem, they first try ta asoertaun whether or nat a service catlius warranted. Sometimes, as it tums out, 0. ýIy a simple part is required which can aften be instalted by the custamer. Marcel is ready and willin9 ta tend valuable advice ta the custamer wha us a da-it- yourselfer. With people having Iess time ta spend in the kitchen, MICROWAVE OVENS have been the answer ta prepaning quick meals. As wifth mnost appliances, micrawaves alsa require se 'rvicing at, some point. J.M.T. welcomes custamers ta drap off their 'nat-so-quick' cookers for servicing. Ailing -micrawaves can be 9iven a FREE ESTIMATE an. repairs when brought inta the shop. BARBECUES have became very papular and naturaliy some af the parts wear out. J.M.T. camdes parts for ail makes of barbecues including cast iran r and stainless steel bumers, coking "'griffs, ratisseries,.covers and many other accessanies. The quality of the new part is far superior ta the factoiy- installed part bumers, with better chrome, stainless- steel and cast- iran. Comfplete barbecue, tune-ups and averhauls are available. J.M.T. iaintains a parts tiât '0f every unit. Marcel notes that, '"If a part such' as a -casmetic attachment is nat in the store, we wilt have it here un two or three days." Marcel has seen a tremendous increa5e in activity in their appliance parts department. "This can be attributed ta -the fact that we have att >aperationat parts for appliances in stock," he ~4i says. r... also has .#&ark,& Judy Lawrence microfiche records of every Canadian manufactured appliance and the parts required for each unit. J.M.T. rebuilds everything from dishwasher pumps ta appliance timers (affen troublesomne ga 'dgets.) "We have an untimited quantity of timers, and they ail -carry the same warranty as new timers, - one year,"1 says Marcel. If your fridge is giving yau the 'cotd shoulder,' J.M.T.'s fridge expert wiii have it caaiing your meals,. Sa you're nat caaiing your heels. Remember that J.M.T. operates on the palicy of 'heiping custamers' help themselves.' If your appliance has y au puzzled, and you require SAME DAY IN-HOME SERVICE, J.M.T. wouid tbe pieased ta arrange a service oeil for any- of your aiiing machines. Marcel Tremblay, a resident of Whitby, is fully bitingual offerin9 expianations in bath English and French. J.M.T. us confident that their reputatian will grow alongside thteir list of clientelé. At present. J.M.T. services applianices for many, apartment buildings, schools, and retirement homes. Above aII, Marcel states, "The custamer is eveiything." ILPPLIANCE PARTS AND* 'J.MT.'SERVICE 303 MARY ST. E~, WHUTBY 430-215 C

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