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Whitby Free Press, 29 May 1996, p. 6

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Pop 6. WNhy Fme. PmuB, Wednesday, may 29,19lm The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents foér Whitby residents! MEMBER 0F: Canadian Community Ontario Community Newspaper Association Newspaper Association ISSN#0844-398X Whitby Whitby Business Oshawa-Durham Home Chamber of, Commerce in Action Builders' Association The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbumn & Myrtie as well as numerous public and commercial outlets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. J28,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY J MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE ,Canada $36 + GST - Outside Canada $85 + GST Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontarlo c. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager -oth riuUTWrdn Show. respect for Queen Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% U' recycied content using vegetable based inks. ~ *AIl written materiat, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means forcommercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaperis prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright Iaw. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution shoul1d bear a credit line to the Whitby Free Press. Christian concerns Toth fl itor: Open later to - Alox Shopherd Durham rldlng MP kt has recently icorne to our attention that you are spearheadlng a pack ta. remove the Qusen of Canada as head 0f state. We have deep concem on this Issue as again your Uberal party blatantiy attacks the great Qluéen of our country. You seeni to want to distance this country from the great strength nd bond we have deveboped over many centuries wlth Great àrita1n and the other Commonwealth nations. Yau do not wls»h thisgra country of Cwmidata b. rgnd as thé only one ln NrhAerica havln*g a qusen. You seem ta wish tha we engage on a peious course of independerice. May i remlnd you that hl was our fathers of Confederation Who bulli and structured thes ountry.to b. as k sa today. They laid the groundruies of the monarchy as belnghead of state. This was. the llof the Canarlian peoplethon- and saNlsI& The Queen of Canada Is a grea Yworld figure', known and respected throuhlu the globe. By belng ou=en0fCanada, "shoedows Canadians iMth that internatonal prestige. The Centennial Loyal. Orange. Lodge, whlçh fias severai members. from Durhami Region, wlshes that you reconsider and show the respec f orr uen 0f Canada n the royal fandly. Dormis RL Glazior To the editor: Copy of ltter ta Ontario Premier Mke Harts As roprosentatives 0f varlous Christian bodies ln the Durham Reglon, we wlsh ta make knawn aur concerns about varlou aspects 0f yaur gavemmenVs polices. W. do sa ln the boid bolef that on. 0f the respansbiflies of Chdrlss church Is ta remlnd govemments 0f the responsblhltles 0f righteousness. W. are concemod. that too many Important changes ln, the adminstrallon of aur province are balng made taa qulcllanid wthout due consideration about haw one change vil Impact upon another. We would urge you ta make mare gradua changes parliauiarly ln the areas 0f social weffare, educatian, Justice, health and the envlronment. W. ame conoemed that those who wiU b. mnost affocted by Important changes ln pokiy are not belng coasulted and.- ln sanie Instances, have bat thé dight ta be cansulted. We would urge you ta rocognize that id a heafthy and stable demnocratic sociaye al those whoso standing and security are affectod by government paliy, have a moral rlght ta b. consulted. W. are concemed that the pooreat and- most vulnérable ln aur society have had ta endure some of the sevorest expressions of govemmont restraints, for example, ln cuts Io wefare andcdsalRly payenfta subsidies ta day cars, legl idand ln the planned Introduction 0f compulsory and prescrlbed work ln aider for persans Io b. éligible for gavemrment wefare .payments. which are pald out of general taxation. W. woul urge thé government Io balance Its concein for finandlal --osponsibllty wth concemn for human' al~ynid ta balance the need for réduction ln government spondlng ýwlt speclflc Inducements ln privais sectr job création., We are concemed at the weakenlng 0f legisation protedling the health and vanéety.0f the naturai envlronmont. We would urge yaU ta -remember that w. are lohéritors of résources whlch »e have the rosponsblity ta boqueath ià a condition as gond as or botter than tho condition in which they were placed In aur care. The preferencos of business must be balanced with the roquirêments necossary for the mutuai sustalning health 0f the Rfe systemns of the n alural world.' We, are conoemned that the govérnonts 30 per cent tax cut wvill unduyf avour those who are aiready waterIn aur soclety nd that, therefore, this taxation change wll brlng about a massive transfer of woalth from the poorer ta the richer, wlth no aclequate moans taIoroctify the balance. W. vvuld urge you ta réconsider the desirabillty 0f. this méasure and nstead of Increaslng the separation In weafth and opportunities between membors 0f our society, promots polices whlch wlN Increase a sens. 0f bebonglng, dlgnity, confidence anid potentiai among ail who ilve In Ontanio. In generai, Mr. Premier, w. are concemned ad the mnanner In whlch your gavermoent seems ta roduce ail pokly décisions ta numerai abstractions. We would urge you taic te timetarIog9nize'the human faces rqersnto7edby those figures and ta act wlth the caution and consideration that Is a~way nIosayn deallng wlith human R.v. Bill Tadeju, Chair Oshawa Preabytery United Church of Canada Father Paul Lennon,, Pastor St. Phillip's Roman Cathole Church, Oshawa Pastor Rich Bacchus, President Conférence of Ontarlo Sevenh Day Adventist Church Rev. Mary Ranger, Member Communlty Ministries Board Dixoe0f Toronto, Anglican Church of Canada Wilma Brink, Treasurer Ropresentative of- the Consltoy MmaUu"Chr Rtabkmued Church, Bomuw.v@ To the edîtor: Re: Students allowed ta stay in home schcols for one more year. Considering oniy 160 applications wero made for students ta romain at thelr presént schools, i cannet undorstand why this décision was made ta aliow over 300 ta remain at thés. achools. W. now have parents who were happy attending thé new schooi, changlng. back ta thelr home scilools. This, ta me, only fabricates another waste of monêy by* having Brouightan operate wlth an atténdanc. 0f pmobably iéss than 200 studénts (115 0f which WHl be miodifled caléndar students and the oniy studénts wanted i thé school by the principai). This measure has only deiayéd thé problemn for one year wlth no purpos.. Maybe thé board hopes thet noxt year thé probiem I go aa5y,rmaybe ft MI go away for tempoary Witby superintendent Laura Elot as her position expires in Octbo and she wil not havé ta face the parents again. 1 spoke wvith Doug Ross, ans 0f ourtnjstéos, on the matter of maklng thé now school a. senior public schooi ta help ease thé transition of oider students into high sohooL I was told that the trustées had workod véry hard ta do away with senior publc schools. nd that aliowing Broughton ta become a senior sco1 (régardless 0f thé the fact that R woul aleviaté most of thé parents' concems) wouid b.*a, fty In thé ointment" for thé trustees. Wé Ive within a fivé-minute walk of. Pningie Creék Public Sohool but we are being told aur chiidren must attend Broughton, which is a 25- minute walk from my home. This walk mnails crossing Anderson Street whore no traffic lights or crossing guards are installed or plannéd, having my children,,walk through groups of 10 ta 100 students smoking on thé atdéwalk béfore, between nd afier classes (bécause smoking Is not aliowéd on. sohool property). If -we concédénd take aur chikiren ta Broughton, thé board MiI give no guarantée that if thé modified calendar does éxpand, and we beleve Rt wlll, that my children MI not b. forced out and sent back ta, Pningle whoré théy should have been ln thé flrst placé. i fi dIt Incrodibié ai a time of fiscal To the edItor: Copy of latter ta Whitby trustée Patty Bowman0f thé Durham Board 0f Education 1What a généraus concesion yau have made ta, thé parents ln their concemn over thé C.E. Broughtan School ... a one-year repriévé. Should w. bow down wvith gratitude? On. has ta, wonder if thé only reason w. got thia oné-yéar réprieve la bocause yau had ta. Yaur mistake was ln aepting thosé over 80 cross-boundary applications Into a school that was faring 229 chlldren out due ta ovércrowdng. And why do y ou continué ta force 23kids out of MacFarlane and alittle ovér 30 out 0f Dr. Thornton when those numbers certalnly do not rellevé overcrowding In a schéol. You people have written thé book on how not ta introduce a new achool Into a neighbourhood.. And whai a can of worms yau have opénéd, now with ai thosé teachers in lImba. Hirlng staff for a school vvthout a population just doésn't maké sens.. Why in thé world wouid yau go ahed nd do such a thing wlthout settling this whole affairfirst?. IIsiéading advertising continues with GC.E. Broughtons'sPublic School's Plans for Learinînin Summér nid Making ftF-un. N Nowherè on this pamphlet does kt read modifléd calemiar year pmrm Nowherél on this faim Is thé 01ordf Education even' restreint that monêy can b. wastod liké this. I soe ail. other areas 0f government maing, do wtth lésa, but not aur ilJstrious sbhool trustées and thé shrines they havé been building for themnselv.s. I hope éveryone remembers thèse people Wt eléction Uime. Gary and Pippa Gîngras Whltby méntioned. ht sounds Iké summer camp put on by thé local communit schoals. lnfliting thé modifiéd numbers by attacding régistrations for thé August programs certalnly appears ta b. thé goal. Thé public la weD aware that thé modified calendar was introducéd ta rellevé ovsrcrowdng wlithin achools by altemating achédules. By placlng the Mdfed calendar Into a brand néw achool, ail you are« doing is expenmientlng - again. And ai whai cost? A $6- million-plus achool,ln an areawlth declining achool, age population, enticemént programa costing (ai a _quss)$40,000.(if compared ta the vssmmer -camp -achedulse t $1 00/child per wéek). Whe parents want most lsaa textbook for éach child, enough paper, pendis, notebooks ta 1ast Ithe school year, assistants for childrén with spécial, needs, junior kindergartén, quality outdcor programa, music progranis, art prograrna, shop and famiiy lifé prograrna - qualty education in the environments already establi shed.* Any suggestions by parents on how ta effectively nd é1fflcently fil Broughton, havée been susplclously ignored. You have already iost face, you have already hast thé respect of the public. Yau havéeflot givén any thought or considération ta thé réquests of the parents. You sit ln your almighty palace nd do what? Mr. and Mrs. P. Robinson Whltby, More mnoney wasted Lost respect

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