Wfhtby Free Prou, Wodnesday, June 5, 1996, Page 17 Lcrosse Whi*tby does well iElora The Whltby tyke B lacros teamn, sponsored by the Broolin Kinsmnen participated in the Elora taurnament over the past weekend. In the firet gaine against London, Whitby won "5-4. Doug Langlois opened scoring four minutes into the gaine. A minute and a haif later Michael Cudinore made it 2-0 with an assist going te Joshua Merzbacher. London fought back, tied it 2-2, thon made it 3-2. Whitby battled back and tied the game when Alex Tlllart scored, assisted by Shane Davideon and Michael Cudmore. With 'a littie over five minutes remaIning, Jushua Merzbacher scored te make it 4-3 for Whitby. Ontario lacrosse May 30. Broa , ldn1. i% Ndion Pelebarouh 8. Bruptan10 Six Niions ~=gh W L T CF CA 5 2 0 97 71 4 2 0 80 59 4 3 0 71 90 3 5 083904 1 5 042 60 zef moy a JoluîTavereesixN"mans 1 i3 31 Tra>Cordkrglsy. Six Nions 12 16 28 Ceno,3n.Six Niion 10 18 28 Jo" Grari Petrraog 10 17 27 Go& GdBmalnln 16 6 22 Stoe aiPeeebm~~h 12 10 22 ,«» IMM@, u il11I1122 maS Mc -atBr8lin12 20 J»m Fin.. roadi 5 15 20 .i.nda Gh*noly. Branplon 10 7 17 JUNIIORA MaW 28 -Samia 8. Bmarpton 13; Tornto9. Bw*b~n 13; ram.vle 23, Mlsabeauga3; K-W 7. Whlby21 May 29 - St. Cadmrau22. Samla 4 Qangae St. Cihaines WiB- K-Wéoý S"aug Whitby minr lacrosse *NOR PEEWEE mef a 2 w 0&kunod M.3 WhiL Master 3 arvi ae 3 Crow Sbt 3 Biue 2 HLG. Raughly 1 LUi miUm eln ieri w Aura Maufr a.A p 15 10 '25 10 il 21 12 4, 16 10 8 16 il 4 '15 10 5 15 2 13 15 12 1 13 10 3 13 3 10 13 Lasaam Consutrrg 3 (SaaB SWtonutZ Adam Johealan>, WehoCrans 6 Daim>Derpea> Z Anmrew e4 .Geg'FedyliD@enudii.Toy Sheulm; Flddlsrchoppers s(JamesNew &3 endmw Dymsri2). Buoam*&nKinsmen6e(cdy Musselm n2. Curts Sari. Stphe Bdh. Joh IleghlsBeS Syer>; PuiigbCr.k KU 8 (Bie Ganse Z.Kyl. Amorirn, Andrm rMurphy. Joci Waber Ch&WOaD* WibY TrhY House.4 CEric - bof.Jordan BmorW .C" a SyM .Bqan HGU RaUghlsY lriuance 7 (Brdon D" Z2 Shan. Ihaideon2. -Ri Piche. kMc Cudmors, M Hmnies Psrpý Browlin Rednues Alureni3,(Ca M 0.Tisi.1>emils. MICII Trsei>:WhIW WmgasiJ. aS (Mihei ol~no Ziha UOMM«. Uuaka Shane Davidson scored assisted by Slavko Sysyk and A.J. Jones- Smith te make it 5-3. London continued te pross and with two seconds remaining, made it 5-4. The Whitby victory put them inte the tournament semi-final against Markhaxn. Ini the semi-final match, Markham won 74 ina hard fought match. Scorers for Whitby were Davidson, and Langlois, Andy Wreggitt, with assista going to Jones-Smith and, goaltender Wesley Annis. SWhitby will play in the Guelph tournament next. Other team members are Brock Murphy, Daniel Pogmore, Marcus Carroll, Patrick O'Shea, Joey Sellors, Joshua Gray and Mark Jeffrey. Top 10 ecorers . @maRy 2a .anGrangen, 28 27 56 Traay Keks.Pe. 19 25 44 imm Lulw.StChe> e 25 15 40 Can DoyKW. 13 24 37 Grat Jhnion Whby 17 '15 32 GySOC&t.aîve 8 23 31 NTrUOBI,1"TO 15 15 30 KylsArbIe.Mssauga 12 17 22 RMsa nropOrange le1612 28 UmAuetSL Cathrlnes1il16 27 Mday 2B- Mknco 15.8carbowh 14 (07) MW 29. Gueih 10. Mom 15, HuntavlUI 9. Odilla 25 MW 30-mn Sound 10. Gueeh 12; Akwaesa & Nepeer8; Bmadood 7. Georgetou 9; lora 14. Spartait 15 W L T F A P EAST Sabruh9 1 0 14899 18 Mimico 8 3 0 141 103 16 Ouila 7 2 0 174 87 14 Oshawa 7 4 0 111904 14 Huie 4 6 0 105 128 8 Nepen 3 7 090129 6 Alemasn. 3 10 0 111 185 6 Goauaeeter 2 9 0 86 190 4 WEST .Iprtan B 2 0-155 113 18 Geran 8 '4 0 130 106 16 Era 7 4 0 171129 14 OweriSund 40O87 81 10 Brarudod 5 5 0 11099o 10 Gu~h 4 8 0 107 134 8 Milan 3 7 0 77 116 6 SixNation 2 10 0 124 166 4 Top 10 mcoers m of a 2m Andy Durai. MUn" Jnonenhauk, Six Naion Pet croi., Saabrwg Scatoneeur, ratir Shwe BGh. Gmeteou JWy 'no. Mini.. Ad Ld,.Nemgç»m Lys>4. Anm ke.danz, Andrew Bouler>. Panda Fundralslng 3 o<L u r Oe..Lu... LaWele. Michael Anderson) MeV 18 WhkbY Waniors Jr. A. 12 <Mokedanz 4. Lysyk 3. Jordan Pà myZ.Brernner. Wager.Bowur. Smakh Red. m Almni 3 (Chris Bentley. Andrw McBrid.,Tyler Mils); M. Rouhiey lnsura.e4 Pki«. MihaelDral. CreyAgn.w. Davidmo), Panda Fundraisky, 1 Colin Doaso) *NORTYKE .wtq' 25 CarriMonIruPromunents 6 (Zak Snwen 3. Kyle Rmsey Z Jason Gage). MoKenzi Media 9 <Max Tilaart 3. Andy Wregutt 2Z Mark Jeffeey2z Korm Maconel. CameronHolding); Blgwood &ZWO 09ÇhdstçheWadd 5. Mark Jovancov 3. MmAk Mdu). Foundition Finandial 5 (Brandon Jolvuton 2Z Daniel Poumore2. Kenn Polard) Big.Braira CFGA 38 27 33 31 22 30 28638 BR. PAFERWBWÇHT Rmadi Phamm:y 9 (John LWdonM.l 3. Mgaw emmS % l~D"Momr2z Byos OYHa). Ladmi Constuction 2 (Adam -Bbyth NattranFifW); MarlgaldLhiaoe8(lslher Fart. 5. John Bug 2Z Stuad t Moine), Sirre "Shals 7 (JuIan 41: a Iek- r.Iifflw d Burgee. Justin Boules. Admni Hamu!. MW" drlJlvsa) Madgad UnoLkm 10 (Dlals Weka 68. John BuS % .D1w#l.jodâ PIuarIa8(Biby Annerang %. 1>1er Rdreds. "mchoes Fusa% Alexnde Shure ShmalsS(peneez Daméy mati2z Hânem. Lard sConebuction 1 (Pari Nooar) Bu>.. OHetu.Whb Rasa8SAMum Snhet3. Durhamù girls', soccer JIUNIOR May 28 - WS=byDow"ns1(Rce Adlge>PSOntrlAlr2; PSC Proon 2WhtyShaiks 3 (Andrea Kfrk 2 Le. Fuuw). Cbom 2 May 23 - WhlUby Eagl.. O. Whitby Faloon. 0 MAMRPEWEE May 27 -Whitby Roges Çl 7 (Alexander Osuuzk2 te1hmni doerZTanya Turvy 2.Bd et ad. Ajax Unlted 1; Whltb Krnls1(Serah Miltan). Ajax War Bangard 1; Plckrkg 1D Bank 0. Whltby Rescals 1 <ehnThançea); Uede7,Witkby HaudkTIW Mount, liado 4 (Step3hani. Maian3. ousa ~atn.>;Whilby iqes ilNaal. hasn 3. Megan Grm anvaita Hume, Defrdra Lom., N"ol.Segeerit. Ajax May 223- Whltby RageraC"l 2 (rira Wlgams2). AlaxWarrnors 1) MZI3-Fw&mkau nncal3 (J.nnlfeSawula, Kim at.dJ.nier Walur>. Klut2y BuNrrà Bdmey3 ",k Gudgeon. Sophia Yiknmz, Alkia Etherla); Port Camneco 1 (name nie). WhbHanetPlesia 5 (Stephanle Ohxnmn Z. R-A-helSte.art2.Joanna WhIney> UNOR MOSCKITO May 23 - Whitby Dodd & Sauter 0. Whitby Brmooin Cnats 2 (J«" aaTaylor, Mkiie tari>; WhkbyLions CMib4 (AlexandaFlego2Z Seau9. . Kfrty Curry), FIcl.dng Vfag Kebsys 0-.U à ldg. Quake Pharmay 0. Whéty Kinetea0 Whiftby mnor rep lacrosse Moy 23 Whlby 9 (A.J. Shannon 4. Evan Cardusil Z Caaey Dupant. M" eHarniton), Toronto Beches 1 MNIAMA eponsord by lRoy@ Eairpbee May 29 Whitby 14 (Stephen Haar 3. Jeif Frazler 3, Vnnie Crauorth 2Z Chfis Ende, Ryan Sallue, UmhBJOIvw.hI Farran Whbtake. Joeh Colley. Jay Haffisan), Orangaie 3 *CELEBRITY* GOL.F TOUR NAMENT LAKERIDGE LINKS GOLF CLUB TUESDAY JULY 9, 1996. 12:3Opm SHOTGUN START, 4 MAN SCRAMBLE FORMAT Pnizes for a*-Low Scores e Longest Drives e Closest to Pin & More! COST: $500 per foursome or $135 per- person lnclucies: Golf -, Shared Power Cart - 1Ooz. Steak Dinner - Guest Speaker Register before June lSth and the cost is only $450,per toursome or $125 per person Tickets for dinner only are also available%- Celebrity Co-Chairmen: W A O Adam Foote, Colorado Avalanche WNACRýO Bob Mckenzie, Toron to Star & TSN A M4OLE IN ONE! To register a foursomne contact Calvn Curtis at 905-668-0956 eokn£ o TheB .' alu.I T wn e e.oud C mpeUsT id, * daAnTo ta. Bu h Bte -M LTI GXE with Automatic and Air NOW$ ONLY mýonth* O.A.C. Standard cuimont hidudo uiong otho thuS epower windows,, - Iocks * mirrors - steering and brakes -! tinted glass e cruis.e côntrol - AM/FM cassette stereo - dualar bags f tull carpehing *hcight adjustable seat beilts,-'remote trunk and gas release - tilt- cupholders'a side impact beains, * overdrive transmission - 150Ohp - mud laps - side mouldinigs' bunfiper to bumper warranty with roadside assistance. if you re pttkig h.ndNI Ibiseis t:olval god-we knew you'd se. ilour..woyë.. 36 month lease with $1500. down, plus freight ($890), taxes,,and security deposit. 57,600km allowed. Zero'down and extended km, leases also available. ý2 OSHAWA DISTRICT, HOCKEY SCHOOL AID PRO CAMP* 1 Li 1- ÉÉ=