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Whitby Free Press, 5 Jun 1996, p. 18

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Page 18, Whltby Fr. Proe, Wednesday, June 5, 199 A'mixed week for minor peewees WVhitby's minor peewee basebali team startod off the week with a Iona to Ajax, a win over Clarigton and thon took bath onds of a double header- against Peterborough. Ajax picked up a 9-5 win over the Chiofs and posted ail of thefr no erom in the firet three innings of the game. The Chiefs pounded out ton hits, two each by Adam Bright, Matt Tosoni and Justin Hlawe, but couldnt group more than two in any one inning. In the. game againet Clarington recently, Whitby won 13-0. The trio of Brett Backman, Brandon Petch and Tosoni combined for fifteen strikeouts in that shutout victory. The Chiefs bats pounded out seventeen bits. Jason Connor, Tyler McLéellan and Mumns each collected two hits. Whitby hosted Peterborough for a twin bill recently and squeezed two wins, 2-1 and 4-3. Wynistorf started on the mound for the Chiefs lu game one, shutting down the opposition. Alter four inxiings of no bit, no run pltching, 'Wynistorf handed the bail to Tosoni who allowed only one run on one bit over the final three frames. The second game was a real nail biter that saw some late- innlng heroies by Bright. Ho usod the squeeze bunt to score Whitby's third rum in the fift inning, and alter Peterborough bad fought to tie the game, ho did it again in the home haîf of the seventh to win the game. Michael May scored it after a lead off> double and advanced to third, on a single by Tosoni. Backman was nearly perfect over the first four innings allowing one bit and one unearned rum while fanning soven. The Chiefs bats cracked out eight bits and were led by Petch with three and an RBI and Adam Sylvestre with 2 and an RBI. Whitby minor basebal JUVEMLJJUOR May 12 Jdm 91 Pate C.A. 3 Wlthy Fr. Prmes3; Whiiby Optin*ts 8, WMBA Exea. 7 John G. Patte C.A. 9,WNhy Optimuiste 5; WMBA Emc 13, Whlty Fr.. Prees 2 Whltby OpIrnist4. WMBA Eem 2- Whltty Fr.. Pr.., 12 John G. PatteC.A 4 MeV27 Wkby Free ProseS, WMBA Exa. 5 June 2 Whltby Fr.. Prose 4. WhiliyOpinùls3; JohnG. Patt C.A. WMBA Exea. 5 W L T P WhyFra*e oas 3 1 1 7 Joh Gpane.C.A 2 1 1 5 Whkhv Otirmte 2 2 0 4 MAB P OR 1A 4 0 Whitty Rotary Club 5. Whitby insmen 4; Chumrchs Auto 0. Sutan Group Statue0 May17 Whitby Rotzy Ckib 16. Churchers Auto 9 May 22 Sutan Graup Statue 11. Whltby Rotwy Club 6; Churchers Auto 9, Whitb Kinmen 5 May 24 Sutan Group Statue 7. Churcher Auto 1 & o di - Stan Group Statue WVhIby Roary Club Churchers Auto Whitby Kinsmen May 25 Gien Graphics 9, InternaionlMlSerViceS6 May 27 Lonna. Drum S,. HighlandVan à Starage 6; Gien Gruphios 7. SrIlng Drd"lrs2 May 29 Rogers Cable 9. WhRPitbu oey Clii> 6; Sffling Driller. 9 Whitl>y Oplitin 6 met ofby 31 Rager.C"bi Durtîa DogeChrysler Hihui an St ea Leriox Drurn Wbitby Cptirnists Snulmîg Driller. UMM 0PESEE MaV25 Lenno Drum 0.Jense Auto Body 0 WiC. TownFunsral Clapel 11. Roys Ei-làpises8 MoV2B MaMillau Ordiaad 12. L.nno Drum 2;- Jense Auto Body 9. Rois Enterprise1 May29 W.C. Tawn Funeral Chope 1e. M&M Moita3 May 30 MecMIlan Omhard 20. SwlassChalet 7 Jonea Aulo Body 10. Whftby Pro.Flrelihtous2, Lannox Drwn 13. W.C. Town FWu" Chopai 12 Jun. 2 Leow noxDryi17. Swbs Cha" W L T P MacMln Orchaids ô 2 0 10 M&M Met SCps 4 1 0 8 Th*GreeTycoan 4 2 0 8 L.moxcrurn4 3 0 8 JuIm AuSo Body 4* 3 0 8 W.C. Town Fune"alChapa 3 3 0- a Ploy's EnêMeprieà 2 3 0 4 Whb Pro. FIraRghtmr 2 4 0 4 Suisahaw 0 O 7 O 0 MeV27 B.idMoe*ud 19, PanglCreekGuadien Drgs 3; Anderson Vebirfflaircr 12. W.edrn.n9 MV20 Wodrmn 12, Pro Strot Autornotfe 4; Boni-A. Tari 15 WflTown 10; Canalan Progree Club 6, Creer Cutting à Coring 5 MV 30 Pringle Croek Guardian Drugs 12. Andrson Votormaiy Clinlc il; Bank of Mont"eai4, KSC Seajrfty 2; Dundas Centre Guardian Drug 9 Whitby optimists 3 May 31 W. Frank <Karen Fo«yk)14. Brookin inernen e msof jwis2 Bankoci Mont"ea Dundas Contre Guardian W. Frank <Karen F.dyk> W.C. Town Whi*iy fflite WeedrTn Rent-A-Tent pro Streel Autornolivle PringbeCreek Guardlan KSC Securky Anderson V.enny Clinc Canaian Progrese Club> Crerner Cutting & Coring Brookin Kmnmen May 27 Whi. Ras. 10, Top Ouality Collsion 7 MaV 28 Langley Plunhlng 15. Ca Steel Laso 5;Be àclinr Service Cent"e5. Bank ci Montrea 4; Budianai reulky 10. Air Con 5; Jensen Auto Body 7. Whittw Liens Club O0 MV 29 PkiewoodContre 9. Toronto Dorniin BankO0 May31 Beddford Auto Service 5. Langley Plur*ling 3; Ca Steel 1 co5. Wbitby Lions Club 4; Pirwod Coents 8Jorvso Auto Body 4; Top OualtyColision 7. Torornto Domfinion Bank 2; Buchanan ReaIly 9. Bank d Montrent 3S-AAr Con 8, Whut Rase 4, meoftlb 31 W L TP Pbwood Centr.3 O O 8 Lamigy Plunblng 3 1 O 6 Co IM MW3 1 O 6 Dudianan Ray3 1 0 S T'opQultyCoion 2 i 0 4 Bocard ServiceContre 2 i 0 4 Whbty LlonsClub 1 2 '0 2 Airon 1 2 0 2 Jensen Auto Body 1 2 1O 2 WhllsRobe 1 3 0 2 Toronto Dominion Banki 0 3 O 0 Bank t nSdliO0 3 O O 1M1 ihig ReasaoGroup 11. Brookin Klnsmen 4; JerW>s Drugs 12 Whiby OpdIrsts3; Stai Burger 7. WamWen Prlntin 2;- RaVsEnteprkses19, MitcldIUhanco 5;WbAudWiaIeo 13. Plaque AU" c7 Maî30 Blair Burger S. CiBC 2-, WhItbyrAudiaVidea11. Whb Opdrnisis8; JerulsDrugs12. Bank of Montrentl4; Waren'sPrkulng8. Plaqué, At"aak1 W L T P Roy Enwpre»4 0 0 8 clc2 2 0O 8 PMa= r -2 2 e .lr~ ruW rou 3 1 0 e Whitby AudWYdeo '31 0 6 Bank d onrea 2 1 1 5 Wairens Prlntin 2 2 0 4 StarrBUre 2 2 0 4 Brooklninsr e 1 3 O 2 Whby Otinfits 0 3 1 -1 MielllInsuranoe O 4 0 0 May 27 Executive Cloua. 13, Lega Beuglas 9; Dodd& Sauter 20. Cookie Cnsh.r. 9; Ail Klnd Gui Erh.dsa 20, Sunlea Faim8; Vick Inaurance 14. May 29 AI T"c Eledrlo Systeni 13, Leacorn Consukig 6; Sernaluke Driller, 10. oug Turner Capetentry 4 My 31 Bank ci Mantroul 8. Haskin Cepy 4; 5emtIuhW Driller. 10. LeglBeagle. 5 Ail Tedi Electria Sysb.r 17. Executive Cleaners6; Pldwring Vilaige Source 19, Cootil. Crushers 12; Ail Kind Gms Enterprisse 13, Dadd & Sauter 12; Vik Insurance 21. Sunle Fim3 m f bky3l Vck kisurance S.rnluk!s Driler. AI Kinbd Gu nepie Bank d Matel Dodd & Sauter LeuaamConsulang TuXesCnahers' Sunlea Fanm Hoskin Copy L T 0 O 0ai O 1 1 0 1 0 il1 3 0 3 1 2 0 3 0 40 4 0 4 0 4 0 Terriers adefea t 0Oshawa E&LM1 l v 16-181 The Whitby Iroquois Socoer Club, Tormina Terriers boys' under-16 rep team defeated Oshawa Turul 6-1 in the season opener recontly. Scoring for Whitby wore Sheldon Cooper, .Mike Klukowski, Robert Violo, Fabian Reid and Graham Maclean with two. In the second league game, Terriers overpowered North York Jets 9-3. Scoring were Macean 3, Cooper 2 and singles by lukowski, Zoli Tengelies, Matt, Geffroy and Mark Pilniuk. In firet round cup action, Terrier Whitby aixed slo-piteh 8UMDAY RECEMATONAJ W L' T P V*"%E-2 0 1 5 Win e.2 1 0 4 Whithy Hogs 2 1 0 4 Blazers Seled> 2 1 0 4 " Clae1 i 1 13 Booheoe<BrewCmow 1 2 «O02 Tam Dfr 1 2 0. 2 Bad Co. 0 3 O 0 Cam May 28 Vkkery E. 20. Winfields 18; Blazers<Seleri) 20. BD Ca. 8; Bontm esBw C0mw> 7. LWhtby Hogs 8; Tarn 0f.16. Classy 0.12 beat Uruguay 13'1, with scoring from Neel Bungaroo four, Klukowski recorded a hat trick, Maclean and Violo two 'and Tengelics and Cooper had singles. The tearn is coached by Bill Groden, assistant coach John Dunican and manager Mary Groden. Durham co-op basebai Och. Vle m30 0 10 6 .mmerti O 3 0 02068 NoethviewNlN.3 0 0 21 6 OrmoM Ndoode2 1 O 24 4 OtrIM.O0. 2 1 O 36 4 Fr. LMuloePan 1 2 0 21 2 CaedoaCoendars 1 2 0 33 2 PrkCgIe. Cobras 1 2 0 35 2 (~ICdCOUaI I2 0-43 2 rlC.Pred1 i2 0 43 -2 Wio wP rk .0 3 043 0 Duwh.,Oddaeb O 3 0 45O E WhitbyWarnoq03 0, 48 O Oehaw-RVaey Viem 19.COuha C", Cougars 7; Noithview Nighthawloe 15. Fr. Lmior Pwmnt11i; Pnnl. Creek Cabra 18. East Whitby Wanlor 6; Ofter Cm.k fflhyD[udoe 17. PrW1lereek Pr.daoes 1O; MarioldDigem 9. Wiow Park 7; Ormond. WaadîsorhaOddal n3; Consideration 17. Cardoa Condors5 Air ConoYtîoning9 INMSPEC TIONJ :Check Refrigeration System with LIiL~aIJ Manifold Gauges eLeak Detector Check Compressor Clutch M EM B E R Check Compressor and Drive Beits INSTALLER a Test Terrperature at A/C Outets - Freon Extra (includes 1/21b. freon if nec.) I~ GORD GARNER IL Automotive Services Ltd._6681 rmuffler & brake mcentre

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