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Whitby Free Press, 5 Jun 1996, p. 19

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Whitby frsoquois soccer HOUSE LEAGUE JUNIOR-DMY May 30 - Strikes. 5 (sconr.. ni). Red 2 <smoer ANTAM - BOYS May 30 - Green 2 (Brandon Chwnais Anthony PagEa. BInns Kitcen 5 (Rlyan Cou, Danisl Roone, Kd LyGregory Lme. NicIAkdis); Red 1 (DuitiFllion). Athletice 1 (Cumeron Fil) BOYS PEEWEE May 27 - Tern 41 5<Dale Chunq'. Juins. Elimn.n Sean Ksey, Michael Paglis, Brenda Peso), Tem #2 1 (Ken Dibugh>; Tsamfl032 Kyle Pollock. Deydi Rarntsaitu); Toan 44 5 (Rob10t Prlndofte,2, Janle Clukw Wayne Hopt*W. Robin Cross>; Bongurd Ca1lision 0. Teemn 08 4 (Michael Wt*lqr.Denryl Cuin LuaOusietie, GrM ahnWat ATOM May 31 - Pedros Plus 1 (Stephen Dina* rdaVie go 1 <Chris Cos); Lynde Broo Golf Couse 1 <AlssonchMazar), Maman 5 (Lsnny Hard 2 Logan Hosein, EMl Martin. Grog Stones); WhRtb Optimiste 2 <Phirip Md<enzie 2). W«mrsCuofn Fumiture 3 (Chru Devebh. Michael Devenh. Anbdrew.ohnso) C-Su-wlM May 31 - Teumn#13 6 Janaye Dzitewch Z Emily Devis.Z Reboca Townsend, Ashley ruvara. Whbvopiindst0, Rover.(i IIHome). Teun#12 1 <ICuliin Conroy May24 -Mr. Tivn ta Gurden Service 2 (Megan Macaulay 2), Whkby Optimst 4 (Katis Fbtgeral. Tesa P4bbun, Moole RozaiLUr&uy Syak Teanl #3 2 Jennger Prias 2). Tearni 4 1 (Chaisea Amodrn); Bank etMont"e 1 (Canie Flux). Do*hfr, 3 (Krl.tn Colline, Dunna Dicit, EdonLwis); RmelndChlmpw*Io 2 (Sura Be"tI2). Oniplua 10 (Braudyn <YRuhilly 4. Lauren Derby 2, Erlka Fodm 2, Er St.pniak 2) BOYsS HII' May 31 - AmIs Louin Suply3 (Jonathan Srnih Z Ryarn Henirilcs>. Play k Again Sports 0; Grover.2 (Mic"e Ochinan, Sebutian Para).. STE Automodw 4 (MW"ae Gomner 2, Keltit Yeamn 2); Chaise« 1 (Crutg Lhiday), STE Autoxmv3 (M"Cataburg 3) May 24- Amts LournSuly4 <Taylor Lad 4). Play 1 Again Sports 1 (Adrian Grotenhuls>; Groves,2 PSbtaPreja 2). Teown Ml 1(Sinon Be")ie; Chelsea O. STE Automotiv 4 (Mika Cataburg 3. Brard Burton) BOOMe May 29 - Canudia 2 (Bilan Màtag 2). Graver. 0, Red 1ÇI(Cag Thact). Ningas 1 (Jereniy Pope); Purple 1 (Mand Stein), Grovers 1 (Britany Gadda.); Shunts 4 <Colin Buns 3. Zacit Ashby). Blue 1 <Cury Péet); Co SteelLaco 8 (Derek Rossen 3. Taylor Wilson 2. Mark Macuanrie 2Z Andr.w St. John). Tuiles 0; Kerwits 3 (Damo Skeats 2, Din BrylMn), Loyal Order of Mouse 0; Op*" iaCub 2 (MWchelBurton 2). Gunners 0; BuankiMontreai 3 (Kiean Chfton-Oensen, Jamnes LoswdJune Wilkinson). Shunvocks 3 (Morgan Davis.3); Pov werRner. 5 <Cralg Thoropson 5), Turties 0. Turties 1. Prw Rangers 2 (Cralg Thorrçsoncorer nia); Honkers 2 <Kye Stephnsn 2),Team 1 0; Romes3(Philip Kowçpll. Brandon Burda, Ja»es Hok). TeamD#3 0; Kemit09<JillEan Monllo9), TeamD43 Gils 0 May 22 - Srmrfs 0. Purpie 1 <CrystalHartog); Kerihi 2 (Knsten Papador.os bedey Perry), D*"* 1 (Staphanle Osbtorne), Gravera0. Bkue & Whte 0; Yellow 1 (Anton Zupancir>, Bie 0; Hordçer2 <Ky@e pheom Tyler Masse), Teain #1 0. Mghty Ducks 0. Rangera 7 (Britany Choure 6. Madeine Roosa); Back à White 6 (Colin Spenoe Burme3. Julian Decaine. Luke DiDanzall, Steve Lord), Nurse Chevold 0; Red 1 (Darrin Germann>. NinWs 2 (Samuel AylWard, Brenda Fun.>Shanu'ocks 0. Bankocf Montreail ;Yellow 1 (Anon Zupandi>, Blue 0 May 30 - Team U#85 (Ion Farquhasn 3. Scott Watson 2), Gunner.2 (VovanUgunlwvlMatthew Hartg); Honte 2 (Shane Graham. Kavin Nasu). Guoman Dargs3 (ClviLowe Z AI KwWidSopanl; Toan 03 4 (SievenEthdngton 2. PenY Sutto, Stephe Rodger). Adia 3 (Santiago Paneju Brendon GooddIdDon MlHag); D*hkm s 3Andy B.ll 2 Cralg Sohoe). NlnJa! 4 (David ShaW 3, MW"helRuthefkod MWa2 - Chuises 4 (Jonuan Sms 2. Shane Doyle. Connor Sarnpson). Teara08 3 (lai Farquhurson Soot Wascn Brandon Cc.); Tem #2 1 (Dame Sherlsy> Ad"du 1 (BrandoGodahfld; Doe>hhi 0, Honker 5 (Shane Grahain 3. Mles Pader.r Paul~~~~~ St ne;GurinOu s al DionSaa) T"'euin836 <eseyKkeg &.SpnRdgr Stvnb hWngtoa) May 28 - Opthids Club 3 (Miguel Pink Z Thomnas Burton). Kerrits 3 (Imothy Wlerrn 2 John CampbelMctare); Spring Creet Golf Cour. 0. Shunta 2 Peanny NicholsSean Sutherld);. Canucica 1 (Algis Valluls), Townm12 0 May 21 - Shunta 9 (Danny Nichlis5. Kyle HoldcooZSoct Penqiuegnt, Drew Tyce), Co Steel Lasco 3 <Taylor WlllsSn ZErde LeBbuno; P#J 0erso, inIsCub2 (SeanTeather, iue Pino); Canudis 1 (AieglVuuli.), Shainrooka 1 (StmenBraeur), MOSOOITO-DCYa May 29 - Sky Blue 3 (MW"ae Varley 3). WhMtb Lions Club 4 (Thom.. Farquharon 2Z PeWe Ruieefoed, RoeInd Prias>; Whte 4 (Daniel Gravel3. Lbeshd Ryml>Sano Nutrtion 3 (J. Vouroukos 2. S& Pe"t); Aqua 0.Ell Taxi 10 (Ryan Kolntus 4. Brandon Srnith 3. Matthe Parfitt Z David Flaher);. orange 8< Tornd Kokologoe 2Z JoohuaJkworemu 2, Tlstn Jinchereau, Ray NichlsMarlo Perea ShiAI Vadmee) Raer.C" le0. Security Financial 5 (JoenNloomlopaulos 2 Muthew Fouler, Dani Lundy, Aaron MoMwmay). Maste Chef 1 (Aaron porter) May 22 <no woorr naines>- Master Chef 10, Sky Blue 1; WhRtb Lions Club 0. Whlte 4; Sandoz Nutrtion 6. Aqua 2; Bell Ta"i0. Orange 3; Roger Cable 0, Security Finandual 3 WhItby Free Press, Wednesday, June 5, 1996. Page 19 Junior udfeae The Whitby Chief Junior teani, sponsoredby Broolin Legion won both of their regular season gaines last week leavlng them undefeated i regular season play. The Juniors travelled to Ajax last Thursday and won a dlose contest 3-2 against a previously unbeaten club. Adamn Thompson had two bits and Terry Arges 'had a triple and scored a run.* The key bit was a two run homer by Daryl'Jenninga that gave the Chiefs the victory. Tim Puddister was outstanding on the *mound as he allowed only four bits during six inninga of work. Keith Milîs came -on in the seven and was equally as Impressive as hé gained, the mvi shutting out Ajax over the final- two innings. The Chlefb ran theïr rec ord 5-1 trouncing Peterborough, 7-1 ,recently. Josh- Miller swung the hot bat for Whltby hitting a single and a double and driving ln four runs.! Blair Hardy, Craig Laneggar, Tim Imeson,. Jason Lindon, Ian Andrew and Puddlster Who cbipped I n wlth one each. MIS pitched five scorelesse innings, strildng out five and wallding only two. The Chiefs pay Markham on Thursday, June 6 at Iroquois Park. Whitby girls softbal Barnk of Monteu 17 Brooldn Kinsmen 11; Ewaoeoft Kkchens 12,MmipnlgolUnol4; Whbty Kinsmn 10, WhilUy Op*ynste8 W L T P Eurooet tKiohens 3 O O e Whlby iGmen 2 1 0 4 dmrllLlnon 1 2 0 2 Bakfontrul1I 2 0 2 NOE MW 28-WhMby Uons 13. Aune Mobile Ws.h 11; Bunk ci Monr1ea 7. Sdurn huzu Molorcly 15; Unl%~1,Vanmunen Tires13; MuerPrÉI15, M .lagauts lin GrIn 7; Knlgb of Caunus14. West Lynde Fah & Chbrs 13; Jo. the Plwrier7. Cuiiue21 - Rosnmay Brw 10 UV 10 -LUhel18, Aine Malk Was 8; Bank d Morseul 18, VaHon amnenTkes 14; Saun hueu Màooraly 10. Whitby Lions16; Jo. lt.ePlunter 30. Dr. Iagelsus Tn Griw s1&0 KnWts d Cclur*,us18, CeMriuy 21 - Rom y Brown 10, Wsat Lyrde Fah & aChks 14. Mater PrIri8 Unhe lCnlglof c olmsiin Je. the Pkwdue W.at Lynde Fiait à Chps Whily Lions Acmn Mobile Wush VanÉ HenirnanTire B"rifmorea" Saturn biner Mcorcty Mamer Prini Century 21 - R~ Browns Dr. Kugoleds fln Grins May 26- RP 00 14. Van HerrnenTm .8 Bsofli Kkssnun11. Cheseenws Auo as 18; Jensan AsiaBody 7. Bak d Mr*"ea13; Acon Mob"eWash 9. AsbiilW s11i Mob o Ind Vanu.. HswsnTie JuumenAub o dy AonsMabilWah 1 2 0 2 RP ou 1 2 0 2 Bu*of ontres 1 2 0 2 CheesenmnAutosas 1 2 0 2 Bro" dKWnmn O0 3 0 0 may 26 -Jensen Auto Body 13. BectesMut 19; Eaatem CarpelClesnn 10. DOS Marketing 16; Pain StorePlus 8. Whkby Kimnsi 17 BeckerMlk3 Pamt Stor.Plus 2 008 mu"etn 2 JeneenAuto Bdy1 Whâty Kknen 1 Eutsrn CbetIenng O - NMmU M«28- Sectes. dMk 1Z Duthun Cash Registe 13; ES Bandits 18. D0 Marktng 14; C&W Slo.Rbâm e ,Lovl Oruge 20; Bracidin Lsglon 0. MisterTranndasn 16;. Mater Trandiin 13.0p B -dIMO;,-DWSM&rekig21.C&WSe W L T P lmSBanodl 3 O 0 6 Mhtar Transnùson 3 O O e DO8 Ma&tln 2 1 0 4 C&W StorFlxtures 1 2 0 2 Bro oklkLaon 1 2 0 2 LOVe DMigp 1 2 0 2 Deun CehR.gier 1 2 0 2 BeckorsMlk O 3 0 O May 20 - Big V Druge 14. Dodd à Souter 13; Vderilno'4. Weat Lynde Optoneres 14; CIBC 9 Broolin Kknen 13 Wed Lynde Oplornhbs BI gV MWug C.BC MavM-Van Henuiun Tire85,Advntage Taie; Sun" eRaaY 9. PRotary ChM 13; Lennox Drum Z WhÉbIy Trephy HoS»e7 Van! Hernoen Tirs Whii>y Trphy Hou.. * tYz is 7z~ ws~ ~r WhitbyM l! beats M Courtice twice In the first regular season doubleheader, Wbitby bantam select basebail #2 teain, won bothgaines against the Courtice Selects recently. Kevin Connelly held Courtice to only one hit and no runea in the first gaine. Andrew Hlickey closed the gaine for Whitby and Ryan Bowen for a 5-4 win. Hitting for the gaine were Sean Sionika, with a double and a single, Connelly, a double and singles from Adam Sonley, Matt Burns, Tyler Wood, Ryan Bowen and Danny Small. Ini game two, Whitby won 12-2. Connelly held Courtice after three innings to a 1-1 tie. Hickey came in to close the door at one run to earn the win. Other pitchers in the game were Wood, Burns and Ryan Bayliss. Hiting for game two were singles from Adamn Sonley, Chris Michaud' Connelly, Wood Slomnla Small and Bayhiss. Doubles from Burns, Bowen and Hiécey. Heidi Schempp *LacIgovIab. L32& Hopkins St, Whety L N 2cî 68252* 666--18553 On Premises. AUDIO I VID*EO- Ail 0Serving Ptrdc45,, oZ«OW sv - Durha m Dim bii i'jb Sincé 1973, *Written Guarantee *Low carry ,i rates *Factory Trained- Technicians *Tetevision *Stereo *VCR -*Camcorder *Cassette *Cordiess Phone *CD Ployer *Amplifiers *Walkman *Car Stereo = =VCR SPECIAL - *Free cleaning *.Free estimate * Wtb- this add only *Expires June 28/96 C#ustone Electrornotive 1150 Champlain Court Whitby 668-"6429 IS YOUR CAR.Mmm * ~Bow L Pigeon Knock ®jlegged ~jtoed kneed * Then you nied the experts at DIXON ALIGNMENT I317 Hopkins St. Whitby * Cail66&-5167 Today! O ur expert technicians are ready ta get you travelling straight agali m"e-cc . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . rRUi Radal -A' -er-me Black55R15 87s88117.01.0 4-.ê41 M.702320.0 210 P25R16 9A6Rase538122.5013.e /S rrl -/ -Srae Bl-ck- . -e- Usd-Tres 20 .ad s WHITBY FIGURE SKATING CLUB Canskate/Canfig. (Group Format), JuniorInt. Senior - Skating Skilis, Freeskate & Dance JuIy 2 to JuIy 26,1996 - Iroquois ParkJ For info contact 668-1412 I I 1 1 Radial T/A' Raised White /Serrated Black Letters 1 . < 1 ig lm fnI

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