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Whitby Free Press, 5 Jun 1996, p. 25

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7X~~ 7~~L Whftby Froe Press, VWeisday, Jure 5,1996, Page 256 GARAE & AN$SAPING ATCES: ATCLSAUTO$ITUK YAR SLE iSERVICESFRSL FOR SALE FOR SALE BARGAINS9 BARGAINSI Saturday, June 8. 9 am. to 2:30 p.m. 1000 Stevenson Rd. North, Oshawa Arport. MOVWNG SALE. Salurday, June 7th, 8aih-2pm. Ramn or shine. Outstanding soloction of items for everyone and wvery room, home cottage or apartmont. Indoor ana outdoior. Rtems Include designer label clothlng, Ike new toys, appances, fumîIturo, bikes, househol goods. 20 Marbury Court, Whitby, (West Lynde). MULTI FAMILY8arage sale. June 8th, 8-3. K(lbrr urive, OIust morth cf Gardon St. construction). New child's playhouse, toys, sports equipment, housowares. Something for everyonel GIANT GARAGE Sale on Glenmore Drive. Houses #26/36/49151. To s, clethos, ktchen, fumiture, baby acessorles & more. Saturday, June 8, 8 am. 1WO STREET sale; Chilpporfleld Cr. and Farnwood ln Whitby. Saturday June 8, 9am-2pm. North cf Rossland, west of Anderson, Falllngbrcok area. DONT MISS this huge salel lVs gonna be a g ccd one. Sprts equipment, clôthing, fumlture, aniques, plus, plus, plus. l-undreds cf itRems, te c.hoose -ftom. This Saturday and Sunday. Everything must go. 53 Oshawa Blvd. N. OUUst north of Bond St.). ATTENTUON BARGAIN seekers: Gîgantic muld family street sale. Saturday,.June 8th, eam - 2pm. Gowan Drive (McQuay Blvd/Roan - go west 2 blocks). Bargains galore with somethlng for overyonellf GUTHRIE CRESCENT, Otter CrecAnnual Street Sale, June 8th, 1996, 9am-3pm. (Ramn date June 9th, 1996). Somethlng for everyone. SATtJRDAY, JUNE 7oni.10 lto 5. aduft clothes. lnterestlng coiector Rtems. Also dlning c fr1ur.3 Sato St.l1block westof Brock and Rossland. MULTI-FAMILY YARD Sale. June 8th, (min date June 9). 17 Bassett Blv. hlby(Brock/Manig area). 9 - $.m. F.l k and Uttle Tykes toys, bikes, dishes and much more. LARGE YARD Sale. Whltby Lawn Bowling Club, corner of Bumrs and Brock St. June 8th, 9 a.m. te 3:30 p. M. YARD SALE. SATURDAY, JUNE 8. 902 McCulkough Dr. Articles for sale: toy's, aioaoes, pin. hutch and buff et, freezer. 9 arn - 3 pm. ROCK'N'ROLL YARD Sale. Records, CD's, records, posters, videos. Beatles, Nirvana, Klss. Sundayý*June 9 10-3,704 Maria St., Whlby. 728-539. Ramn or shine. 1lst 200 poeole each got onetpairorcf Show, November lOth. FAX YOUR AD 668-05,94 TREES FOR sale: blue spruce 7' to 8' $80- snowbail $5; bridie wreath spirea M5;Illac $5. Phono 655-8088. HARDY FERNS and woodland Plants. AISO statice, strawfbowers, etc. for drled floral arrangements. O'Flaherty's Gardon Centre, Victoria and Lakoridge, 666-4263 CEDARS FOR HEDGING. ANY sîze. 593 Taunton Rd. E., Ajax. (905) 427-0912. 'TREES FOR SALE:, BLUE spruce 7' to 8' $80; snowball $5; bridle wreath sprea $5; lac $5. Phono 655-8088. ZZZBEST LAWNcuTflNG& window cleaning. Residential specialists. Owner does ail work. LgLmae fuil-time business. Ro able & insured. Senior discount. 100% vwcrkmanship guaranteed or don't pay. Froe estimates. 571-5814. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seedlng, soddlng. Spdln clean-ups. Renovations ot gardens rock gardons. plantlng, frewood. Dutchway Lanidscaping. (905) 649-3183. HORSE, APPALOOSA mare. 16h. Quiet, rides Western & Ënglish. Age 15. Registered. Asking $,0.Cl Unda, 668-9886. $ 80 o AýUC TUONS AUCT1ON SALE. Mcnday, June 10, 1996 ai 6:30 p.m. ai Lemonville Communft Centre on McCewan Rd. (north of Stouffvllbe Rd). Antiques, collectables, househoki furnitre, dishes, glassware small tools lawnmower. Earl àausin AuctIoneer, 905-640-3079. The Wnitby Free Pres Clasifieds caers ST ail. TRENTr/SEVERN RIVER Cruise Jul~y 24. Get ready te expenience one of the mcst beautiful parts of the Trent'Sevem Waterway Systeml Enjey lunch ai a rustlc bôdge i n Port Severn the ira off te the Marine Railwa. We'll watch from the observation dock as bocats are scooped up and transported fron one body of water te another. The Lady Belle, awaits te take us on a cruise through magniticient rock cuts, isands and baya as well as our adventure throug h the nColossal Locicadthe *Switr. The tour endsaW the south end of beautiful Sparrow Lake. Silverine Tours, 137 Byron Street, Pearson Lanes, 905-430-2253. FRIDGE, $250. 3 p!ece bdrm. suite, $350. Sofa bed, $275. Aill ike new. 430-3615. ROCK'N'ROLL YARD Sale. Records, CD's, records, posters, videos. Beatles, Nirvana, Klss. Sunday, Juno 9 10-3,704 Maria St, Whitby. 728-5369. Ram or shine. 1lst 200 people each gt one pair of tickets for next Whltby Record Show, Novembor lOth. WASHER HOTPO4T çgood worklng condition $175, central vac system $225 couch;flomer designi, $85. Gas Iawnmower, 3hp tg0 Bunk beds, frames only"$50: Cali 433-0775. JUDY'S BRIDAL RENTAL - affordable wodding gowns to buy or rent. Large selecton of sizes and styles. For appolntment cail Judy at 90-79-4782. G.E FRIDGE, stove washer& dryer. Uke new. Almond. Set, $1000. 430-2214. EYE EXAMS arranged. 2 for 1. Buy one pair at $199, get second pair of S.V. or contec lenses free. Discount for seniors and children. Jllley, 0&,tians, 102 Byron St.S WEIGKT EQUIPMENT for sale., Sq uat' rack, weight bench, L,.. extension. Ail heavy duty equipmen 434-6486, oeil anytme. TAILOR MADE Bumer Bubble drier. 1 iwood, 95 loft, 467 tour stiff shaft. 3 wood 14 loft, tour stlff shaft. Used twvce, in great condition. Paid $850, $500 takeès the pair. Call Steve 404-2063. PONTOON BOAT. 1994. 20 fL Sylvan. 40hp. Honda 4 stroke motor, trouler, fis finder, wet tank, convertible top, extra seats moorlng cover. Used 1 Ohrs. 905-695-4488. REFRIGERATOR & largo freezer. Excellent condition. Refrigerator; $300. Freezer; $50. Caîl 665-0111. WALNUT 2 PIECE UNIT wvith glass doors, 2 drawers & bar. 2 cherrywood end tables vWith drawers. 2 Chivel mirrors; 1 wood, 1 brass. 668-1278.' MOVWG SALE WASHER & dryer, $700. Peach chairs $150 each. Queen size waterbed, &50. Will trade for fridge and steve. Many other items. C ail Rita, 430-2868. NATURE'S FENCING. 4e te 6' cedars. $5 dellvered. 666-8500. CHESTERFIELD & chair. Gray & aId rose. Excellent condition. $100. 668-0051. RMING MOWER. 43" cut. l4hp. twn oidr hydrostafic drive. 3 yer oGod condition. $1400 or "I advertised an item for sale in the Whtby Free Press on two different occasions. Each item was sold by the noxt dayl The rosponse was tremondous." T.C. 30" STOVE. 2 DOOR refrigerator, 14.7 cublc. Gas dîver. Washer, working condition., $650 for ail. Thomas or gan, 2 keyboards, 5 pedals. $500. Bar fridge. 29"1 hmgh. $150. 683-6824. WINDOW AIR conditioner. 8,500 BTU. Bought new in June'95. $350 or best offer. 430-1231. LONG BOX CANOPY FOR small pickup, $50. Marcy home gym, $200 obo. Konmore portable sewln machine, $100. Inglsdre w 5 Female rabbit with cage, $10. 905-430-1060 after Gpmn or beave message. HARVEST TABLE Purtan pIne top, black sklrt and legs $150. White change table, excellent condition, $35. Winnue the Pooh crib, dark maplo, 2 years new, $150. Washing machine, G.E., heavy dury, 4 yrs. new, excellent, condition, $126. 665-0673. DRESSAGE SADDLE '16m black Kieffer, good condition. (905) 655-4030 wvenlngs, (416) 287-7199 days. FOR SALE dehumidifier, electric lawnmower. heavy duty dryer. 725-1937. COUNTRY LAMPSS pin e cupboards, sËhelves, Cunio, CD, Àideo, pland and m!crowave stands. Buffets, bonches, mirrors, quit racks, d% ryinks. Buy direct. Phono 1-9 05-665-1664. FRIDGE & STOVE, GENERAL electnic. Avocado green. Gcod condition. $350 obo for the pair. Will delver- Oshawa/Whitby area. Phonie 728-2à64. SUIITS, SUIITS SUITS. ARE you g oing to a wecfing, graduation, or formai! but you don't have a suit? Weil corne to Rugge Replays where for around $100 you'Il get a qualty stylsh suit, shirt, lie and a pIr of shoos. From jeans to tuxedos Rugged Replays Upsoale conrimn~thoing for mon, teens and boys hS it ail. Note: a largo amount of designer jeans has just arrved from $1 2. takethe 401f to Thickson Rd., go forth (3 ights) to Burn's St., turn right. We're in the first plaza on your Ieft (Burn's St. Plaza). Caîl (905) 404-2063. Hours: M-W:10-6; T-F:10-9; S.:10-5. LUMBER 1 "à 2" 3" thickness. Red oak, ash, chery,lickory, somo bass Wood . Used indor spruce, 1 x3x7P611, x6x8. 905-619-2003, Ajax. GOLF BAILS $4 DOZEN, up. 576-2287. 2 DARK GREEN CARPET runners. New. 8 ft long. 30" wide. Paid $65, will selI for $45; Singer sew ng machine cri table, Ike new,$0Y Cal bofore 1lOam or after Spmn. 665-7380. 1982 GMC van for sale (former camper. Neods muffler & brakes. 433-8898. 1986 FIREBIRD. Parts car onl. Weil soli parts sep. 434-5292. 198 FORD Escort. Great condition. 120,000 km. Four door hatchback Asking $975. Caîl 905-721-0018. BOUNTY HUNTER Tovlng. Wantod dead or alive: scrap cars & truckçs, min. $40 cash roward. Sarne djickup.24houirs, 7 days cai Need a car - Credit Problems? Bankrupt - Undlachargecl? " We have e"mtake-oveis(mRssessions) " Lease to own a" malce or model *Cash for trade a CaN now brfree quoWo LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Cal Jeff (905) 683-6230 THANKS TO St. Judo and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favors recelved. ay the Sacred Heart c f Jesus bo adord, glorlfied, laved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. On, Sacred Heari cf' Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker cf miracles pray for us. St. Judo helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Saty thîs prayer rine times a day. By9 the elghth day your p rayer wAil bo answerod, regardless o! how hopeleas your situation seemns. Publication must bo promlsed. FITNESS ONE on one personal trainin faolity. Speclalized ftness Instructiln a private studio steeing. Goal assossment constant su pport and motivation. bodyform Fitness Studio, 213 Byron St. S., Suite 1l01, Montgomor Place Whitby. Cal for appointment, 668-4464. DIVO RCED, WHITE male, retired, seeks unattached honest sincere ans man womnan te 50+ who - i AIlng to ro-locate. Colour or religion unimportant. Must be good loo[d with g cd body. Marrage if suitz THERAPIST: CARROIL Campbell focuslng on maklng women wMole agan b dealng with fear, angor, co- dependency, abusive relafflonships, to bulld sel-esteem, confidence & positive self-image. (905) 576-3805. EVANLY RAYS servlcing over 20,00 Ontario householda. Rated F1in Canada. Police, politiclans & corporaticns use us. Concerna about Icve, .health, relationships money. Just cal 1-900-451-4055, 24 hrs, $2.99/min., 18+, htbyifree Press *668-611il1 Office four s: Motday to riday, 0 r o50 m*Fx68~9 i i. i

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