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Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1996, p. 6

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Page 6, WNhy Free Prosu, Wednesday, June 12, 196 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residqnts! MEMBER 0F: Canadian Community Ontario Community Newspaper Association Newspaper Association ISSN#0844-398X Whitby Whitby Business Oshawa-Durham Home Chamber of Commerce in Action Buiders' Association The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbum & Myrtle as well as numerous public and commercial outlets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 28,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GST e Outside Canada $85 + GSI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. 900 Hopkins St. IBox 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Donald G. Hinton -, Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - -Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% 4* recycled content using vegetable based inks. P AIl written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express perrmission of the newspaper is prohibîted and is a violation of Canadian copyright Iaw. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit line to the Whitby Free Press. Insutticient deterrents To the. editor: .R.: Road Check/96 - 40 per cent *out of service (again). This ls the percentage 0f trucks found ta b. unfit during randomn annbunced inspections as opposed ta the surprise targeted inspections byOPP when they go out looklng for Our turn To the editor: Re: School tax increases in Durham Why does the pUJblic school board rais. taxes one week, the separate board maise taxes the next? Are the elWced tnjstees flot able ta understand aur needs and incapable of dalng their job? Do they answer ta us, ta the school board or ta nobody ai ail? Don't they Ilsten? 1Are they so -foolish as ta believe that lmproving the qualty af education while maklng Rt oest effective means disposing of the younger progressive teachers that are needed ta, make It happen, while raislng the costs? Are we only seen as a source of votes ooeaslonally and a source of increasing amounts of revenue continuously? Th. solution is cloar. Mke Harris must begin ta do his lob. The education system mrustb. roturned ta sensibllity. The board/trustee systemn should be ended. Education standards must bo consistent ln the province. These wlll include the content 0f oducation, how R is dolvored and what cost is permitted. Competent management must be brought Into the systemn and eveiy* school that composes IL Religion must b. made a subject ln- the system, not a controlling factor. Inot for ours"ie, thon w. should at least'ensure aur chlldren recelve* an educatlon thati s the best iR may be- wthln a realitc budget. Other countdes have don. II and now it is Our tum. Don Young bad trucks and h s necessary t6pul 70pr cent f rom the road. The tnjcks found in the recent past wore the 40 per cent out on the hlghway runnlng wth defoots in spite of the fact that these wofl publlaized Inspections were taklng place ail across the province. Th. annual road check is now the only method w. have ta moasure the levaiof safety and compliance within the trucklng industry, asido from the targeted Inspections. Bath these Inspections are dlsmlssed qut. qulckly by the trucklng- assodiations as an inaccurate and distorted picture 0f the lndustry.' Th. number 0f accidents that involve trucks may not b. high compared ta car accidents but there are a propartionately highor number of cars than trucks on the road. An accident resutting fromf an unsafo dg is a preventable and foreseeable situation, as opposed to approxlmately 95 per cent 0f car accidents which are attributable ta driver error and anly five per cent vehicle defects. These potentially fatal trucks are rollng down the highway rlght now wlth no fear 0f significant deterrents (penalties) even though the ministor 0f transportation announced a bill for hlghr Increases to the mi nimnum and maximum aibowablo under- the Hlghway Trafflo Act. lb. side-of- the- road ticket for senlous Infractions will only b. $400. lb. question is whether or not they are ait appropriat. levels ta doter the oifenders. The present levois have been referred ta as laughable and the cost 0f doing business. The new levels ta, be introduced are stilI out af prprton ta what the big rgs are making for aperating in violation of safety rogulations -and taking chances with the lives of the public. -The odds are stillIin favour af the violators and not the motoring public. Wlth too few Inspection stations apen-and understaffed, the chances are hi gh that bad trucks are not being inspeced in order *ta prevent those accidents Just waiting ta happ.n. Muwre»a Worona Whty -o th e it:-. Don't blamne police To the editor: Re: 'W. deserve botter,' letter, June 5, Fre Press. One can certalnly understand the frustrations with regard to the amount of crime commItted ln Durham Reglon rocently. However,,. blaming Durham Regional Police ,is Inaccurate. Aoeuslng the police of "acting 1ke poltlcans and commenting on the peroelved Incompetence of the member of the police* board demonstratos the author's fundamental lack of understandîng of the real problem. The 'real problem is the lovel of crime in our soclety, and the responsiblity for enacting laws to doal with this is thecideraI govemmenfs. Laws are intonded to ensure the safety and security of ail people In Canada. Th. policeare hired for th > express purpse of applying these laws to socioty to achieve this. Unfortunately, aur police service has to cope Wlth Imited amounts of money to do thslb ln an increasingly violent swt. Maybe thati s why the author doesn't see a police officer as often as ho would 1k. to. Mayb. that Is why tho crimes. he mentloned were committed. In my four years 0f living ln Whitby, and eight years 0f workngiln Durham Region, 1 have spoken ta many Durham officers. These officers certaily didn't strike me as beingolitlans.' I1 found them ta b. dedlcated professionals who take pride' ln their efforts 10 keep the people ln Durham Reglon aa -safe as possible. They face many frustrations ln dolng their» job, from- violent offenders ta a legal system that doesn'taiways me the grade.,to an uncaring public. W. don't deserve botter, they do. Fraser Altken Whftby To the. editor: Re: 'Rire damage et bank.' Whtby Free Press, June 5 We would Ik. ta commend the, Whltby flrofighters who attended the lire at 185 Brock St. N. an Saturday, June 1. Their quIck response saved the building and aur second floor offices. Even before w. were admltted Into the building, flroflghters had draped aur unit wvith tarps ta Imit damage. Later, th.y amrved with wet-vacs ta, help us soak up water. Through it ail - the heat, smoke and water - those flrefightors were obliging and considerate. Chief VanDaleweerd, wo applaud yau and yaur teamn - Whitby's finest. In addition, wo commend Waton Rostoratians for a job well done. Even beforo fireflghters had loft the Coverage helped To the. editor: Recently the Durham Crimestoppors pragramn proflled as their crime of the woek a ra6ibory whlch occurred at the Pizza Pizza, 80 Thickçson Rd. S., Whltby. That profile was distributed toalal 'of aur media partners in the usual manner. Recentyour investigatars from the robbery unit have revealed that their efforts were met with success. An arrest was made in relation ta this Incident as well- as other similar occurrences lnvoMng on. accused. Athaugh the positive rosults achieve were not the direct resuit 0f an anonyrnous crimostoppors calor, the media coverage of this profil ed crime genorated investigative leads that were of assistance in the successful conclusion. Th. Durham Regional Crimestoppers pragram ishes ta thank aur media- partners for thoir support and commltmont ta aur pragraM. Sergont Kovin SIan.y .Polce co-ordînator scene, Watons repondled ta aour cal ta asses damage and aller advlce. Thelr staff gradlausly gave up their day off an Sunday ta start the dlean- up. W. greatly apprediate theïr help in'geting us back ln business, so promptly. * Ronald C. Fenril Fennoîl Insurmnce, Broker Ltd. To the. editor: For many years the residents 'of Meadow Road have put their trust ln the word 0f the warks departmoent and theïr counci lor, Den nis Fox, that their road would b. rebulft somoetime ln 1996-97. These assurances were promlsed as the road is ln. desperate need of reconstruction. Apparently the residents agreed ta wait until adequate funds woulb. available ta do the job praperiy rather than have a patchwork, band-aid troatment. Councillor Fox dlaims that the matter somehow got by hlm even though he was chair of the operations committee at the time. Durin the meeting of council May 13, councillor Brunelle whinod about the provincial cutbacks, and that Iunds are not there ta do the necessary work on Meadow Road. This cornes aut 0f the mouth 0f a man who took $336.22 from taxpayers for mileage toaa conference ln Windsor when he could have aone bv Davliner for less than one third the cost. With hotel and his prdieam the tnp ost us suckers $ 1,153. And h. (as weli as Gerry Emm, $261 .22) charged us hundreds of dollars for mloage ta go ta, Ottawa when other moans 0f travel were available et about a third ai the cost by Via Rail or Greyhound (miloago for Brunollo, $289.81). Each of them charged us almost a $1,000 total for a fun trip ta Ottawa. There are no funds for Meadow, Road. but* Dennis Fox somehow spent $1,240.05 ai the Royal York Hotel a ' tendlng a, conference. And, " st 1 forget, the mayor spent $2#059.41, ai, Toni Jones Stoakhouse ln Toronto entertaining. your accounitable and, honest counicillors ln August of 1995. That's $257.42 a plate. When I'questioned the mayor at the farcical public budget meoting about thîs expenditure, ho toid me ho was hung ry. I guess ho hasn't eaten, since counicil spent almost $25.000 entertalning thomselves and politicians from Longueuil at ,a twlnning party -whlch includod $9,055.92- for a dinnor -and a breakfast $1,237 for a brunch and $4,485.61 for anather dinner anm ai course they had ta have wino and music which cost us stupid taxpayers another $3,1 03.50. And thore'sthe $2.000 most af the councillors take, ln cash ln leu of bonefits provided ta themn from another source. At the sam budget meeting, councillor Fox publicly statod thât he doesn't Ike a certain deputant and does pot respect a certain deputant and has no intention of bninging forth their concemrs. Thiis is a councilior? There is no money for the folks on Meadow Road or Gardon Streot north af Taunton Road as long as the pigs continue ta b.lly-up ta the trough. (AIl figures shown wore supplied by »1h. troasuror's department, Whitby, and the Commissioner of Finance, Region of Durham). Fi n allywith the impfosio f user féeos b.ing thrust upon us for services w. already pay for, what have the froelaading coDuncillor 'and mayor given ip ... dessert? Jlm Pri.eut Whitby's finest The expense a'ccount

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