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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jun 1996, p. 21

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Durham .men's lacrosse Jwie 23 - Ndloetel 14 (Todd Wilson O, Dere Jones 5. clveMeagon. Mitohst GNI, Stan B.afisldt *Taylor, gwe mu a- Jane., Lon & the Unlcom 7 (Kvk, Hayes4. Ken Fysi, Shene Bobn>; Reebok 2(Donnis Keha., Rlok Schmee>,Lduat 7 (Tyso Chaylwskl 4. John Scanga, Dan Flad, Guy Morey, game sar Chaykowsk June 18 - Lat? (M"ra6, Brant SfTdth 2 gamne etar- Moray), Nation al <an Rlohade. Dsrek ione., Wllon, Paul DonanS, Clvi. LePkie; Reebok 8 (John Waddeil 3. Dan MOWhirter 2. Paul Johnson, Brad Spence, 0. Kodelak, am sarn - Wafll, Lion à th. Unioom 3 (Jay Lme, Chris Colins, Ken Foga4 aaI W' L T OF National 8 3 0 107 Reebak a 5 0107 L à the U. 0, 12 O 65 1 Goda g -etaverag. (soi0et regjar ...., 0£. a Jay Rmobush, Labaft il 34 OC"ie OelUy. L l 12 39 Dem Holing. National-10656 Johni.wyeé,Llom U. 11 75 Tylerevis. Reebok' 1 7 a 12 AVO 3.09 3.25 Sm0 812 7.00 GMGA p DsrskJone. Nu&"on 1il23 29 52 JoI1IhI.dubf 12 17 33 50 Jmmg= Rbok '9 2a 16 3@ Guy Laon il128 .G 37 Don Ljbm 1210 28 36 John Waddel, Pea" 9 14 21 35 Den 1 eterRa.on 9 12 21 33 Jason Rlchodsi,Nad"ana10 14 18 32 K"vn Has.ULin àU. 10 17 15 32 BrentS:rMh Labt 10 17 il 28 IMore sports.I on page 27 Whitby mnor lacrosse Whitby men's rec slo-pitch aeZ, "Jeu5 2 2 DIVISONA w L T RF RA PSwrBto 7 4 0 115 116 Dodd&So=e 6 4 0 138 108 PDaC tU7~ 6 4 0 134 104 LadlCns6c 5 0 126 105 Lantb Cotnim 5 5 O 139 128 The oden Spurs 2 7 .0 87 112 Q GamesAuto. 8 2 0 161 71 BearAutonioti 8 2 -0139 77 T aIItY Col. 6 3 0 125 86 K-ZSt 4 8 0140l187 VagVes 3 7 0 117 122 Duham Waxeum0, 10 0 37 245 >Whitby mxed slo-pitch SWIDAY RECREATIONAL »eof ue23 W L T P Vokey E. a O 1 13 4 21 9 Tle 4 21 9 Bhzu 4 3 0 8 WInfi.kis 4 3 0 8 WibHops 2 4 1 5 Mot. 2 5 0 4 Bad Co.* 0 7 O O Vlokagy 23.. Bontme s7, Clsy Cf& 16. Bad C.o. 7; Tam Dlim 19. 9haz., 15; Wlnleds 3. Whilby Hogp O 80--.U M )n , ;OniuloDMt4 (lnCoi 2. ryah.lCl Mi,,Mce Insum*#.nos S3 (Pdrlak L mag Mce ain Hme> Obtedo wa M-o.b .p- MIdwm uIKsuran ffl %mbwu HOME LEGM INTEIDIATE Jun. 20 OM DFINAL -Whlby nKisen9 (P. Cwmio W. Richad ZS. Dolai, R DouglasR. Hmrie.J. C"yta. S. Deltnvils), Whltby Fr.. Pmee 4 (r. 0.4e. 2. D. Lewis, J. Jahnsan); ULVER FINAL - Osha...Liane C"tA8 B(r.. sal.on4. J. ChutWr2. M. 80"t 2>ýLeglan Br.4M 10 <R. Ford 4. P. BmSc 3. J. Bllkch 2. P. Bk") UfflET June 21 GOLO FINAL - Durbain Dadge Cbtysie 9 (Bct*,y SchIl3. Vhnoent Crulod 2Z Kurt Piler, Mika MoKnnon, Adamn Brq, BaneitOmh), %xith Simca. IA 3 (Adam M&Lean Jay Hurlen. MW"h lJohnston>; ULVEI1 NIAI.- Whtby Kinmemn 9 <phllirp Grenan OShannohn hfl, Chrietoph erb., Ky. Weles, Babby MBrido), Dadd Aàioler« (St~menHoer3, Evn Klt.mmw 2>; GAME RRE -> Blgwod Brames 9 lmogh Laiglo 3. Raid ýDicleon.M"i.NaL Lum Houa. Molk Mafthews, Johua (Iry. TrasMeUmn>. MoKenzl Media 6B <Cam nHolding Z Ksal MaD=Wne Z Andy Wreggel Aiea Umt>» ANTAM Jun.23 001.9FINAL - DMIS Insun8n. <yso S" le3. JessiaWUUms Z JeuerCeIdyCraig J@man, Dosilo Maynrd). OsieciMehane4 PotaMr Mcnnn.Dmid Mashel.Ode .Hodges>; SILVER FINAL.- ClesekueVainesO (Melba. Meyer 3. Michael Cmhen 2,Juanseàinon 2. TmwWdeu.K" vinHdiuJ. NlbyFkruglss 7 (Tom Maiaths3. MMm Taylar3. Chrà Blow> Ede Coli6 nWb D"rl Dawyabi n, Or*snvio Da Seom Kei. Whdby Optirn"t ~-Wsnurbm= 0£A 15 7 a 13 12 B 143, 10 2 12 0 CA 36 42 41 40 p 22 22 20 17 15 12, 12 - MPEEWEE Junu 23 00GR F L - Ramnar Hetin B (Mile. Halsy 3. TannyWaldock3. Bradley Dymient 2). Oalwood Meohanicel 2 (MW"helHem. Michael Cryatal); SILVER FIAL - Wbitby Masters Lacrsse7 (MatthewCarl 3, Shane Sergent2. Paul Barrett Malt Daherly). Crow Sparts B (Aaron McGuîre 3. De"t MoTeague 2, Michael 1Md<ienz,. 2, Marc Jadhlo); BROM EFINAL - H.G. Rougley3 0" Z R.q, le 4sOBrlsn). BWade2 (Cam Von Eshlshlan Cashlsy May 22 -June 18 Oabwood Mechanloal 13 (MichelC"ysal4. JashmODm 3. Bradley Tasdiuk % Adamn Serti2, John OrRegan, . &Rougblsy 9 (Kyls O'Brlen 4. K" a lneZ Kyls Vandeloo 2,Kyle Paroeiz, KevinLoma>; RamnorH.din 7 (Mil" Haly2Z ToerwWddodeZ2.Ryan VolaiaJoshua Fancis. Aniw dre Lbe>.Cia. Sport. 4 (id Masteton, Bm-----HelNVAfOn MagufraDwoaMcTeaue>; WhibV Muges Lacro... B (wSte. eehous. 3 Matth' w CmoS Z ihan. Sarent. Pm uaBarett MMt ODahoI. HA . Rughlsy 3 (Jay Winderî, Planep.Perawct; Crm ipoSb 5 (McTeague2Z M Md i% Mo Mc mkoMau"r), Ble. 4 (ba CrahlsyZ Canuon Von Esobedioltz. Blair Skagl.n;Odu--on o edanoaSPO)ea3,BeeiZ TasoMuIt Z C.yulelZ De"t Pasrsn>,Whilby Masters Lacrasse 7 g(Dhry 3. Ssdhous. ,z iuagut BusiamrHea"ing 7(DomenBud4. Bradley Opinat, al@W ald&ock) lédm 6 . S(Von Esahscliob z3. Matheu Dlmi. KyIà Moore. t3EST AVAILBLE COPY Whltby Free Press, Weckesday. June 26, 19m6, page 21 i ~ Waterloo meets their Whitby In a battie of undefeated teams, Whitby defeated Waterloo in the final to capture the Brampton all-star tournament in mao ewee select basebaîl. Teteains, both considered' contenders for ýthe provincial chamjpionship this season, had rolled over their previous opposi- tion in thè tournament, Whitby outscoring their opposition in four games 55-4. Dan Lieluca started on the mound for Whitby in the final and held Waterloo scoreless in bis three inningi of work whilè Whitby built a 4-O lead. Waterloo scored runs off relie- vers Bruan Donnelly and Paul Ovsonka to make it 4-3 but Mike Weir drove i two insurance runs with a beventh-inning single., Whithbbegan the tournament with al-2 win over Barrie as Donnelly Marc Mitchell and Weir om!1ined on a two-hitter. .Whitby. pounded Heart Lake 13-2 We gain- revengo for a thrashing imposed 4y Heart Lake on Whity i lait year's tournament. June 23 GAME ORE - WhltbY Trq>hy Hou». 7 (EIo Arsog3. JsonAmstvng Z Alex Hend.on 2>. Weboo Crans 3 (Daniel Dempsey. Andrew Fadc, Ryan Kwd,; GAME MW - Broaldin fçmmen 13 (Sephe Bath. 4,»ohnHughes 2Z Jashua MCROI*> Z Bsn iSoyer R. Hill. Mitchell MaluchasI Sean Simeson>, LeaomCansulng 3 (Justin Fox 2Z Adamn Johnson). GAME THREE - Pringle Creek DA B (Brian GonsaWe.3. Obvie Wood ZMa t l1homs.Jlm Provenzano Andrew Murphy>, Flddles Chopper 5 (James Neal 4. Andrew Opmn»d June 22 - Weboo Crane 8 (Dempsey 3. Fana 2Z T'yShsil> Fiddlsr.Choppers 7 Piyment 3. Nad 2. Dean Blgood. Mark Mimli; Pningle Cresk KM 12 <PvN zuao 7. K>le mZ ,GonsalvesZ, Wood>, -Bmolin Knmn3(StephenBath. 2Z McMIchael JureZ20- Webao Cran. 3 (Osrrpe.Webb, Kerr, Lesam Ccnsuing 7 (Andmw Fracz Z, Johnston 2, Tyler Fergiàson. Fox, Mitchell Patterson) June 19 - Whuby Trophy Hou. 8 J. Armstrong 2, E. Armstrong, Jason Cassidy, Henderson, John lreland). Pningle Creok IGA 7 (Gonsales 3. Wood Z, JesseGbortProvenzano) UNORTYKE June 22 ,GOLD FINAL - Carrol Home, Irrirovemont 7 (Mfarcus Carrol 3. Kyls Ramsay 3. Brock Murphy), Foundcation Financlal 6 (Daniel Pogmore 3. A.J. Jones-Smith 2>; SULVER FINAL - Bigwood Braves W. McI<enzle Media L Junel13 -Bigwood B&aveS 7 (Joshua Gray 3. Lukas Head 2. Douglas Langlois). Carrai Home lnrprwments 4 (Carrall 3. Murphy); Foundation Finanolal 7 <Matbew Bruce 2 Jones-Smth 2, Kenny Pollard Z, Pogmore>. Md<enzle Media il (AI" Tilat 4. Kevin MaconolI 4. Andy Wroggitt 3) m Of JhUM13 .w Mcl<elM. 7 Bg.Bmws e FàondationFln4 CarraiHome i T, CF GA 0 53 53 0 6468 0 5165 iii. PAPERWEGIÇ Whitby had 20 bits wbilepit- chers Ovsonka, Weir" and Mit- chell came within one batter of a perfectgame in a 19-O demolition of St. Thomas. Ovsonka ad Welr allowed only four bits in an 11-0 win over, Bramalea. - I South Durham Select League play, Whitby ise in firet r lace with four wins and no o0 M5. The first select tournament ever -hosted b Whitby will b. held over the. ounty Town'Car- nival weekend, starting Prday night, at Iroquois Park. Sweep The Whitby minor mosquito select basebal team took two games from Ajax during recent. le ague play. Ini the first game, trailing 5-2 in the bottom of the third, Wolverines exploded for seven nsn with two out, led by the. hitting of Mark San Pedro, Matt Lamb, ,rant Hodge, Kenny Henry; Paul P fascuzzi and Rob Forrmster. 7be winning pitcher was Paui, helped by Shane Cafile;, Hodge and the Bave by Ian Smart.» Tiie second, game of the doublehead,'er, was -* a Closel contestod match " ~iWôlverlnes scored five runs in the fifth led by the- hitting of Kye Mitchell, Smart,,Lamb amdIfemÎy. Tii. winning pitcher was Hodge, helped "out by :a strong performance from Callier and a relief appearance by-Pàscuzzi. Other team members include Ryan Bladés, Shawn Trafil ad Robert Cotroneo. Tii. team i. coached by Rob Fôrrester, Dan Mitchell and Rick Trall. Undefeated- The Whitby major mosquito select basebaîl team remaîns un- beaten i bague play after four more wins lait week. Whitby won two doublehea- ders: 13-9 and 10-4 over Oshawa, 10-7 and 14-5 over Ajax. At a recent tournament i Cawthra, Whitby won 11-0 over Orillia and 14-13 over Erin Mills before sucumbing 12-2 to Bur- Team members are Derek Ard, Braden Novack, Dann y Broughtn, Ryan, ice, Cory Blancharýd,. Brent,,.,Chaschowy, LgjçfSTfyz //O-31 Jason Gordon James Steigr wald Tanne mwnig &Bin Midleton, Sean Blea, Flirankie Underwood, coahes David 4i, Home, ,swé,et home The Whitb mnr ee select b=sba? em haca ewi and tie against Ajax recently to end their homestand with four wins, a loss an~d a tie. Ryan Sîsson tbrew tbree shu- tout inninge, Nicholas Bubela struck out .ýthe side iAn the seventh for the séave anid Curtis Puckrin and Jeif Hais each had two bits and, a run-batted-in in a 4-2 win. Frank CIyke and -Cçorey Res each had -tWo bits whfle Rýyan Mclntosh madie a divmg çaitch to end an' aux'threat i a 6-6 tie. Chati. SBeWnour'shustls 1à reach trmt to ýbeât,,out a, eu"id bal enabled WM4tby to tie. Whitbyisuept A»ax ~-1 m ad 14-8 to wkri a bantazr. select basebal dobleea der g*n9 Ajax over tlàWeekend., Kevincoiwiu11y bit twoýdou"o ada ip1eîTït% Daim -Sm-ll-a dobl adtosiglsAdrew Hickey threé singles "d Mat Burna two singles i.the fiiut game. 4- WMhbhj'.ai sixwins, a tieand a loss tuafà:this season. Other teàm inembers are Rya BWenRan Bayliss, Adamn - IM" Dai4»çgý,ChrisIMihajd îlr Sa- .SeanSSlomkaan The teamn will hold a gol tournainen i Oshawa on JuIy 6 as. a fundraiser. Caîl 721-239 for more inforýmation. - S occer City' Sorts Complex Sixth Annual Ages 4- 12 JULY8 m-AUG. 16 8:30 - 4:30 E O C. aiaable-, ACTIViTIS MCLUDE:.+ eArts & creftsI JeVaieëtyof sports programsj j eOther activities including day tnpto Ontario Plae J 100 kIynra te $1f o 05.00r 430-3e4 e4 e1

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