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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jun 1996, p. 4

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POP. 4. Whly Free Preus Wedniesd, June 286,leu. 1994, fatality Co-Steel Lasco of Toronto was fined $250,000 in proincial court recently for a heath and adtty violation that resultedi a deathi at the Whitby plant on Oct. 5t,1994. Peter Szta docher 45, of Brihtn ws eled wÏhle mak- iga ajustment te the produc- tinlin. near a machinie that cuts.-steel bars.. He was sfruck on the head by the rotating arm of a éheaýr cutter, and 'he felI fite a pit b.low the machine. The 20-year employee of the steel plant was found by co- workers ini the pit of molteni steel where temperatures reach 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The Minis- try of Labour investigated the, fatality. Co-Steel Lasco pleased ruilty te failing te ensure that the rotating arm waa properly guar- ded, contrary te section 25<lXc) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. lI levying the fine, Justice of the Peace Mary de Munnich sa it was a ver sria offence thi could have on avoided by pi Daycare centre to close kat ro- tt By Mark R"esr .Parents who send thefr chil- drin te a daycare at Wbitby Mental Health Centre (WHC) r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i I HELPING RESU DENTS DIVERT WASTE FROM LANDFILL The following waste materials con be disposed of at the Region's Waste Management Facilities: *household batteries *leaf and yard waste *fridges and stoves propane tanks car batteries *motor ails *drywall *wood iLaI " Blue Box-recyclables "scrap metal " ail -filters " tires HOURS 0F DAILY OPERATION: Open Tuesday through 1 Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to en-4:00Op.m. LOCATIONS: 1640 Ritson Road North, Oshawa I 1623 Reach Street, Port Perry 3590 Edgerton Road, Blackstock Landfill- Site in Brock Township I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NO CHARGES APPLY TO: " vehicles containing only Blue Box maferials " Up fo 100 kg (220 Ibs) on your vehicles' first trip each day are accusing administration od bailing out of its commitment t4 child care. The accusation was made aftez the Gordon Street Child Care Centre was informed last weel that it will have to vacate its present buulding by Sept. 1. MThi came as a real shock," 'child care leasing committew chair Claudjo Rossi a parent with two children in Gordon Str4t says in a press release. 'We kew there were probleme in maitaining the centre at its current site.., but it was a shock to b. given 60-days notice and to apparently lose a iong-time part- ner in riin child car. for hospitalw staff and community familles. Rossi says buýe1t cuts fiad scuttled plans for the ay care to b. relocated in the new building but maintains it «was alwaLys prornised a future ini partnership with the Whitby Mental HOaMt Centre." The daycare ernploys 25 full and part-time stafif, Baa super- visor Debbie Weber, in currently is used by 60-familles and is one of the Durham daycares with an infant care program. "W. haven't bailIed, ont of any- thing,» says WMHC administra- tor Mn Ballantyne, who says he hasn't made any declaration about services WHIMC provides te the daycare. The decision te close the day- cares bilin was made by the Ontario Reahity CPoration, he says, after realizing it would, coot anywhere from $300,000 to, $600,000 te keep the building - cottage 16 - open. ta aogewith the other cot- tges atthe centre, currently is plugged, inte a central utility system, h. Baya., «When we move out of this current site, we will no longer b. maintaining that other site.»* Ballantyne says hes oifered to belp the centre fid alternate space because «the.yre a quality childcare centre and rd hate fo se. them, close.» He notes that when disceus- sions about constructing a new building an, he daycare board initial vzlysidtthey wanted. io b. part of the new facility. "Mhen they said no because ;hey were oncerned about being in the midat of the haspital - their preference was te sty where they are and that's the wuy its stood smce then.» ie'aano money was ever oMmitted te helping the daycare rid, a new location so ever since construction bean on the new racility, "teyvY, n sitting ia ituation where frankly, the ýenure i that building was tick- rg - and they knew that."* Klealey lto Correction I I - I - - - - - -_- - - rn.1 Souyuluecw shoppinggonD Iý nd hapy mflidg. Lasco finied .S250,OO Marc Kealey will b. "roasted» I next week Kealey, who will soon leave bis Iposition as Whitby General Hos- Ipital vice-president, will b. the target of a July 3 roast at Cullen I Te «formal affair,» with recep- * tion at 6 pe . and dinner at 7 P.m., wil!beundraiser for the I Proceeds will go tewards the I uchs ofn pme'.ent. I Ikt ar 7TP f f la NoeImpeat nmmr wue y" ddkm car shopping. The lest g»ne1 r ogh a new car, Sarah caine along for lhe rOde. As lhe salespersBat beside me explaining al lhe kbale l1ht lie car b.d Io offer, Sarah lape up a nonS4pChoM ushg#» ba sayfng, 1 l lice is car, Dadd y donltwe buy Mbis car right nowr fie salesperson kept snilng and for reasons 00w lhain mydaughfo desire for lieveNde, wmbought lhe HWM hx 'ejy aitiat experience, Oii 1ui Iwoul4Itbae hn betler fls*mn. But no, Idoubied ny pleau». byaidng bath lie girls shopping. t sted on a &uiday moarig. 1 bai been bewaln y bbl about My inabillty ta SWdaavehicle we ôoM a*iy ord (ft bbc& oelly It. la). when a member. 0of nV cxngregation stuMe a plece of paper i my hand contaiig a narne, phone numnber end description of Just lie type of whicie we were loldng for. So Monda itrnoon whlè Wendy was te*gSarab, EBzblh and 1went tIo ok at thi ca. It was a 9 wagon wIIh bge kilomnetres liai mowanted, but alomise1Ilfitt l I. Ittbi iaaded ~acton mf tie tiIrd seat h ie mtnink f« msod lie girls In a second. 1 took It ouit for a drive wtii lie girls skapped I lieback When m rmturned. just as 1 was kylng tlbaMt reaxed, nonchalant and neutaI, out cane iy 'Daddy, Irs sucha col car, cai we buy it? Lt~ buy it, daildy. I1 acSkd lie man rine questions whle rry daughters wore disousslng mulo liernelves how iuch Io pay aid gaI maiy Io cdose Oie d"a. Wben »e got home. It got worse. The girls hnunedlaîuy went upstalms, gotIN l ie~ggy baiks, dwnped lieu on tie Myngmom loor aidsbe coutig «A penie, bordesaMI qulers Iofid ouit If.#Wo had enougii for lie clown payrrntL heyW me rMais, Sarahflgwed "hd¶d hame lb pay for k cm 1rne wlli ber dowaice. flienesday Wendy andI oiirm bolc I for a drive, had a gass Of mmo on One owners rontpomch, Uoed about ie, car aWIf ie wfh "d. We have two girls. They have Wo boys exacly lie msaine q m sou Ma~e. So liSte was a falr amout of conmon ground. 0f course, â* wsa busines faisaction sewe dld a Mtie bit of pre-hagllng. He Mldni bis bottaukmneprice, I lookthe car Io my- nunecIo have I# checlSd ouit aid Wendy aid I went oniela oeunch Ode numbeni. In our house, *crunche lu Rie opeaile word. We kept addlng p > ie nuntemWand no mater what #m.e didn't change. We exoenied cur options for lie Uve-thousaidlii Urn. Wecauldgo Io mecar. Wth baotomr dlfflng schedules,mwO fgured our ffmiae mlgbt Lait ùntil OcIlober. We coudptiore money ib fi Reait tm~eItorkproperly. Acordlng b our mechanIo, lir. jut lanit #ia nmcli n uRewodld.*id on aid Joe called aid gaveam lie soop en wtineeded lo be doneto theca. We dld aur final nwnber crunch, tod m m -c mcomM affoni. They liougbt "ox I wRnlmgiit aid called b" 10tacqXplhle -nexl moamhig. Aside frornilie mainof a rnney -q just spent il was vesy used car' euphori, - qm

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