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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jun 1996, p. 6

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Page 6. Whitby Free Pross, Wodnesday, June 26,1996l The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby resîdents! E: MEMBER 0F: Canadian Community Ontario Community Newspaper Association Newspaper Association ISSN#0844-398X Whitby Whitby Business Oshawa-Durham Home Chamber of Commerce in Action Builders' Association The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbum & Myrtie as welI as numerous public and commercial outlets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 28,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GST - Outsîde Canada $85 + GSI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario mc. 900 Hopkins St. /BOX 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 6U61 1il Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprînt with minimum 20% _411 recycled conte-nt using vegetable based inks. tu cAil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation o f Canadian copyright iaw. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit line to the Whitby Free Press. To te* dior, Apolôogy to police- To thé .dftor: In a loUer publlshed June' 5. I critlcIzed thé Durham Reglan police force far not pravldlng t he service thet we, thé taxpayers, shauldéx)peot for aur $50 million. 1 shauld have beén more précise ln my comménts. I apalagizé ta. thé afficers of thé Durham farce. 1 did not mean ta criticizé thosé who are commlttéd ta aur .saety and securlty. Thé afficers who work aiI k deserve'aur support and appréciation. Thé dissatiefaction 1 feel shauld have been mare clearly directéd at thé senor management of thé police farce (bureaucrats) and thasé who sit on thé police board (politicians and appontées). Faced vlth a restrlctèd budgt (théy oniy received an Increase of $600.000 this year), theythreatened réduced service and Appeall To thé editor: On Frlday, June 7, at about noan, i was héading northbaund on Brook Street ln my '85 Olde wagon, a car 1 had owned for 15 hours. Upan approaching thé corner at thé Gréék Tycoon plaza, a light purpié '96 Ford Escort pulled out ini front of me and blocked both north- bound ianes. As natural réaction taok ovér, 1 veered ta avoid thé bocing car and struckç a hydro pole. Thé man ln thé Esort sped away, South ta thé 401, leavlng my passengér and myséif left la déal with thé chaos hé had caueed.* Hydro has since lnfarmed me that thé labour and equipmént uséd la instail thé pale MlI cost $1.900 and thé palo wlll cost araund $1.000. Hydro ftabeen so knd asto let me pay month.ly. Mycar. whlch 1 bareîy owned, was hlding of thé new oMflcrs.These are thé ones who tend ta be thé main rvMd rs of service la théepbilic. o~sea f leadership la flnd ways ta reduclng wasté and lmprovlng ser,4ce, thé management and board took a'titfor tar attitude of reduclng service givers. Re9ianai chair Jlm Wltty Is, coincidéntaliy, on thé police board. Some mlght consIdér k a conflict of lntérest Othérs don't, 'conslderlng that hé was not éiectéd ta éithér post. And given thé apportunity ta show leadership, hé has falied ta do Sa. But that is not thé point. Crime le fat thé fault of aur, dedicatéd membérs of thé police farce. i sincerély regret any inférence that k was. Don Young for'help. compieteîy déstroyéd and had cost me $1,500. Sa in total I have bel $4.500 and a car. 1 was toid by ambulance officiais thet f I1 had nat beén wéaning my boit, I couki havé blos My Ife. Thé police can do nathing but Lst k as a lfail ta rémain.0MW position is simple, I havé nobdy to haid accountable, lrn 20years old with an apartment and ail thé débts that came with it. Because of myage itis almost Impassible ta get a boan. MW Insurance company has told me thae my premkJms will double if théy dont dra»p me. Sa, as a resuit, 1 amn left ta appeal inathe clizens of WhItby for their hélp Ini thîs mattér. Any Uni1e détail of what anyone may havé seen can heip meé salve thle casé. Angola Quinn Whtby <430-2978) The Whitby'Free Press welcomes letters to the editor on any subject of conoem to ,our readers. Letters should be bnief and to the point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accompanied by the name, address and telephone number of the writer. However, on raquest, your name may be withheîd from publication if we agrée there is a valjd reason. The newspaper reserves.the righit to reject or edit ail letters. Send to: The Editr, Whtby Free Press, B3ox 206, Whithy, Ont. Li N 5S1, ordpthrough aur mail siot at900 Hopkins St., at Bums St. To theedt. . Stronger voice-within To the edlto: Atter attendlng last wek's nnual- Me= nof Whitby Gênerai Hospital, sev houhtsentered my mnd. Flrst, 1 wondered what was ln the pamphlet given to me id thé door. Sure enough, àt éndorsed four candidates vying for a position on the hospital boi. A s statéci ln The Free Press, théré were no signatures, and no clarification that muid idontlfy "The Frlends of thé Whltby General Hosptar... a tactical error on. thé part of the organizers. Howéver, a qulck look ln thé Whltby téléphone book revealéd that ail four proposéd candidates were llsted. Further, JoAnne Prout freéiy oelmitted to Thé Free Press that she and others were behind thé attempt ID gain a volce on thé hospital board. Granted, 'The Frendsu were percelved by thé WGH as an anonymous group. But have they never. heard of SOGH and ts co- chairJoAnne Prout.. Putllng that aside, wheré did ail hér hlgh profile supporters go? I was ai another meeting several manths ago ai which promînent pailicans, doctors, nurses, labour leaders and many othér lnterested citizens spoke eloquently and farcefully ln what now seems an almost futile attempt ta nr ént thé conversion of aur local h and a takéover by thé rehab prapanients. mhe final words of that événlng were *We have not yét be-un ta flght.* kithé mesae fail on déaf ears? 1 think not. moere are stili et least 30,000 Whthy people who signed a pétition to kéep aur hospital as an wnue care faclity with a retum toaa 24-haur emergency f aciity. 1 suggest thet there are many others who would agrée. mhis cléar majority of Whtby citizens appéar ta bé gettlng UtIe support -ai thé poritical level. What happened la demacracy... and Our électéd officiais? Lttié, déar-cut éndorsément Is heard among them. And whig about the hospital staff Itsel? 1was tld by ane employeé that! araund thé WGH, Orehabr le a dlrty work. What happéns ta the staff If the rehab proposai takes placé? And what about management? Accordlng la hospital spoképerson Marc Kealey. as quoted in The Free Press, nheré are no op*mos.0In other-words, IVs àa done deal.0 No more acute care, no more émêrgency service, no more WGH, but in ts place, a state-of-the-art rehab 'service. 0f course, thé need of a réhaitton centre shoula nSt De ovdoe.But 1 beléve kt shauid be a separaté entity, apait from thé award-wlnnlng and excellent péroring* Whitby Gênerai Hospital. Sa thé Save Our Hospital COMMIMMé lips Iks work cut out for It. But wfth the elcdion to the hospltal board of Richard Elston and the aformmentloned JoAnne Prout, there wll be astronger «lcofrom wthln as welI as wlthout. Congratulations to the. SOGH members and, leoelershlp. mis centrovrsial matter ls far from belng resolvd. Again, thé bottom Mne Is... Save Our Gênerai HospitaL J. Gordon NemI Whftby 'Friends' are weII known To the edîtor: Ré: uFrlnds létter fat f rom hospital Theré was no effort ta suggést that this information came from Whltby Gèneral Hospital. Ail corréspondénce 1 have recelved from Whltby Général Hospital has been an véry distinct lettérhéad. Na board member or Ms. Waodbury contactéd me regarding this Information, yet a 94-year-oid member found my address on the attached létter and was able ta write a noté telling me that she could not. attend. No réturn address appéaréd on thé énvélopd as no reply was expected. Thé four candidatWui names were cleariy dlspiayed on thé Information and I don1tbliléve any of them were contactéd by anyono f rom thé haspital. "Friénds of Whltby -Général Hospital" ameweii known 'la ,anyoné wha cares for thé future of communlty-baséd acté caré and emergency services ln Whltby. If yau have a question, Ms. Waodbury, .1 suggest that you contact thé corporaté members whose names appear -on thé information ln question' before wasting valuable monéy on a néwspaper ad. Rut h Holdsworth Whftby Ta thé editar: Thé large tumaut ai thé June 19 annuai meeting of thé Whltby Généra Hospital was a tribute to thé hard-worklng valunteer groupe, board of diréctors and audliiary of thé hospital as weli as thé adminidstrative and médical staff whose dedlcatéd work le vital ln this difficult transitional period. A gréa number of poiticans were also ln attendancé, evidénce 0f thelr To thé éditor: Last weék staff. 0f thé Gardon Streét Child Care Centré, locatéd on thé groundseo0f thé -Whitb Mental Health Centré, were given th shock of t'hoir Ive. We weré given unti Sept1 ta vacaté aur building béfore they chut down ail essntal services ie. hydro, waer, sewage, etc.)' As an'émpboyee of Gordon Street for thé past livé yéare, I amn ovewhéknied Methe thougCht of Ioslng my 'second' home.I r angry that we havé béén sa carelosly concern for thé future status of thé hospital. It was hearténing ta cee nine résidents *offer their support by -standing for the four openings on thé board. Thé newboard wvll have a great* number of new challenges ahead of them ta pratéct thé health services ln. this fast. growling communhty and wé wlish them wéll. Art-Murcoli Ashbum abandanéd by thé Whltby Mental Heakh Centre. i amn saddénéd by thé thaught -of 58 children bélng 'lft ýwthoutý thé qualty carle théy' are currently récéivn'g. I arnm cé about being an unemployed éarly chiidhood educator ln an alréary saturated fleid ofwork flh nm Taday, lm putting my atlnm ccal. pailtiane and oCher Influena parties lat pléasé cécure a futre for Gardon'Stréét. We are a quallty day care centre.wlth a potendllly bdghit ftur - don't ét usddel 9-sun Bonaî Wush them welI Closing"'shocking'

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