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Whitby Free Press, 3 Jul 1996, p. 7

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WhIIbY Fiee Pes, ecrîsdY, JuIy 3. 1996 , P qe7 Me rý a rmeÀ Somebody once said: "Give me death or give me taxes." If theY didn't, somebody should have. SAt any rate, medical science l. working hard at taking away the death part, and Mike Harris, Premier extraordinaire of the* province of Ontario, is well on the way to eliminating taxes. Should both medical science and Mike Barris be perfecly successful, we wiil ail live forever and pay no taxes. .And if medical science can eliminate death, then Mike has* this additional wonderful opportunity to reduce health coats. If you don't believe me about this death elimination, think On this: in 1939, the life expectancy of mnaies was 60 years. It is now 75 years. 7fla's a 15-year improvement in 57 years - or 26 per cent. If medfical science can keep up that Pace, here's what life expectancy would look like over the next 300 year. YEA4R UFSPAN 2053 94 2110 119 2167 150 2224 189 2281 238 That is your great great great great great great great great grandchildren could live te be over 250 years old, if your family haPPens te exceed average in this department. Please note that the life expectancy table is used for the average male. The average femàle lifespan by 2281 would be about 900 years.That is purely biblical i proportions. At the same time, Mike Harris and bis cohorts, with an eye te being in power until the year 2281, will continue te cut taxes. In the first year of power, that cut was seven per cent; i the second year, 15 per cent; and the fourth, 30 per cent. What we have is a pattern - if not of doubling every year, then at least 30 per cent evezy five years. H-ere's what that would look like over the years: YEA4R TAI CUT 1996 seven per oent 1997 15 per oent 1998 30 per oent 1999- 60 per oent 2M00 1M0 peroent 2001 2M0peroent 2002 4M0peroent The trend is pretty clear. In fact, you can figure it out yourself. Provincial taxes i early '96 were 58 par cent of federal taxes. At bis current rate of tax reduction, Mike will have cut taxes sufficient biy the year 2001 te have el iminated both federai and provincial taxes. By the end of bis second term, i 2003., Mike will have eliinaedtaxes, both federal and provinciai, entirely. By completion of bis third term, in 2007, he wifl alone will have wiped out the entire federal and provinciai public debt. 0f course it would be simple-minded te believe that trend can last forever. The astute reader may agree with Swan's conclusions on both taxes and death. But how will one affect the other? With people living longer and longer, wiil not health care and pension costs soar? But that is the beauty of neo-conservation solutions te anything. One simply privatizes both health cars *and pensions. Thus, only those who can afford te live te be 250 will do so. The rest of us will work and pay taxes until we drop, which won't be ail that long. Combine the longevity trend with Mike's tax cut, and you can see another great potential. The unemployed and those on welfare will not be able to afford te live to ho 250. Therefore tfhe wàmlfare-n Unemlomet rte, s Life and taxes I I f i Ps .1<*~ DJMONI) JUBILEE Oi oONFEDLTION PARADE, JULY 19 1927 These vetorans of the Firest World War, wearlng their uniformeansd modal., are iarching paut the Ming Brothers' Tannery St Brock and Gilbert Streetu in the parade to, mark the 6Oth Anniversary of Canada'. Confoderation. The shed in the background waa for diyng hides. WbtbArcIv..photo' 10 YBARS ACO from the Wednesday, July 2, 1986 edition of the WHITBY FREE PIBSS " Brooklin's new Lions Club wants te bmild a community hall. " The Town of Whitby will purchase a Handi-Transit van at a.cost of $38t473. " A newly.renovated Gras. Park in Brooklin was opened by the Brooklin Horticultural Society last week. " Whitby Publie Librazy Board i. celebrating ts 75th anniver.ary. 35 YEARS AGO from the Thursday. June 29, 1961 edition of the WTYWEEKLY NEWS 0 The finst anmual Whitby Industrial and Agricultural Trade Fair, originated by Councillor William Davidson, was a sucoess, *Local magistrates are giving out jail sentences tedrnkng driver. *Broiclin United Ch urch celebrated its 94th anniversary on June 25. *The Weekly News i. feaftuing a "Who'. Who in Whitby" oflocal businesses. 100 YEARS AGO from the Friday, July 3, 1896 edition of the WB1TY CaONICLE- *It cost. only 40 cents te trvel te, Toronto from Port Whitby on the steamer Eurydice. *Thne cungregation of the Methodist Tabernaclewill hold a gardon party oýn-theontario Ladies' Cullege grounds on July 8. *A firemen's demonstration, basebali competition> and races were held at the fair grounds on Gardon Street on Dominion Day, July 1.- *Thomas -Hamar Greenwood, who left Whitby, for Englnd lastyear, la doing well asa temperanoe lecturer in London. 1

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