Blackout due to 'arrester' failure vrmn Teenage grl try to rob cabbie page3 Unemployed make their own jobs page 8 Redmen move Up, Warriors move on page22 THE KINEITE CLUB 0f Whitby presenited the Whitby fire department with' 80 teddy, bears - nicknamed Kin Kuddle - to be given to comfort children in crisis situations.. On board for the delivery-.are (from left) platoon chief Don Moor, Kin Kudclle chair Faye Wynistorf, Patricia Koziol (holding daughter Alyssa), Kim Glover, Laurel Bellissimo and MarjRempel. es 0,ý er Tô ec t t t - t .wn Hes b e S consul j q t.aýnI >ByMikeKowaamkj - Heeding the advice of a fam,- Mlar advertisin*g slognTown council feels its.inM godhanda. with Buffett Taylor & M"Aiscaes. B a' decisve marfn sat w Y., counai, voted -to eep the wilth ff= as the Town's employMebenefitscnsultanrt.- In so doin&cnii:6l rirejected â-a request from Kendalwood' Road ratepayer Bill Loveloek to tender the service that Buffett Taylor haM b *in -W'4he muni- cipa]ity.since 1983. * We have been: well served by iBuffett Taylor and the rates we- p aytoBuffett Tatylor are quite lo,said couneillor Dennis Fox *of, thie *31,215 avage axiual *fep, the -Town bas paid te ,com- 4ajrduring the past six yearsB. Iv e start messing around -now wed be daim fools" said Fox Winnoting the $500,000 the firi has. saved'the Town over the-sameperiod. iTshoIýM* one person, two' peopleý at the Most, and there- is more tet this than meets the eye," declared an Snis nopany isbeing used as a tol Peple whohaÃe an axe ~anyione- can tell me the (CBuffef Taylor) have not benei-ý ted -the community, nowV, but I dont think anyone can.» Poies fiezy defence, of the- promiptedby Lovelok's cnten- tion that Whitby taxpayr'hv no way of knowing if they are receiving the moit for their ey who'has bentoutinK this issue lor sevéral yeiars, clai-1- medà that oýnly ]by invitngbidi from o ther companieâ-,cuùld counceil be ,satiifwe&that Buiffett im 1roevedr »liovelock -a Mayýbe they are'd lo a - Ihave no thmhesd.