Page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, JuIy 17, 1996 Gators in benefit game, Firest placc b'- The Whitby minor peewee basebali. team clinched firit place overali in, league play*wth a 7-6 win over Peterborough Saturda. David Munns'secnd it oft L game i the l2th inning drove in the winning mun. Matt Tosoni held Peterborough scoreles. dur- ing hie stint on the mound, from te sixth te Il2th inîngs, te get the win. Whitby bas 15 wins and five losses i lem. ue play. In exhibition, Mà ahanx edged Wbitby 4-3. The Whitby team is oposored -by the Rotary Club of Easy win*s The Whitby mrajor mosquaxto basebaîl team improved their season record to, 19 wins and three losses -with two easy vic- tories over the weekend. Whitby clobbered Orono 19-3 and Havelock 33-3, the latter contest a no-bit performance by Whitby'a pitchers. Whitby is assured of a spot in the Eastern Ontario Basebal Association, playdowns in Auguat. Mid gets. 3 for 5 The itýîby majormidget basebal ta had throe wins and two basses i recent league ,WhitbY lest- 9-1 te Peter- borough b3efore coming- back with a 13-6 win over Kendal and 13-0 décison over Belleville as Colin Cockburn tossed a throe-hitter i the latter contest. Whitby then lost 9-8 to Osh- awa before poundiing Clarington 15-8. The Whitby team, sponsored by Network Architeture, now has '14 wins and four losses in league play. Leacom Pr-iled Dr., %emotiuke,;Drillers defea- ted Leacom Consulting 10-1 te wmn the championship of the Whitby minor mosquito house leage tournament recentiv > 1ilers are Brent Hiodge, Jason Fleming, Zack Wolske, Patrick Standish,- Sean Seton Erik Laning Steven Milley, Paul McManus, xnay Kanibli, Aaron Johnson, Steven Grenier, Kyle Gui,, Jason Gash, Rob Forrester, coach Gary HodgKe and assistant coach Steve Fleming. Ini the consolation champion- ship Ail Kind Gas Enterprises crushed Dodd & Souter 14-2. Big win for majors T'he Whitby majorpee basebaîl toami bated rival Fenelon Falls 14-3 Sunday te la dlaim te first place as the stretc drivie begins in EOBA play. The battle between the leagu'step two teama took place aftr Whity had two wins and two losses in their previous four gamos. Wihitby bat 9ý-5 te Peter- boroughi, won the return -match 3-1; bast 4-3 te Ajax and thon defeated Kingston Township 4- 1. Wbitby's season record is 15 wins and four bosses with'three games remainiing ibague play. The Whxtby teamn sponsored by Wbitby Legion à ranch 112, bas nine wins and a loss in tournamentplay. Bula delivers Whitby had a Win and a loss ini minor *os1uto rep basebal aPeter Bula drove i Bruce Cramne with the winning run in an 8-7 win over Peterborough July 10. fimran Mohammed's sacrifice bunt had advanced Craine to third te set up Bula's it. Bula had two hits and two ruma-bat- ted-in, Craig Hannan- and Andrew Meadows each had four stelen bases i the game. Cramne knocked i the only mun for Whitby ia 6-1 loss te Aax. A series -of errors proved te be WhItîby's downfall. Lennox top peewees Lennox Drum won the major peewee division of the' Whitby house beague basebail tournament over the weekend. In the opening game, Lennox edged Highland Van & Storage 4- 3. Marc Mitchell scored the winring run i the third innig on an RBI by Chi-is Glamna. In 10 innings, Lennox defeated International Mils Services 7-6. Mitchell again scored the winning run in the bottom of tho lO1th on, an RBI by Mike Weir. In the championship game, Lennox defeatod Wbitby Rotary Club 5-2. Other team members are Jeif Baird, Brendan -Fortune, Mike Laffey, Bryan Sand; Justin Morrow, Donny Campbell, Mike Hallworth, Stophen Lonnox, David Synard, Adam Summers, Ryan Matthews, Chris Bennett, coaches Harry Hallworth, Mike Baird and Bob Alexander. The Head Injulry Association of Durham Region lias organlzed a benefit'basebail game featuring the world champion Toronto Gators against the two-time City Of Oshawa champs, Oshawa Heat, Thursday, July 25, 7:30 p.m., at Singer new boss of Hawkeye s Ticket prices are $2 per'person or $5 per farnfly, with ail prooeeds going tothe- Head Iiijury Association. For more Information, contact Frank Murphy at .723-2732 or Ron Singer is the new head coach of the Oshawa Hawkeyes junior football team. Singer, who coached the Scar- borough C .m.on .ide. repl.c. Semi-fa loss The Whitby novice girls' fast bail team loot 111 te St. Cath- arines i the semi-finals of a -tournament in Thforold recently. Whitby had defeated Fort Erie 7-3 P ffasto Kitchener 11-8 and eed Niagara Falls 4-3 t reach the semis. In beague play, Becky Birtzu had homermn and Pattie Phillips a triple in a 15-4 win' over Newmarket. Stouffville defeated Whitby 15- 8 in another . league gamne. The Whitb teai is sponsored by RepaiBros. Squirts 2 1for 3 nhe Wbitby aquirt£çir bail team had town boss at the réent Niagara Boar teurnament. Susie Crabb had three hil 9-6 win t. ove ikrn.Ide deh h ls otsa In1i~ hckey ournament ob ediiAgs The firt ever mnine hnl'kov -- -- ]Ken Hà ussey who leaves after two seasons. >Hawkeyesbegin a new s3eason i the Ontario Football Con- Mtchell belted'a two-ruün.triple and Ashbey McDonald struck out 10 ia4-2 Wmover London., McDonald threw a four-hitter but Wihitby lbat 2-O to Markham. Ini leage plaiy, Whitby lost 10-7 te Stoufvll. for Ramsayv Eryn Ramsay knocked.i eight runs as Whitby ouded Aurora 24-10ingrls'fatball recently.- The Wityteam has' seven wins and two osses this season. MidgetS Despite great pitchhig fro Jonn Woodcc, hWitby - midget girls' fastball' team, won onlyi one of- five games at a. tournament.hi Bay City, Michi- 3 gan overtewokd. 1fast- Woodcock was sup ported by and a fine defensive'plaky as> she -wenit Toddy the distance ini four -of. the five games, but Whitby wao unable te itsin a t the offence ongtmd an fundraising tournament for the Heart and Stroke Foundation faces off on Aug. 9 at Sinclair Socondary. Power PlaY for Heart is a four- on-four tournament aimed at drawing teams from the grasaroots level cf imie hockey, offering ,different divisions depending on both age and experience. 1- Every tearn is guaranteed threu- 5game s nazmv e te chance 10 play against other participants cf their own sIbl level in a fun but compet- itivie atmospbere. ..There are five age groupa, ranging from six-- te nine-year- olds, aIl the way Up te -an open men's division. To ensure the safety of overyone involved and te guarantee the quality of the tournainent, Power Pliay for kleart will use ruleswhich comply with the Canadian Hockey AssociationsmImie.regulations. The divisions and registration costs are as follows: division six- to nine-year4ods, $75; 10- te 12-yer- olda, $75; 13- to 15-year-olds-,$125; 16- to 18-year-olds, $125; and over 18, $125. Should the demand eiast, women'a9 and girls' divisions will ho addod. 'This is very much- a comnxunity eventt'says Wendy Orton, area co- odntor for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario Durham West Region. 'There-is a lot of enthusiasm for, the sport but flot mnuch around for sidilîs competition. Witb this, kids that play street hockey oen form a team cf-five to nine friends -and have fun." Volkswagen -Canada,. Again Sports Nax, and: Whitby are sponsors' «Registration information is. avaibable'at the Heart and Stroke Foundation'office in Ajax at 9M5 686-1521 . Regis;tra'tionï brochures are available at Owasco Vobkswagen mn Wbitby.. PMay It Loblaws Next year we will begin our days at 8:30 a.m. and finish at 2:45 p.m. There will stilI ho four daily perioda cf 75 minutes each, but the afternoon lasses will reverse their order on a weekly basis. With the change, the last period cf the day wen't be affected by achool activities. This new achedube will go inte effect on the return date, Tuesday, Sept. 3. Student- council, achool community council and Henry staff rece nly participated in the annual ireview of achool procedures and the student- code of conduct. The revised codeý will ho contained in the achool agenda to ho diatributed te students in September. Hawk graduates return te Henry for commencement on Friday, Nov. The Grade, il Spanish clusa ended their year with a bang by hostinhg a lunch heur Fiesta. Students, teachera and invited guesta, including .visiters from Sandoz, enjoyed-a wonïderful lunch hour beaving with a true taste of Mexico. Hawk AmY Kri ng waa rcontlY IJason Collier HENRY ST. H.S. matched for a six-month SEVEC exchange. lier exchange partnor, Maijorie Larouche,' will spend thiree months at.Henry next fal and Amy will travol to Rohortval, Que. in February. Amy, who is an excellent languago student, bas worked hard te o arn thia experience. The OAC French atudents were involved in an experimental poor tutoring project, with each OAC studenthoeing matched with Grade' 9 studenta for extra help sessions. This turned eut te be a very worthwhibe project and plans, are te continue the program for next yeaýr. The business' studies deparbment is impatiently looking forward te the World' in Motion initiative, that begins in September. This- project is being mun in. conjunction with -'2eneral Moters and is an oPportunity for Grade 9 studenta te put their business alla and knowledge te use in the classroom. Other North American pilot achools for this project are locatod in Detroit, San Diogo and Chicago. Staff memibers Mr-. Gabber, Mrs. Woston and Mg. Johnson are getting plans in place for three Grade 9 classes te ho involved'in this preject. This year, -.Henry -onceÃ" again openied its cbassrooma té their berigpariuieré who chose to 'Be a Hawk, for a Day." Guests Vi*rgimra McDonnell and Larry Chicoine frema Dupont spent their day visiting classes in pbilosophy., art, guidanoe, computers, auto, law and construction., They also included in their visit an internet workshop and- a quýestion-and- answer' session with student council. Cindy -Bonnar, abso, frorn DuPent bas been worbIdng wfth Henry students ontwoprojecta*. The firat invobved student artists ,Who dosigned a mural, .andý the mscnd took place when DuPont presented a workshopi, 'Matter of R4espect.' Memibers of the writera ciaft dass submitted- scripts dealing wiih r-espect, and students from the, draina Co-op< performed and videotape skita from these scripte wbich werethon presented. Guests Kfrby. MacInnes, Clive Shakespeare, BRon Hume, Bairry Hawe and1 Patti Powell from Sandoz also, aponta day'at He nry. Their day's evonts incbuded a visit te the Spanish Fiesta, s urfing theý net, abadminton -tournament - iterviewing co-op student Axxdre;w Lundy at a cbiropractic officeW and attending a math cla sa demonatrating forceexertion. . Henry Str;;iiet DuPent and Sandoz ropresentatives will attend an interview session at the board office in the fall. The paterhPB, will become, part-,,of -a'video, 'Durham Story,' which will depict excellence throughout'Durham, Region. The Queen's "-.Univeruity -nrchment'progrm was a huge suce mis 'again, thisyear. The studenta involvod experienced bife' at university'for aý week, attndmnR 1