WhlIby Free Prea, Weckiesday, July 17, 1996. page 5 m VIPs DURHAM. REGIONAL POLICE Constable Peter Bramma is surrounded by g0 Pringle Creek -VIPs. Bramma conducted the Vip .(values, influences, peers) program, which is sponsored by Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise. Photo by M"r Reosor, Whltby Fm. Preos Hydroputs une a ross 401 Plc-a8c Pecycle Thi& - ewbpaper Whitby Hydro i a LJul14 and is expectedtoas A&&J%&LU "lts cromMe U 1, rM Hopins Stireet aChamplain Court to Hopkins Street South. The local utility has contracted K-Line Maintenance and Con- struction'to- also instal new, larger wood hydio polos along the -east side of Hopkins, from Burns Street to Champlain, and on Victoria Street fromh Hopkins to Blair Street. Work on the prjct, ostimated to coat $000-O~,O0, began about tnree monthsï. T'he.larger. polos are needed to handie another wire t6 cope with increasing Power demand from industries in the area, says Whitby Hydro customer service supervisor Paul Elliott. lehopes power outages in the area won't lbe necessar but pro- mises K-lino will give ample notice if an interruption, which he says would last no more than an hour, is roqtured. There 's'Highway Help' for motorists 'Cail Police sige are now available for motorists. The 'Highway Help' campaign, coordinated by the Ontario Asso- ciation of Chiefis of Police, is an attempt to, safely provide assis- tancrestranded motorists. The red and white plastic signe fit on a car window, and passig motoriste who see the sIgn can either use a cellular phone or ste p at the nearest phono and call police. Police say the s3igns alert motorists as to when police can ho called. The sign are available at For more information, cal Durham Regional Police Ser- geant Paul Mai at 579-1520, ext. 5611. AUDIO I VIDEO AIl- Brands Sewtce On Premises *Factory Trained Technicians, *Low carry-in rates,* Written Guarantee *VCR *Cmc à *TèIevision *Stereo Serving *CD Player *Cassette *odls Phone Durham *Aip fer Walkman *Car Stereo Since 1974 VCR lUNE-UP SPECIAL " Test Ail Functions " Replace Worn Tire " Replace VWorn Beit " Clean Assembly * w/ad 74 C4- dd *Allign Head FV0 7~ Offer Expires Aug 31/96 ----------------------------- Custone Electromotive 1150 Champain Court Whitby -.668!-6429ý ki 4" Retirement I Afe 3yas-Mrcël H-HgiPosnaertrn A littie history' Louis Rousseau, after, retuming from the first world war and spending 1 0 yeais Ieaming his trade, came to Whitby in 1929, and founded "Rousseau Upholstery". In 1963 Hugh and Marcella took over from! her father and now after,33 years, they are retiring and tuming the*business over to their daughters. SAVE ON.. Sofas, Loveseats, Chairs, Bedroo ms, Dining RoomsI and a great selection of unique accessories. Save On Order-In Merchandise From Famous Suppliers.... Sterling Upholstery Harden Hickory Chair Wildwood Lainps Lexington Broyhill Sherrili Upholstery Hooker Jasper Cabinets What happens next?, The tradition will carryon with new beginnings, a great new look, and even better design services than before. Our daughters, Peggy and Cathy, with the assistance. of a superb team of designers and support staff wiII* assure both our old and new customer.s Russeau 'ongoing devotion toqualit7y and service. Tuesday & Wedn'esday 1o:OOam îto 6:OOpm, Thursday & Friday- 1O:OOa tt-o 8:OOpm Saturdayý' 1O:O0amto 5:OOpm, 191 poU&s U -ýHE-R'ITAGE'HOUSE l td.« 216 Ma' S$ j ýfast . 668 1 - - of Our 'c'o m*pany IAS o«4 alAR