Pag.8PWhfttotb us-ifWneédsJsy, U~ Prograni l"helps unenployed'create hi wnjob' .Entre prene uri ally-mmndec employinent insurance recipients in Durham Region have the opportunity to start their owzn small business under the self- employment assistance. (SEA) progau currently underway ini the area. Sponsored by the Human ResouYcOs Development Canada (HRDC) branch of the Canada Employment Centre in Oshawa, SMA offers eligible residents a chance to participate ln a learning program mlxing in-clasm training with the client'. own harids-on business start-up According to Cathy Twaites oif HRDC in Oshawa, self- employment assistance le a- national pmogram aimed at helping the umemployed create their own Job and is being offered in. many regions of Canada. Locally oiver the last two years, more than 200 new businesses have started in the region with excellent results and have proven that learning can ho translated Into profite. It ise being coordinated in Durham- Region by Newport Training Group Inc., a mmal business development f=r that specializes in community-based business development training -rjt. "Mhe Newport SEA program has been a big sucoess for those clients who have taken part," says Twaites. "Its resuit has been te accelerate the performance of -those entering their own business and bas armed the entrepreneurs with the skllas tu survive and grow in this challenging economy." Newport's SEA progranifeatures four main components. The fir-st stop involven an orientation -prooensmn *which interes ted candidates have the opportunity ta, submit a written proposai of wbat they envision as1 theïr business. Since demand lis always greater than availablei spots, counsellors are able ta, select the most viable businesses ta participate in the 52-week process. Next, a series of seminars are held over a four-week period. The focus i. legs. theoretical and academic than traditional textbook-driven. education. it concentrates on action learning and ractiCal hands-on exploration of the information and idlîs required ta successfully launch a new venture. .The emnPhasis is on low-costfno.. cot ideas, as many of the trainees may not have accees ta 'large ainounts of -capital ta start thefr new business. These group learning sessions feature some of the bPestatmet level business T n vial oahe seminars focus on such key issues as Iow-Cstfno.cost marketing and advertising ide as, seliing techniques,-proper business' Plan development, strategic planning,' personal budgeting, finance, cash flow management and tfime management, ta name a few. The four-week training stint onds with a trade show that allows. ail membors of the group ta display their business, anid'is always a great success. Business training' PEOPLE TAKING a self-employment assistance program show- case their'new businesses at a trade show ai the Cenitennial Building. The one-year program- teaches unemployment in- surance recipients how to start their own. successfuL. small. business. Photo by MarkReeso, Whlby Fro. Prea Thrdy, loà lybaedbusiness advlsor ýwilwyork with the participants, one on one, every month by conducting a series of on-site consultations. The role of the a.dvisor is net se much thatý of consultant but" rather that of coach, according to Mlm Maloney of Newport Training Group hIc. IThe idea behind continuing the assistance la ta ensure that the participants can tailor the training ta their own unique situation in the local business community," hé Baye- .The final aspect of the program, that b as, proven ta be a contributing factor ta the succs Of the frm, is t.he networking that takes place among participants. "Net only do the business people learn a great deal from each other'. experiences, but we often see- participants exchanging referrals, conducting cross promotions and buying and selling each- other's products and services," says Maloney. Businesses. that have been created in the current gro up include a steel fabrication firmi, dry cleanor, software developer, cruise and travel service and Prog ram grad delivers .the goods What bappens when -an unemployed tradesman gets a business degree?. Ray Hopkins, owner of Inventary BrokersInternational (I) in Asbburn, dld not sit around waiting for the construction industry ta pick up when Jhe was laid off, Ini fact he did not even wait ta hoe laid off before he started evenlng classes ta, earn a bachelor, of administrative studies from York Unviersity. Every year since leaving bigh So ee us.fryu party pla ttesado cus u uer Bn.seaks 1~ ....................... q* %I~111~J - ~. * A * 1 OfMlk Intel Pentium Processor .8 MB RAM * 1.0GB bard drive - 1.44 floppy *On-board PCI IDE controller iith high speed serial & parallol ports * 1 MB PCI SVGA vdeo *28,800 bps fat data modem *101 Ieyboard Mouse & mouse pad FM radio tuner 3 year parts & labour wananty First year on-site service Q UAD speed CD ROM 1 16bit stereo sound card *Ampifled external speakers .14 inch 28 OP SVGA Mortor included sehooli 1979, Hopins bas, taken at least one'night school course. He bas a pile of certificats. for everything, from welding ta salesmansblp ta a business certificats frein Durham College, in addition ta this degree. Recently'Hopkins finished bie latest course, the' self Employment Assistance (SEA) prograni put on by Employment Insuranc'e- . (fermerly Unemployment Insurance). HopkIns, an unemployed steanifitter, and 30 other individuals with ideas for a new business were* selected from about 180 applicants for the SEA program. HopIns' business idea is ta prôvide a service that locates. and matches businesses that either bave items that they would like ta seIl or, conversely, have a need ta buy an item for their business. For now, the service ie limited ta tangible goods such as macbinery, equipment, tools, furniture, fixtures, supplies and stock. Services are sometbing that will ho looked at in the future. The usual sources for tangible goods are manufacturera, wholesalers, used* equlpment deaiers, liquidatars and newspapers. IBI- works as a matching'.service 1between businesses, allowing companies tu bypass the mddlemen and get the item(s) they are looking, for, directly from another business that bas the item but no longer needs it. This direct dealing resuits in a savings of money for both companies. Time ia aléo saved with this service. The- individual within the company who is- responsible for selling or purchasing these goods can locus on their business lnstsad of seardùhingali over the place for ea buYer. or seller for 'the particular item. That'. because mBI dosalal that work for the client. mII. not only locates goods, but aise provides a money-back guarantee ta the Canon Colour' Bubblo Jet Printer & SVGA Monitor induded, eO * 133M1it Intel Pentwn Processor 8 8MB RAM * .0GB hard &kive - 1.44 floppy * On-board PCI IDE controller vÀth fNgh speed serial & parallel port * 1MB PCI SVGA "ido *28,8W0 bps fax- data rmodem 101 keyboard *Windows 95 pre.4oaded *Varîty of software âues *Mous & mouse pad *FM radio tuner 3 3Year Parts &labour warranty *Frst year on-site servic *6X speed CD ROM 1 16-bit stereo sound card *Amplified externai speakers .14 ich 28 DP SVGA Monitor indluded v wuMauoe urm n LblThom f . T m., U U85n M *f 3 AI=,C41,1 Pcu OAC rd oe¶ 36 nbyti WTY, f Wt uteu e - Ss amconte" molm iýd" O. l re,u PERSONAL HO FR1 COMPUTERS MT ACCUS *Offer valid until July 22, 1996. / &~,. ~ = e~,j, y~ ~-~flN CRS. ,buyer lfthey are net satisfied with their purchase. IBI aIse guarantees payment ta te seler of the goods. Hopkins was' driven -to self- employment becuase ho -foundý hinisef trapped ln a never-ending' circlo of working for a few years thon being laid off for a fewý years. The constructio n industry i replets with companies that are sucSsful for a wblle, but thon start ta lose work and lay people off, and just as quickly start te get busy again. Hopkins says construction companies that start ta become mscesafu will promote tradesmen inta management positions -' unfortunately, because these in.dividuals' are net capable of managing growtb. Eventuailyand ultimatly,tes businesses start te lose woérk and these managers respond- by laying off workers until they were the only ones left in the company. At this point these star performers are demoted and go back ta working on, the tools, wbich la SEEPAGE- A Document Shredding *High -volume. equipmnent will reduce your shredding cost- *Secure locked containers at no extra cost * onded dirivers, *100% of paper is recycled *Certif icate of destruction *Volume discounts available year-end, clean-outs CAIL NÀOJV< (905) 427-3605 (Derrick) WASTE ý'SYSTEMS CDF X : 5100 CDF-Xm5l33