Page 16, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, JuIy 24, 199 tM Attac'kingdog shot bypolice -Polic were forced to shoot a dog that charged an officer in the Hot wheels W' An hNs 191 Col 40 AM JeE CarDui BROOKI IFU -IITBY ,RESIDENT dfy Cousin shows off ;completely restored 69 Plymouth GTX. )usin's car and almost orner classic* Dociges, MICs. Rambers 'and aps were on display turday at the 'Mopar ýr and Truck Show' at rharn Dodge Chrysier. Photo byJlliîoh Palmerarton Avenue area Monday evening. They were called after the dog, an 11-month old Rottweiller, charged and threatened to attack three individuaiB in a 30-minute period. An-officer spotted the. dog ini its ownersbackyard and attempted to lock itin bydlSing the gate, poic say, but it charged him as ho approached and ho fired one shot, hittixig itîii the hind leg.' The dog whimpered and refreated back into the yard. Police say its inj*uries are not, life threatening - it wastaken te, a vet for freatment - an&anipna control was called in te invete. Neighbours say the dog has -a history ofsimilar incidents. Reale st*at e signS> sprouting By Steve Leahy Maybe its the wet weather but over the past few weeks signs bave been popping up in front of farm fields ail around Brooklin. Resl Estate for Sale the signa read. A heavy infestation of these signa is much in evidence along Hlighway 12 north of the village. Hlim, if those fields are converted from growing food te housing suad commercial development, Brooklin won't b. a village for long. How does 'The Town of Brooklin" sound? Not bad I suppose, although it doesn't bave quite the same cachetas "village." MOVIE STUFF As anyone who-trled te use the. library late-last week knows, the library lias been turned into the- Blind River, Wisconsin Sheriff s office. The Global Television Network ls responsible, for this minor inconvenienoe and it was nice te learu that any mones paid by the network for use of the library will be used te, support activities at the Brooklin branch. And these regular "Hollywood" visits. have their educational aspects. It is easier te, understand why movies cost se mucli given the masses of equipment and vehicles involved - flot te, mention'ail tii. people standing around plugged into their headeets and portable phones. Alse the ids get a better idea -of ~jBROOKLIN PHARMACYT.t 65 BALDWIN ST.* BROOKLIN LOB 100 905-655-3301 jWhat is "Lyme Dis ease" and How Can 1 Prevent lU! Lyme disease is ýdue to' with a skin rash and later bacteria carried by ticks. Ticks affects other body organs and field mice. People are are foundon whitetailed der incluing btheros ysm often bitten when their legsPrentckbesy Ibrush against grass or trees in ern ogpatsit ~ theoods Thetickmust socks when walkirîg in the embe & say atachd tathe woods. Use inseot repellents j persn's5kmfor t Iastone containing DEET (Muskol or jday in order to feed & transmit De od f) bacteria. Lyme disease starts Consult your pharmacist. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S u p e r-S o t 890 L Local Snow White Cauliflower-'½ Ontario New White & Red Onta no Romaine Lettuoe 590e. or 211uOO Whole Wheat âà F White Slioed Bread 79O ea how movie-makcers "fake" reality and are perhaps better equipped te discern fact from fiction on the tube. Finally, any one fantasizing about a career in showbiz can get a taste of what that life entails: long, long, boring days with the odd moment of excitement thrown. in te make sure you're not napprng. LIBRy STILL COING, When not starring in television series, the Brooklin library does3 run special kids programe tbrough thie summer monthe. Starting at 2' p.m., on Tuesdays are the Friends of the Library Reading Club, foilowed by movies. On Thursdays also starting at 2 p.m. are varlous theme days. This Thursday !E; "Lets share a cup of sunahine." AUl chidren aged four years and up are, welcome te attend. Cal 655-3191 for more information.' Judging by the collection of cars surrounding the library on non- TV-Production days. The P rograma are quite popular. SPORTSIN ARTS Cet those "ru sooo bored" ldde -exercising their minds antd theli bodies at the Brooklin Optixnist Club Summer Art and Sports Camp this Agust. This year'E program will b. held at Burns Presbyterian Church in Ashburn and runs in two week. long sessions: Aug. 19-23 and 26-30. New name for local support group A 'local support group hasaa new momiker. At their annual meeinglast month, members of the Oshéawa & District Association for Coin- mýunJty Living endorsed a resolu-ý tion te, change the naine'of the organization te the Oshawa/ Clarington, Associatiqn for Com- munity Liin "Te f namchange waa made reflect the geograprue areaa that our association serves," said exe- cutive director Steven Finlay in a prepared statement. lhe association offers support services te, more than 400 chl.'i dren and adults who have a developmental disability For further iniformation on the available programs, cali .576- 3261,' 8 The program is open. te 45 students per week in the Broolin- Ashburn-Myrtle and surrounding areas.The cost is $60 per week for the firet cbild in a family sud $30 Per week for each additional cbild. Artis te Emelie Reiart and Leslie Grima will teach- the children pnintinaking, etching and painting while Chris Moxley co-ordinates the co-ed sport;s and games. Application forma are available at the Brooklin Bulletin and Video Image, 76 Baldwin St. For more information, cali 655-3736. Once again this year, weary Parents ,experienclng .a particularly wet summerof Ids. fraPped indoors should direct their thanka te, he. Brooklin Optimiet Club for organizing this "relief' progrm. CAUMG ATHEBERDOWN A well kept neighbourhood secret is the small campground at. Heber Down Conservation Area. There are 50 sites, each 'with water and electricity hlgh above the Lynde Creek valley. There are washrooms, showers, laundry facilities plus firewood and -lie for purchase. RVys are welcome.. Heber Down bhas 633 acres of valley lands and foresta, where white tail deer, foxes, rabbits and ail manner* of bird life are common. The occasional trout i8 pulled out of the Lynde andesome eveninge are made magical with the howls of coyotes. Plenty of trails, including one that is wheelchair accessible makes getting back to nature a pleagsure.. Camping season goe's right on to October.' ..Ihe Brooklinà library bas an informative brochure on. camping atHEber Down or you can cali 579- il1 for more information. Steve Leahy'v cok&m appeam eveuweek Hecam b&re<che at -498or 655-58~( Brooklin cook "Weve also tried te include recmpes using every major type of produce and product that Ontario produces... suad some' real traditional recipes that y ou couldu't possibly beave out like butter tarts sud7apple pie.»'" Chapters are broken down by region;- the Metro Toronte chap 7e, o example, includes fod sh as Szechuan chicken, egg- plants sud Greek sud itahian salade te recognize -the city' diverse cultures. Aitken bas personall ,tested oach on. of the recipes su"d my husband's eaten them too... (because) a coolcbook is only as good as its worst recipe.» "They're ail fabulous,» she says . when asked for ber favouri t ere ci pes. "'Its almost 1ke a family; you love -them al sud you try not to have favourites but you do." She admits te being particu- larly partial te rosemary-scented bem ompoe.,"which 18 te <ie for' roast'phéasant with spiced cherysauce sud roasted garlic with hergat cheese. Atken hCas .almost, 2O-years experience as a food writer, most recently as food editer for 'HomÃe-1 mnakeri Magiýzine.' She'll be The- Ontario Harvest Cook- book" is published by Macmillan Canada, sud is available at ,al Coles sud Smithbooks stores -and locally at Deville Produce, where Aitken will be this Saturday at il a.m. te autograph copiessud serve up samples of Somle' recipes. A sample recipe: PrhùoeEdwsrd County blmck.cheM myuifias Makes 12 'nelum muffina Preparation iume 20 minutes, Cooking trne: 20 ta 25 minutes Ontaxjo's sweetcherries are istarting ta, appesr in ur local tores, such as DeVile Produce on Brock& Sreet, and here's a perfect way ta use the=. The recipe la from Th; Ontoio Har.,,WgCpoiboo by Juli Aitkeu and "ta Stewart (Maaûnilaa Canada, $24.95). The mufsfreeÃSe welJ, no mak s couple of batches now tbat cherries are pleutifu so tbat you ue njy the fruits o! your laboas late Inuthe seanon. LI cup granulated sugar 125 mL M cupcanla or cor oil 75 ML grated rnd ofo9neorange 2 cupe al-purpose Saur MOo rL 2 top. baking powder . lOrL 1/2 top. eah bakluÉseoda and sait 2 rat 1 cup buttermkor sour milk ý .250 nL 1cup pittd and halved black cherries '250 mL 4Prdwatoeuita 400'F<2MM'). la medjumabowl, beat tother ugar, il and en guntillght In colour, sUr ia orange rinti. In separate bawl, sMr together aUr, hka povde, baiù g.ata and sat. Stir fto, h re ae mixture alternately with buttermlilkjust untildf y ingredlents are molsteried. Foli nchen4esutl weU,esj...j Dîtide botter auxona 12 aaasrjlad orm-n PRICES'IN EFFECT UNTIL JULY 28,1996 1 1 . FROM PAGE i