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Whitby Free Press, 24 Jul 1996, p. 26

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Page 26, Whltby Free Pross. Wednesday, Juiy 24, 199 Whitby Free Press 668 -611il Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm Fax 668-0594 BINGO COUNTRY Tw Si~ 7:00 pm & 10:30 Pm Mon. - Sun. J KPÃŽe TS 1.0Pm Sat &'s une 12:30 pm Mon., Tues. & Wede 5 Points Malil Ritson & Taunton, Oshawa (behind Â&P> Chanties 945371 436-9404 Support YourLocal Chrts k s .. 9:3 A. 1 osP JAKPUPT BRUFF - NORAH (NEE Wray). Passed away pacefufly at Oshawa General Hostal, Juiy 16, 1996, in her 9Oth yoar. Lowi mother of John Wrav anid hs wife Normna. Norah Stevens, Jeanne and her husband Joo Coltins, and Barbara and her husband Raty Gardon. She MII bo sadly mssed by thIrteen grandchildren,- twonty nine groat-g randchilren and Nie great-great-grandehIidren. Honourlng her wishes there was no funoral servce. The family wishes to exnress aur deopaprecition tathe àth flaor staff , a.ateoCars Team, Dr. Shepley and SunnycrostViiia. In leu of f e rs donations ta Oshawa ~Genral Hospital, aliative care <~. BATMAN FOREVER *SA.OR ROOU.eTUXWDO eML«K I*SPIDERMAN e CINDERELLA e WHITE RANGER *also Red,,Green and Pink I*Birthdays, Company Picnics Etc. e ,NO VIOLENCEI. DOIJG (416) 439-8133 [~I-------- --- PERSONAL PRAYER ta The Haoly Split Hoty Spirit Thou make me ses oveyting and show me the way tao react m y ideal. Yau Who give the divine gift to -fargivo and forget the wrang that is dons ta me and Who are ln ai instances of my life with me. i, In this short dialoue, want ta thank You for eryhing and confirm once mare that [nover want ta b. separated from you no- matter haw great -the matedlIdosire may b., i Want to bewith You and my laved onos ln Vour porpetuai glary. Amen. Persan must pray this 3 consecutive daithutstWng one's wish. After the 3rd day your wlsh wilI be granted noa matter 1iow difficult iR may be. Promise to pubflsh this as soon as yaur favor has been grantsed. C.B. MAY THE Sacred Heart of Josus b. adored, glorifled, Ioved and prosereod throughout the worid now and forever. Sacrod Heart of Josus ~for us, St. Judo Warker of r%àlspray for us, St. Judo Helper of the Hopiess pray for. us. Sayhs prayer 9 times a da for 9 days and promise to pubilsh. C.B. THANKS TO the Hoiy, and adorable face of Jesus for a very great favour received. J.kW. MY GREATFUL thanks ta blessed St. Judo, patron of ail difficult cases, for a veî>' great favour granted. J.A.W. FITNESS ONE an ane persanal trinngfacinty. Speciaiized fitness imo.ion n aprivme studio settlng. Goal assessment- constant su pport and motivation. à;dyform Fitness Studio, 213 Byron St. S., Suite 1101, Montgomery Place Whitby. Cal for appolntment, 668-4464. EVANLY RAYS sorviclng over 20,000 Ontario hausoholds. Ratod #1 ln Canada. Police, polildcans & corporations use us. Concerna about bave, hoath, rolationshipe money. Just cal 1-9W-4514055,24d hrs $2.99/fnin., 118+', 1-960451-4055. VEDIC ASTROLOGY - DIS COVER the keytIo your destinythroughtis anclentscience! Consultation'on natal horoscope,, relaffonshiL'and copaNifOty chaits. Cal san MeNauhtôn(905) 65573933. PRAYER TO the Bisssed Virqin, nover knawn to, fail. O mast beautifui fbowor 0f Mount Carmel, fruitfui vine, spiondalraof Heavon, Biossed Mother of the Son 0f God, Immaculate Virn, asslst meln nocs -l0y.star ofthe sea hel me and s 0W me horsyu are my Mothor. O Holy Maiy,èMother aof God Qusen 0f Heaven & earth, i humbiy beseech you from the bottom of'my heart ta secure me in my nZ (make requests). Thore are nons that can withstand your power. O Mari concoivod withaut sin, pray far us who have rocourse to thoe (3Limes). Holy Maiy 1 place ti as nyu hand (3 times). a this prayer for 3 consecuiv days and hnyums puls t and t It ilb. grantsd ta yau. S.L GEURTS- Bob and Tracey (Goadiot) are ocstatlc ta announco thle birth 0f thoir third child, Caurtnoy Lyno,bam on Docombor16, 1995 at7:119 p.m. woighing 7 Ibs 10 ozs. Proud sibings are MoUissa and Jamie. Happy grandparents.,are John and Corde Geuris and Betty Goodiet Spoclithanks ta Dr. . Hondersan and Dr. Rowe. ELUIS - JOHN (JACK) Douglas. Age 65. Canadian Tire Dealer - Whltby Ont 1977-1995. Suddenly athe ôshawa Generai Hoj>tai on 'Tuesday July16, 1996n. OovOd husband of UarbAnderson 0f Whltby. Loved fathor 0f Lynda Les and fier husband Dan Kesyo Rlchmond B C and Loi-Ann of Ajax Lovfng: grandpa 0f Madeine, Lance ac Barbara Je an. Dear brother of Fred Ells and his wife ERaine of Oueensland,- Australla. Dma uncle af Susan and John Ellis. Jack s prodeceased by his paents J.S. Sndand Ma7ry isaof AIliston. Rsstedatthe W. JOHN THOMAS FUNERA HOME, 244 Victoria St. E, 'AIstnfrom 2:00-4:30' and 7:00-9:00 p.m. on Friday. Funeral sonAe was hoki ai St. John's Unted Church, 56 Victonia St. E AlIston on Satuvday, July 20, 1994 ai 1 :30 p.m. Intorment, Ailiston Union Cemnetsiy. If so dosired, memoniai donations_ may be made ta the Caneiuian Cancer Sadcety or the Ontauio Heart. and Strake Foundation. VUC 6t~e foIHwBirtyoeAnnivoesry. 1hci&~fimsareapeiway Cadli-668-6111, forgotten Ruth, Jim, Jimmy and family. I~I=Ey NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F EDWARD PAUL COATH, Deceased, Ail claims against the Estate- of Edward Paul Coath, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of .,Durham, deoeased, who died on or about the 6th day cf February, 1990, must, be filed with. the undersi'gned personal represontativos on or before August 14, 1996, thereafter the undersigned wili distribute the assets of the estato -having regard onîy tf0tthe claims thon filed:, Dated at Whitby, Ontario this 8 th day of Juiy, 1996. Mary Paulie Coath, Executrix, by her solicitors, COATH, LIVINGSTONE, BRUNT, 128 Byron Street North, Whitby, Ontario LIN 5S4 Services 9; Small Cîaims, LandlordfVenant Disputes, WiIs, Power of Attomeys, Criminal Pardons,-Namne Changes, Process Serving & More Free Consultation 576-8572 CLERWTEn FORIDA. Three bedroom mols -homes. Heatoid eoi ho ttubmintes ta beaches, f .17 yBasobau NHL hockey, NFI footbal Chidren weboeme. $275 W9ekly. 683-5503. FrÉedom o normation Dy Paul Pagnuelo. Information le the ifeblaod 0f domocracy. f circulatos ln the body poiticg servlng ta acquaint citizens with the difforont paliticai options avallable ta them and Ut wamns them whon one or mors 0f those options becomos a thrsat t0 the health of the nation. No one knows thie botter than the tyt whom ln their thirst ta, repress ther opulations, seek absoluts controt over the. means 0f diMîntg iomation. Any dkbatar worth his sait will tell yau that the first'aider of business ln any rovolution la ta seize, control of the cauntry's media outlets.. Surpnislngly, the most successful dospots 0f the 201h century gained power. not through bloodshed, but through the control af Information. Adolph Htter was electod ta power, ln iaie part, throu9h Intimidation 0f t he Gorman meia. Lenin capturod Russia ln a bloodesas coup through hNs wrestilng away of the pnl »nting presses from the provisionai Korensky govemnment. Canada may fot b. Nazi Germany or Boishsvlk Russia, but you'd nover know k after rsading this yeaes annual report from. the Information Commissioner 0f Canada. Accordlng tu the ýcormssioner (Canadians' ombudsman responsible for invsstlgating Zcomplaints under the Access ta Ifrmation Act), 'officiai atiudes are hardsning against the pubilcs nght ta know.' Thars'putting It mildly., Over the past year, 'ujgly efforts have surfaced ta thwart the right of access ta govemmrent 'records through record destruction, tampering and cover-up.' 1in one case, a senior. manager 0f Transport Canada ordored officiais ta dostroy ait copies of an audit report oven thaugh the mainagerknew an access ta Information roqust had. been made. ln another Investigation the commissIanor found that National' Defonse had altered documents before release and that orders were givon ta destray the originais.' Beodthe destruction of documents,' on. 0f the favaurite trIcica of our foderal govomment for controlllng Information ls simply ta delay requests for as long - as possible. Whlle the law mtates that requosts must be answored wlthln 30 days, eh, s not unusual for dslay ta hoe... more than a year.* 1AIl this la extomsly bad news for taxpayers. The commissioner has been forcsd to tako the govommont Io court over its. fallure ta disclose, the names 0f former MPs who are re.celilng coplous taxrpayer-flnanced pensions.1 Taxpayors have also beon donied acceos ta records indicadlng the number 0f jobs creatod by businesses that recolved subsidies from the Atlantic- Canada Opportunities Agency -'fo doubt due to the. public embarTassment that would resuli And heamonhoe you if you ask for Information, about the Prime Ministors oxponses. One IndMvdual who requosted Informfiation about the cost of any vohicles purchased for the P.M. was not only refused an answer, but was subsequently lnvestigated by the RCMP as 'a It I Wcyin Iome,' .the commissioner sald, %ta, contempiate the chilllng effecta On acss ta' Information vtghts f Canadians who asi questions about the Prime M5nIgtors expenditurs face ths prospect Of being Investigated by the RCMPu Did somebady say Gestapo? KGB?> 1 Canada may fat ho a totalitarlan regime. But ta be a truly demnocratlc, ans requires freedom of Information and fresdom from Intimidation. .Tho road ta rosi democracy lies In brs"ng the monopoly Ottawa holda on informaion paid for by taxpayers. Paul Pagnueloc laI a member of the Ontarfo Taxpayers Federation. PREVENTINGPROBLEM IN TE RCO]MPOST -HEAP As a resuit of my last colnmn ncomposting, I was asked if I would do an article on trouble-shooing. A well-maintained compost unit should flot experience any probleme and will yield a good natural fertitier in sveéral monthe. For those unfamiliar mith the process, the following will. address problems, probable causes and solutions. BAD ODOUR may be caused by too many greens from your kitchen. The solution is to add lots of brown materials such as twigs, brush and dried leaves. Turn the pile and top with soil. A ROTTEN EGG SMELL means that flot enougli air ie going. through. Turn the pile for several days until the odour is gone and top with soil. You can add air to the pile by poking holes through with a broom handie or loosening the pile with a pitch fork. Twigs and brush throughout provide air epace. One can also make a type cof ventilating- stack by placing threo stick1s loosely tied. together vertically into the pile. NOT COMPOSTING can be the resuit of your pile being too dry., Moisten it with water until damp. One way to add additional moisture je to include the grey water from nn*inmg> out cooking pots, pop cane, leftover tea, etc., into your container that you can use to collect the kitchen scrape. Your pile should b. as da mp as; a well- wrung sponge. FLiES will be more prominent iffood je exposed. Always.try ta add a handful of browns or yard waste after you deposit the conten ts from your kitchen pile. UNWELCOME ANIMAL VISITORS appear if there je too much exposed food or the wrong itemas added sucli as meat, bones, peanut butter, fats or dairy producte. Just like ue, a composter neede food, water and air. The key is te feed your bm an equal amount of greens (materials bigh in nmtrogen) and browvns (rnaterials bigh i carbon). Bmry your food soralpe i the centre of the pile and add soil periodicaly. -.Add diversity by including ecraps ofecotton, wool, roe, and string, cooled wood ashes from a fireplace, hair and pet fur, wilted flowors and dried out houseplants, dryer lintsawdust from untreated wood, and-féathem ~Avoid putting in cils, dairyproduct.sand fatsas he d not break down easily. By being a subecriber ta, the U.S. publication, Worm Digeat (ane year, $22), you can be informed of the latest composting atories, tips, product-related innovations and upcoming evente. Write: Worm Digest, Box 54, Eugene, Oregon'97440Ã" U.S.A, or oeil 54'l-96- 9058. S- BAILEY - lloving memory of a dear Father and Grandfather, Russell Bailey who passed away July 23, 1967. You Io ved lfe as t used to be, A walk ln the woods Just ta Se. the trees, To sit by Eel's Creekln the cool summner breeze, And wach the sun aslft sets through the trees. These are memorles fond and true, These are mémorfes Dad of y'o. Lovingly remembered and neyer 1

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