Page 8, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, JuIy 24, 1996 Newhome sales continue solid tren Solid new home sales for June cap a baîf a yoar of significant gains compared te 1995, says Greater Toronto Bilders' Association president Tom Stzicker. June sales of 1,508 now homes in the GTA represents a 28 par cent incroase over the same pariod last year (1,177 sales) and la the bost result posted for that month since 1988. June marks tho sixth consecutivo monthly increase when compared te 1995, according te statistica compiled for the GTHBA by PMA Brethour Group. "The market for new homes is definitely on a roil," says Stricker. «Consumers continue te capitalize on very favourable market conditions such as compatitive pricing and low interest rates." NELSON M. B. TELLIS, CGA Whitby resident Nelson M. B. Tellis, CGA, recently accepted the Certified General Accountants Association of Ontario's Chapter Distinguished Service Award. Each year the Association recognizes individuals who have provided exceptional service to an Association chapter. Nelson is one of 26 individuals in Ontario to be honored w ith this year's award. Nelson has shown strong leader- ship and dedication to Durham Chapter. Active with the chapter board since 1989, he has served as vice-chair and chapter chair. At the provincial level he served on the member services committee, theý chapter comrnittee and its budget sub-committee, the awards and honors sub-committee, and the Conference '89 advisory committee. In addition to his CGA Ontario activities, Nelson is very involved in the community, serviilg in a number of positions on various community- bas ed organizations, including the 9th Whitby Scouts. Nelson received his CGA designation in 1982. He is treasurer of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa. Members of the Certified General Accountants Association of Ontario meet rigorous requirements of professional competence, ar e bound to a uniform standard of conduct, and are entitled, under Acts of both the Parliament of Canada and the legisiature of the province of Ontario, to the designation CGA. CriidGnerdI Am-ountanL% ýýCG A-'i- xatîi of oOntaio, ~W'n. t/w ,amne briid for bus.iness in Canada Sales for the firat haif of 1996 have outpaced 1995 by almost 60 per oent and are almost on par with 1994, considered te b. the b.nchmark for the nineties, shy of that record by only 151 homes. Stricker also notes that "while there continues te hoe a shortage of resale listings relative te potential buyers, new home sites are attracting those who perhaps may have neyer explored the many bonofits of buying new. Builders are experlencing sales of eisting new home inventories te those buyers looking for short-term closings. Durham JA seeks business advi'solrs Junior Achievement of Durham Region is now putting together its teami of volunteer advisors for the 1996-1997 company program year. The prograni would b. of particular interest to a, business entrepreneur, miiddle manager or retired business person willing to share their expertise with high school students while developing a small company which, operateis over a 30-week period beginning in October. Working with groups of 25 to 30 high school students, with the assistance of four or five aduit business volunteers, participants H arvey M. Hudes: who was the dniving force belund Mosport Park until his death 'n late March, is the- 1996 wVikner of the John F. Bassett Award which "recognizes, a Canadian individual, organization or event that has made a significant contribution to the development and growth of Canadian motor racing." The award was presented at the gala dinner, part of th e Toronto Molson Indy prograin. It was acoepted on behalf of the Hudes family and Mosport Park by his widow, Norma Hudes. Harvey Hudes,- a chartered accountant by profession, became involved with Mosport on behalf of a client in 1966. Although he knew little about motor racing at the time, Hudes' involvement increased, and by 1969 h. and his partner, lawyer Bernard J. Kamin, had purchased controlling interest of the motor racing complex. will form a company, select a product, do a business plan, produoe a product, market the product and liquidate the company. Meeting on Monday, Tuosday or Wednesday from 6 te, about 9:30 p.m., the company program concludes with the Futures Unlimited annuel awards banquet.- .Training and technical support are provided throughout the year by Junior Achievements professional program director and senior advisors. Caîl Junior Achievement of Durham Region at 644-7058. Previous wlnners of the John F. Bassett Award included: Bassett in 1988; Ludwig Heimrath Sr. in 1989; Dr. Hugh Scully in 1990; Jim O'Donnell in 1991; Scott' Goodyear in 1992; Gilles Villeneuve In 1993; Paul Tracy in 1994; and Jacques Villeneuve in 1995. In acoepting the award on her late husband's behaîfs Norma Hudes also announod the creation Of the HeIrveY M. Hudes Canadian Motosports Drivers development Program which will provide scholarship assistance te young Canadian drivers. 8h. said an independent board Of governors will shortly be confirmed, including a member of the Hudes family, te establish the ground rules for the scholarehips. Mosport wiIl make a "-sizable contribution te, the new Program and will continue te support it in the future, se said at the gala dinner. Best Buy 0 100OMHZ Intel Pentium Processor S8 MB RAM 0 1.OGB hard driee 1.44 floppy e Onbor PCI IDE controller with high pe serial & paraliel ports S 1 MB PISVAvideo e 28,800 bps fax. data modem 101 keyboard Widows 95 pre-loaded Variely of software tiles Mouse & mouse pad FM radio tuner 3 3year parts & labour warranty *First year on-site service *QUAD speed CD ROM 16-bW stereo sound card *Ampified externat speakers a14 ire28P SVGA Montorg in.jrecj SI,8900 "Bulders are challenging the resale option by incorporating designs and materials that are a reflection of our lifestyles teday," ho says. "Deslgning homes for the growing number of hours spent' working at home and providing sttPftartirin withinepthe homes sals in June By Alex Shepherd The reoent Stats Canada report pegging Canada's unemployment rate at 10 perocent is adding to the uncertainty many of us feel about owreoenomc future. Although everyone knows an increase over one month does not mean a trend is developing, w. should b. asking what problems have contributed to the increase. First, w. live in a time of rapidly-changing economic conditions. Technology bas changed the whole nature of work. And the ability te cope and adapt in a time of economic upheaval is causing people' te experienoe tremendous stress. S&Ml, Sta Canada bas reported that the economy cre ated 600,000 new jobs over the last two years. In Durharn, this meant the creation of 11,000 new high paying and long-term jobs. Yet many people fail te see this incroase, and I understand this, when they see t.herjobs disappearing. It'ssad, but the reality iEs that. companiep of ail sizes realize survival depends upon movingte a technological-based operation. At the same tinie many new and dynanue small businesses are being formed by people who seo the opportunities in, and are willing tu take advantage of, the new economy. These people are creating the new jobs. Grantod we are lagging behind the United States ln job creation. But this is the second factor contributing te the increase in unemployment. Canadian industry bas often been dominated by Ainerican headoffioe - the old branch-plant problem. Tis means jobs they croate romain south of the border and layoffs occur in Canada fret. Thirdly, the federal government's comritmnent te deficit and dobt reduction bas resulted in lower interest rates of which individuals (thoso with mortgages and other types of consumer debt) are reaping the benefit. 'This bas also reduoed the coats of businesEs to form and expand. Couple this with the use of science and tochnology tax credits, along with the expansion of the information highway, and we bogin. te seo the ocononiic pattern contributing te job croeation in the new economy; and, as I pointed outjob losses, witnesis the large numbers of civil servants caught in downsizing. Finally, political uncertainty makes investers- - and new employers - norvous. As much as we don't want te discuss the issBue of sovereignty in Queboc, the that the separatist fact will retard the economy's ability te create jobs. Two-thirds of the job losse oentributing te the 10 per oent unemployment rate were jobs lost in Quebec in their retail sector. The -separatisté should note that their polities are tearing Queboc's oconomy te pioces. Canadas economy is unsettled. And it is taking a heavy teil as it moves teward stablization. For those of you with jôbs it might not be good enough te languish in your position or with an employer who may have an uncertain future. You can be using this time te upgrade your skills while looking for an employer or industry that understands the future economy and is worIng te be part of it. Alex Shepherd is MP for Durham riding whic& includes Whitby, norO& of Taunbon RoacL 7b, ,wac* Nia oenati*ncy office, cail 723-7670 (Oshawa). communlty le Just one exemple of how builder are caterlng te life in the 1990s," says Stricker. ."As builders specialize in niche market se gments, there is something for everybody being offred today." In Whitby, there were 33 new Iao c - O - - - -jet Offyor &lld uni gut 2w196 Power without paying the price 90 cHELssa FREE INTRNEIa IPCP m CfumC m butamhm C" ri bu omonnp, wLgEj,*blb e11 hW Wdd& Lffl &,w ,,uu' &i*dl"cld&budm&e* -, ni ud«lw, MWAhm ma dcck ~Pwm udoraguêem .èPcb tioe,4lm*. * 133MHz Intel Pentîum Processr * 16 MB RM * I.OGB hard drive e 1.44 floppy On-oar PCI IDE controller with high speed seriai& paraliel ports *1MB PCISVMA video *28,800 bps fax data modem 101 keyboard *Windows 95 pre.loaded *Variety of software tilles *Mouse & mouse pad *FM radio tuner 3 3year parts & labour warranty *First year on-site service 6 X sped CD ROM *16.btstereo sound card Amnp lidied extemal speakers 15 I5nch 285DP MVA Monitor kbclud 7oo PERSONAL COMPUTERS