Ontario awaiii for multicultui prez, page2 liegal signs hauledaway mae3 Opening of new parki hiBrooklin to, be celebrated eI Warriors c hiled by Nortimen-' page Frenclh high school ready for students A. long-awaited dream of Durham Regionls French community becomes reality next week. After several years Of ehaRringfaclites ith their .Enli cunterparts from FatherLeo J.Austin Secnday chol1students of.,coe- Catholique St. Charle. Garnier are mov- ing into their veryow Tii. e'new sehool on the northeaat. corner of Taun- ton Road and iehwy 12 (Brock Street) will, trw open its doors to about 400 stdnts on Tuesdy. Ezoept for the mandatory b^ethns 1cousePrechwill tion for gstudents i Grade 7 through to OAC (Ontario Academ-ic Credits). 1*"Wer very exrcited and thrilled that we can offer it to Durham students »,.said Whitby trustee *Laine Imaut, chair of the Dur- hamd. separate sehool section. lnug "There. was a lot of push and shove,. quit. a few thinqs etopcn, u on the way, said Là egault of thq problems encountered by the board when -the French- only ichool was proposed i "But we're pleasedt the par en tsa a re' pleased...theres a lot welre thanlcful for."9 Whbile truste"s eagerlIj look forward to the north Whitby school's Officiai oning on Nov. 3 the fs ttesmight welfl b. tek- i= place a littie farther soutif the board had got- ten its waà y a few years mo The board originall wanted to bufld the school next to the Lynde Shores housing development on prvncial government lande occupied by the for- mer WhtyPsychiatric Sehool boards Scan, continue special levy, 'j Durham PReon' séahool boards have received the green light te continue. m- poiga special levy, on nwdvelopment. The Supreme Court of Canada last week rejected a bid by the'Ontario Horne Builders' Assocation toa strike down a provincial« law allowing'school boards tocollctthe " b ti -former aLibeal governnent, the, Developmnent> Charge Act pemit. achowol, boards tl.vy an additlonml charge' onnew residential,' indus- -,trial anüd .commercial 'deve- I .opent i order -ta provi de aZditional source &o! find- ing for aptal coetse Since, January 1995 the *Durham Board of Ecluca- tion hasbeen charging buil- ders $1,389 for each resi- dential unitwhile, the Dur- ham. separate school. board has imposed a $339ley Commercial development chargs meanwhile, are calculted as a percentg of the declred buildin permit value..xIn Durham, the prcentage is 1.07. «Wer qu-tedisappoin- ted,"P said Ron Robinson, Jr., president of the 0b- awa-Durham. Home Buil- ders?.Association. "W. realiz.d going in that it was a 50/50 gamble aund we came ont losing,» h. said. "I just think it's unfair to have new -homeowners pay for somnethmng that benefits The omebuildera laun- ched their legal battie =astthe Development agsAct when the York Regioni public and separate achool boards passed bylaws ta collect thé levies.' Althôuh' the Ontario Division Court ruled that the levies were unconstitu- tional, the, -decison ýwms r.vers.d- by the Ontario Court of Appeal. Tw'io years ago,- the, Supreme Court 'agreed.. te hear -the case and»'last, Thursday it affirmed the. appeal court's decision. Conceding that most people who ibuy-homes in new, subdivisions wll bene-> it from construcétion of schoolm itheir nei hbour- hoos, obisonsaïi there are exceptions.1--- Couples- with no cbildrien who , puchase e tarterj home are exne~ed tii nicki bag whe said. WQe senior citizens who have been paying education taxes aIl thîeir working lives are also hit should they opt to purchase a smaller hnorne in a retirement commumty Robinson *said that for every $1,000, increase 'or decrease i the price ofa he.-aplrxntl,,300 fa 'lesare affected& either t r u hent * the hou- inig market or being kept out. By adding thisIevýy-to the coot- of: a -ýnew boni., the -latter situationwilpea, ýDurhà mseparate school board'.c hair' and Whltby trute. Tomà oldman . said*7 folilwing.,the, lead of "«Ontario Hydro, towns and reginal governments" -'hi imposing levies on nhew devrelopment. "I' was probably the last s p poer f it sa d O - SM PAGE 4 Aoth. er Whiîtby resident gets a wndfall Yet another Whitby resi- dent. has won the bigprz in the. Torouito hospitafun- draiser. 1. «1'là :e Ruby'Anidrewsclme te *1-million tépjriei the ,Mount Sumi Ilosital Fondtinlottery h>i the Tickets each'cost $100for the1' lot tery- thai featured ýmore' than 3900 rie worth* more than - mFil- But -ýAndrews had the. ticket for the laret pe Send pie w$1003000 an 1hr p-iz *10,00 In- May, Laurie Brown of Whtywon -the top pri-e hi -t e P rincs .M ar rtHo-- hewon Thi. Harrington fas a. *60,000home at Fnhand flnvview rxwrn 15