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Whitby Free Press, 4 Sep 1996, p. 11

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Whitby Free 'Press, Wednesday, September 4, 1996.>Paae til I jcj GLT'S 'Noises Off' I GRANDDAY Grandchildren are welcome at the* Whitby Seniorsd Activity Centre on Saturday, Sept. 7, 10:30 arn., when- picture book author Rhea Tregebov 'wiil read, from lier books sucli as Thae Eâ*rOdiWuJ, Ordinary, Everything Room. Clowns. baloéons, and face painting wilfÃ"oow the ' reading. Lunch wiil b. availabie i the. diningroom The. event in open to al .randparents hi Whitby. Tickets -are $2 for adulte and $1 for chidren anid'are avâalbe through the. centre or the Whitby Public Libraiy. Cail 668- 14ÃŽ4 for information. Wliy would anyone want to be in the. same play twice? Just ask Michael Roantre.. In 1989 ho played Philip/F'rederick in the Whitby CuthueTheatre's Production of Noises Off. and now ho in in rehearsal as Rager' Garr i the Oshawa Little Theafre'. Production of the mmre play.- «"Ites a fun show to b. in, sBays Roantrée. -You. knowv tho audience will be'ilIling themseiv.s with laugliter.n, He did, however, -want tiie Challenge of a different roie.. Ro11anfre. is joined by many other scnd-timer. from the Whitby show, such as producer Lamie Rosen and set designer Deb Smnith; who ha. created a compieteiy different design for Oshawa. The multi-talented Smith i8 aise playing Poppy in the Oshiawa production. Other crew members who can't seem taget enougli of this 'play . are lighting designer Gerry Van Hezewyk. and costume designers Sandra Hawkshaw and Barbara Hubert. And Hubert!s husband- Archie is once again working on set construction. Director D'Arcy, Sryth showed Ibis deft touch with comedy M- iast season's Rumore. He has assembied a strong ciast of experienced bonds1 and comparatie newcomers. From last season's Damn Yankee, JoAnne Prout will play Mrs. CiackettlDotty, Bryan Stanisli will portray the. director, Lloyd Dallas, and Mike'Trites is cast as PhiliplFrederick. Carol Laing, who deligiited audiences i Fallen Ange, will portray FlaviafBiinda. From Whitby Courthouse Theatre Lend Me a Tenor, Donny Graham wili play VickilBrooke and lier brother Paul Love will be TIM Allgood. Rounding eut thie cast is newcomer Ted Woodhouse as thie Burglar/Selsdo-n. Noiao Off is a farce witbi a farce about a Company of touring actors Who are tiying ta put on a farce called No<hing On. fleir ineptitude and growing personality conflicte provide the. hilarity' ini Noioea Off. The Oshawa Laittie Theatre presents NVoiseS Off at 62 Russett' Ave. i Oshawa, Sept. 191ta 22, 26,1629 and Oc.3 to5.Curtain time is 8 The. $12 tickets will be available from Sept. 5 at thi' Information Oshawa kIosk ini the Oshiawa Centre or at the. theatre box office ôn performance nights. For more information, cal ~M IAN ,M</ Grck Cuigine l'ut more than Greek Food S.r s *- pMes 1-50speople 926 imcoSt.N, shIaa Rgby has, Presen4ce,' an exhibition by Heatbq;.Rigrby, wiil be held until Oct.' 22 at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa. The, public is invited ta meet the. artist at a gailery, reception on,, nay, et 15,2 ta 4 p.m. hi her instllations and sculptural work, issues' of identity are addressed. Througli an exploration of the senses utilizing handmade abjects in varj ous metais combined with found and natural objecta, her work brffg into question assumed belief systems. Figures are seen transforming, penetrating surfaces, metamorphosing from on. ,form to another, "bidging the known and unknown." "My intentions are processed by the. interplay of materials, tinie and impulses i the body which is providing a different voice, a smolic gesturing which trncnds stereotyping," says Rigby. "Arrested time, space, and the unseen temporal experience which occurs during the. construction of work are cf great hiterest ta me ... This unseen process stimulates memory." .Based i the countryside of Claremont, Rigby lias shown lier work in various galleries i nd-around Toronto and ie represented inumerous private collections. Performance>for Afect Dram A performance of the British farce,: Noises Off,' will b. heid i Oshawa o n Wednesday, Sept. 18'as a fundraiser for Affect Dur-. ham. Affect Durham is an umbrella organization of six family-based groupe that hold fundraiing pro- jectsý to support faminles in th aeof . thefr cisabled children and adulte. Noises» Off'ý will be pre- sented at the Oshawa IÀttie Theatre, 62 Russett Ave., curtain time 8 p.m. 1For the $20 tickets, cali Our Home at 579-3406. Our Home is one of the six organizations. The oth- Art fest at Samac I. Oshawa Art Asscia- tion will hold its lSth annual Saznac Art Festival in Oshawa Se pt. 20-22. More than 60 local artiste are participating in al mediume of original art. Three paintings will be rafled during the show. 1The festival is 'at Camp Samac on Simcoe Street North. PARTY UE I IAiax-PIdo -g.Y by -($ 6. 'evey) ICALL 683 '15701 flritaging Toronto to Whitby! Formerly. of Valentino's in «Whitby, and one of Toronto's Top Salons, Marc Anthony International, Corne. visit CheyI at:- The Image Zone CherylHannah 'AWARD WINNING STYLIST" e L B ok St.Soth*.: *- 68-64 ers are LreamCatchers, Durham Better Life, People First, Invisible Disabilities and the Durham Associa- tion of Family Respite Ser- vices. Last year, with, concerns beachgrup aboutcut- backs n government fund- ing, a meeting of the groups was organized ta diuscuse alternative funding arrangements in an-effort to'maintain services to, the 500 client familles served by the groups. In April this year, Affect Durham- was formally begun. Chair is, Roy Bal- linger. F or further fundraising, the group holds a bingo at Bingo Country in Ajax every Monday from 4 to 6:30 p.m., and plans are underway to open a Nevada outiet as well as s el Fridgemates (calendar note pad). ,, Express Bus -# Service Six departures every day, seven days a week. Wheelchair accessible 905-430-5999 1 -800-401 -6201 AngO1-1 el o ýL b r W PCAUEI *AIU ONLY! If y u d n YlM.t .t l s f o o . ely u e g b u s Fabulous food & friendlY service,at affordable.. Pric es., 1615 Dundas St. East Whltby Tel: (905) 576-8857 ORIINAL OWNER'S SPECIAL I»187 PRICES! Fish&i *Welcome back old & % EXpres Septl14,1996nwcstmrI I D INNER ENTREEI -s- ith, the prchase.'of another entree, of equal or greater value. With this coupon. One'coupon- pertable. Not valid with othe di scouts r.offers» such as Bambmno'Night. Vaid any day. LUNCH OrBRNCHENTRE w OFF 'WItlthe -purchase. o f not her entree of equal or'greater value. With this coupon. One coupon per table. Not vAlwth other discounts or offers. Offerç 18 96. Coce6FA 840 BROCK ST. N.,g WHITBY I (next to 6 6 1 0 Second time, around« for many ca st' members m -1 u m w 161NOIses Off,:

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