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Whitby Free Press, 4 Sep 1996, p. 12

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Page 12, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 4,1996 GARAGE SALE The Whitby Làionesa annual garage sale will be held on'Satin-day, Sept. 7, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., at 709 Gilbert st. W. SCOUTS Begistration for 8th Whitby Boy Scouts will be held on Thursday, Sept. 5, 7:30 te 9 p.m., at Westminster United Church, Manning ,Boad, Wbitby. Registration wiil be for Beavers, Cubs and new leaders. Space is limited'.For further information, cail 579- 9701. BEEF BARBECUE There will, be 'a beef barbecue and corn roast on Saturday, Sept. 7, 4 p.m., at Zion United Church (Mitchell's Corners). Coat is $10 for adulte, $4- for chidren aged five to 12, free for those aged four and under. For tickets, oel 725- SEL-DEFENCE DEMO KGichi-Sai Canada wil hold free martial artsand seif-defence demonstrations on Sept. 14, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m., at 1375 HopkinsSt., Whitby' (rear building). N4mVCOBIERS CLUB The * Oixawa/Whitby Newcomers Club wiil hold a wine and 'cheese Party on Tuesday,Sept. 10, 8 pn., at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S., Whitby (corner of Burns Street). Ail area women are welcome. Admission is $2 for members, gueste free. For more information,,oel Informnation Whitby at 668- 0552. EPILEPSY Epilepsy Durham Region wiil meet Tuesday, Sept. 1,0, 7:30 p.m.;, at the inmen Community Centre,' 10 9 Coiborne St., W., Oshawa. Jim Lawrence of Guardian Druga wil discuss 'Drugs: Your Medication for Epilepsy.' For 1-further information, caîl 666-9926. > LAMAZE The Lamaze Prepared Childbirth Association of Durham will hold a work- shop on Thursday, Sept. 12 in Oshawa. For more infor- mation, including timç and location, cati 723-7373. AUDITONS The County Town Singera wiil hold auditions on Wednesday, Sept. il and Sept. 18, 7:30 p.m., at the Whitby Seniors' Activity EFFECTVE SPEAKIG The Christopher Leadership course in effective speaking has started registration for fal classs. Courses begin the week of Sept. 22. Cail Tracy Evans at 1-800-379-5888 (day), 430-4618 (evening). GARDEN CLUB The Oshawa Garden Club willmeet Monday, Sept. 9, 7:30 p.m., at Northminster United Church, 676 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Donna McQuayr a nature photegrapher from, Barrie, wiIl present a one-hour program, 'W'ildflowers and Woodlands,' ýwith dual projectors and synchronized music. For more information, cal Ron Bilsky at 725-2744. PET WALKATHON The Oshawa & District Humane Society wiil hold their People & Pets Walkathon '96 on Sunday, Sept. 8, 9 a.m. te 2 p.m., 'at Heber Down Conservation Area, Whitby. The day will include a five-kilometre walk, refreshments, contests and lots of prizes. Proceeda help abused and negtected animals in Durhiam Region., For more information, oel Karin at 433-2022. -WOMEN IDED The Womeui Indeed Resource Centre offers the ibilowing at 70 Si*ncoe St. N., Oshawa: Sept. 16, 7:30 ta 9:30pm. Relax with Yoga, eight-week course (cost is $60 for members, $90 for non-members) and Learning Sils for iàfe ($5 .for members, $10 for non- members, Sept. 17, 7 te 9 p.m., Networking Session ($10. for -members, $15 for non-memes;SPt. 18, 7 ta' 9 p.m.., Bpiying -4nd Selling Real Estate Tips ($5. for inembers, $10 - for non- îmembers); 'Sept.,,19, 7:30 ta 9:30 p.m., Whati s* an Addiction? ($5 for members, $10 for'non-members); Sept. 21, 9:30 a.m. ta, 4:30 p.m., Pamper Yourself Day ($10 for members,- $15 for non- members), lunch included; Sept. 23,7 te 10 p.m., Coping with Stress ý($49 plus GST), includes *orkboo - Sept. 25, to9 p.ný., Well4SessiYou $5for meinherg, $ 0 for non- members) Sept. ,Display Day for members. For more information, cati 576-3805. PARENT FINDERS Parent Finders witl meet on Thursday, Sept. 12, at St. Luke's Preshyterian Chuirch, 3331 Rossalnd Bd. CLOTHING, YARD SALE The Durham Begior Sexual Assault Care Centri wiIl hold a clothing and yari sale on Saturday, Sept. 14, a.m. ta, 3 p.m, ait Rebekal Lodge, 211 Brock St. S. Whitby. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR IC e ci ONE PAREN FMI S' The One Parent Families Association of Oshawa will meet Tuesday, Sept. 10, 8 p.m., at the Adria Culture Club, 432 Simcoe, St. S., Oshawa, for coffee, cards and conversation. Al single parents, custodial or not, are invited to attend. -For more information, cail Monica at 436-5089 or Doug at 728- 1011. GARAGE SALE A gigantic garage sale will be held on Saturday, Sept. 7, 8 a.m. te 3 p.m., at the Sunoco station, corner of Frances and Dundas streets, Whitby. The event, to include a barbecue, faoe painting and bake table, will be held by the lUth Whitby Scouts to rais funds for the Canadian Jamboree 1997. PARENTS W/0 PARTNERS Parents Without Partners Chapter #204 will hold an orientation for new members and general meeting on Thursday, Sept. 5, 8 p.m., at St. GeoIrgiq's Church (upatars), 51 Centre St. S., Oshawa. -' ;or 'more information, èall Debbie at 571-542 or Bon at 723-1699. The Parkinson Support Group, Durham Rogion Chapter, will meet on Monday, Sept. 9, 7:30 p.m., at St. Mark's United Church, corner of Coiborne and Centre streets, Whitby. The subject la IfThe Phil Donohue Show,' taik with ïthree Parkinsonianà and two neurlogists. For' more7 information, cail 723i-3183. DONSAI SOCIEMY The, Matsuyama Bonsai Society -will -meet 'on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 7 te 9 p.m., at Faith *Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. Open te, anyone interested in Iearning and ernjoying the art of bonsai., For Mo re information, éal 905i.623- 3951 or 905-72-1722. SOIROPTIM The Soroptimist International 'Club 'of OshaWaiWhitby wiil meet'on Thursday, Sept. 12, 7 p.m., at the Oshawa Golf Club, 160 Alexandra St., Oshawa, tor, orientation/recruiting .' Soroptimist International is a classified service clubfor business and professional women. For mors information, caîl Sandy Clarke at 668-2640 or Yvette Adamkovis at 432-2828. - FALL COURSES The Whbitby Seniors? Activity Centre wiil offer clas for members this fil. -Registration begins Sept. 9 at the centre for classes sucli as3 fitness, yoga, tai cm.i linedancing, clogging, country dancing,- sewing, cafigraphy, teddy bear making, a driver refresier cour»e for seniors, bridge, light weight training, photography, oilpatng watercolours and Japanese Bunka embroidery. For mors information, cal 668-1424. STRESSED?» DWd Schmm i- C«tfedReflexoâost 806 Athiol Street, Whltby *. 668-~4265' IRSTAID Red Cross first aid courseswitt be held i Osh- awa and Pickering hi Se- tember. Cati 723-2933 or more information. 'AQUAITICPRGA TheArthritis Society wil hotd a 10-week aqatic pro- gram at the WlutbY. Civic rec comez startng hM mid-Septer. Cali 434- 7221 for more information. PC USERS The Durham PC Users' Club will meet Thursday, Sept. 12,7 p.m., at the CAW Local 222 hall, 1425 Phullip Mwurray Ave., Oshawa. Telesat/Siberean Canada will present %Direct PC.' For more information2, cail Ailan at 905-623-1313 or Linda Netten at 905-623-2787. OUTDOORS CLUB The Durham Outdoors, Club will hold an evening walk along the Oshawa section of the' waterfront trait. Walk starts at 6:30* p.m., finishing at 8 p.m. For more information, oeil Anne Armstrong at 433-0311. '1ixi [i Q . CANCER SESSION. What You Beally Need to Know about Cancer' wil be the topic of Dr. BRob Buckman's presentation..on Sept. 11,- 7:30 p.m., at'the Salvation Army Temple, Thornton and B ossland roadae, Oshawa. Buckman, a medical, oncologist and author, in - hast of th >e TVOntario se% sVIal Signa. Admissioni. $10.,The information session is one of a series sponsored by Hearth Place, Durham Region'. newest resource centre for cance 1r patients and their families. For, ticket information, cail the Hearth Place hotline at 579-4833.- moi Derek Dutka - Independent Financial Planner 1 heard you can get 36% for'eign conten tin your RRSP. lsn't the limit 20%? AThe limit is 20% foreign content in RRSPs (or RRIFs). The- govemnment stipulates that any investment that has 80% orffmore Canadian pontent is considered Canadian for purpioses.of ARSPS. By the saffe token; if it is only 79% Canadian, It.Is consiçiered fareign. Let's use a $10.000 mutuel fund*RRSP as.anexamrple Initially youuinvest $8,000 in their Canadian equity fund and $2.000 in.their'globýal fund. That looks like the 80/20 ratio., Many Canadian equity funds elso use their 20% forelgn limit. Therefore, 20% of the $8,000 ($1,.600)>15 also in foreign equitiesý That brings us up to 36% of' the 'total value - n still completely legal;. The percent is based on original purchases, floton current market value. 'So, if. the foreign investments grew much faster than the Canadien ones, the percent of current market value could be even higher.' 87King St.-E.'Oshawae* '79-7777 Q . Debra Glover - Associate Broker, Real Estate We are ready to upgrade ta a larger home. How do we select a realtor ta selI our home and help us flnd our dream home?, ihe saleof.ajhopesoengsnlgestrasctnna .0èràoý thýeeiëfàr~T erfrè céiefâùàllbe îéègi e e selectinga etb.Dnb. fooled by gimmIcks or fiat fees ,beceuse It is expensive ta market a home properly. You wouldn't compromise when selectîng a surgeon or lawyer, 50 don't cutcomers. Make your decision: besed on professîonalusm, experience and credibility. You should feel comfortable that the'realto.ryou choose can get the highest price for your home in a reasonable periodof time, without ay problems. Keep in mind thiat the realtor who is quick to cut their commission is probably ýiot the person who will fight to get top dollar f9r your home. Interview a numfber of local realtors and make an informeci decision~., Summit Realty (1991) Ltd.ý Q . Brian McHugh- Weed Man owner How do I know if my lawn is having al prtblem wit white grubs?ý A*e Over the lest three years many lawrýs in the Town of Whitby have been, damageçi by the white grub or more correctly the larvae stage of the EO.ropeen Chafer Beetie. After hatcing inearly August the white grub will begin feeding on grass roots. They live below the soul surface and actually« chew off the roots of the grass. Since the grass roots have -been destroyed, the lewn wvill appear yellow in patches, just like the lawn is drying -out. The damage looks quite similer to symptomns of dryness and many homeowners mistakenly assume thet the lewn is in need of water. Other symptomns to watch for include: animais like skunks and raccoons digging up the lawn and bîrds feeding on grubs leaving pencil-sized holes. Often dameged turf will roll back like a cerpet An insect control application cen be applied during August and September to stop this damage. 718 Centre, St. N. Unit #1, Whitby e 666-3187 Qe. Dr. Mat Peacock - Chiropractor ,What is the clicking sound I hear when my spine is being adjusted and is it bad for me if I "crack"'my own spine? A. There is a fluid between the* spinal joints, similar ta finger joints, which allows, for proper uriai n uiga dutet pressure within the joints is altered and the resulting sound is a "crack' or "pop". The sound.is,,sim'ilar.ta that af "cracking" your knuckles'but the effeots of adffusting the spine are obviously much more therapeutic.'Althaugh"cracking" your own ýspine creates the same sound, the, effects are, much different. When a chiropractor adjusts your spîne they are very specific ta which joint is being affected. When yau adjust your spine the effeot is very general and may lead ta loose ligaments. Intérestingly, when. your spire "clicks" wiff- . euiar aînovement, it is usually an indication that your spine is, misaligned and should be examined., DR. MATT PEACOCK DR. ReG O-M.CCONNELL 1-519 Dundas St. E.,Whitby 9 430-1750.

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