SUce s Ofjf km h Stop the Insanlty! lt's started, the train lias left thestatio n, the shuttle has blased off and we're ail trappod together, no escape, no way out. The fail lnsanlty has begun. You remember those long, LWz, hazy days of summer? You know the ones, they were two days ago. Say goodbye, lt's over., I stared to get that messge about the changlng seasons ast weel Net ln the leaves adopting thoir flu splendeur, or In the shortor nlghts or milly cooler evenings. No, I notlcod the change because cf my fast-depleting resourcos. Rirst there was the annual back-to-school shopping trip. lb. mail, jammed, wlth, parents and grandparents loadlng Up on clothes, shoos and school supplies. The parents' glee at' the chikiren golng back te those places cf higlier leaming 'qulckly tumed te dlsmay as the tetals mcunted. and, the credit cards overheatod. W. ld'well, 30 per cent off, blue jeans, shoes- dramatically marked down, 'and w. flnally fcund a boit that would flit areund ýa. fve-year-old walst. ý.-But, of course, there's more. its what my slster-In-law has termed 'the. fail sheil-our» - music or ballet or -jazz or swlmmlng or on. cf a myrad cf sports- and actMftdes lncIudlng, ef course, the huge sums that hockey parents are gettlng ready te releaso into the oconomy ln the next.week withut 1eptm6erà ndChrlstmas,,the wh:le retail Whoètswho- wen andwhore. We have'a frtend whe tahspianoanoe y.i dad showed Up th pick Up his chiki. Ourfrlendj Jamie, sawthe dad and started te explain that hNs sonts lesson. wasn't until tomorrow. As- he started te. tihm, thedetl ,ng parentscood up and lterally sceamed,- uHe's not . her., Mis lesso0ns Wednesday,: not Tuesday, _!týeaY'à gymnastios -and ires on, the other, aide of the csty, argrAnd 'with a 'peal cf rubber tires, dad went off in' ofaici N son. Wole e al been there, weve ail done thatî <* 0f course, theres- the -ather *aide. as- well, ail those teachers and *Instructors g éttlng ready for the fail Influx, aéranglng achedules and tvylng te fit averyon. *In. fk nver ends. Add te' that the tact that weery organization starts« meeting Ike mad and we'Il be lucky te see the sun before' Chrstmas. .Chrlstmas.. That remlinds me.,therels only about 114- sopng days left, are you reà dy yeèt? Anyway,'l'mý afrald I have te go, Irés time te get Elizabeth to lier mslc lesson.'... crils It ballet or swmmlng? Arrrgh. Chrlstopher Whie li the mfnsterofWestmînster Untedý Churcýh. His flrst bok,, Nak.d on a Snlowbank,' là avallable at C.W Hay and Cotes bock stores/ln Oshawa. $4,OO stolen fromf store Aarnail safe containing the week's recipts __ about $4,000 - was stelen in a break-ixi at a Whitby cie- thig store overnight Sun- day. Police were aierted hy an alarm triggered' at Rugged Repiays on Sawdon Drive around 4:45 a.m. Officers arrived te find the front door had heen fréé ré s, ïlà A e Blaze contained t r à 9 A garage tire in Myrtie Station late Wednesday eveninig could have aise destroyed an attached house, if flot fer a firewall and fast work by firef ight- ors. A noighhour spotted the blaze at the 9440 Baldwin St. residence -- on the west side cf the road just south cf the railroad tracks -- aroumd il p.m. and alerted the Whithi fire department and t e meowner, who escaped unharmed. Damnage te the gara alone which will have te bo rebuit, is. estimated at $40,000, says Whitby fire chief Tony VanDoleweerd. H'. net sure cf the value cf the «suhetantial azncuntr of equipmont in the garage, which lncluded what appeared te ho epresses. e have ne way cf esti- mating... we're net sure what the varlous cern- ponents were 'and what their prices were.» A car iparked in the dri- veway about 10 feet from the garage was also des- troyed, which illustrates just how effective i. the firewall separating the garag andresidence, netes Vnoeweerd. Flames were visible for some distance when fire crews arrived, ho says, adding staff and My le volunteer firefighters did a I4 ULLL L fjf*j * Wredopen and the safe taken. It was found later in the morning in Jeffrey Park. The cuiprits had pried it open with a crowhar, which was found- nearby removed the cash and set l~e rest cf the contents ablaze, police Th7à e Whithy fire depart- ment was called eut te extinguish the fire. Gara Waker Refexoogy -ElectroIYsis - Facals - Makeup Carol Walker Manicures - Pedicures - Waxing - Gift Certificates ~L1F GOLDEN, GAIE,'~ '~L~s>~ < IRESTAURANT Best Chinese Food in Towvn ServingDurhamfor 32 years' CHINEýSE FOOD Ail You' Can Eat B[UFFET LUNiCH$4.»95DE'NR $7.95- Weekends & Holidlays RMhnidcnde10 -1le Price ~RcgularMenu Avanable DIEI -TK: U DLVR 10 rs t . Wih,6822 Coîbome St. great job hi containing the te contahi that fi<re ,tO . the Slazo. garage portion, was an «Itfs a big structure and excellent job." CEO' Home to retire David Home will retire as president and chief oe-e cutive cificer of Oshawa Genoral Hospital. Ho anncunced last week that ho will take early retirement and romain in the position until a succes- scr is feund or until March 31,,19979 whichever cornes firt. Home was a hospital administrator in England when ho was recruited te work ini the censulting husi.. ness cf Woods, Gordon in 1966. Ho jeined -Oshawa General. in 1969, bocame exocutivo director in 1974 and prosident ini 1982. Hospital board chair Jean Achmatowiczsa sthoe board accepted -lome'5 request <'with regrèt. S ho notes that ho is-raise, welI knewn ,throughout Ontario as ho served on many councils and commit- tees. Events rIROTARY SUNRISE LAKE PARK -Artifacts and history of Port displà ys -Fire and- Police Department displays -Food and Refreshmrents -Waterfront Trail & Whitby General -Hospital displays -Blacksmith and Wood carver displays Cake Cutting Ceremfonies-i :3Opm -r 2:OOpm -Entertainment Whitby Brass Band il :OOam - il :3Oam Whitby Couithouse' Theatre il :3Oam - 12:OOpm County Town Singers 12:OOpm - 12 :3Opm Town Crier l2:3Opm - 12:45pm Annie & Mo 12:45pm - 1:3Opm nBJ MCGRAW HILL, RYERSON LTD. * -Earl Pascoe's dlock'display. nCDUFFERIN*STREET. -Self guided walking tours nDST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN. CHURCH - Brian Winters ongoing cemetery tours - Interior tours and Victorian Tea nESENIOR'S ACTIVITY CENTRE -Storytelling and activities nJ DOWNTOWN WHITBY -Enjoy the history, the architecture and the shopping. nGALL SAINTSý ANGLICAN CHURCH -Fîower show, Afternoon tea, and tours 1fl STATION GALLERY - Eugene Henry Heritage Photo Collection WWHITBY MENTAL HEALTH CENTRE' - Historical displays of aid hospital and model of new hospital FI~ WHITBY YACHT CLUB - Historical display (video, photos,i nKWHITBY MARINA 2 2hour TallîShip instructional sail of Sal of harbour - ($25. ea.) Sur -Whitby Sea Cadets display this adto thef 'ee sail, on <the charts, maps) Iit O:3Oam - 5pm n. 1O:OOam - 3pm i6pm - 8pm i.4pm-6pm >aiion. to entera draw 'Far Jann "or two!. Lake Ontario Bring for aj 7 =U, wq-RT--,w à ei fflwq-mdd RmMmmMrý ýý s' *l'ý MMI" ---9- ý . . sat Sur 1 b rl-,>ql ý