Neighbour vs. neighbour over B&B page3 ,Pages 121l6 Anderson.,flooding problem to be addressed page After three years of work Meintal heal th centre0op ens The new Whitby Mental H.aith Centre wiilopen its. door to*the public on Sun- ,.Le largest building pro- Jet m iuram Region in 25 years and the fîirat new' syhatric hospital buit in othAmerica i 25 years, the $90 -million -building is_ the resuit of years of plfan- ning that' represents a chea rein the delivery of healh The building - described as a -"villge>;i -hkeenviron- ;ment» is part of the. overal *130-million reëdevelopment in ,which 'thé hospital becomes >a "supporter» of mentai health agencies and general bospitala rather than the main treatment provider. There are 325 beds in the new facility that will replace the old cottages, some more than 75 yearsý- old., that represented a new era of psychiatric care when built in 1919. fliere are plans to pre- serve some of the cottages many of them closed anc1 boarýded up for some, time,' but a final decision has yet te be made on how many will be spared from- demoli- tion. The. open house from1 te 8 p.m., will incfude gui- ded tours while staff from ail proigrani areas will .be- avaiable to answer ques- tions. Staff. and - p atients. will move into t he new building next week., Officiai openinug cere- moiswill be heid at 2 p.M.-1 "I hate to do it .. Local Consu mers fiorced- to Ëclose q By Mark Reesor« Sales are fine sud the balance sheet looks good, but 'Tim Webster bas no choice but te close bis nine- year-old Whitby store, put- ting more than 20 people outof work. Webster, the owner of one of only four franchised Consumera -Distributing stores, was caught in the middle when -bako pulled the _lg on the struggling retLXchain Friday. 'Tve got su agreement with a bankrupt compsuy... sud basically Ke bn for; ced te go out of business, he saLys. "Thîere's not going te be a catalogue suad there' no way for me te operate auto- nomously.. no my only option is te liquidate all lie inventery (sud) have a iving notice te bis staff - the storé eemploa1a msu a45 peopleuring te buay'Christmâas season --was "difficuit- for everyone," sýays -Webster who notes the se sud warehouse managers sud senior clerk "have ahl been with me since day one... "It's a shock sud I bat. te do it but I. have no choice.» He invites ail customers who have siupported. the store over the ruât 10 years drop in te say goodbesu take dvantge of lie clos- ing sale that bin'm today. "The term 'everything must go' han neyer been truer... we've got te corne te su end sud at somepon there will be nothingle%", he says. «We've got nowhere te move it te, everythin. will go, even my office chai;r;lil ait on a stol"' The- store bas about $350 000, at cost, worth of mercKisudise,-he says "sud the- whole point o:i this liqýiidation is te move as much as we can as fast as we cen...- there'. a lot of stuff here stil.» There'a a very faint hope Webster's store cen survive, but for that te happen M gPAGE 26. JERRY ARCHER'S -not coming down from the which has'been.-on Oacoèroffo hels rotf of Owasco Volkswagen until ail the tickets- 15 years' or 'so, according to owner' Frank in the United Way's second annual 'Home Free' Verwey. CafflJanice Eves at 436-7377 to *buya raff le are sold - or until Sept. 27, whicheVer ticket and help brin1 Jerr back to earth. For çomes first., The KX96 moming_ man is living more on this- year's United -Way campaign', see and broadcasting from the 1966 VW ýcamper story on page -18. qt KuRe=WIhyFePr, Workfare, Uni -tsd-Way Labour luchesbyct By Mike Kowalski United Way agencies that participate m the Ontario government's con- troversial workfare pro- gram hbave lest the finian- cial support of organized labour. A provmnce-wide boycott of agencies that «employe" welfare recipienta bas n launched by Ontario labour councila. However, it will be- at least a month before the imact if sy, of 'the boy- :%tt-llbfelIt locally, say officiais of the United Waà y of Osbawa-Whitby-Clarîng- ton. 1Under a recent p an drawn up 4y the lao1 councils suad the Canadian Union of -Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario s 44 United *ay branches will b. notifled of labodur'. 'dis- pleasure with the workfare Te-local United, Ways will be aa9ked, tà enauûre that money donated by union members does not goto any agency involved in the workfa're scheme. This will allow for Iabour's continued sort of the United Way,'Wlc at one poit this s3ummer appearedquite tenuous. Cindy Murr a , executive director of the local United Way, could not speculate on how the boycott will affect the 1996 fundraising cern- paign that offlcially began today. Although Durham Réepin is one of 20 comunIties takigop art i the firat paeothe Ontario Works prograni, Murray did not knowif suy of tleUnited Way'a member agencies wi!l bave an active, the work-for-welfare ýinitia- tive. "li' an issue of concern, but because'no agencies are participatinig ini wrkfare y*et, -weire s'till i fia grey area., ïé ahs£d "We'Il -be in a botter posi-, tion four or five weeks.,into the campaign." Murray said United Way staff will not have te devie a mechanism te divert labour dollars away frm those agencies that partici- pate in workfare. The branch already gives donors the option of speciy ing which agency wil receive, the. donation sud Mur'rayexpecta that local unon leaders will ask their, members te make use of this option. Stressaigthat the United Way bas alwaya enjoyed a good relationship with orgranized labour, Murray ad-ded that Durbain Region Labour, Council president Ken Thflbeau i'la a co-chair Day.Boabn aoe taiy-treasurer of Loca22 of. teCanadisu Auto Wor- kers% gluai*d th at. whle ,bis unwion is pposed te work- fare, it ifn7ot penalizethe, entire United Way. «Wre not going te a«k peole te *- stop contribut- ing, said Broa nt " .gBut we want our money diverted te those ancies that are not r- M (in workfare), garticifatn, 1Sid Ryan, president Of CUPE'. Ontario division, weldomed the -labour coun-, cils' move.1, Last July, 'Ryan .threar, tened 'a boycott. of an United Way- brsuch with agencies priian i. ,ýW-rkà r ùfer e ý,nted, Ways of Ontarlo umbrella orgaizaionrefused to con- -demn workfare. «%' viewed- the tJnited Waya of Ontario deson te not-'take ae stand* againt workfare as su -attack on the poor, the unemp1oyed sud on our members job, said Ryan in a prepae atatement.' A Whitby resident Ryan, MERý PAGE 26 'l C St: 18 rz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pq ïMiè