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Whitby Free Press, 11 Sep 1996, p. 22

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Page.22, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 11, 1996 Once again the school yea has begun and our tw months of summer havi corne to an end. Our days o, peaceful sleeping and lazini abo ut are gone and it is nomç ktime to get our brames back ir gear to absorb the knowledgE that will be comng at us in full force. However, in the halls of Trafalgar, this ie not an funhappy time. We are striga fresh new year rit many different yet exciting situations and fevents that are happ~ening within the achool. To begin, we welcome our new principal, Mr. Briggs, as welI as ail the unfamniliar faces that have stepped into our classrooms for the first Our grand gymnasium has finally been completed and is awaiting the -spirited and friendlly competitionsg among the school houses Carter, Farewell, Maxwell and [lare. Behind our building on the once empty field, there is now the construction of a new and level soccer field. We aiso have our incredibly modern and newly renovated resource centre which provides our 158 studénts with -more than 10,000 books. magazines and files as well as four newly installed and fully programmed computers. tr Our 86 boarders are now ýo coxfortably settled into their e rooms and happily finding f their way around the halls. A g "Welcomne" sign is always wr hanging on the front door for a those day girls who wish to eaccompany our boarders in jany extracurricular activities, meals or events. f Now that the actual "school work" has begun, we are already off to a busy *start. This week tryouts -are Lbeing held for the soccer, basketbalî and swim teams." * The first school affair happens tomorrow (Thursday), at 1:30 p.m. Our entire school body of staff and students will pack up and head off to Camp Oconto for our annual camping weekend full of activities, contests, campfires and chances to become acquainted with our fellow Trafaigarites. The athletic association headed by Asha James has a full spirit day organized for Friday with keen house competition expected. So once again the spirits are alive, the teachers are teaching and the students are learning with amiles on their faces. The year is afready on the move and as you walk down our halls you L can clearly see that this year could not have been off to a better start. V El Jason Collier SHenry St. H.S. Another school year is upon us and with the first week of classes out of the way, lie, as we know it, is returning te its normal schedule. Team practices are already underway for idget, junior, and senior girls' basketball, boys' voileyball and boys' football. Anyone -still interested in joini'ng any of these teams should listen tc the announcements for the times and locations of upconrung practices. The assembly originally plan.ned for last Friday should be taking place this Tuesday. This year's 'welcome backe assembly wil deal with student card and chocolate sales along with many other topics. The chocolate should be arriving this week and aIl students are encouraged to show their school spirit by fundraising on behalf of students' council. On behaif of ail Hawks, 1 would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mr. Hail, our- new math department head, to Henry. Mir. Hall, in a briliant career move, cornes to us from neighbouring Sinclair. This years yearbook is already underway, so make sure you. listen -te thie announcements to find out when and where you can order your copy of the 5iet edition ofiighiga. Last Frday was the Grade 9 Orientation Fair in the new mym. Every Henry club and teamn set up information tables on which interested new students could asic questions and find out about the many varied clubs and teame that Henry has to offer. This, along with the Grade 9 barbecue held the Thursday before echool began, acquainted new students with the Henry building as weil as with the beehive of activities within. Grade 9 Parents' Night is on Thursday, Sept. 19. This evening gives parents the opportunity to familiarize themselves with, the school and its educational and operational policies. The guidance department stayed openi until 7 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday in order te accommodate ail the timetable changes students wanted te make. Careful calculation teils us that there are only 179 days of achool left in this school year. Until next timne. Musical Music students of ,Andersn CVI will wash cars on Saturday, sept. 14, 9 a.m. te 2 p.m., te raise money for« educationa excursions and munic workshops. cost in $4. The car wash wiIl be, held at Beckford's Petro Canada, Rossiand and Thickson roade, Whitby. UniversityÉ DURHAM COLLEGE president Gary Polonsky addresses the first class of ful-time students to Tanya Hunter I Alana Koster Sinclair Secondary'School You. L1UJJe jour summner was as amazing as ours but let's not dwell on that too long. There are 300 new students and 30 new teachers this year. A spiit lunch means that senior students have to make snow angels outside until they have accesa to the cafeteria. There's no snow yet but there will be soon. A big -thank you is extended to ail those folks down in student services. They have been workting around the dlock changing timetables, 'amongst other things. Hope you ail had a good hair day yesterday and smiled pretty for the camera. If you niised out on last year's yearbook, make surei you don't pans up this year's book of memories. .To. keep that award- winning smile alive forever, just send money or a cheque to Ms. Fairclough. You will also find the yearbook staff selling these outside the cafeteria during the lunch hour. The book is only $30, and this year has even more colour pages filled with you and your friends. Don't delay, buy yours today. Student sticicers can be purchased from your TAG teacher for the bargain prie of$26. Get them now, before the price is higher. Not only can you participate in extra- curricular activities, you also have acces to great savings at al your favourite stores. Sept. 23 is meet the creature night, or teacher, whatever you prefer. New,.club for young ritr for Stratford leaves for Ring Lear on Oct. 23. See Mr. Sutherland with your permision forms and $30. Don't miss out. SAC has made the school Youthcorps stre Three local writers have, joined together te formn Stoiymakers, an educational program for clbildren with an interest in writirig and Through - ..workshops, regular writers' meetings and a bimonthly newsletter, Sterymakers memnbers will have accesi te a ful year of writing activities.. Chiidred aged eight to il are invited te, register for the first workshop to b. held at the Ajax Comxnunity Centre on Saturdays, Sept. 28 and Oct. 5,10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The workshop will introduoe the basioe o! stery wrlting, from deveioping good ideas to completion Of an -.iilusfrated -.manuscript. Sessions wiii include games and activities te, demonstrate writing techniques and stimulate creativity. 'The Storymakers program grew out of our oncern for the needs of children who enjoy writing, but who want direction and feedback from experienced, writersJ'" says children's author/illustrateir Barbara Buetter, one of the co-founders of S1terymakers. "Our goal is te, provide encouragement and support- mentoring which goes beyond a single workshop, as well as te, teach specific writing techniques.» The côst of the eight-hour beginner workshop, lu $60 plus GST. The fe. Includes ail neoessary supplies and a one-year membershlp ln: the 'toymk"r Club. Club membrswill receive a~ bimonthly newsletter and are invited te, attend regular informai writers' meetings. The newletter, through writing activities and aslgnments, will provide young writers with ongoing encouragement te, write, and offers a forum for publication. By attending the regular Club meetings, children wili aiso have the opportunmtý te meet others with an interest in writing and te share their work. Club members wiil b. invited te attend the Storymakers Annual Young Writers' Reception te celebrate thefr achievements. Intermediate and advanced workshops are planned for the - comng montais andaspeclal interest spirit week. Don't miss these' fun-packed lunch bours in the cafeteria. We are stiui, looking forward to the roo beer chug-a-lug and karaoke. Congrats on making it An information and registration session about a newly established youth corps wil1 be- held on Wed- nesda~ Sept. 25 6:30 .m.P, at au ich fcass, 104 Consumers Dr., Whitby. The corps, for Grade 7. -8 and 9 students ini Durham activities such as -hikin,gl canoeing, dances, outings, leadership programs, camp- mot nd sports. reewill b. Chr*istmas, march break and summer programs. Registration is -limited and costs $10. For more information, Programa will be- offered throughout- the year. A program for 12- te l6-year - olds will be introduced next year. For more information o 'r te register, caîl Buetter at 905- 428-7113. Info -on programs1 Durhamn College wll hold a continuouit :learning information ight toùight, (Wednesday), 5 te 9 p.m., at the Oshawa campus of Durham Coilege. Progrm coordinators wili give counsel about Job- focusedl diplomnas and* take university courses at the college. The "orientation" session was held Iast week. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whlthy Free Prees ý'- 1 Welcomè back, all 1,400 of grientation

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