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Whitby Free Press, 11 Sep 1996, p. 26

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Page 26, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, September il, 1996 MOE.l-Iroqeois. Par k . ....DM T .... .... .. LOVE - PEACEFULLy AT Gmac Vila Hosptal. London on Saturday London in Wer851h e. MWlfa thelée Rtsso StaforiLove. Deai 171h#W of lUM eFagan and her husband Gerald of Lonidon Gwen Olverand beu husband hay of Whl and Ruth Ackerof Londion. Decaug~hl e lats John and CatherineDIcson. Deai' sister af Jeffl Bowman of London. Beloved slsler-ln4aW and frled of Shire Lmov0f Hamilton. Lovng Oranddmotherof Leslie. Loulse, Juil,, Jennhfer, Jonalon Stevn, Robort D _*M.es Russef, Tracy and Sem.. Mso Ioved by gfflt.grandhidcren Nathanlel, Amanda, Darlan and Jlynn.: Frlens oeailon Tuescfay reom io, lm6 tram 2a0 GEORE FUERALHOME, 6o RidauIt St S. London where 9ha funerai sevlcS wi be held in- the chapel on Wednesday, eptember 11, 19 a3 dclocc vjgh Reverend Peter Wall officiating. Intement b follow ai Siloani Cemetey. R4MoadonatioMn" m ae»1h Cmaldi Dabetes Association, 442MAd e stret North London N6B 3"8 « #»i.PaliatIive dareUnit Oubeach Teani of Parkwoocj HE"as L,801 ÇOmissilon.rs Road onnN6C 5J1 Would lie arena expansion, ~set to f Excavation and con rtion Of thefouis rarena expans«ion isc 1led ta begin next weel The contractor, Brothe, estimates il talc. aot 40 wee] build the. $7.3-mi' three-rink ex pani according ta a parka recreation departi repot Te main shel ai building ià k> b. u] December, with inte done over the wl months 'and the a floors poured in May. j tiedcompletion de Although the corn will be ready for usi August, the departi sy opening cerem< heg9in frSp.5 istruc- aescheduledfo 1Park 1997 sa as ta flot interfere chedu- with scheduled uses. L The campiez wili have Bail two concession booths in a it will central food court areaan ks t> a 6,400-square-foot res- [Ilion, taurant iocated adjacent ta, ,aiefi the Ottenbrite pool. 3 fl The Town has distributed ment some 36 requests for pro- rthe posais, which wili be reviewed by the building P. by committee. The Town wil enr interviewjproponents and ,The rations committee early Lte is next month who shouid be awarded the contract(s). One company may be given the right ta develop .iplex ail three or the contracts ;e by for each may be awarded ta nent three separate companies, onies dependinfgon the proposais. Region website U LC nfýocus of NOTIE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In Th. Estate ai John Stewart Tw..di., Al caimns against th. Estate ai Joui Stewt Tweedie, lab oaithie Town of Whitb ln the Reglonal Munipajity oai ôUhan, Famer, deoeoeed, *ho cied on or about thie 23rd dayoU April,1996, must h. filed %wth hie undersigneci personai repreSentaliy ai tii. Estale on or before die 30th daofiSentembe 1996. Thereater hie uncfrs=ae wil distribute "h assets or tue Estale j a1< rod only bo1h. gATE at al, this 26hday DvdBarclay and teae u es b tierSollcftors' CATTANAC14 HINDSON SUJTON VANVELDHUIZEN 52 Main StretMaka,,North Markham, Ontario 3PDCM Durham ]Region's leap into global cyberspace will be featured at the 'New Profits from Networking. And Business 'Alliancing' breakfast mneeting at the' Oshawa Holiday Inn on fWednesday, Sept. 18, 8 a.m. ta noan. The -multi-faceted web- Page features will provide manufacturers, service industries, commercial operations and tourism operations the. opportunity ta promote their services througli the Durham page. 'Strategic Alliance' exposure for Durham firms is expected ta increase dramaticalîy with added ieads being solicited from ahl Canadian embassies and consulates around the world. Ail manufacturing firms featured in the newiy updated Strategic- Alliance book will be automatically ...NIW...I Boycott ST. JUDE. O HOLY St Jude aposte and martyr geat ln virtue anddicii in miracieé, near kinsman o Jesus Christ, ifiul intercessor ai ail wio Invoke >uspecail patron inu tTe of need , y-ou1have recoursetram thie depthaiofy heart and hubly beg >v b wiio God has given sucii g.at power b commeab my assistance. tep me now in my present and urgent need and grant my earnest peétition. In mtum i1 prois, b malce your namne known and cause o beh invoked. - Say turee COuFatmes thre Hait Mai-ys and three Glouias: St Jude, pray forus ail who hanaur and ifivoke ymu aid. Amen. This* novera has neyer been icnown b fait. AS. HELEN AND TED APPLEBY wish ta tiiank aituas. nvohed in arranging aur 50TH Wedding Annmweray Celebration. Our sonÉ and tueir famlies, nieces aid neph.ws aid a speciaI thanks b Isobel Le.The greaiest mvent of aur lives. Helen and Ted Appleby. *FROM PAGE 1 sajd CUPE members want ta support the United Way. "It is on. of the most important funders of the voluntary service sector, supporting many worthy labour-initiated organiza- tions, inçluding a number cf agîencies where CUPE mem bers work,» h. said. «Tne millions of dollars CUPE contributes annually is a mensure of aur historie rpec for the United Way.» -. Lions wil hold. meeting The Brookil and District Liions Club will hold a dinner meeting on Wednesday, Sept. il and 25, 6:45 p.m., at the. Brooklin Community Centre, Cassels Road East -' For mare information, caIl Neil at 655-4065 or John at 655-4840. meeting9 entered in Durham's world class Web page. With the. breakfas meeting concentrating ai 'New Profits througl Networlking and Strategii Alliancing,' a numnber of casi studies will be featured ir, sucha mariner that similai operations could be replicated within Durham Region. .There will be a discussion about the benefits achieved when a number of Ontario greenhouse aperators decided ta pool their expertise and export their services to the U.S. market. <A presentation of Durham Region's sophisticated network, purchasing program, will define the steps required ta set Up a sinular operation that could save money through bulk purchase discounts. Robert Creighton, rePresenting many hundreds of Scottish firms looking for profitable, alliancing with ýýnadian firms, will show how the European market can b. penetrated with mnimal financial outlay and fewer executive man-hours. Cost ta attend the meeting is $12. For reservations, cal the Durham Region economic departmnent at 723-0023 or fax 436-5359. Cloing someone would have ta buy Consumers, decide ta carry on business as usuai and honour th. franchise agree- ment. «Tiiats àa pr.tty slim chance- -- I don't think it's Wvorth mentioning,» he says. 'I always taid tiie staff w, wiii b. tiie last Con- sumners star. ta go down and basically with Con- sumers as a whoie going dawn -- they can leave the Consumers banner up but tiiey're really not Con- sumners Distrbuting stores anymore -- w. are.» GIRL GUIDE UNIFORM EXCRANGE Girl Guide public relations advisor Margaret Chee of AMax has been busy the past few inonths organ1zg this ares's firat annual Girl Guide Uniform Exchange. "As girls son outgrow their uniforme and move onto the next level, we feit that this 'reuse' event wlll put the integrai part of our environmental program into practice by benefitting thosielether iooking for or dlscarding uniformse" said Chee. 1W.%aticipate the exchange to incudeGir Gude eia .d tems for Sparks ail the. way up ta the. leaders." Thm event will be heid Sept. 14,9 a.m.ta12:-30 p.m., at PldoeringlVillage United Church, Church Street, north of Hlghway 2. Organ.ized by the Shoreline Division of Ajaxr, the excagewlomes Guides -from ali parts of Durham.ý Forinomtn on how ta participate, oeil Che. at 427- 7366. The Recycling Council of Ontario (RCO) received an overwhelmrngly positive response ta its first Reuse Conférence in June in Toronto. IndEco Strategic Consulting Inc. surveyed conférence delegates for their feedback and many described the event as one of the best conferences they ever attended and gave it high marks for speakers, information and networking. As one of the delegates, I agree wholeheartedily with the conclusion. Panelists reiated success stories using secondary markets and described new concepts in reusable packaging. Networking revealed that Toronto's Designi Exchange (416-216-2160) was hosting a touiing exhibition, 'Re<Ous: Good Everyday Design from Reused and Recycled Materials,' which continues until Sept. 15. With the conference's high level of excitement it was littIe wonder that many delegates have forwarded- content suggestions'regarding municipal and community reuse activities as well as policy issues and economic instruments ta, encourage the RCO ta hast another conference in 1997. For office- managers and municipal planners who missed June's conference, entitled 'Moving Up the Hlierarchy,' audio tapes are stiil available from the RCO by calling Brenda Berry at 416-960-1025. Interested citizens may wish ta oeil their local councillor ta, se. if the tapes could be purchased by the municipality for their local library. Bed and breakfast FROM PAGE 3 highest taxed" on the street. "I hear a lot of remarks that a b.d and breakfast is sleazy," added Mary Wood. "T1o imply w. are doing anything ta muin anyone's plrprt value is totally Wootton then clarified his earlier cornments. "At no time was 1 inipiy- ing that it *as a hale- in-the-wail,"he said. Committee members had little comment and referred E-ATING DISORDER In collaboration with the. Body Image Coalition' of Durham, the Ontario Community Outreach Program' for Eating Disorders and the Ontario Ministry of IIealth, the. Durham Region Health Department viii sponsor, a community forumonetg dis rde s, n T ursday, sept. 19, 7 p.m.,- at the Oshawa Public Library. Speaker 18 Dr. Gail McVey, a psYchologist with the Ontario Community (Outreacii Program foi Eating Disorders. Admission is free. For more information, cal Dianne Elliott at the health department at 723U521. the application back ta the> planning department. circulate o aditinal public and agDey input before coming back ta, com- mittee with a recommenda- continues until k>morrow tion from staff. (Thursday). fZZZL OBITtJARIES-53iI3 The l7th annuai munici- pal law enforcement affi- cers' traininj seminar is b.ing held tins week at the. Hli ly In in- Oshawa. Topics include-biaws relating k> business licenc- ing, parking -Violations, noise contrai, pawn shops, tow trucks, taxis, limou- si.nes, diving, instructars, scnd-hand shops, aduit entertafinent parlours and swimmng pool fencing. The. seminar, hosted by Durhanm Regionai Police and area municipalities, A resident of Whitby for 6S years, Crawford Stewart Kerr dieM at Fairview Lodge on Aug. 30, 1996. He was 94. Mr. Kerr was the second eldest son of the. late James Gibson Kerr and Helen Steward. He was -born at Haugh Farm in Alloa, Scotland, on March 17, 1902. ,A farmer, Mr. Kerr came ta Whitby in 1927 and for many years he and his brothers farm.d Twin Stream Farm at the northwest corner of Cochrane Street and Rossland Road. Mr. Kerr neyer married. He is survived by two sisters, Helen Hayt of Pickering , and Connie Harvey- of Stou'ffville; brotiier-i' n-law Jack Harvey af Stouffville and sister-in- law Jeanie Kerr of &eotland and maàny 1nieces and nephewiý six sisters and four brothers died before hum. Mr. Kerr was at the W.C. Tawn Funeral Chape], Whitby, wiiere Rev. W.J.S. dCur conducted the. runeral service on Sept. 3, 1996, followed by interment at Mount Lawn Memorial Gardens. MURIELCATHCART Muriel Elizabeth Cath- cart of Whitby died on Saturday, Sept. 7, 1996 at Oshawa General Hospital., She was 80. She was barri in Man- chester, En gland, on Feb. 5, 1916 dauqhter of Daniel and Martha (Poilitt) ]Reid. 5h. married John Cathcart an July 27, 1957. She is survived by son David Wilson, daughter Sandy (and her husband Mike Ashby) and grandsons Zachary and Spencer. Shewa nrdeeasd.by The. funeral service was held at the W.C. "Town Funeral Chapel' on Sept. 10, Rev. Miller conducting. Cremation. *Family Monuments sGranite or Bronze Markers *Cemnetery Lettering *Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whiiby 668-3552 Alter Rouis 668-4460 or 721-9882, econoinic future scrutinized Anopen discussion about 'Ontarros Future:Laof & Pofis'will be heid a't Durham Coilege, lecture theatre, Cl13, Oshawa an TuesdYCrSet. 7,7 p.m. The pan l cldes John Ferusn, CIBC senior vice presiden of corporate com- muncatonsand public afar;David Laile co- ordina*tor of Canaàian issues for the Jesuit Centre for Social Faith and Jus- tice' Fred Lazar, associate protess9or and coordinator of economics at the sehool of business at York University; Stephen Van Houten, president fthe Alliance of Manufacturers & Exorr Canada; Gary Polonksy, Durhamn Colleqe prsdent who wiil chair thIe dcusion. The Durham East Liberai Association is hast- ing the discussion. For more information, cali Pat Sparling at 905-985-8001. Bylaw officers CRAWFORD KERR 0' Ontariols

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