WhitbY Free press, Wednesday, September 11, 1996., page 27 Flýoodb dproblýems (o be addressed byTow Vn staff FROM PAGE 17 the easaide of Andeoean. Da1Ivn Uri,... m Ltd. satisfied both the Town's and CLOCA's out- standing concerne and staff rocommended that the designation ho removed. However, la.st May coun- cil opted te hava Mk Ü.Dil- lon raview, the report and when Dillon concurred with its fmdings staff again recomfmende the deletion. But following complaints from area residants, the, the app fcation in July te allow staff to prepare a report-onpossile flood con- trol measures. Water runoif, erosion and sult deposits hava been a regular occurrence sinca the impact of nearby hous- mng davlopmants began te ho fait on Pringle Creek about six years ago. At last week's meeting, residents gave tentative support te some of the pro- posaIs ained at--prevenà ting flooding from occurring on A&s for the current pro- bleme staff recommended that tlis matter ha referred to the operations commnittee for review. While not opposed to this course of action Emm wan- ted the entire aeveiopment prormaI put on holciuntil wonrksý staff had assessed the situation. "I would like an engin eeriLng report, not just a *planner's perspective,» said Emm. Mitchell, howevar, war- ned of the potential danger in not approving Wolster's officiai pilan amendment application and the rezon- ing proposais. Fearing the outcome of a board hearing, Mitchell urged the committee te support the staff recom- mandation. But councillor Shirley Scott supported Emm 's motion te postpona conside- ration of al Items except for the operations commit- tee review. ýnmrjAA £Liouser soiCitor for Woister and lÜaif Asso- ciates, owners of a 7.6-hec- tare site east of Wolster's poetwas taken aback by thecornmittee'sdecision. «What caui I possibly say about what hapened?» Houser told The Free Press last, week. "I wasn't stun- ned, just disapponted.» Ian Lord, solicitor for the third developer Joseph Lambert, whose 8.3-hectare site lies north of Baifs pro- perty, was not available for comment. Foilowing Monday's meeting, Brunelle. told reporters that while there was some initial concern that the proposed develop- ment on the east sida of Anderson would affect homes on the west sida, this is no longer the case. "Canges were made te the plans by the (planning) dapartment and the develo- pers " ha said. Zeerosion problems will ho addressed, but thay're not ralated te these Ontario Regiment 130 years old The Ontario Regiment (Royal Canadian Armoured Corps) will celebrate their lSOth birthday on Saturday, Sept. 14. Fesivities are planned for Friday, Sept. 13 through to Sunday, Sept. 15, as this birthday also coincides with the regiment's 5Oth annual reunion. On Sunday, the regiment will, aiso ezercise its 'Freedom 'of the Cit yh Pftrading from the armoury toachurcli service .at, St. George's Anglican Church. The regiment will then proceed te Memorial' Park where there wilI heaa dedication of the wall mural depicting the regiment and its 130 years of confitinuous service te -Canada. Foliowing the dedication, the regiment will then move to Parkwood Estate where there will ha an officiai ceremony and the regiment's annual Parkwood Promenade. SCHEDIJLE 0F EVEN73 Fegay.e 13- 5m P.Fm - recephon ai M» (Oshawa Aivport), mmkd oi e moewy trjpfor veterans. Saturday. Sept. 14. 4 p.m. - Cenotaph m.ivmOeai lh. Arnmury; 4M0 p.rm. Regimentai CadmtBand eiormance <Anlmrhy; 6 P.m. - reunion dinner <Armoury) Sundmy, Sept. 15,. 12M0 p.m. - parade asaembky on Armawy floor; lm0p.m. exrc. freedorn ci 90 t a t Gores Angican Chu fior seniLm. assocItIon=ment r ad efans wil be .iig in hielo*caivehice(tanks, Jeeps. Z, ; f<2:3 p.M. - paadelaMemorial pak cabaon ad wajilmurai depicting ils 130 oefsa continuaus seervo 0Canada; 3 prm. - Parade to Palcwood Estate; 3:w È- -of" cermnes W and Paw I .3 'MARKET CLASSIFIED< ADS for 20 word 50 prpalud 50for eaoh addional word communîty o:ned newspper to- FREE PRES Place your 668611 FemlesSeeie PARTY GIRL SWF, 20, 54, 110 ibs., blonde hair, green eyes, tooking foreomeone who is lnterested tn having a reiationshîp, friends firsi. -AD# 1472 - HOLDING HANDS SWF, 46, professionai, dark br. hair, biue'eyes, attractive, full figured, look- ngfrsomeone who enjoys camping outdoors, holding hands & is romanîF & gentie. AD# 1467 1SEEK HANDSOME MALE SWF, 20, br hair, green eyes, univer- sity student, iooklng for someone to enjoy, you shouid be handsome, sin- g ie or ma rried & have goals for the future. ADI 1474 HAVING FUN SWF, 23, br. hair, br. eyes, good sense cf humour, tooklng for black maie, enjoy music, outdoor activities, dinfing & having fun. ADI 1473 FRIENDS FIRST SWIF, 35, 5'4", ion g br. hair, Iooking for somneone 10 be fniends first, 10 tlî 10 me & listen & stay at home & cud- die. ADI 1438 SLIM BUILD SWF, 35, br. hair, br. eyes, siim build, 5'5", iooking for someone who is hon- est & who0 likes an Independent woman. ADI 1543- ATTRACTIVE FEMALE SWF, 30, attractive, married, blonde hair, green eyes, 515", seeking straight mate, attractive & open minded f or discrete encounters. ADI 1450 ROMANTIC EVENINGS SWF, 32, single mother, seeking someone for camping, fishing, roman- tlic evenlngs. i enjoy dancing, oid movies, al y ou have 10 do Is leave a message.ADI 1431 BEAUIFUL ON THE INSIDE SWF, 47, blonde hair, blue eyes, full flgured, attractive, carlng, loving, romanllc, iooking for ktnd, gentie, underslandlng man for one on one relattonshlp. ADI 1460 <FUNTIMES SWF, 22, attached, 5'2, 125 Ibe., dark hair, seeklng F for sorne fun. Seek somneone who is discrete. ADI 1465 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP SWF, 44, 5W6, br. hair, blue eyes, seektng someone for ton g terni who knows what he wants in lie & enicys movies, reading, walidng & quiet tirnes aI home. ADI 1434 ROMANTIC AT HEART SWF, eart 40's, 57". sim, blonde hair, blue eyes, teeking gentleman, 5Çk65 with a good sense of humour wboi likes dlning out, dancing & movies. AD# 1419 C s er eric - 1-26664 ROMA"TC & AFFECTIONATE SWF, 28, 5'6", medium length br. curly hair, br. eyes, ioolng for someone over 29 who Is Intelligent, tait, large bulld, kind, caring & ready for long terrni rela- tionship. AD# 1410 DOWN TO EARTH" SWF, 5S6". 135 ibs., blonde hair, blue eyes, down 10 earth, seeking honest maie, who likes tog o to the cottage & south to Florida. AD#21326 FRIENDSHIP FIRST SDF, 41, 5'X", 120 ibs., enjoy outdoors, sports, camping,, fishtng, good conversa- CASUAL DAT1NG SWF, 24, interested ln meeting sorneone for casuai dating & lter becomlng seri- SPECIAL PACKAGE SWF, young 49,.,br. hair, green eyes. great personaiiîy & sense of humour, enjoy camping, arts, fine dining, iooking for nice lookingg entieman with greal personaiity who ?<nows h 0W 10 treat a lady. AD# 1481 SIMILAR QUALMES SWF, 30, ike the ouldoors, movies, staying home & golng out, having fun & sports, interested in meeting someone with simiiar qualities. AD# 1396 CALLING ALL COWBOYSI SWVF, 21, cute, 5'3X. weii proportioned, biue eyes, short br. hair, seeklng siim to average buiid maie, 21-28 for uine danc- ing, friendshîp & possible reiationshop. ADI 1398 LAID BACK SWF, lookin9 to meet someone between 20-25 . t *amrn m music, going out & hav- ing ag ood time, seeking someone who is laid back & openminded. ADI 1400 CASUAL RELAIONSHIP SWF, 5'l11", long blonde hair, blue eyes, seeking casuai reiationship with some- one, 18-29, not jealous. ADI 1429 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP SWF, 21, br. hair, blue eyes, 5'3", 185 lbs., enjoy outdoo rs, country music & animais, seeking SWM, 21-28, slim to average buiid who Is fun & spontaneous. ADI 1401 VERY ATTRACTIVE REDHEAD SWF, very attractive, 5'8", redhead, laul, hazel eyes, siim build, widow, love the arts, Iheatre, & have hlgh morais & stan- dards, arn intelligent, honest & passion- aIe, seeking gentleman, widower or weil divorced. ADI 1409 BLONDE FEMALE SWF, 5'4", blonde, 125 ibs., enjoy danc- ing, movies, havlng fun, seeking some- one who enjoys the same. ADI 1397 HONEST à SINCERE SWF, 46, 5'r, blonde hair, siim, like cross country skling, blklng, skating, very active, love travelling, ling for some- one who is honest & sincere, 40-50,. lu, active & knows what he wants ln life. AD# 1363 FRIENDS FIRST SWF, 41, divorced, 5'3" 120 Ibe., enJoy camping fishing, m;usic & good conver- sation. Seeklng man who knows how to treat a tady. 5' 1 , 180 ibe., 42-45. ADI 1427 SPOIL ME SWF, 34, seeking mate 34-45. I enjoy movies, theatre, waîking, dining, evenings aI the pub. I want t0 spoit somebody & I want somebody to spoil me. ADI 1378 FUN TIMES SEEK INDEPENDENy- MALE SWF, 39, bonde hair, green eyes, 5'2"# SWF, l9, 5'4", 11 5 lbs., blonde hair, afetioenate, oranic' ttacie,, fulov- green eyes, enjoy roiierbiadlng, sports, ing, seeking someone specii1 share swimrning, seeking man who is indepen- fu lms ih. ADI 1386 dent, knows where he is going in tife& TRY ANYTHING ONCP enjoys gâood limes. ADI 1370' SWF, professional, European descent, br. shouider iength hair, br. aimormd eyes, ln good shape, wouid try anythtng once except skydMvng, wouid like to meet new friends z share intimate limes with sorneone special. AD# 1390 CLASS a STYLE SWF, 37, 55, 125-Ibe., thick shoulder Iength auburn hair, wami, ultra feminine affctionate, seeklng man wlth gooci morats, manners & means who enjoys good wine & company with a woman who has clasa & style. ADI 1389 SWARM & COMFORTING SWF, 33, 57-, br. hair, blue eyes, carlng, werm ,Intelligent, loyal, rornantlc, good sense of humour, enjoy owling, dlanc- ing, movies, swimming, seeking SWM, monogarnous, 30-40. ADI 1417- ROMANTIC AT HEART SWF, 45, blonde hair, blue eyes, fuli.flg- ured, attractive, caning. thought1u, klnd & pendie, enjoy camping, otd movies, look- wq- for someone to treal me like a lady. AD# 1365 SEEKING RELATIONSHIP SWF, 19, seeking any maIe, 18-26, who enjoys MOVies &,spendlng limfe together for a reIationship. ADI 1372 GREEN EYES SWF, 21, btack haîr, green eyes, 5W4, 110 lbs., seeking car fng handsome person who enjoys dolng out & havtng fun or staying home. ADI 1383 SERIOUS PERSON ONLY, SWF, 43, 5', 100 lbs., br. hair, blue eyes, like to meet mate, 34-48, difvorceci person only please. ADI 1435 BETTY DAVIS EYES SWF, 39, Betty Davis eyes, looking for somnebody who ig klnd romantlc, cartng & likes kids. ADI 1402 SEEK HANOSOME MALE SWF, 18, 5'4", 105 tbs., seeking SWM, handsome, athletic, 18-25 & interested in furthesing your education. ADI 1313 POSSIÈLE RIELATIONSHIP SWF, 18, 5V8, long br. hatr, hazei eyes,' seeking maie, 18-25, who is honest & enjoys goln9 out, movies, spending time aione, tor fnendshlp & possible relation- ship. ADI 1353> GOOD T1MES SWF, 40, 5', 107 ibs., modet, have one chiid, absotutely love the ouldoors, ski- ing, cycing, camping, love 10 live Idfe the way il Is, seek maie who is into good limes, good iooking & a nice guy. ADI 1356 PROFESSIONAL FEMALE SF, 32, professional, -Asian -fealures, enjoy family, friends, romance, keeping fit, good food, good music, travei, sports, LONG BROWN HAIR SWF, 58", .18, long br. hair, br. eyes, enjoy dancing, raves, movies, 800 ing female, 18-22 to hang out vwith & talk to. AD#i1350 CASUAL DINNERS SWF, lte 40'à . attractive, enjoy music, movies, casuai dinners, long drives, nice evenings aI home, seeklng someone NEW TO AREA » SWM, 36, 190 Ibs., 6T3, seeking somne- one who is active; enjoys outdoors & sports for long tern reiationship. i amn a sertous person wîth a good sense of humour. AD# 1476 EVENING ENCOUNTERS SWM, 24, 165 ibs., iookIng for femiefor FIT & ATTRACT1VE - SWM, 21, 5'l", 155 Ibs., bîcurlous, inlerested in meeting a frlend, 18-20 for, discrete encounters. ADI 1439 ATHLETIC BUILD SWM, 25, br. hair,. athîetlc bulid, 6'2". 190 Ibe., like to play sports, wantlng 10 - HAVE FUN SWM. 30, 6', 150 lbs., seekcing nlsrnok- ing F, 23-35 who loves ouldoors, movies & Is spontaneous & easygolng & sto have fun. ADI 1459 t FREE FOR R r tr00» 1 WOMEN E 0 n p r c Wornen rinay retrievee mes- E 1 . 0 p t i 0 sages for free once per clay by calling 1-8800-7763-7138 63 - 7 38 1 v m s xt. 11. Option 22. HONEST à CARING SWM, 31, hionest, carin , n/smoker, enjoy sports, movies, walks, talilng & roatî ieLs eLgFwo shn SWM, mld 30's, 6', weli bullt, attractive, adore older women, seeking oider, attractive, queen size lady 10 enjoy li- mate companlonshlp. ADI 1423 SEEK'TRULY WARM PERSON SWMV, 37, 6', well buit,-attractive, short, br. hair, blue eyes, sipeking attractive lady, 40-60's who is frtendly& cùddly. ADI 1430 ENJOY OUTDOORS SWM, 6'2"~, 210 lbs., enjoy outdoors, movies, dining, having fun, seelng F: 21-8 H ties& havefn & hon SWM, 6'2", 188 ibs., atletlc, hand- sorne, new ln town, like 10 meet some- one who Is atlic, attractive, ambi- tious & likes 10 travel& have a good lime. ADI 1414 NO COUCH POTATO SWM, 37, 6Y3, 220 tbs., good shapé, very active, like to play darts, campng flshlng, cooklng, no depondents, seek ln COmne Twlksrae sls SWM, 26, 5m, European, sltm, dark hair, br. eyes, hoplng 10 meet some- body 10 connect ilh, enjoy bar scene, nlghts in, long waiks, Ioolng ta meel somebody & start as friends.AD# 1448 PROFESSIONAIL MALE SWMIV, 26, 5'8"m, 150 ibs. br. hair, br. eyeftarctiveIsEeklGUmtsY h SWM, 20, 6'1*, long auburn haîr, br. eyes seeking clown ta earth wornan, 19-22 nou, energetto, socia- ble. AD#ont1e37 s SPORTS & music SBM, 51, 57"r, medlurn bulid, Mie tb COLLEGE STIJDENT SWM, 20, college student, like to dance & party, seeking som;eone 10 have fun wllh who t can make Iaugh& can mnake me Iaugh.. ADI 138M il