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Whitby Free Press, 11 Sep 1996, p. 6

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Page 6, Whltby Pree Press, Wednesday, September il, 1996 * The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whltby residents for Whitby resîdents' MEMB ER 0F: (sm Canadian Communlt Ontario Cmunt Newspaper Associa1ton Newspaper Asoiain WhltbC, Whilby Business Oshawa-Durham Home Chamber of Commerce in Action Builders,'Association The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbum & Myrtie as well as numerous public and commercial oudets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 2850COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GST a Outside Canada $85 + GSI ISSN#0844-398X Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario InC. 900 Hopkins St. /BOX 2069 Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager .Printed on newsprint with minimumn 20% 4* recycled content using vegetable.based inks. tue *Ail wrlten materlal, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means tor commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper la prohibited and s a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for -non-commercial distribution should bear a credit uine to the Whitby Free Press. To the editor: Re: Mnlstry report on daycare reform The rocently released 40- page report an reform of the daycare systemn is an attempt Io solve a prablsm created and maintainod by govemment. Child cars was not a problem unlil the govemment regulated Il and started propping Up its operation with aur money. What ever caused the idea thae average people needed subsdmzed da>vare? lts just an extension 0f the montalty that' thought Up family allewanoe as a way of giving back some of the money the governinent to0k in the first place. The costs 0f administration assure that the amnount taken is signiflcantiy larger thon the amount rMtmed. Itfs so stupid, Il could only have come from politicians. The 'report suggests that people who are educated as chiid cars workers and'receive- an average wage 0f $1 9,000 per year should talcs a $4,500 cul tao nable subsidies -for 12,000 needy familles. This is poltical bogic. If you reduce pay ta poverty leveis for 14,000 workers, it lsn't hard 10 croate onother. 12,000 familes needing subsidies. The average daycare vvrker has dons nougqht -10 deserve' this. They gotoa work and serve the public for, less thaonen-- quarter the salary and benefits 0f an MPP serving as a cabinet minister. Perhaps if such a momber was ln the service 0f the public, ws coule justify a salary 0f $19,000. f, we cut MPP salaries down 10 $14,500, there wouid be more maney yst for subsidies. They coule be'extended as real.tax culs rather thon virtual ones token bock in other ways. An aven botter idea is for the govmfment 10 get out af regulation of the daycare business. Lot the prices fail whers they will; supply and demand wili ensure fees, wages and services ars fair. Parents can b. sxpected ta take rssponsibility for the quality 0f cars provided. The savings rssuiting from the end 0f gomerment interference muld be a botter subsldy thon any cher. il is on emborrassment to the people 0f this province that we voted ln a Party based on expectations 0f rscsiving common sense solutions to polical problems. No wal ws are getting is polftical solutions toa probisms ý croated by gomment. When ýcan -we expect ta receive the common sense and servce wo voted for?7 We have ysttolab. served. Don Young Ajax The British Council Tax By Paul Pagnuelo In 1695, England imposed a one-shilling tax on houses wfith more than seven windows. t Was thought Io boa goodildea, Inaccuracies in letters Tro the editor: i have been readlng, Wltha great deal 0f enjoment, the letters about Mr. Mc-Teague, and the salvos ho has seni bock. What has surplsed me has been tho vndictiveness lr most 0f the letters. 1 could not lot Mr. McTeague say things about my fdend Louis Alloe that were foies, 0f cast doubt upon his good name. Mr. McTeague wrate that Mr. Alle had been a candidats for Roform horseln Ontario riding. That was not so. Mr. Aibore was on. the executive 0f 1he local constituency association, he nover was, nor did ho ever contomplate running as a candidats. 1 know because 1 had tnoed ta get hlm ta run, before 1 doclarod 1 vould seek the nomination. Mr. McTeaguo also dlaims that Mr. Aiboro was klckçed out of the porly because he cIgs the party leadorsh!p. Not onliroly true. Mr. Alloe, as a iawysr, was llocely dedicated ta the rule of Iaw and ils'application. Mr. Alloe.cams 10 tho dofence of John Gamblo, a former Mulroney MP who was then runnlng for the nomination of the Reform Party. During the nomination process, the Heritage Front ciaimed 10 support Mr. Gambie., Mr. Gambie clalmod not ta know these people, but would flot swoar off their support becajse, as a lawyer, he could not condsmn peoples ho had flot had dealings. Unfortunatoiy in Canada today, that prncdpied response was not good enough for the media, and the party had no choice but ta expel Mr. Gambie and his supporters, which lncluded Mr. Alloe, on principie. Even afler this event, Mr. Alloe stayed loyal ta the principais of Reform, caiiing me for advice durlng the election, helping where ho could and contributlng to my olection campaign. Mr. McTeague also seems ta c1Wm that there is on organized attackç agalnst hlm ond the Liberals by Reform members. 1 find that stronge, especially since. ', as a wslI-known Reformer, have given hlm praise in my lettors and my cokJmn in The Indopendent six timos, Alex Shepherd, four limes, Ivan'Grass 0. Tho fact he recelvod -pralse from Ms. Grey, aurfirst IMP, should have convinced Mr. Mèleague that Reformers are different; we wil pralse gaod and expose the bad. 1 think the reai prablem Mr. McToagus has is that he reaizos that support for the fuZZY ,unprincipled Llberai philesophy of. say onything ta win is a mile wide but aniy an inch deep. Ho is feeling heat hors at home, because voters do not believe his convenient populist stands. If he was a populist, as ho daims,, he wauld, have'kept the promise ho. made on radio and he would have voîed against the last budget because of the tax incrooses and the lack of- action on the GST. Mr. McTeague, «Methinks thou doth protest too muchi" Andrew Davles WhItby since tax collectors could avoid angry confrontations by standing outslde the hause and countlng the windows. In response, taxpayers boarded Up windows until the assossor toIt, and new homes were bulit wlth fewer windows. In. ane case, a whoie row of houses was bulit without a singie mwindow. The 'wIndow taxe continued to Influence .residentiai architecture until the middle of the last centuvy. Earler this docade, the UK govornmont was faced with havlng ta replace its hlghly unpopular pol tax which had beeri impiemented in 1989-90. Responding ta the taxpayers' cry of "no a more revaluations," the Council -Tax was introduced for residential praperties. Design 'ed ta be a 'one-time only assessment system, properties were reassessod and asslgned to one of eight bands of 1991 market value, with each band assîgned a lotter from A through H. The process did not invoive appraisals of the property - only rough approximations of market value - and there were no interlor inspections. Ail properties were assumed ta be in a reasonable state 0f ropair, which meant there was no tax relef for those in rundown shape, and no tax penalty for those in above-average condition. Because there la no monetary assessment, the Council Tax does not use mlfl, rates ta calculate the tax payable. lnstead, ail properties classified in the same band pay the same amount 0f tax in a year. Tax levels vary by band but the difference is flot as great as the market values represented by each band. For exampie, the market value mid-point af BondGis £240,000 or about thres times that 0f Band D. But Band G properties pay only 67 per cent more than Band D properies do In tax. To assist,. low-inéomne househokdi, the" Council Tax has been made progressive' by ,providinýg croditsof up to 100per cent of the tax payable. Slngle-famiiy residiences,,and apartments are treated the same under the Council Tax and taxes are pald by the ooeupant. There-is, however, a whiff 0f the previous poli tax, with one- adult households receMng a 25 par cent Federation. discount. A différent system is used for non-residentlal properties ln Britain. They are flot banded' but indMvdually appralsed on a rentai-value basis, and reassosmeént oeurs evsîy Nie years. Whlie the Coundil tax Is a low-cost, stable assessment systemi, Ifs flot everyone's cup of tea. Talcs, for exampie, the case of Fred Martin, a 55-year- aid farmer. When the system, was untroduced on April 1, 1993, Martin rocelved a tax notice saying ho owed $400 (Cdn.) on his three-room cottage located ln the serte moarian-ds ,of northeast, Engiand. He thought at firsI IR was, an April Fool*s Joke., Aftsr ai, the cotta99e had n-o', hsatng, elarnchty or- running 'ýwotor. Even-by Brtllsh standards, it was considered rustlc. Three months liner. he poursd kerosene through ôut his cottage, lit his tax notice' on lire and tossed i lin. That's when the tax assessors finally agroed that Marin wouid no longer have ta pay the tax. Paul Pagnuela l a member of the, Ontario Taxpayers No tax cut now *rd these groups are going ba be Oie most adverseiy roduced in 1917. affected by the reduction In social spending brought r the tax shauld be on by the tax cut. And 80 years aller Thoas who advacate Ode tax reducicn want ba e paylng more In make l worse by propasing a flat tax or tax thing and sheiter flattenirig which would furiher wfden Oie dlaparty <between the rfch and Oie ret of us. me tax reductian? Tax cul proponents want you ta believe Oie cut is 1would. The hard accompllshed Oirough simplification of Oie fax do you impement systern. The reallty lis thaI it ls ont>, a raid on Oie qusuty of Ofe and pocketbooks of seniors and middle îda's income taLx lanad lowr-income wage earners. etein world. This Tax culs must be ta eveiyonet odvantage and reslars and retain the benefits. shared by ail. Which ieads taOiem aioes a brain drain question of when is Oie right time ta dut? ;pend. Income fax Our toaidebt.-grss.domiesu<.prod ratio for vemments, of ail Oie 19%&97 fiscal year declinsd. Ta me, tls means debt aid deficit -= have tumed Ohe corner. As weii, annual deficits ip your household have declined by 50 per cent slnoe this government trok office and interest rates have steadily dropped. Lx reduction isn't Conier Oie Impact this has had on your cul df your goal la mailgage. One-year mortgage holders swved- as rs lke saying you miuch as $2,970 a year because af a 3.88 per cent Id bis. drop In inlerest' rates froin January 1 995 ta August ax cut In Oie U.S. 1996. This wasn't becauseaf a fax cut.Tax culs ed It supply-sile shauld flot be introduoed whlle annual deficits are mulate consumer, stilI with us. We should ho recording significant laIe Oie economny surpluses before wve allw aurseives Oie luxwyof a create lobs, etc. tax reduction. uit la that when Policiticians have came aind gone over the Last 25 Emr pookets, Oie>, years aid Oie debt aid deficit grew steadil>, MWe n Japon. And as this period. gnasd, Oihe U.S. 1 An>, poliioi part>, or politician who suggests a tax, ýolîfical leadler in cul now does not have an>, ideas on haw to deal hoU.S. disater. with Oie complexities involved In baiancing Ouaâ lement a tax cul. country's budget st Of Us. Sa the complishing the K Shortfail on the Dr-wage samers. Alex Shepherd is MP for Duthm fldlng whlch kriudes Whitby, northi of Taunton.Road. To reach hîs conshîluency office, cai 723-7670 (Oshawa).. Dic y Alox Shephi S in ome tax was inl CaraJians have debated whetE m9ducOd or eâlmia$ed aitogether., ls Introduction, Canadlans au~ Incarne fax ton for food, cia comblned. So Wo wubidnfavotr an co That question is, easy. We ail questions ae why, hcw and when the reduction? Lers discussa Why' first. Cania the second hlghest ln the weý affects aur ability ba attract nvi hUghlskilled wrkers. il also proir and reduces a persons ability toa is high because previaus- gov stripes, 'expanded Oie- countrys The analogy would be running ul bUis mwithout paying them. This is wvhyn an inrne ta feeaibleno. You cant have o tax ta reduce the debt and deficit. It aren't goîng ta pay your householi irhe Repubicans Instituted a tE bock ln the eighties. lbey callh economios. Their kfea was ta sdr spendîng that in turn would stimul that in tum wouid increase taxes, What the Republicans found a Amenicans gat the money in the bought foreign goods, mainly -fron demand for domestdo gaods staG deficit soared. lirn amazed *ary P» Canada would want ta duplicate t! NciivLets conaier lhW >u lmpi Remember, by reducing current ir the rich benefit more Uthe re ehawn question reaily mneans aox incomne fax cut by throwving the ta, back of seniors aid rmidle and lowe Mhars reaily maddenlng aboutth Get out To ti le Cd l toi--

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