Whitby Frae Press, Wednesclay, September 18, 1996 , Page 21 Henry st, With the first two wi out of the way, situdents now sétarting to settie another achool year. For ail interested par Henry is Jhowf recruiting its ail new vocal ensemà Stay tuned to announcements for m~ details. Participanta ini the sch flewspaper, Hawk Talk, rn every Wednesday at 11 a.m. in room 213. N niembers are alwe welcome. The Henry èros couni runners have started thý new season, so listen to t announcements for practi times and upcoming'meeb Henry's athletic counci] planning a new- softb intramural tuis year w games scheduled to start t] week. Tryouts have beg for the tennis- team. F further information, conta Mr. Samanak. The. len Stz-eet wrestling* team is nc recruiting new members,i listen for upcoming meeting SLast Wednesday, ache photos were taken. Ià steni announcements f information on when picture wzll be arriving, and f< information on retake day. The music department wi begin registration an rehearsals for ail banda an choirs this week. The senic concert band bega rehearsals yesterday at p.m. Grade 9 and 10 ban --members will rehearse oi Thursdays after schooL. T joi or to get- mor information drop by. ti music room. On Sunday, Sept. 22, ti annual lO-kilometre Terrj Fox Run wiil b. held. The event rais.. money b3 having participants coilec pledges and walkmn b, bk or roiler blade thie rout Pledge sheets can b. picked up from thieirs physicai education office or tii. SAC office. Tii. Whitby route begn and ends at thi. -ar plaza'. Volunteers are alo required to assist aiong the route; see Leane Morison, Mis Turner or Ma. Elliot for information. AJune trip to Europe isin the planning stages. This trip wiil include visite to Germaany, Switzeriand and France, anîd should prove to be both. exciting and educational. A meeting and elide presentation has already been held and more information shouid be T rial run WEST LYNDE vice princpal Paul Grice the- equipment Sept. 7 despite main. tuies Out somne newly-installeci The $15,000 cost was paid from funcis playground equi*pment at the Whitby raised by the parent-sohool association public school. Gnice, principal Carol over the last two years. Hinch. and parent volunteers instalied Photo bY &Mat RsOQM#WhIly Fr.. Prou HPatiis 1 imunization program enters third ya VoiuntarY hepatitis B school fimmunization linics for Grade 7 atudents begin Oct. 7. For this year only, Grade 10 to OAC will *aiso b. offered the. vaccine atarting Sept. 29. 'This is a popular program,» aays Marion Megesi, supervisor of public health nursing for Durham Region. -During the. 1995-96 achool year, approimately 95 per cent of students coerpleted their hepatitis B series. "Ever since we offered hepatitis B vaccine te Grade 7 atudente in 1994, parents have been asking us for protection for their older high ichool chlldren, » says Megesi. Ilealth department staff wiil provide prornotionai materlal te uchools to educate atudenta about hepatitis, B dirnase &Mdthe. lïfltisBI. Diviru tat can cause Permanent livei damage and sometimeE death; it is the worid's second leading cause of cancer. There ia no cure for hepatitis B infection, but it can be prevented with a vaccine. Three shota over a six-montii period provides Iifeiong protection. A person can get hepatitis B from blood and other body fluida of an infected person. The viru can b. carried'in the liver for 1f. and can b. given te others through sexuai contact, accidentai needie stick injury, by sharing used needies or by usin dity quipment for boyler' piercing or tattooing. An infected mother can give it to her baby during birth. Hepatitia B cannot b. spread by sneezing, Coughng,, hugging or using the marn dlaii..or cutiery. < More than '300 mus etâ hepatltio B, malt à tlum among yoiang adtdt. are ireported During tue thre-year iperiod (1993-96)p 50 cases of Dhepatitis B were reported in Durham ]Region. ManY cases ar .3not reported, because pol a have the disease without iknowing it. Other People are verY iii with a lever, yeilowish akrin and eyes, vomiting and -abdominal pain. For more information, ail 723-8521. rSeptember 16 to 22 Is Prostate Cancer Awaren.ss We.k For Infloon 'P rsta e C:ancer. cali 'our localoffce of the Canadian Cancer <S-ocatv or thse tanIcer Inromutaion Serviceat 1.800-26.1.6750. It is now the third week of achool and wouldn't you know it. liard hats mnay be required when watking in the. stairwell. The. absence of bage is making it hard1 to keep ail books and belonginga in hand. Be courteous te those who are struggling te pick up their failen objecta. <Don't break into fits of laughter). Attention te. ail you atudents who ride Whitby Tiansit huai,. after achool. Stop tii. violence now. To al those who thinkr they are cool because tiiey push, news flash, you're not.,Not only are you aggravating the bus drivera, you- are causing danger te those who are between you and the, bus. Take it easy. Everyone will get on, and it won't kil you té stand. 1Congrats, conîrrata, congrats- -to us! Last Thuraday Sinclair Secndary and thi. Durham, board received the. Carl BerelsanAward, granted to the boit echol sytem ini tii. world, and we're not surprisedetht we won-'This in truly a" mrentous time for everyone. Watch 'thoue ucre. for many team md club tryoute. Life begin. it Sinclair when you are invoiv.d. SOct nome news you want te shar witii our readers? Just stop us in tii. halls or pick Up a news flash form in thie resource cetzu fil it out and leave it with unr. Cotte. Welcome back, Anderson. The achool year is off to a great start, and tuinga are beginning te become routine again. 1In case you've been living inYour locker -for the past few weekrs, lait week was frosh week. Frosh week is a spirit week that encourages Our new Grade 9 students te, set unvolved im extra- cuiTiuor. activities at Anderson. Activities included ajeilo-- eaIng conteat, -jely, bean hun in a bowl çf whip- cream, ,dAndlirons favourite spi i t game. 'CibyWuiy." TiY a - un Jriday student council treated-ail of the frosh te free lunch at the annual fr-osh barbecue. Special thankeggo out te the SAC executive for organizing the festivities. Judging by the dedication of tis yearIs councii, it wili probably b. a goqd year for sp=rt activities There are swl some seats. left on Ile bus te Stratford for anyone interested l i seeing W ,illiam Shakes-« peaer's Ring Ler on Oct. 24. Tii. out for the. tnp lu éa r-easonable,$30 for.-tii. bus, and yôur icket te tthe showv. Wlthats ilnfor this e-ach year in