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Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1996, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 2,1996 ai ISS*SSOS*....** BINGO? COUNTRY 7:OO0pm & 10:30pm Monda y to Sunday M 1:Opm Saturday & Sunday * 12:3Opm Monday, Tuesday & Wedniesday k m-ALSO- Saturclay Morning 9:3Oam * 5 POINTS -MALL Ritson & Taunton, Oshawa (beghind A&P) *Charities 945371.- SUPPORT VOUR ____LOCAL CHARI-Es4690 IF YOU DON'T HAVIE A LOT 0F TIME, i there's something for everyone 2 in the- Classifieds. Whether 3 you're buying, selling, renting ,looking for empioyrnent or services, 4 you're sure to get resuits. 6 O Cali Our Classified Dept. Todlay 668-6111 ........1.. ......1 .... ..W ~ j' Soe I I t mý LCBOdeath investigalted 5 POINTÎS MALLe 436-9404 Ritson & Taunton, Oshawa (behind A&P) MA&RKET CLASSI FIED. ADS for 20 words nrn %0"3 I0 for each t kinlwr newspaper to FREE PRESS place your ad6861 <ew II(i yu juIjJamdih (M y-4no exta charge 1 10 minutes ~niZ1 tomae First ime brwers Nol valid wilh any other special or brew card.I * Limited time offer We wtoyWu-ointue IL [) Wcbw(oeddtyasi) ~FILTERED (yau~L~ ai d~ YCSt)WATER ~ -Optimum carbonation Ony I-Triple cold filtering 10 1minu t es Over 50 recipes or create your own 10bwa&'Oof Y0i a-Specialty grains & copper ketties beeCr0f *q i-No additives or preservatives LowPeatd i-10 minutes brewing ime ~ Min batch size 48 litres uVaIentC Il -Ready in two weeks Kegs available for parties , I~f cesef24 $i. F I hnYOmk I ornx btho I r r r % % aa -. Not valid with any other specil or brew card. * Limited time offer - - ce - --- --- --- INC WC rew freyou -no extracige !N I(youiaaddtheyeait> I I I I I age. your I Make your own premium wInes. European, Californian, Italian, Australian.' Ready in approximately 4 weeks. Batch size equivalent to 30 boffies of 750 ml. ~ Pin 'ot Chardonnay ~ Chablis -Riesling .~ Bordeaux ~ Zinfandel ~ Chianti Chenin Blanc ~ Cuvee Spediale~ Cabernet Savigrton -Chenin - Valipolicella Burgundy ~ Gewurztraminer Blanc Liebfraumilch ~ Pinot Noir ALSO WECoeLS&SPM!.~TG~J~Ç lew-WoIr Wc brew l'or you - no extra charge (you just add the yeast) CALL 666-BREW, 1390 Hopkins"St., Unit #6 Whitby ***We accept competitors coupons Hours: INC. Mon.F' Sat9- DUNAS TIHWY2 la IBURNSl zI 110 1 1C/0 ~ oeUI CONSUME~s ~ I 39 again - -- -- - - - - m qw a 1 0 m . ................... 1- 'j- w .A 27-year-old Orono man was fatally iiijured in an* accident at the ULquor Con- trol Board of Ontario ware- house in Whitby- Friday morming. Police say John Howard Edmondson, 27, was apparently claught and crushed between a auto- mated tunnel vehicle and a ahelvfingpost. Police say the victim didn't checkminalter a cer- tain amount of time, trig- gering an aam in tii. con- trol, room of the Boundary Road warehouse. "They tried to contad, hlm but there was no re's. ponse"» says Whitby divi. sion Inspector Grog Reid, "but a few minute late, they got a oeil from the victim, who said h. had hurt hims.lf and aaked for an ambulanoe.» Emergencycrews were called and Kdondson, who spoke to his rescuers, was rushed to Oshawa General Hospital where h. died. An autopsy was to b. heMd Mondvand Ontario tors were called in to Ines Weil, rlve done Rl. 1 have reached what the French cail that "homme d'un certain age,% that age Ihat signais the beginning et hair weaves, werkouts, motorcycles and sports cars. Yes, tor the second year ln a row 1 have tumed 39. 1 theught that 1 ceuid pass this milestone with a minimum et tuss and muss, no big party playing sevenlies' music, no penguins or tiamingos on the front lawn. No, just a quiet decorous shift mb the new decade. But that was blown eut of the water lit Sunday in church. The announcements had just wrapped up and we were getling ready te oeil up the children when eut ef the bac.kroom came my "friend," Larry. Ho was bearing a tray with a big candie in the shape ef a tombstone with '40' on it, with the slogan "Here lies my yeuth," and in case anyone missed the message there was a sign taped te it that had "40" printed in big black letters. Oh, 1 was se grateful and if it takes the rest et my lite 1 wlll tind a special way te show him my gratitude. ln my experience (which 1 apparently now have in abundance>, people react te reaching this milestone in a couple et ways. Some decide it's timfe te recapture their youthtul appearance and start weight training and exercising like crazy, ether maie triends et mine have started te purchase very large metorcycles and some people go nuls and want te start new, lives. Se how am 1 doing? Wall, il's like Ihis,- 1 don't1 like metercycles, 1 don't want a hair weave and l'I nover look like Arnold Schwarzeneger. i consîder myseif the most forlunate. et mon. i am married te a woman 1 adore and who actually puts up with me. i have work Ihat 1 love and is filled with challenge and satisfaction. 1 have two daughters who are a source et endless joyand delight (wellmost et the lime) and i gelto write every week and have the treedom te do many creative and challenging activities that keep me tresh and engaded. l'm a lucky.man and 1 know il and l'm gaeu for what i have. - gaeu Of course, 1 still have lots et goals and have added a couple more te, my ever growing list. But 1 have te admit as i look back at what has been accemplished, there is one gaping hole Ihat has yet le be tilled. One et my favourite writers is Robert Fulghum. In one et his books ho tells the story et tultilling a lite-long dreamn and conducting Beelhoven's Ninth Symphony. Weil, i have nover had the urge te cenducl a symphony orchestra, but i have one secret dream that 1 will share for the tirst lime, one goal Ihat has yet te be tulfilled. Are you ready? Here it is. 1 have always wanted te be lead singer in a rock 'n' roll band.1 Yes, there it is, that's the one lhing Ihat would make my lite complote -- te sing rock 'n' roîl: Now when you recover tram your hysteria, you may ask tCan ho sing?" Yes, 1 can, 1 sing lenor, it's net a great voice, but it stays in lune and nobody covers Iheir ears and passes eut earplugs when i open the vocal chords. I'd just like te liy it once, tI'hat's ail, just le see what il's like. Afler ail, Ive'spent my lite listening te it, il weuld be fun te sing it just once. Its cheaper Ihan a metorcycle, less traumatic than a hair weave and you gel le stay married (as long as ils only a one-lime event). Se there you have il. Will it ever happen? Probably net, but everyone's get te have a drearn. After church en Sunday, a womnan came up te me te wish me a happy birlhday. She leoked mIet my eyes and said this: 7lm 82 years old and i want you le know Ihat the tirst 40 years lay the groundwork, it's what prepares you for the next 40. And it's the nexl 40 where you can really accomplish -yeur lite's work." Wise words, worlh rememberin g for ail et us, no malter what our age. Chdstopher White is the minister of Westminster United Church. His first book, WNaked on a Snowbank.'is now avaitable at C. W Hay and Cales book stores in Oshawa. mal

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