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Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1996, p. 14

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Page 14, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 16, 1996 BROOKLgç LightbulI, blitz By Steve ]Leahy Your chance to get a great deal on long-life light bulbe and to help someme get a seeing oye dog je coming up Wednesday, evening, Oct. 23. Onoe again the Brooklin and District Lions Club, with help from the Lions slo-pitch basebail tesmn, will b. doing a two-hour lightbulb blitz around town. The buibi will be sold in packs cf 10 for only $10. These are high quality bulbe that are designed to hast at least twice as long as ordinary bulbs. The monies- from this fundraising event will help buy and train what je called a "special needs dog."0 That meane it could be trained as a eeeing eye dog or ifit je flot quite up Wo tha4t serve some other pereon wlth special neede. Each dog and ite extensive training coes $6,000 and each year the Lions raise enough money Wo buy one. They have previously raised enough money for six doge. So they are working on number 7. Please turn on your porch lighte between 6 and 8 p.m. on Wedneeday, Oct. 23 W lot the Lions know you'd like Wo support their efforts and get a great des] on bulbe. Let'e ail help thena get number seven this year. I BROOKLIN PHARMA CYnI 66 BLDWIN ST. 13ROOKLIN *LOB ICO 95-55-3301 I'Diabeatewýs Information Day The Brooklin Pharmacy wiII be-,F hosting a Clinical Theme Day on i Fthe topic of Diabetes on Wednesday, October 23rd fromIt il- l:OOpm to 6:OOpm IIn addition to aur pharmacy staff, we wiII have a diabetic nurse who would be pleased to ansWer your questions. HALLOWEEN RAY DAY With Halloween not far away, that means the Broolin Boy Scouts and the Village of Brookhjn will once again present their Halloween Hay Day. This yoar'e faîl feetivitiee will b. held on Sunday, Oct. 27 from 1 until 4 p.m. at Memorial Park on Winchester Road, by. the arena. Like last year, there will be costume, puznpkin-carving and ecarecrow-making conteste, with plenty of prizes W be won at these. There wili alec b. pony rides, hay ridee and an inflatable velcro climbing wall. Whoa! The Scoute will serve up Bazaar at St,,. o drinks - with timbits for dessert, Remember, pumpkin- carvere, you get tW take your nisepece home. And don't forget to bring some old clothes 50 you and ycur famuly can crate a genuine, authentie scarcrw. If the *weather turne inclement, eveything (well, mayha net the pcny rides) moves inside at the Brooklin Community Centre on Cassels Road. St. Leo Church will hold a craft sale and bazaar at the Brooklin Community Centre, Casselis Road and Church Street, on Satur- day, Oct. 19, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. nhe offerings alec include pumnp kins, straw and gourd, apples and eider, plants, cookbooks, tea rocîn, bake table and a draw (tickets $1), for first eriz Of 500,seSJ xi eD f~rzeo$5O, enpi eb lamp, third prize hand-craf INative plants ted dol cradle., to e discussed I Lions gatheir The Brooklin Horticultural Society wiil meet at Brooklin United Church, on Wednesday, Oct. 23. Martin Galloway wiIl diseuse gardening with native plants. AIl are welcome. le The Brooklin and District Lions Club will hold a dinner meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 23,6.-45 p.hx., in the Broolin Community Centre, Cassels Road East. For more informnation, eall Neil at 655-4065 or John at 655-4640. 4%, &ResidIen#tial lUse Plan A - $9.99 - 60 minlmonth planB- $ 19.99 -150 ii m aremn Plan C $39-35mnIn~ (add'l minutes 100 ea.) COMMUNICA TIO9NS Tm 153 Brock Street North, Whitby Negative option billing ByMAex Shepherd Getting a bill for something you nover asked for ie called negative option billing. And it i. what the cablo television industry wanted the right to do to you. For the 'cable subscriber, the practice can bo intimidating and seen as crooked. Stijl thero are thoe within the cable industry who regard thie practice as acceptable. With our hectic lifestyle, we dont have time to study every advertisement that je stuck in Our mailbox. Thiais wbere negative option b iling 1850 wrong. If the practice was allowed, our disposable income would be mickeled and dimed to death. Some ofYou will remember that I was to address my own private membe9s bull recently. Instead I switched rny time with Roger Gallaway, the member from Sarnia- Lampton, in order that hie bill to stop negative option billing would have the chance cf being passed. It was evident to, me last year when problems arose' with Rogers Gable, and hundreds of people called my offioe, that people ln Durham riding didn't want negative option billing. That's why 1Isupported Gailaway's bill and offered my private member's tune to get it pass3ed quicker. The importance in getting it through the House fast ie that lobbyise, particularly in Quebec, wanted the cable television companies to be ùucceesfu. They argued Gallaway's bill would prevent new French programming from making it on to the airwaves. Lets be serlous here. People in Quebec don't want a bill for something they didn't order any more than you or I do. And this ie an important point. How dare the media oears toy with thie country'e fragile cultural differencea just to put money ln their pocicets. I was proud of my coUleagues as each individual stood up in the House and courageously voted to support the bill, and not the cable companies, by a margin of 87-43. I was also pleased to speak la favour of another colleague'e bill the neit day. This bull le to stop criainals from profiting from their etories. It received the support cf individual members and was referred to coinmittee. Al la ail, it wae a good week for private members business. Cable operators now say they will nover again use negative option billing, at least outaide the province of Quebec. r'm pleased the practioe le now ban.ned. I only hope our unelected Sonate does not reverse the will of the people. Alex Shepherd i. MPP for Durham riding which indludea Whitby, north of Taunton RocuL To reach hie constituency office, oeil 723-7670 (Oshawa). 1 . 1

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