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Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1996, p. 16

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Page 16, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 16, 1996 MUSIC WORKSHop Tbe Ontario Registered SMusic Teachers' Association, Oshawa and District Branch, will bold a workshop, with j Marjorie Beckett, on Sunday, Oct. 20, at the Arts Resource Centre, Osbawa. The topic will be 'Techn-ique for Advýanced Grades.'For more information,, caîl 905-683- 3069. PAREWISW/O PARINERS Parents Witbout Partners Chapter #204 will hold their general meeting o n Thursday, Oct. 17, 8 p.m., at St. George's Church (upstairs), 51 Centre St. S., Oshawa. For more information, cail Debbje at 571-5452 or Ron at 723-1699. The Amnesty International Pickering/Ajax group will meet Tuesday, Oct.« 22, 9:30 a.m., at Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St., N., Ajax. George Martin will discuss Cuba. For more information, caîl 905-839- 3969. HALLOWEEN DANCE A Halloween dance, hosted by the Durham Region Chapter of Child Find Ontario, will be held Saturday, Oct. 26, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., at the Whitby Curling Club, 815 Brock St.. N., Whitby. TIckets are $10 per person. There will be a cash bar, , door prizes, prize for best costume, 50/50 draw and a rale for a unique golf club. Caîl 686-3181 or fax 686-1302. FOLKILORE The Durhamn Folklore Society will meet on Thursday, Oct. 24,7:30 p.m., at the Arts Resouroe Centre, Oshawa.. Caîl Dick Blackstock at 723-3658 for more information. schdue/egstat Clases HId t Stdif M Ç"WewFindar 1450 ~ ~~ Hokj S.Ui hy. A 1 UCIO NIJiscm Gff The Pregnancy }Ielp Centre ofDurhani will hold a silent and live auction on Friday, Oct. 18, 7 p.m., at St. Mark's United Church, 201 Centre St. S., Whitby. Vacations, passes,' dinners, Shirley Deaville painting, door pizes and much more. Admission is $5, whicb includes specialty desserts and coffee. Cail the centre at Mothers-To -Be For you and your baby Look Nwha' on thedayy flvaaionoly Otobe.27t NE133:O m * Royal Bank cf Canada *Kiddie Proofers *Once Upon A ChIld *Fortune Financial *Forever Young Impressions *The Visiting Nurse *University Scholarship *Toys R us *Strollerobics *Tupperware *Loblaws " Shakalee " Y-Family Resouroes " Canadian Baby Photo Plus many more DANCE The Whitby Branch 112 Legion Ladies Auilary will bold.a dance on Frday, Oct. 18, 8:30 pan., at 117 Bryon St. S. Cost is $5 at the door. Ail wlcome lirst Oshawa ITO Clul (International Training ir Communication - former3 Toastmistress), whi CF, develops speaking, listening and evaluating skills for home, work and public lire, will meet Thursday, Oct. 24, 6:45 p.m., at 2 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. For more information, caîl MaryLeigb at 430-0973. PUB NIGBT The Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club's under-17 boys' rep teamn will host a British Pub Night on Saturday, Oct. 19 at the Oshawa insmen Hall, 109 Coîborne St., Oshawa,' featuring Jim Rensbaw and The Entertainers. The evening of song, comedy and British fun will include two shows as well as a ploughrnan's dinner (cold cuts, salads, cheese and buns, plus dessert,' tea and coffee). ickets are $20 per person and proceeds go te, support the team's European soccer tour next summer. For mlore information, caîl 725- FLASH VEREPARIC TURKEy DINNER A turkey supper will be held at Westminster United Cburch, 25 Manning Rd., Whitby (between Garrard and Thickson roads) on Saturday, Oct. 26, with Sittings at 4:30,5:30 -and 6:30 Pam. Cost for adults is $10, chilchen aged four to 12 $4., For tickets cail 576-8218, 728-0417 and 576-2615. Westminster is wheelcbair EXCEPTIONAL CJ1IDREN. The nintb annual general meeting and open bouse of Reources for Exceptonal Children will ho eld on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 7 p.m., at 865 Westney Rd. S., Ajax. For mnore information, eall 427-8862. DANCE Local Knigbts of Col-, umbus wiIl hold a dance on Saturday, Oct. 26 at Holy Family Cburch hIall , 91 Ribblesdale Dr., Whitby. The $10 tickets (limited number available) include DJ music, a snack, door and sPot prizes and auc- tion. 1"unds raised wilI sup- Dort the Special Olympiés World Winter Games in Toronto and Collingwood next February. Cal Prom WOMIENYS MONTH To recognize Women's Montb (October) in Canada, '4y Women's Hand,' a video about Canadian artists Prudence Heward, Anne Pavage and Sa2rah Robert- son, will ho sbown at tbe Robert McLjaugblin Gal- lery Oshawa, on Tuesday, Oct. 22, starting at 2 p.m. BIRTHING CIIRCLE The Birthing Circle Childbirth Support Group will meet on Monday, Oct. 21, 7:30 p&m.,atthe Knigbts ofrClubus Hall; 108 Bloor St. W., Oshawa. Natural bealth promotion will be discussed. For more INFECTION CONTROL For National Infection Control Week, Oct. 21-25., there will ho a display at tho Whitby MaIl on Friday - Oct. 25, 4 to 9 p.m. Infor- mation about bepatitis in- fluenza and bandwasfiing will ho provided i the dis- play organized by the Dur- ham Rgion Infection Con- trol Interost Group that represents local bospitals, ongterm care institutions ~dtbe Durbain Region information about Whitby'5 Hoaltb Department. Good Neigbbo caîl 668-1424. ur caznpaign, Ir TE 'Sales' il ONE PARENTFMILS The One Parent Families Association of Oshawa will meet Tuesday,. Oct. 22, 8 p.m., at the Adria culture Club, 432 Simcoe- St. S., Oshawa, for coffe., cards and conversation. Ail single parets, custodial or flot, are invited to attend. For more information, cail Monica at 436-5089 or Doug at 728- 1011. CAMERA CLUB The Oshawa Camera Club wilmeet on Wednesdy, Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m., at the Arts Resource Centre behind Oshawa CitY Hall. For more, inlbrmation, cail 576-0492 or 728-1739. POETSe NIGET Oshawa Poetsi'Night will be held at Fazios Res- taurant and Bar, 33,Sizncoe St S. Oshawa, on Monda, oct. k1, 7 p.m. Poets w ing to read and songwriters who wish to perform should caîl Steven laird at 432- 2536. BOTTLE DRIVIM Thie Whitby major novice AA rep hockey teamt wiil hold a bottle drive on Saturday, Oct. 19,1 a.m,. to 3 p.m. Al refundable bottles wiil be accepted. FASION 8SHOW Fashions from Garbo's of Whitby will be anong those shown at a fashion show at the Oshawa Golf Club'this Fridani-g tO support the eatPaceCancer Sup- P0 Centre in Oshawa. D)esigner Linda Lundstrom will also appear at 'Autuzn Splendour,' starting at 7:30 p.mn. Silent auction items include two hand-carved Muskoka chairs, Lund- stromn blanket and makeo-. ver.by Valentmnos and The Facial Place ini Whitby. Tickets are $30. For more information, cail 579-4833. SEXUAL UARAMSMT' A purpie ribbon' camn- paîgn te raise awareness1 of workplace sexual harass-, ment will be held Frdayý, Oct. 18, 5 te 9. p.m.a Sears (north entrance in the Oshawa Centre. (on June 2 this year2 lTeresa Vinoe who 15 mon01ths.ear- lier fias filed a' semuai barassment complaint, was killed at bier workplace, Sear in Cbatham). Fo-r more information about the vigil, caîl Laurel or Erin at the Osbawa-Durbam Rape Crisis Centre (725-2241). GOOD UEGROUp A peniny bingo will ho beld at tbe Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre on Priday, Oct. 18, 9:30 te 11:30 a.m. as part of Good Neighbours' Weeék, Oct. 14-20. For more CRAFT SHOW The Oshawa Faîl Country Cr4 & Colloctibles Show will ho held Oct. 18-20 at Oshawa Civic Auditorium. There will 140 exhibitors. Admission'is $4 'for aduits, $3 for seniors (free for those CRAUT SHOW The third annual Craft & Collectibles Show will ho beld at Sinclair Seon«dar School on Saturday. ov.2 1Oa.m.to 4 p.mn. There will ho, 100. vendors for -the school fiandraioing.évent.. " Desitin Coeam " Meade Johnston *Lamaze* " P.O.M.B.A. *Red Cross *Groler Bookcs *Botoms Jp CBAFT SALE Vendors are wanted for a craft sale te ho bheld at Col. J.E. Farowoll Public Sehool on Sundaiy, Nov. '24, 10 a.m. te, 4 p.m. Cal 666- 1854 for more information. BAZAAR The annual bazaar. wiil be held at Westmi nster United Church, 25 Manning Rd., Whitby (between Garrard and Manning) on Saturday, Nov. 23, il arn. te 3 P.M Lunch in the tea roora, sewng, 'knitting, "-cSat home bak*mg, candy an* white ephant. Westminste ri

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