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Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1996, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Free Press, Wednesdav, October 16, 1996 L~MTVCLI3STI (3etting, to the 'root' of t By Amy Blundeil Volunteers. They're individuals- who have offen been referred te, as "strong root support. Gwen Gracie, a teacher at Pringle Creek Public School, uses the analogy of a tree when describing the importance of volunteera in -the education of Young w People. "The trunk," she says, "la the teacher, the branches are the children. "In order for those branches te. grow, flourish, produce and be enriched, you must have a strong root support. "Parent volunteera are a major root in supporting the whole tree. They Support the children and the achool." Nowadays there la a great demand for volunteers. As school Populations rise and classes get larger, it la becoming increaaingly more difficult for teachers te, provide each reuie. with the care and attention they School boards have made cutbacka and the "pot" seems te be getting smaller and amaller. This does not, however, stop the school's need for texthooka, sports equipment and extra-curricular activities. Thia is where the involvement and support of the volunteers la especially important. Many parents find that they have more time than they have money, both of which are important and useful te schoola. There have always been parent/non- parent volunteer programs such as the PTA and the PSCA. Now there la a new phenomenon. It is known as the school community council,, a group conisting mainlv of BLW O ULCSHO parent volunteers. These volunteera, along with the teachera, priests, secretaries, custedians and members of thé community, hoId meetings in which they discusa rules, curriculum, day to» day events, safety and fundiraising, in hopes Of making their school a botteir place. The council nlnwa volunteer tea. more - ~ ~~ in our ahool." a ezr, Vo-chair 0f the John Volunteers work in onunction with h D zy en seh ol c o m u nty co u n il , ay a, "J ch o o l a n d th e cO m un i ty. moeiput about the school and their A lot of parents feel fortunate that In get involved because I enjoy people and I They are dedicated to makingthr children's education. Durham Region, sehools are very open to enjoy knowing. that I'm making a school the best, *by creating a bete It fa also beneficial for the school parent volunteers and they encourage and difference. - partnership between the sehool and h because, as Glenda Leedie, principal Of support them. It is important to get involved because parents. R.A Sennett Public School,, says, "fo they With this ind of support, it ls no wonder when youre involved, you actually see Much that is considered basic to schls (volunteers) support'a code of behaviour, that, for some activities such as the how the whole program works." would happen without volunteers.Th for example, they're taking ownership and Pringle Creek Fun Fair, there are more Steve Cooper, chair of R.A Sennefts school would stili open-, classes %ol they are then more likely te accept it and than 100 volunteers who dedicate their school community council, is one of only a continue. work with it." time and hard work. few volunteers at the chool.- But as Doug Ferguson, principalo Ail parents would agree that their "I want my children te know that I care Pringle Creek Public $chool, says,.Th children are their first priority, and it's WhY everyone gets involved is a about their education," he says. volunteers enhanc h rga n important that they get a good, well- personal issue. toit'm fot just sending themn off to school enbe h cte m the needgamo I rounded education. Susan Boyd, chair of the St. Matthews and hearing about their day when they the children." As Joanna Vecmanis, chair of the school school community coundil, feels she has corne home. 1'm really getting involved. "We can do a lot more wlth them tha coermumity council for Pringle Oreek says, the chance te stress the "importance of the 'lTam able te see for myself what's going without them." "Everything we do, the purpose behind 1t, relationship between the home, the parish on at the school and have some input inte "Without them, we couldn't. providea fa the children, notjust our own, either." and the sichool." my children's education." eniriched an environment for our childre. teacher Mary he matter May Castaklo <right) speaks to parents ai a recent paren %hoaoby LAk Reeaoe, WbyFmroe as Studentsstate why Durham board the best To the editor. Everyone in Durham connected with education is very proud that we have reoeived such a prestigious award. I thought you might enjoy hearing what the Grade 2 children ini my clase thought about the award and why it was given te Durham., The children in 'Mra. Knowles' Grade 2 class at E.A Fairman think that the Durhamelementary achool board i. the best in the world because: -the children pay attention te lessons and they are good lis;teners. -we have great teachers. -the chfldren work and don't talk loudly when they are working. -the principale are good. -the children cooperate. -there are good reading programmes. -there are nice children in our schools. -the custedfians. keep the achools dlean and they are mice. -we learn our math really well. -w. have good parent volunteers. -our librarian gets good books and she makes you feel comfortable in the library. -the achool and clasarooms are decorated nioely. -the teachere teach alot of thinga in an intereating way. -we have friendly secretaries in the office. -we get te, go on good field tripe. -the teachers help you learn things when they are really hard te learn. -we learn how te read hard books using our Reading Legs and practicing every day. -the teachers help us when we are lirured. -we have nice lasaroman because we keep them dlean. -we learn new thinga every day. - we work the beet we can work. -we have a good parent group that makes lota of money- for -the achool for speclal supplies and events. -we have lots of computera in* the achool that we are often allowed te use.' -we learn te play nicely in gym. -we have good houseleague teams and we have great gamea te play. -we have lots of good activities in our claisro1M. -we have lots of terrifie books in our classroom. ,> -we learn te write ateries using ourjournals. -we learn how to draw frôm our art teacher and do gqod picurs -we practice Our printingsgo that we get veiy neat. -Our lunch moniters make sure we don't get in trouble. -we plaY nicelY at reces and have lots of fun. -aomnetijmes we even hear good jokes fromn our vice principal. ,%o YOU see we really do have the beat board in the world and we are verY Proud of it. Mfary Knowle, EJ..Fafran Pubïlic Schlool Il

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