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Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1996, p. 3

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j J TRAFFIO WAS BLOCKED both ways ater this fuel tanker jack-knifed at Thickson Road and Bums Street Wednesday -alter- noon. No one was injured in the mishap. Whitby tire- fighters say a small amount of diesel fuel was spilld fromn the tractor fuel . . . . . . .Photo by Mark Roosor, . MtbyFm..Prose LOCALHYDRO RESTRUCTURINO G Comiisioecautiousabout studv .wBYMIk, lKowaloid sionersB are taking a cau- I tious approach to a study that could significantly airect the future delivery of electricity in Durham Fyrgochair Don Mac- Master and commissioner a wait-and-see attitude with respect to a study that will examine the feasibility of revamping the way elec- triityissupplied aeross Durhamn. Although supporting the needfor the review, bath Commissioners are uncer- tain as to what theixnplica- tions will be for Witby Hydro customers if the study recommenda some formi of restructuring. While cheaper rates and a reduction in the number of 'Municipal electric utili-' ties in Durhamn*are bath posible, neithen commis- sioner is willing ta predict that -either scénario will aCSur. «Sure, we ail have per- sonal feelings about what form it will talce, it's ging on everywhere,» said Mac- Master of a recent decision ta examine restructuring. (Representatives from al eight Durha mmunicipali- ties met in Pickering last month and- agreed- ta appoint a steering commit- tee ta, conduct the feasibi- Home Free raffe UNITED WAY- MRODY HOBES &AFFLE WnNER Mira Graystock of Peterborougha, new Melody Home; G. Vicini of Oshawa, RCA 46-inch large-sereen TV; Frank Perry of Weston and Cifford Camnpbell of Oshawa, each a pair of Movado .watches; Michelle Alic of Orono and Micheline Parquet of Oshawa, each a pair of Esquire watches; Lori Whyte of Oshawa, Las Vegas trip; John and Douglas Banlon of Oshawa, JVC portable stereo, with CD player; John Armstrong of Peterborough, Sony Discman. * Ier artet~ 307 utilities in Ontario and there is a strong push from the pro- vincial government ta *rationalize,"hle said. «But on a peso1 bias, ]Pmnot sure tereulîb lot of chan g e Noti gt the Whitby Hlydro.Eleetric Commission is the 43rd largest utility in resrucurngcauld prave t be a mixed blessing for local consumers. "You probably gain thnough ecanomnies of scale (by being larger), but there is the potential for service levels ta go down,*'» he said. «Sa it's not a foregone conclusion that anythn will change for us. Dunham's eight munici- pal utilities are now in the Iprocea of formally approv- ing last month's decision and appointing thein repre- sentatives ta the steering committee. The restructuring study was the outcome of a meet- ing held ta respond ta the repoi, for the Macdonald Advisory Committee an Competition in Ontario's Headdbyrerfederal cabinet minister Donald Majcdonald, the committee recommended sweeping changes in the way electri- cityis delivened in Ontario. MTe whole industry is changing dramaticaîîy," said M fMater. "Thbe utility industny in the U.S. (which is pre- dominantly privately- awned) has changed signifi- cantly and its affected Ontario Hydro,» h. said. U"Penhaps whaý we've seen happen with the teler, phone industry in Canada will happen in this indus- try, more competition.» 'With Ontario Hydro cur- rently grapîng with a *30-billion debt, the «status quo can't remain,» MacMas- ter said. As the. supply of -non- Ontario Hydro generated power continues ta grow every year, bath the provin- cially-owned utility and local commissions in parti- cular, will have examine their operaions, MacMas- tersaid «There are twa things ta consider,"he said. «How do YOu run the in- dustry more efficiently witli competition and 'open access and what about the politiciansr" MacMaster said there are about 1,600 COmmissioners in Ontario and some utili- ties with "barely more than 100 customens. «Whether we're okay,I dan't know. It may nat affect the tap 50.» According ta Blank, the days when Ontario Hydro could boast that «if the demand is there, wenll, sup- ply it,» are long zne. 'The City 0f Cornwall dasen't bu its power from Ontario Wkidroit gets it fton te US.and Quebec » hesaid and Duhamn utflj- tie" May some day be in that poition as well. Se have ta look at some sort Of co-op ta increase aur bu * ower or we wiiîget ..~e, said Blank. ght now I just want ta make sure things (costs) don't go higiien "h. said. "«'d lave ta sSe lawen rates, but I don't want ta speculate that there will be thpratefae nthe r resi-uO&Ju -1 tem and an amanition o i C atholic school boardo* ihe camplinant, Who a trailer nd vrionsrooms tthen in the house. 'No gift' policy adopted Entrisacpe o B_ Santa Clauis parade By akeesr Anan who does s0 Thene's been no problemi Youcn tae Duham shahbe sbjetot censure with gift-givinz. savs bvon-ri] Crimeùtoppers and Durham Regional Police need the public's help in solving a break, enter and theft that occurred ini Whitby durng July of tis year. The incident occurred during -tihe eveningImnornji.g hoursofJuly 6 and 7 at Lakeridge L-inks Golf Club, 1355 Brawley Road. Entry was grained by smashingut a window in the. lubiiouse. Once iide, culprits rumimagfed through the premises. A, safe in the office was broken into and a substantial quantity of cash and choques removed. Oimestoppers will pay a cash reward for any information that leads ta, an arrest ini this incident. Callers neyer have ta give their name or testify in éourt. Assaultthreat charges are laid A 46-year-old Wh*tby man- was chargedwith assault and threéatening death after an argument turned -violent: Saturday afternoon. SPolice say the accused threatened a woman and grabbed hen around the drove ta the Whitby 'police station for help. Police went ta the resi- dence and,- after investigat- ing, arrested Earl-Sanders of Ashburn Road South. He was also charged with careless starýae of a fine- owpLatnAuoJL £oUUUUtrus- tees and staff off your Christmas shopping list. Trustees decided recently ta adopt a -polic stating that trustees and middle and senior managers «shahl not seek on accept gifts or gratuities fram third par- ties.» Or ermnatlon- The; only givin now allowed is seasonal gifts exchanged «between or* among trustees and staff,» provided the value isn't aven $50. The board won't do any furtiier business with any party contravening the Worker injeure s hand at Lofthouse Brass A 32-year-old- Kent Street Whitby man was injuned Thursday evening when uis hand was caught in a lOO-tonne punch press. Police say co-workers at Lofthouse Bnrass, 31*0 Hop- kins St., immediateîy rushed ta the aid of the. victim and he was qnuickIy, freed and'taken ta, Oshawa Genenal Hospital with a «partially crnshed hand.» He was later transferred ta, St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. The Ministry of Labour was called in ta investigate, standard pro- cedure in industnial acci- dents. director GrantAndiews "or at least none that "I'm aware of... 'Mhe idea behind it is that it's easien ta do tis, thing when thene isn't a pnoblem,-than when there The board approved two gift policies last yean, one in January and one in June, Andrews says. «Tii. first ane said 'Hey, as an employee, you can't take gifts and the second one said ýHey, if you as a supplier go ta do this, then weIne gomg ta stop using yau.» T'he baard didn't have a tfts flicy)lace priar ta Entries can now be made for the Santa Clans parade in Whitby on Saturday, Dec. 7. Whitby Junior Charnber/ Jaycees are1 again organiz- ing the. annual event and are accepting entnies for floats, bands and groups INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT e RETIREMENT PLANNING e TAX / ESTATE STRATEGIES Registration packages and more information can be obtained by calling Jeff Zavitski at 905-697-2644 (day) or 436-8936 (evenmngs on weekends). Registration forms are also available at the RO&R WICADA$ 666-8245 1465230715 1116 FI 1NAN C 1A L 92Q 088 -2491DEBBIE MORGAN ý-x2SM X ?ÇýFortune Fiflancial G roup mc. Whltby Free press, Wednesday, October. 16,1996., Page 3 Twisted

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