Whitbiy Tigers run for fige skating Heart & Stroke Fail test dey, Oct. 3 DUTCH WALTZ - Carlye Brosseau, Michelle Woll; CANASTA TANGO - Michelle WoIl, Krislen Dawklns; BABY BLUES - Tara Brewer, Krysla Dumont; SWING- Jaclyn VanRhee, Kendra Elsel, Carolyn Jeffs; FIESTA - Geoff rey Russell, Stephanle Belîs, K. Elsel, Caroline McCormlck; WILLOW WALTZ - Liane Chornobay,- McCormick; TEN FOX- Kristy Jackson, Bryden Elsel, Brillany Moloney; FOURTEENSTEP Christina Jansen; EUROPEAN - Melanle Aunger, Carolyn Pierce; HARRIS TANGO - Chrlsly Chabassol; ROCKER FOXTROT - Heather Houston; JUNIOR BRONZE FREESKATE - Jeff Koeslag; GOLD FIGURE TEST (8th figure) - Sarah Cook Scugog Invtational Oct. 5-, Lndsay MICHELLE KOESLAG, junior bronze A, flight 1. 3rd; BRITTANY MOLONEY, junior bronze A, fighl 2, 41h; BRYDEN EISEL, junior bronze B, 11h; JEFF KOESLAG, junior bronze men, 1sf; CANDICE BRADBURY, senior bronze B, 2nd; CANDI GRAVELLE, juvenile comPetilive, fight 1, 1 st; CHRISTINA JANSEN, juvenile compelilive, flghl 2, 2nd; LINDSAY MOLONEY, pre-novice competilive (short), 1st; pre-novice conipetithe (long), 2nd; LISA COEDY, senior silver, 1 st, ANDREW NICHOLAS, juvenile men, Ist; JEFF and MICHELLE KOESLAG, dance variation, 2nd Summer test days Il BABY BLUES.- Melissa Vanhaeeten; SWING - Betts; WILLOW WALTZ - Laura Debosky, Michelle Hefferlng, Taylor Ward; TEN FOX - M. Koeslag, J. Koeslag; EUROPEAN - Heather Chabassol; KEATS FOXTROT - Bradbury, Candi Gravelle, Andrew Nicholas; HARRIS TANGO - Gravelle; AMERICAN - Gravelle; ROCKER FOXTROT - Bradbury, C. Chabassol, Gravelle; NOVICECMEiTV DANCE& STROKING EXERCISES, KILIAN Angela Hansford, Jason Collier; GOLD INTERPRETIVE DANCE Collier; PRELIMINARY FREESKATE - Taylor Ward; JUNIOR BRONZE FREESKATE - Lisa Betîs; SENIOR BRONZE FREESKATE ELEMENTS - Bradbury; 3rd FIGURE, PART TWO - Jansen; 11h FIGURE - Collier Sater first MLndy WhitbY Figure Skating Club niembers; had firsit- place finishes at a recent invitational meet in Ià nd- say. Lisa Coedy won the senior silver event and Andrew Nicholas was first injuvnile men. Jeff Koeslag won the junior bronze men's divi- sion while Candi Gravelle was first in her flight in juvenile competitive. Lindsay Moloney was first in the short prograni in pre-novice competitive and second in the long pro- gram. Jeff and Michelle Koeslag were scnd in dance varia- tion, Candace Bradbur second in senior bronzeB and Christina Jansen second in her flight in juvenile cometitive. Dance to celebrate 25 years of football The Wbitby Men's Football -d~u Mçç r~L 25th year with a dimier- lU*t$ dance on Friday, Nov 15 at ':. p4 <g the Knights of Columbus............. Halon Brock Street North pcu s dy in downtow Why ..... k . b~t~< U4eA vitbV e# tr~1~r~ Cokal r t7 p.m., iP<ffo tk wth a home-cooked primhu un.herd oe ndwrs<o~ - rdianer served at 8 p.m. ........ >f MJok ~ ~ ~ s provided by George Olliver. -- - Tickets are $45 a couple adare available at Brothers ~ws*~ ttes ij~nu R estaurant, r 6 4 0 (as......g f o r B u l o r.. C h-s o r a-------m~ ~ ~f Wigg9ers Custom Furniture at 668-5158 (asic for John).------- Whitby Free.Press, Wednesday, October 23j 1996, Page 19 BF GOODRIcH TRAILMAKER SNOW tread design and flexible tread even at low temperatures Pl~s 5589)3 o 1. -