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Whitby Free Press, 6 Nov 1996, p. 23

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k A~ ~ 1.I........~ TORONTO1 Helpmng You Build a Better Life 2 NEW COURSES STARTING NOV. 18 AT THE OSHAWA CAMPUS OSHAWA CENTRE wihAIA AVFO - nee wo courses are flot governed by the Private Vocational Schools Act. Phon to-day to find out if you qualify. Accounting and Computers Business Administration Business & Computer ADDlication-- CI c N. 1 E p i Executive Secretary Computer Support Specialist Network & Communications Computer Programming M.C.B.A Computer Applications .egal Admin Assistant Aledical Office Assistant let and Restaurant Operations ar and Beverage Management ravel and Tourism ýentai Chairside Assistant ýentai Receptionist m i. enr Ce os'KRIN 420-1 34d Whtbys# newspaper has a current opening in Advertising Sales *established territory superior communication skills and «good.organization essential' *professional sales experience desirable t% * oJCO"-. N gi19 submit resumé to Whitby Free Press 90Hopkins St./ Box 206 LUN 5S1 Local Insurance Broker requires EXPERIENCED C.S.R. Licenced under R. IBO Apply to Box # 10042, Whilby Free Press, 900 Hopkins St. P.0. Box 206, W-hitby, Li N 5S1 $2004M0 WEEKLY. Assemble Prod t iho, easyl No sellingi. You Mepl dirt Fully guaaneed N~renedc neessag. 1<504)641-778 Ext. EXCELLENT PART time frcme for mature, responsible poison, anassing for registered bhdy Jan ~ gos~ W j~ bonus. C a l CARPET CLEANING comrpary necs arâlme and/or fullltme tÉe en enecessaey- Mal. esum 200Annes Street, WhltbUN 5Ki or phaneé GET PAID FOR READING booksl $100-00 per ttM. Books sent FREE. Stamped Enbeloe brlng FREE Repoit: PublioWFp2, #150-1857 West 4th, Vancouer, BC Ve61 M4. HOMEWORKERS NEEDEDI! To assemble aur products. Fee sules.detas sediS Eo ppeédls edSi-. Q.S.EJT35, 117-1057 Steeles Ave. West, North York, Ontario, M2R M.1 IlNU. I I oDRIVINO 1 nSCNOOI. Z .aw *728 0091 Full Dtivers Education Courses NOV. 9th Sat. 4 week course DEC. 2nd Tues.'& Thurs. 4 week course e DDC Upgrading Course e 55 Alive Seniors'Course ePRIVA TE LESSONS.- Book now for Christmas REGISTEREO à APPROVEO 9V THE5 O SýA O.ANO OS.L Please Recycle This Newspaperj LEcote Française IAdvanced Spoken French'I Saturdays, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 25 >9am - l2noon - $125 IFrench Immersion parents Ho w Io help your Fi chîld wl/h their home work Tuesdays, Oct. 22 - Nov. 26 -3pm -$80 WHITBY SCHOOL of M0usic moula DAY OUT. HOME d -Pinihileyb oard reso s ipvale & care, pe k a o n <i i i group, guitar, violin,!voàle, Hute, Maiy oe isnooS/autdoo Play. saxophone, clarinet and frumpet nutrîtious lunches & snacks,- Ear« clildhood music 3-5.years) Goead»%Mannlng are&. Cali Wendyý Uidmuslc books. 103Dundas St 668-7644. W ., W hitby. 666-8780._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I RV CaGe-s- o alu r n g es. Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of md. PerzyHouse Chiid Care Services L_129 Ferry St., Whitby 668-9476 FULL TIME BABYSrrER RECUIRED In aur Northi WhItby home. Must ho flexible, reable, and have own car. Referencos requIreai. 7236656 aller 6 p.m. EXPRERIENCEDI rollable Cab rttngaVailaw In'nmy home., P MèJsandsnacks provked. %Werxm.Burna & Garden. Cm o401. Pee oel 430-2274. ENERGETIC ECE 'mothe Ê:kkç lched quaity chuldcae. outkgs, ducaiona=ien Lors %f equpmnt Sale fun positive atmospeerefiefor childien oi ai ages. Reens, recelpts reasana" e rates. villa9eoa Brooln subdiviski. 655-580. NURSE AVAILABLE TO GARE kWr yoe ung ons Brock- autn reMa. Close schools. M"al & reoeipts available. Ca»l 666-9267. CHILDCAJIE Il MY HOME. AIl ages. Fui/pfart â»m. CPR. Fenced yard. Close bo West Lynde schools, and GO. 430-2383. L a e , zpp ers also rmen's t a ll a lr ç v alI k~ e. T ue s .- F ,I. Sat9-3 13MB onSt N. ELECTRIClA, UCEC #E2268. Renoôvaionsrie upfae,btisemt wirlnaie sys te @ 24 hour servce For a froe quotSoil Frank at 666-0193. MAKE YOUR WEDN DA am re memorable tlh the Glt of Music. Solo permiancS Wo ceemonY oektals and îomnlln. Vadely ocipolar and d filorm musl. Cati Kathy for a ho cOnSultation, 416-724-8151. ENK KARELSEN Paling &a Hom Repahr. QualltywrK, iterloriexter oOver duyears "HANDYUM WITH A VAN" wil do housholdmovbrg &astrage clean-up and removl&M ns repair and olotrlca i Ca Ooug (905) 434-7874. END YOUR housecleanlng nlitmnars. Cail Patricia for knmaciiale results, low puces, efficient dependaible seônice mraure, rosporisible lndhdidual. Glf ceitficates available. Fiee estimales. 430-3383. VOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewlgmnhlnereprs.Ail makes. 10% t" Mn ~ elr'dsonCompilt lune-up from $29.95 + parts. Factwy trained tecliniclans. For PAINlNG, WALLPApER. Decorato now for Chrismasl Save 10% onail wark. Quality worlç best malerial usedl. Cau Joe 721-2706, p"eleave message. HOIJSECLEANING lB aur specialty. Dom by r wowamn relable, liard woMlan,resn~l rates. Cali Bonnde 6-639 or Maggie 430-8769. LET SUZY HOMEMAICER TAICE ~clening worrles awayl ou h ouàsaeI& i~ dePendabl, herld ngindividul. Côve rates. Ci Sue ai R*E.S. REAL Estate Services. roofnnova'earm plumting, sidsng, soffitfacia eaves &-ug ,mason, nds domes. Pon 19 neI68-08: PAIN71NO à PAPERINcI "LET George Do Ir. Relabl etimtd, wrk Specia 'a niors.qai xible hours, =service, free estimates. PtGerge 66-168. MENARD &SOMPLASTERINO.. new & repairs, stuccoconcrete, parging, cacked foujndations repared, painting- .inter & exterio, completebaffiroomnsand ro nro s. 15 ea experlence. lnued. Fee estimates. SAVE MONEY and Timel B »ookepl b raca rtabbmentsai, lpnrmes, Word 666-209. PAINTinG - kteIore eo.let thle professonlshandeo 1L 2D avfor fiee estimiabes, 666-883. HOUSECLEAUNG. ResilenMa officand -aperbymts. Fie estimls. Reoeoiable rates. Somie Thursday and Frkid appintments, aval"*I. cal 729 , Arche Mad Sevkes. « FLOOR REFINISINc3 wood renewers wlll do a proIessonaijob of yoiz refished. n"d 9 ed3. 665-7768 INTERKOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING -Ott experienoed and probesslnd people*0WSl reo0f youegra painting requiements. Fe estimate. ork guararhteed. Cal Peter at 665-7768. PIIOTOGRAPHlY. Distinctive uit otaits. Studio or ln hom. Bais children, familles. Pcaes from- $29. Also: weddlngs from $599, aid photos copied & rest0ied, CO!0iale & promotonai. No GST (905) 427-9164. HOUSECLEANING dom by 2 reflae & eXporilenced worm. Excelent'referances available. If need of h - ? Cait Robin 668-7619, - Out ofthOS worlda.. the ~bargains you can find, in the classified pages of the Whitby Free. Press 668-6111 CaL I ResidenialProperties from $35.OO monthly Business Proporties from $95ja".O monthly DONT DELAY CALL-CREW TODAVI (905),242-3458 (cellular) We Watch PrNtfmelyCareg The system that pro vides.. " Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child " Fully trained providers receive ongoing Agency s 'upport *Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays e Complete insurance coverage *Income tax receipts *Children six weeks and Up *Full or part-time .For more' iformation cali: a llcensed Agency -1 1 OUSIÈVESS COMPUT.E.qs-1 FECRETARIA 1 1 1 1 a If a OSHA CAMP si. VOSP17-À4LIF7-Yl liualluns

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