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Whitby Free Press, 6 Nov 1996, p. 6

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Page 6, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 6, 1996 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residentsl .MEMBER 0F: Canadien Communîty Qn Comit Newspaper Association OntWaPeo omun 1NewsoanAr Whitby Whitby Bu-siness Oshawa-DUntiam Home Chamber of Commerce in Action Builders' Association The Whitby Free Press is distnibuted free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brookiin, Ashbum & Myrtie as weil as numerous pbi n commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 28,500 COPIES DELIVEFRED -WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GST e Outside Canada $85 + GST ISSN#084-398X Pubiished every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario InC. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whitby, Ontarloe liN 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Fax: 668-0594 Deug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Donald G. inten - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Prînted on newspnînt with minimum 20% -4 recycled content using vegetable based inks. L ID Ail written materiai, illustrations and dvertising containe herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by an y means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohlbited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit fine ta the Whilby Free Press. Sour-grapes To the edtor: As mnost are aware, seniors have been hit With a prescription fee. Single seniors wlth annual Income under $16000 have te pay $2 perprescription. Familles (couples) have te pay'$2 If they have las than $24,000 annuaily. Over-$16,000 single 'and ever-$24,000 temilles have te pay the firai $100 and $6.12 thereafer for each prescription. Pharma Plus declded te give seniors a break by gMng them $2.50 vouchers (each prescription) te ho traded fer grocerfes et Food CltY. Seunda great - noti A competitor complined te the Ontario Colage ot Pharmacists that thîs generous offer was a breach et the ruies. Sounds ike sour grapes te, me. Now Pharma Plus may face dlscilinar>y action. i hope they name the compianant and i. hope seniors wlll take approprlae acIon. W. Hamîflton Whftby Fed spending To the editor: Ottawa says lt's golng tc spend hundreds et millions o dollars te croate Infrastructure jobs. These maewr projecta usueliy need a 50 pei cent participation wlth the provinces and/or the munîcipatities. Dlvvy Up or ne deai. The Chretien government cen give bilons away ln foreign aid and achernes such as the francophone summit and francophone games ln Madagascar; $2.5 million for the French.anly games and another $4 million for tho francophone junket te Hanoi, ef ail places. Last time h was Benin and before that SenegaL Ottawa spent about tour Urnes the amount per persan fer the francophone games than it did for the Atianta Olympica; iota et money for tnivoious French gemes, UtIe for angiophone participation. Huge grants for tiny Prince Edward Island fer French and $7.8 million for British Columbia «create a sense of pride and hoionglng and visibilty,« according te the Chretien govemnment. How about the 'anglophones, Chinese and ethera in B.C.? Taxpayers continue te givo $90 mnilon annually te Queboc for their raciat' immigration poicies even' though Immigration te Quebec has taloen te about hall, 12 per cent in 1994. Quebec gets $3,300 per Immigrent cornpared te only $863 for the'rest, af the country. The e»Ddus la on from Quebec, malniy te Ontario, yet Ottawa continues te pump billions Into Bouchardas separetist goverfiment. la tuis one more ef Chretiens visions, such as the one with the unempboyed street persan? fts net unlike visions by MacKenzje lng and hus conversations with the dead. Ottawa takes $14 billion ln ges taxes, according te the CMA, and gives back enly two per cent fer hlghway construction. Thats where the money needa te ho spent - on highwaya. Dianne Francis, editer of the Financlel Post, says the Department of Heritage will spend $1.168 billion for a ceet et arma. Ail meney, pasaporta, buildings end ermed, forces MIi h changd. (Frencis isaFrni Cande). «Anether 75-year tradition bites the dust te appease Quebec separatiats,", Francis daims. While Premier Harri s vows te, cut the number of MPPs by 27 seata, Ottawa wents te Increase thern tram 295 te 301. The Harris cut wiil save taxpayers about $11 million. Meanwhlle, Chretien says ne tax cuts for ati east twoyears. What, ne GST cuts as prornlsed? How about it, Sheila Copps? We are overtaxed -and avergoverned. Enough la eough. Dean J. Kelly, President AssociatIon of Dedlcated Canadians !Goseproblem ? No.. I wear really big boots.. Inside out, upside down 1BY Paul Pagnueie msoarIju tu une u owiwoner. Somethlng needs te be fixed. I But by rushlng te, get the lob done qulckly, the final resuit ends Up belng a disaster. In declding how te, reform Ontarlo's antquted property tax aytmM, WIpal Affaira Mnlster ALeach has came Up wlth a new tax system before haiAng decided what It is that's igoing te be taxed. And ln so do g.the Harft govemment Is heed for a Wigger mess than the one t started eut te dcean Up. Mf you were building a new house, you wouidnlt hre a contractor and order the construction materlals before the archltect was finished drawlng Up the plana. Nor Wouid you drywail and paint1 the Interior betore runnlng the wlring and pimbing. Simiiarly, 9 You were renovatlng a century-ail home, you weuidni s finish the upper two floorss befere repalnng the crumbiing -i feundation. And you wouldni t arrange the mortgage betoro % knewlng how much money la ry actually going te be needed fc and Wheter u can afford the sl payment.U. Municipal governance, th disentangiement and property bý ta x reform are ail ambitious undertaklngs. But like building a new house or renovatlng an oki one, therels a certain order te getilng the job done night. Education; Ifire protection; pilclng; public transit and transit for the dlsabled; bécai, collecter, count y artenial -and regionai readways; parking; Street ightlng;. Storm and sanitaiy sewer systems; water works plant and distribution systems; garbage colleton and disposai; public health Inspections; cemeterles; parka and recreation; §bradtes; planning. and zerung; economnic -development; agriculture and reforestation; aurnonnies; 'hospitals, publ"ic es arrangedt health 'and -amnbulance hired the contra, services; we»are assitance; ,the, matenials ei public houslng; homes for construction, 1 seniors; chuid care. architect has eve How many levels ,cf the plans and government and which leve permit hias beenc shouid dehiver and fund these By doingao, h serviCOSfeedso be sorted out upsethîs, irSt- The next logîcel step la te contravene the bé determine how those seMvces pile Up unneceas which end tjp et the b)cal end Up wlth a municipal level shouid ho pald btàldIng and a i For. Separating those which cant afferd. should be finance strictly by, iser and iicensing tees from Paul Pagnefo0 fose which should be fundeci of the. Ontario property. The final and most difficul step la determlgnlng the nature of the general levy. Should the cost of certain services ho shared equally by a prepertles? Should the coat of others ho dMvded on the basis of size or -value with usage belng a factor? Who shouid do what, whe, should pay for what, and how te pay Tor what are the essentiel building blocks te sensible municipal tâx retorm. Leach may have a pretty good idea about the type ef homeofho wanta, but hes starting eut by hoeking Up the e Not pornographic To the editor: Re: LoUter, Phliosophy,' Fre To begin with, Playboy is noi Pornographic. Among othoi things, the ME Network dld a blography on Hoiner and the mgzne that was quite onllghtenlng... the. Magazines centrefelda are reteuched photSosfaiyoung wemen accompanloci by what la PuIPOred te ho the modelas hoilef and'cholce system(s). As for their commenta abou 'the objectlfylng of women for PleMasend dsposaî only - rne b0vng relationahipa, ne famlly iies,* frOrnwhat 1 have read ln the magazine, the women held forth with equal strength and a fair range ot kes and dislikes. 1 dont see lisposa No wornan cen ho miade ta beel bass than they are Dr inferior wlthout their ermission. In a different and peniiepa nore perfect wortI,1 13-year-old )You e stentngtheir ralla wlth ogr ctures, ' Playboy Pross, Oct. fil ci c pg bc possible athletes spitting et umpires or simpiy poundlng ëach other on Ice rinks or gym tioors or bail dliarnonda. Since when has sex hoon a bad thing? At Urnes Ira the only activity bringing two people together when everythlng else has gone destnuctivelly sour; as iong as theros. ne violence. Zero deductible gg Plyoplctures l botter than a 13-y screamlng every Images ot toachers, Coaches, family nelghboura and etii a very different kmn PhllosQphy on the To the edîtor: While watching the. iocal TV news, I was lnformed the Ontario government has decreed that ail automobile insurence poucies %411, upon' renewaî, ho increased te $300 deductble. I have been insured for more than 20Oyears (safme insurancecornpany) and have been paying rates for zero or no deductibie. l'm vey upset that 'the govemment wilInet aiiow me t continue my zeoe deductibie. 1 cen have a $100o deductiblo,' but my Insuran' '0 wul go Up. My Insura sai thl atas an lnsur the anus la Up toee the Insurance- corr wanted a bwer dedix the new, $300 go standard." This may rnuch Itee lttetfpeopi, always paid a hlgher te, keep my zeo d and now rs e able te, continue dol Ne had ne accident lI daims. What Wl thi goverfimont do te us Dsbble.S the mortgage, ictor, ordered Id stated the before the en shown hlm the building obtai'ned. he's golng te nelghbours, nortgage he Seme thInga neyer change; Just attitudes, It seema. Twvo thousad Ysars agother ewere ls a member consequences for Steallng, Taxpayers comrnlttng aduitery, gay sex, belng iazy. worklng hard, drinklng tee muc-h etc.. At leas that's what 1 read ln My bible each day. But lors focus on one aspect et realty, unprotected sex. A number of thinga can and do happen: 1. nothlng 2. syphils, herpes and other a great deal anti-social diseases. (ear-cl boy 3- pregnancy (twe cholces) nlght wlth 4. AI DS clergymen, What are the costa? >mornbera, 1. nothing happons, zero iera lnflcting coats. id of sexuel 2. medications, doctors Young. Urne: taxpayer time. 3., single mom, doctor and Cari Cark hospiai, .weifare, -poverty: Osaataxpayetme.. 'o"awa3e.- aberflon, doctors and hospital or clnlc: taxpayer Urne o>ne 4. médications, doctors, clinlcs. hospItals, dbath: taxpayer Urne. ince agent The fact thet esomen people rod ownor, are not responsibie for their te contact own actions la very alarmlng, ipany - di .ddsturbing and distrossing te wernentthe attitude et othera who net mean demand taxpayera' money far le, but ive esome% net hoing respensible rpremîum for thelr actions. Ieductibie What a wonderfuilIe the- bleedlng hoarts/left it î'm not wlrig(dlngsytsociaUstcommu- Ing soas nista; Ive. No criticisrn, ne Inurance fingerprining, ne account- O Cnteno ablliy, ne responsbllty; ne No...respect for kids, To the editor: i can recal readilng seVe" loueOrS from senior citizens complinlng about the " ~kof respect-' they are shown by IoasYOuth. Wel. My letter la fom adifferent Perspective. As a father cf three young boys, ail lnvolved ln Sooutng, who have partldipabed I Scouts Canada Apple Day for several years, It neyer ceases to amaze me how iackng in charlty and the mlk of humnan klndness some members of our comrrph can be. 1 un«»Mhow people get an noyed wth door to door canvassers and selicitors; but for petes sake, We're talkng about Scouts, Cubs and Beavers ln uniform, gMvng apples away, flot sellng themni Athey ask for la dnon help support a wonderfui organVzaton of volunteers. And the amount you give. ls Up to you. My sons are used to the lame ecss~i tthe door give:a e dnt use apples, 9nidon't have any change.0 " haven't been te the bank yeto li just .dld my grocery shepplng,w etc. But what really. annoys me are the adults ln our town who refuse to even answer their doors. And some seniors, when they do answer the door, start yelng at six-and nlne-year olds about the Harris govemment and then slam the door ln their faces. As my sons. tumn away bewdldereci, i just shake my head and wonder, wDoes this senior citizen deserve their respect?% We went back later and lMi an apple, on his front stoop. I have a feelng he couid use the Troubling attitude 'h no oly Oshawa Ted Qr.enfbild To tl ie ed 1 toi -

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