Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 13, 1996., Page 21 'ýWhitb' SRB k tch ci SRB International Ltd., based in Wlutby, has been awarded a three-year cointract- as the information technology partner to the Education Computing Network of Ontario (ECNO), a technology co-operative open to ail school boards. The SRB-ECNO partnershlp wiil offer and support a range Of administrative software solutions meeting the needs of school boards and educators SRB will provide province- wide hotline and on-site support and training te school boards and develop Inew software solutions and i management tools. "This is a public-private Jpartnership model that many throughout North America could eaily adopt," says SRB president Dennis Sakamoto. Ho believes the ECNO fcould, be, expanded 'te other provinces,_ allowing more sehool boards te, streamline costa. Ini previous years,. the provincial - government staffed and heavily isubsidized the support of administrative software systeme at a cost of more than $7 million a year, including echool board contributions. Ini April 1996, the Ministry of Education urged school boards te find a new way te self-fund their support needs. Bob Dureno, president of ECNO and supeiintendent of 'y nd s Dntract business for one of t member boards, M2. "Ontario sehool boarc quickly rose te the challeng formed ECNO, and inviU private secter firme te bid fi the contract." SRB beat out two ofrtû world's largest computi companies te win tih assignment. The agreemer with SRB is worth $2.12 million annually and will1 funded ontirely by ECN member school boards. SRB bas expanded its sta and Toronto facilities to net its new rosponsibilitie including hiring specialize systems and busines analysta from the forme Ministry of Educatic: brandi. SRB bas been creatir, financial software solution for oducation n governmont organiîzati on s fo more than 15ypars. The company's product are uod throughout Canada the US. and Caribbean bj achool boards, universities colloges, municipalities anc govorrnnt organizations. SRB spocialized ir doveloping integrateý software modules that allom administrators fledbility and efficiency in areas such aE financial managment and accounting,, purcbasing and materials -management, human resources and payroll, student administration and student transportation systems. SRB was founded in 1979 by partners Sakamoto and ichard Rock.' B lai r N iblIett Anderson C.V.l. I hope everyone is coping with the stresses of academic flife. This week, though, will be a busy one around Anderson. If you are applyirig to college or university, you wil MIl out application foi-ms Ibetween Nov. 18 and 22. When you go to a seminar, make sure you have your three choices, your SIN number and $75 ta, pay the registration fee. If you are applying ta college, you wil rieed five program choices and $30 for the application fee. If you haven't decided on your program of choice yet (like me), you will want ta attend the following seminars in guidance: Laurier on Nov. 14; Western, Nov. 18; Windsor, Nov. 20; Lakehead, Nov. 22; York, Nov. 25. If you are interested in touririg Waterloo,- Laurier and Guelph, you should pick up a permission form in student services. The trip is on Nov. 27. Last week, Anderson held its first ever Book Fair to i-aise moriey to support oui- library. Mrs. Straggs co- ordinated the event. Have you checked out Thze Final Word? Andersan's school paper is new and improved this year. The FW staff is chai-ging 10 cents per copy this year to caver the cost of copyirig. This yeai-'s Final Word is the best it!s been in the past years 50 a dîme is worth it. On Dec. 10, Anderson wil hold its annual Tiivia Night to support the extra- curricular drama production of Romeo and Juliet. Sa get together your team cf four people, pick the most knowledgreable teacher you cari find, and sigri up on the drama board across from the Eriglish office in the main hall. .ds ;ed ror lie oer 'le nt 25 be [o 1fr et Ss er in ,g id n ,d wi d With the onset of colde d weather and shorter day youq may be tempted t jhibernate, but with so mari indoor activities you do ni t need ta be a couch potato. At Trafagar, life is busy ai usual. Our Christmas chofi 1 e already working or numbers for the carol servici -and the Celebration Sirigeri are practising for their Nov, 25 concert. at the Osbaws Seniors' Centre. House play rehearsals are two or three times a wee4 now, but this will pick up considerably as performance day, Nov. 27, draws nearer. Do you remember oui 'name the maSCOt' contest? What do you think of Warrjors?' Students who submitted this name were recognized with buge beach towel prizes. Congratulations te Melissa Browni, Alexa Begy, Tishya Mebta, Twinky Sharma, Amber Eiserihut a nd Allison McMurter for their foresight. The student council met for the firat time three weeke ago and diecussed, amorig other things, ways te improve Our eistirig recycling programn, a yearbook workshop, Initernet use and the possibility of adding polo shirts te our existing uniform. A week ago the erivironmental club hosted a speaker from BPI recycling centre in Oshawa te mark Waste Reduction Week. We learned more about sorting the différent recyclables - papers, newspapors., caris and botules - irito the right receptacles. Currently our recycling The Computer School Bus was in Whitby last week. The customized, bigh- tech, field trip bus, with state-of-the-art computer installations, was at the Durham Board of Educa- tion headquarters building for tours by teachers and students from across Dur- ham Region. The bus -- in wbich the seats have been replaced with training stations -- is a cooperative venture bet- ween Laidlaw IIBM, Tele- sat, yOntario IMulic 'School Boards' Association and other Mime and organiza- tions. The bus goos ta, schools aIl over Ontario, mostly ta provide training opportun- ties for teachers. Internet training programs are also offered. Dupont offers scholarsh ips DuPont Canada is offering two full seholarshipa te participate in AFS Interculture Canada's school Program abroad. AIl students aged 14 te 17 and attending a secndai-y sebool in communities where DuPont is located ane eligible. For more information regarding the acholarahipe, contact a achool guidance counsellor or oeil 1480043761- 7248. Res idents, can speak out on sohool budget Prin g/e scholarship COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD chair John Romano presents Whitby OAC student Leslie Dowson with a $150 scholarship. The award recog- nlized Dowson's teai siasm and overai or Pringle Creek Comi School's summer cami Pekkey Ha Trafalgar Castie program rieeds some work. Mr. Davis anid the envlronmental club members wili try te provide more recycling boxes around the achool. This- group has also placed plants on every teacher's desk, riot orily te add fresbness anid beauty but also te do a little air cleaning. And because. we know the teachers are all sa busy and might forget,'we even have plant waterers te tend them. Ariother wonderful performance of The Phantom ofthe Opera was attended by ]Residents can have their say about the Durham Board of Education budget for 1997 at a session in Whitby on Saturday morn- That's the date for Whitby and Oshawa comn- munity iniput as the board begins the budget ~process that will likely culinate in earl ring1997. g9eson will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Durhamn Board of Education head- quarters building on Taun- ton Road. Meetings are also sche- duled in Pickering on Nov. 20 and Port Perry on Nov. mnwork, enthu- rnunity Centre Tanyai Hunter Sinclair School niany of our students last week. Onie student said sho and ber mom erjoyed their front row seats until the fateful chandelier started its deadly descent. Doesnt anyone ever get bit by that thing? We were horioured te have Charles Rycroft from Whithy Brarich 112 of the Royal Cariadian Legion come anid speak te us yesterday. H-is atonies anid memories started the day off on a respectful and sombre note; girls wore poppies as tekens of Computer bus Stops in Whitby Qops! In a previous article we mentioned that the money raised duzing the Kims the Cow fundraiser went to the United Way.- The fuindraiser was actually held to support OSAfl) (Ontario Students Against Im'paired Drivers). Thanks for playing our game; we knew y ou would catch our mistake.- There is still a chance to purchase a yearbook if you hiave not yet done so. This fabulons book of memories wiil be going up to $35. There will be no extra copies i June to purchase, so order yours today. Today, 1:45 p.m. was the dismissal time for parent- student-teacher con.ferences. They were held this afternoon and again this evening. Volleyball fans are- asked tocome out à and answer their cali of the wild.C ome on out and support the teams at LOSSA boys' AAA volleyball championship night, tomorrow at Sinclair. The midgets will play at 6 p.m., the juniors at 7 p.m., and the seniors at 8 p.m. Students want to see Jooeph, but tickets are' ail sold 'out at the box *office. Students who want to, see Donny Osmond, should add their name to the list in the resource centre in case ticket;s are made available. Match-maker, match- maker, make me a match! As semi-formal approaches, now is the time to start planning your dream date. It is too, early for Santa's help, so yau will have to, do some searching on your own. I1f you missed our amazing danice in October, make your debut on, Dec. 17 and join Siriclair's fnest. We will bo watching for You. Jmi