4 Anne Murray a 0 in Jamaica Viewers are invited to join Anne Murray and her friends on a concert and fun-in-the-sun- tour of one «of the most beautiful islands in the world - JAMAICA. On Sunday, January 13, 8:00-9:00 p.m. Canada's most popular singer is joined by many of Jamaica's leading musicians and artists as well as special guests Valerie Harper and Ruth "Laugh-in" Buzzi for an hour of superspecial enter- tainment for the whole family. Coming Events INDOOR GARDENING The Myrtie W.I. is spon- soring a two day indoor gar- dening workshop to be held on Wednesday, January 9 and Wednesday January 16, 1980 fron 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Burns Church, Ash- burn. This course bas been designed by the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food and includes: plant propogation, plant care, problems, decorating with plants, dish gardens, and terrariumns. In order to have sufficient supplies available advance registration is necessary. For further information and registration caîl Margaret Davis at 655-4825. BROOKLIN & DISTRICT PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOC. The annual meeting of the Brooklin & District Association will be held on Wednesday evening, January 9, 1980, at 8: 00 p.mn. in the Oddfellows Hall, Bagot Street, Brooklin. George Ashe, M.P.P. Durham West will be the guest speaker. PAYROLL GROWS Employces of the chartered banks collectcd S2.20 billion in salaries and benefits in 1978, more thari four limes the total of a decade earlier. When you bring in a film ta be processed & printed ai MBM Photography You receive a FREE FILM KODACOLOUR & FUJICOLOUR FILM, Sizes 110, 126 & 135, c~t IfouERS: MON.- WED 9 6 TKURS, fri 9 8 SAT 10 -5 processing and printing YOUR CHOICE Mmm -~M M MU M&M MnL 131 BROCKSTN 668-6l11 lu A REP5LACEMENT ULL (Kodak) (1 coupon) *A 5 x7 ENLARGEMENT IN DELUXE FOLDER (1, coupon) *A DELUXE PHOTO ALBUM (3 coupons) (You receive 1 coupon for each roll) WE ONLY USE KODAK PAPER M.B.M. PHOTOGRAPHYf QUALMT PROCESING DONE DY Fl MALAB0RATOIES UD. IL- - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - -- - - mmmud w - a 1