WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANIJARY 9, 1980, PAGE 21 SERVCESDENIM WORLD ( BLUE JEANS) A chaiienging lucrative opporlunity la avalabie 10 operate your own discount outiet for "Brand Nama" BROOKLIN TOOL CO. jeans end accessories.< SPECIAL SALE ARTISAN WORLD <HOBBY CRAFT) Operate your own business in ar- Ail air tools. Haif price on ail tisan, macramne handicrats products, micrometers, sooket & etc. wrench set, 'vices, jacks, Training and compiete set-up) drill sets, drill press, 3 ton provIded. Operate from your w home or store. Smali capital Outiay. holst, hydrollo garage floor Franchises may b. combined. For In- jack, i1 h ton capaclty formation, phone or write (nc. phone $19500 and other tools for no.) mechanlos. Artisan & Denlm World Ltd. Ail temsfuly guranted.3452 Ontario St. E. Mal IemS.Aly uae. Montroal, Que. Hl1W 1 R2 MadeIn US.A.1.51 4-525-0691 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE 111101ilfl GARAGE SU PPLI ES SWIMMING POOLS msnufacturer 683-1 753 has an lnventory of 1979 aboya a round pools to clear. Compiete wlth filter. motor. siimmer. nump, walk- around patio, ienclng. Raguîarly H IGHEST PRICES $2,95.00, now $1444.00. Cali olc Paid for GoId and Silver Coins, oid guns, clocks, DOUBLE BED & two dressars. Cali JewelerY, dishes, furniture, 68-2245 af ter 5 p.m. crocks, OH1, painings and ___________ sealers.HEL FRI EN DLY FLEA WNE M A KETRELIABLE LOVING PERSON 10 ar 725-9783 for a 2'h year oid boy in my home. 23 KIG ST w., Mon. 10 Fni. Phone 668-9505 aflter 5 OSHAWA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MI The Town of Whltby la accaptIng applications for 1he position of Aduit Sohool Croseing Guard for the Kathleen Rowe Public Schooi. This position would be of Intereat 10 anYOne living ln the Burns Street EastJAthol Street area. SECRETARYI BOOKEEPER STORES FOR CARPENTRY Required part time. RN HOME REPAIRS must have some SUITABLE FOR SMALL store or of- &booking SI. Loig fice. Downtown Whitby. $220 per I Looking month. Phone 668666 IMPROVEMENTS for a challenge. Ap- M ETR LIC B -2554 prox. 15 hrs. per week. M tcETRO LC. B - 2554 g, Send resu me to: WNE Kitchl, en .os, CeTiig Athol Green Co-op DrywsandPReio Roos ea 250 Dunlop St. E. PAYING 14 TIMES face value for FREE ESTIMATES Whitby, Ontario Canladien cois before 1968. Guns, Cail 668-4686 Li N 3S1 wanted. Phone 668-6560 or 985-7057 (otPerry) AUTOMOBILES HOMES FREENTWNEAi adan&mecn FOR-ALE llimes over face value. Aso wanted WHITBY Clean 3 bedroom with 67 &68 siiver coins. Pthone 576-3874. 1978 GMC Hait ton. Gertitied. Cati garage. Avaliabie immnediateiy. First _________________ 728-7722. & last montha rent. $350. Utiitias flot ___________________________ Inciuded. Phone durIng the day 666. 75 GRAND TORINO 2 dr. Power 1437. steering, power braire. Automatic. W N E Certified. $1.795. Ouallty Auto Sale. 668-1532. LOST AND 1 silver key service 69 FORD MUSTANG Good condition. [:7')D1 o oa et $400. As is. Phone 66-8275. LOST Brocir 76 Curing Pin, sterling 7 84 5 silver, sentimental value only. Pease 1976 LEMANS Smail 8 cvi.. 4 dr. cail 728-2327. _______________ Power steerIng, power braire. AutomnatIc. CertIied. $2895. Quallty Auto Sales. 688.1532. 77 VOLKSWAGON RABBIT Siiver edItion. Many extras. $4,450. Cer- tiftied. Phone 668-8275. GAS SAVER 1972 Ventura. 6 cyi. Automatic 4 dr. Certified. $1,695. Ouality Auto Sals. 688-1532. 1976 DOOGE CHARGER 2 dr. coupe, air conditioniflg, fuiiy ioaded. Siiver with maroon vinyi top. Certif ied $2,750. Caii Norma 668-9585. GAS SAVER 1972 Pinto. 2 dr., 4 cyi. low mileage 4 speed trans. Certified. $995. Ouallty Auto Sales. 688-16532. 1970 GTO 400 4 barrai. Compielely reinished. Over $3,000 invested. Sacrifice for $1,500. Certitied. Phone L AARMETS FOR RENT AVAILABLE IMMEOIATELY large one bedroom apartmerit, central Whtby location. Telephone 86&M377. ORLAF ELECTRIC STOVE As new. Cor- ningware top, Continuesiy cieaning oven. rotisserie Harvest goid. $400. Cali 6689369. 1 PAIR Rossignol Skis (1860 cml 250 Tyrolia bindings. Ladies Nordic boots. size 7. Cali 681228, between 6 p.m. &9 p.m. NOECS DID SANTA brIng you a puppy for' Christmas. Maybe we can help? The Oshawa Obedience Assoc. ls starting puppy casses on Jan. 21s1t. Aiso star- ting the 22nd, Obedience & show handting. Cali 655-4356 or 623-7382. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Any and ail debtS outstan- ding which are owed by the Estate of the late Margaret Greenfield of Whitby, On- tario should be presented to the trustee below namned before February 3,1980. Trustee Ronald Ivan Alldred 14-303 Green St. Whitby, Ontario LIN 4E3 TO GIVE AWAY 3 kittens and mother. Sutabie for tarm or pets. Phone 655- 4216. paoRilUid ......... . . . U. . .* . -IM@ WORD of GODJ li 7-Z7ý-