PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1980. WHITBY FREE PRESS Regonl.axsogo up 10 per cent In 179 tereeas aseve By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff Durham Region's finance committee will recommend to council that taxes be in- creased by 10 per cent in 1980. Finance committee chairman Councillor John Aker of Oshawa said that "We are recommending to the council an increase of 10 per cent per household. Aker citing rising costs in several areas as the reason for the increase. Aker said that policing is one area of increased costs, especially since the region approved, last year, the hiring of 13 new police con- stables and two civilian primarily to patrol Brock Township. Last year, the Durham Regional Police took over the region's most northern cornmunity from the Ontario Provincial Police. Another major area of rising costs is social services Aker said noting that the province will increase tile general welfare assistance by nine per cent in April ad- ding approximately $103,000 more to the region's share. Aker also said that the social services department expeets an increase in their caseloads in 1980. Unlike 1979, there is no surplus to apply to this year's budget he said. Anothier factor is across the board inflation in 1980," he said. 'II guess you'll have to cal it a crunch year." per cent hike in taxes and each regional department had a three per cent ceiling in increased expenditures. In 1980, the departments will have a 4.2 per cent ceiling. Aker also said that the regional levy will go up froni $18,000,000 in 1979 to $21,317,000 for a 13 per cent increase in expenditures. Aker said that the 13 per cent expenciture increase is offset by a three per cent growth in assessment leaving a 10 per cent impact on the ratepayers.. He said that he is not hap- py with the increases and adniits that there are areas that could be cut but notes that it probably would not receive council approval. Aker cited 'the devélop- ment department as an example of an area that could be trimmed saying that the promotional work it does in selling serviced in- dustrial land might be done on the outside. Aker wiIl present his budget guidelines to council at their next meeting on January 23 and added that the budget should be totally finished by the end of Mar- ch. Tax ifoares to increas e thits year Whitby Comm unity Bingo Bigger & Better Starting Nov. l2th 2. $1 000.00 Jackpots Un 50 No.'s 750-01) Jackpots ln 52 500.00 Un given No.' s $1 00.00 Consolation, plus $10.00 per.lino 20-.$20.010 Regular Gamnes 2- Early Birds 5 - Laie Gamnes 1I Share the wealth No Admission Charge - Free Bus Every Monday night 7:15 p.m. HeydenshOre Pavillon (Corner Watér St. & Dunlop Dr., Whltby) Lic. Np. 23553.1 Operated by: e Jayceee Klwanls e Kinsmen e Optimisis (No chlldren under 16 admittod> companies asked for "noting that their request was ac- ceptable considering their increasing costs. Emm laid that the "in- creases only meet the present costs that have to be absorbed. " He also said that council may consider subsidizing taxi fares for senior citizens during the budget disuc- ssions. Drivers working for the two taxi companies suppor- ted the efforts of Circle and Bell and Bowman Taxi higher fares Emm said. It was suggestecl that the companies wait until March to ask for an even higher in- crease although they responded that they could raise prices any higher because that would mean they would have to put in new meters in their cabs. The meters would cost about $500 apiece, represen- ting a new capital cost. Emni says that it is not surprising that taxi fares would increase pointing out that other transportation fares have jumped drastically. He said that maintaining a good taxi systemn is impor- tant in Whitby because of the lack f a bus seryice. "lWe are in trouble if we don't have a good taxi ser- vice," Emm said. He added that "we want to keep the taxi service healthy in the town. "The people in the town will be short-changed if they don't have a service they can rely on." Quick action prevents tlieft in store When ypu bring in a film to be processed& prinied ai MBM Photography You receive a FREE FILM KODACOLOUR & FUJICOLOUR FILM, Sizes 110, 126 & 135, when you bring a film in for processing and printing YOUR CHOICE le A REPLACEMENT ROLLKodak) (1 coupon) *A 5 x 7 ENLARGEMENT IN DELUXE FOLDER (1 coupon) 4- *A DELUXE PHOTO ALBUM (3 coupons) (You rece ive 1 coupon for each roll) WE OMIT USE KODAK PAPER M.B.M. PHOTOGRAPHY 131 BROCK ST N 668-6111 ALT ROCESSINIG DONE BT BENJAM IN HiLM LABORA4TOIES uni t,; Quick action by two 18 Division constables resulted in the arrest of four men charged with breaking & en- tering into Bailey's Phar- macy at 362 Brock Street South last Thursday night. Charged with break and enter with intent as a result of the incident is Gaillano Gargano, 21, of Downsview; Joseph Logindice, 20, of New.Years Special THIS AD IS WORTH 1.0 -Off any order ovor 6* atPaul's Place HamburgersU Fish & ChipsMa Donuts 3 SubsMa Offer expiresJan 30, 1980. 269 Michael Blvd. Whitby 66-7730 New YeC ..with a new, styled, shaped hair fashion just truly "you." For a cut that is "ready to go an!, time, any where," visit our professional stylists today! BE LCON TESSA AUT1X LOLNGE 1 19 Green Strcet Downsview; Joseph bariola, 20, also of Downsview and John Difino, 20 of Toronto. Detective Inspector David Fleming of the Durham Regional Force said that Constables Paul Henry and Ian Wotten were on regular patrol when they observed four men in the store, at about 11: 30 p. m. Entry has been gained by apparently smashing the window in the front of the store. A'court date had not been set at press time. Flower arranging The art of flower arranging can save you jmoney develop artisitic ability and is an effective means of self expression. The Durham Family YMCA presents a couse in Flower Arrangement. The course includes the arrangement of fresh flowers, silk and dried flowers as well as corsage making. Participants who attended this program during the fal session found the course to be highly rewarding and successful. A few par- ticipants are now involved, in flower arranging as a part-time business venture! Gillian Stubbs, a talented and experienced florist will be instructing the program. Join Gillian in the Art Ro>om * at Henry Street I{igh School, Whitby on Tuesclay evenings commencing Tuesday ) January 29.,1980. Beginner is fromn 7:00 - 8:30 and Level Il jfrom 8:30 - 10: 00 p.m . For further information caîl 668-6368. If council accepts an operations committee recommendation, taxi fares in Whitby will be increased. Councillor Gerry Emm, chairman of the committee, said that fares will be in- creased to $1.20 "drop-rate" and from 10 cents for every one-eighth of a mile to 10 cents for every one-ninth of a mile. That means that a one mile trip will cost ap- proximately $2. 10. Fmm said' the increase was "exactly what the taxi __________________I Roues: MON - W10 9 - 4 tonURSffi 9- UAT Io -5 1 1 op-