PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Pres G l Pa Pa 71 Pr l SEx PAs AUOMOBILES air Ion SAýLu y e l 1978 DODGE CHARGER 2 dr.coup air condltloning, fuiiy loaded. Silve with maroon vinyl top. Certifiec $2.750. Cali1 Norma 668-9585. Jan. 16.680 74 GREMLIN AS ls. 304 V-a Standsr 3*speed transmission. $800. Piest cati 668-8178. Jan. 9,1 1976 COBRA il immaculate. $2,3( invested on brand new motor 302, BF Goodricli radiais on western mags fuiiy customnized interior, bis ti prove. $4,500 firm. Ask for Bob 68 0369. Jan. 9,8( 1974 ASTRE HATCH BACK 4 speet 63,000 miles. $300. Phone 668.6144. Dec. 26, 7S 1965 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE Good condition. Asking $450. Cali a. ter 6 p. M.68-1386. Dec. 19. 79 1977 THIJNOERBIRD Numnerous ex. tras inciuding air, oniy 26,000 mi!e,, Mfust Seit $5,000. Phions 668-7689. Dec. 12, 79 1970 442 CUTLASS 455 400 turbo ransmission. Power windows and bucket seats. $1000 or best offer. Phone 668-6481. Dec. 12, 79 71 LEMANS station wagon. 63,000 nules. Good condition. Zebarred rust troof. As is. $750 or best of fer. Phione 668-6580. Dec. 5, 79 73 FORD MUSTANG COUPE 56,200 milies. With 302 engins. V-8. New aeint. Power steering. New shocks, Rebuilt carburetor. Snow tires in- iluded. Mags ail around. Asking 1,600. Phone 668-5328. Ask for Brad. Dec. 5, 79 167 MGB.GT and 1967 MGB Road- der plus many new and unused spare )arts. Engines, wire wheeis, etc. $500 ®r lot. Phone 655-4107. Nov. 28, 79' 1l METEOR V-8, auto, PIS, PIB. S40C r beat offer. Cali 668-2354 alter 6 .m. Nov. 21, 79 59 BEAUMONT 307 automatic PIS, liB, good condition. $65. Certif led. tuone 655-4495. Nov. 21, 79 I FARGO CAMPER VAN equippod ifh f ridgs, stove & water. 6 cyl. 225. Ecellent running & body condition. 4 la but cen be certified. $1,500. >one 655-3006» Nov. 21, 79 974 DODOE CHALLENGER 360, 4 peed, veuy good condition. $2600. sone 655-3006. Nov. 14, 79 U74 DODGE DART 318. Power 10ering Radio. 314 vinyi roof. $1,0()0. hons Oô& 1487. Nov. 7. 7 AU ARTS exel 2-14 rirn ofy f rai SN( raec dîtý lori 668- ier )d. rd s 80 F S, o d. r9 ,E if. 9 i I *rT K ci a S, F( W, 0 - Cal Emporium Ads, 2 MICHELIN snow tires. New 230 x 15X steel beited. $150. Phione 683- 53W. Nov. 21, 76 HEAVY DUTY TRAILER HITCH 1foi Ford Van or pick Up $50 Phone 668. 6564 Nov, 21,.79 POLYESTER SNOW TIRES with the rima for Chevette or Acadian. Usd 1 ysar, $110. Cali afler 6:00 p.m. 668- Oc t.31, 79 RECTATONAL VELES 1973 ELAN 250 twin. Rebulit in Dec. Bis tb prove. Excellent condition. $400 or nearst offer or trade for smaii car. Phions 655-4495. Jan. 9,80 MOTORCYCLE 1979 PE175 2,000 kim. Ported and poiished, Fox sliocks, sir forks, brand niew ciutch, board over once. New piston rings. Asking $1,800. Phone anytime atter 4 p.m. 68-7105. Jan. 2,1980 1975 BON AIR traiter. Sieeps 8. Fridge, stove, sint & furnace. 12,300. Cai Gall Anderson 668-4599. Dec. 12. 79 MOTORMOME 26 ft. Ciass A Superior. Completely reflnished with new broadioom, drapes & veivet uphoistery. Sieeps 6. 2 single beds in back with nightabie. Complets bathroomn with bathtub & shower. Has a 4 burner stove with oven. Double stainiess steel sinks. Large size kit- chen table with bench style seats on either sides, Approximateiy 30,000 miles. Asking price$18,000. Includes many ext ras. Phone 683-3030, Pickering. Dec. 5, 79 1977 PE250 SUZUKI 1,200 kiiometers. Neyer used this year. Complets with endurable pants & boots and aiso helmet. $1,000. Plions 668-2113. Nov. 7, 79 MICLAN EO USi COMPLETE POOL SET Equipment Includes table, eues and baits. Price set at $75. Plione 579-9568. Janl. 16, 80 CAPE COD STYLE orange rutile polyester sheers. Includes 3 valan- ces, 5 pairs tiers & tie backs. 56" wide x30" long. New $51. Asking $30. Phone 728-8601. Jan. 16, 80 2 SINGLE BEDS with mattresses and rnatching cliesi of drawers $235; fridge, Keivinator, no frost, 2 door, green, $250; stove, natural gas, Har- twick, green $135; dishwasher, Ad- nirai, automatic, green $135; washer, Kenmore, 7 programa, heavy duty, self cieaning filter, $225; sofa bed, king size, excellent condition, $175; humidifier $35; atove fan, avocado, never used. $35; car rampe, brand new $22; misc. corner tables $30 sa.; coior TV, Toafliba, 14", like new, $275; nise. original paintings. $80 ea.; huund woven rings, varying sizes $800 s.; cfoftee table, $20; Plions 839-3114 evenings & weekends. Jan. 16,680 1 PAIR DYNAFIT SKI BOOTS Laclie's, size 8. Excellent condition. Worn on- ce. $45. Phone 668-9876. JIan. 16, 80 MiODERN Sofa $150; contsmporuery style dressing cabinet. $250. Both in good condition. Plions 668-1781. Jan. 9,80 1 Il1 only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. 'PLEASE READ When the advertised item is sold, disposed 0f, or unavailable for whatever reason, the item wiiI be deemed to have been soid and a commission wiIi be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PR ICE as illustrated beiow, regardless if price is stated with "best offer" if the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiiI be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiil appiy. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at leasi one month if not sold. RATES lif article is sold]: 50o of advertised price Up ta $400.00 20o of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soîci item advertised for $120.00 .commission due $6.00 Iminimum charge is $3.00] Prîvate advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Pit-ase notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy wheén item is sold so that we may delete if fromn the foiiowing issues. Ail ads flot fitting the Emp..rium guidelines wiii be treated and charged per week as regular ciassified ads on a pre paîd basis suchias. services, heip wanted, ciothing, reai estate, and personai messagje type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. m W! M E c E SINGER ZIG ZAG sewing machine in portable case. New condition $150. Phone 666-1690Oafter6 p.m. Nov. 14, 79 ELDEGAS bass gultar lelectric). Gultar case. Amplifier. Ait n good condition Asking $375 for package. Calil68"297 alter 4 p.m. Nîov. 14, 79 BOYS Biack Penther Bauer skates. Size 8. $20. Plions 668-1063. Nov. 14, 79 UNDERWOOD Manual office typewriter. 15" carniage. Elite type. Ideai for student or office. $125. Plione 668-1076. Nov. 14, 79 DUNCAN PHYFE dlning table, drop leaf. Needs refinishlng. $100 or wIii trade for secretarles desk. Phone 668-6151. Nov. 14, 79 LARGE 3 SEATER Cliesterfled. Rust veivet with matchlng pattern chair. Excellent condition. $500 or best of- fer. Phone 725-9973. Nv ,7 BOY'S 10 SPEED BIKE Good con- dition $55; 1 pair size 5 Teck skates $10; 1 pair size 5 Langui skates. Ussd 1 season $25. Plions 655-4495. Nov. 7, 79 40 SQ. YARDS of white shag car- Petîng wîth underpaddîng $250, Cali aller 5Sp.m. 66810127, c 1ý7 1 CHESTERFIELD with matchIng chair. Dark blue colour. Suitable for rOc. room or cottage $50. Plione 883- 3764 after 5:00 p.m. or weekends. Oct. 31, 79 CARDIGAN CORGI FOR SALE needs very affectionate home. Mats. 4 years oid, Perfect for older couple. $50 Plions 666-1372 Dec 12. 79 FOR SALE Mate 1 1 month oid Pure bred Samoyed Registered wîth papers $150 Phone 6681815 Nov 28, 79 US RUCKS 76 FORD 1,7 ton Lîke new 31.000 miles One owner sînce new Wî111 cao) $5.000 Phone728-2714 Nov 28.,79 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! 0IOME W Phone 728-2103 Owning a home used to be like motherhood -- no one questioned ils value. But îoday, many families are choosing 10 rent when îhey could afford 10 buy. On the oîher'hand, many single men and women, who mighî be expected to rent apartments, are now home owners. If you're îrying 10 decide whether to rent or buy, there are a number of factors t0 consider -- and not aIl of them are financ- ial, Your preferred life. style and your persona] expeclalions are as import- ant as questions of down paymenî and the necessary income 10 cover carrying charges. On the financial side, one rule usually holds true: Dollar Sense offers general financial advice by mem- bers of The Institute of Chartered Aceou niants of Ontario. in the short run ils cheaper to rent; in the long run, tax advantages, growth of equity, and increased market value make buying a home a better deal. If you rent, you have no capital tied up inl your housing. Your money can be invested in other ways for a continuing return, while your principal re- mains intact. On the other hand, you have no equity in your home, and your rent increases regularly. When you buy your home, you do build up equiîy and, when il cornes lime to seli, any profit you m ake is exempt from capital gains tax. But, of course, the capital tied up in your home isn'î free for other uses, On the oîher hand, the federal govern- ment plan 10 make mort- gage paymenîs lax deduct- ible could be an encour- agement 10 prospective home buyers. Maintenance and repairs have to be considered in making the decision. While some cosîs are pre 'dictable, others aren'l: you neyer know when the furnace will balk, or the roof will start leaking, and these can be costly items. A tenant doesn'î have 10 worry about such îhings; îhey are the landlord's responsibiliîy. When you've considered ail other factors, you should îhînk about îhe lengîh of lime you're likely t0 sîay in your home. There are a lot of expenses every lime you buy and seil a house - commissions, fees, and so on. So if you move fairly often, renîing is probably your best bel. The decîsion is very much a personal one. Some people find that the only savings îhey can accummulate over a period of years is equiîy in their home. Oîhers can huild firm financial security during a lifetime of living in renîed homes. Iî's your decision -- based on your knowledge of your own needs and expect- a lions. Mr. Hala;i is with Coopers &Lybrand, Toronto. w0^ Em porium >8-6111 F;..:le grecn c es r a grenerg Peparae Lawrys Caesar Salad Dressing Mixacod itg sto aagendircios 2Add eonîinig ingedins gren.Makes 11/o cps green pepper 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento Prepare Lawry's Caesar Salad Dressing Mix accord- fing to package directions. Add remiaining ingredients, blenld. Makes 1- 1/2 cups. Seveonfetof tesing ss ngsd oveng cminaino gronss ed nrdens I DOLLAR sElSE To rent or buy home is a common dilemma By George Halasi, CA If in doubt, cali 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS I5 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON., LIKE NEW ginls ski boots. Tyrol, size 4 $9; Classe de neige. size 7 $9; Aiberg (West Germanyl slze 1 $9; Grenoble, size 2 $9; Sportsman, size 2 $9; girl's white skates, suze 2 $4; Boy's skates. Trutine, suze 4. $12; Bobby Hull, size 1 $5.00. Plione 655-4482. Dec. 19. 79 SKIS. BOOTS à POLES Aduit size. 175 cm. $50; pair of Junior skis 120 cm. $30. Phone 683-638. Dec. 19. 79 LIVING ROOM SUITE Consîsîs of Chesterfield, 2 easy chairs. ottoman, coffes table & end table. Cream liglit brown colour. $450. Phione 668-3926. Dec. 12, 79 1 NEW black & white marbie bathroomn sheil shaped'sink. 30" x 19 314'. $W0; 1 new men's Dynastar skis & blndings. $130. Plions 728-0074 ai- terS5 p.m. Dec. 12, 79 SKI BOOTS San Remo Sîzs 81/2, Nearly new. $35, Ladie's wînter boots, Size 71,12 Worn once $10. Phone 576. 2366. Dec. 12.79 INGLIS Stove, white 30" only $40 or best offer. Plions 655-4364. Dec .12, 79 CARPET FOR SALE 4 pieces (orange) shag, different room sîzes $200; truck 'Rck for Pick-up $100. Cail 668-0163. Dec. 5. 79 OROAN Eko. 2 years oid, Full rhythm section, Excellent condition $1.100, Caîl 666-1530 Dec. 5, 79 STRONGLY BUILT f lat traiter size 10' x 4' with pipe raiiing 1½' higli. Tires 550 x 12". $200. Plions 655-3166. 1Dec. 5, 79 TECNNICS SB-Xi speakers, 1 pair. Excellent condition. Only 4 months old $275 firm, 6 watt guilar amplifier, Ideai for begunners. Nardiy ussd $50; H.0O train set. 1 year old. 6 pce. train track, accessories etc. $40 Oeil 668. 5l60after 5p m' Nov 21. 79 IABY CARRIAGE 2 in 1 $25 Phone 668-9553 Nov 21,.79 WASHER AND ORVER in gioo vorfulng order, $200 or best offer, child's swtng set wltli glîdes. xeaswa, slude and two swtngs in naw con- dtion $50. antique rocklng chair and natchîng armchir, bsautîfuily upholstered in sîtk brocade. early Caniadiana, $400 or best olfer 668- 6151 Nov 21. 79