PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16. 1980, WHITBYFREE PRESS So-methingwll bie done abot Pringle &reek res idents told AGNES DISNEY'S FASHIONABLE HALF SIZES Januôry SAVI NGS50%/C UP TO OFF "Please corne in and browse around" 108 BROCK ST.S. WHITBY 668-4375 By JOANNE ANDERSON Free Press Staff Port Whitby residents may see some relief in the Pringle Creek overload problem as early as October 1980 said Councillor Bob At- tersley at a meeting of Port Whitby residents hast week. Residents concerned with the pollution of Pringle. Creek and the sewage problems in that area met with Coun. Attersley and Mayar of Uxbridge and chairman of Durham Region's public works committee Gary Herrema ta discuss the problems. Attersley explained that if the provincial government decides to go ahead with the propased expansion of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital they may give Whitby, enoughi money, interest free, to go ahead with im- provements to the sewage system. An additional pumping station is required to assist the Pringle Creek sewage plant which at present is severely overloaded said Herrema. ivu rM1Il iIl miiii - Regional works chairman Gary Herrama, Coun. Bob Attersley, Rev. Stanley I8herwood and Bert Mondria discuss Pringle Creek The additionah pumping station which would catch overflow and puxnp sewage to the Pringle Creek station at a cost of $3.8 million. Residents complained that the problem has been building for quite a while although Herrema, said that the problem had flot been brought ta his attention until November, 1979. The region passed a by- law prohibiting any further connections to the overloaded system hast year. Concern was also ex- pressed over the pollution of Pringle Creek. There are high levels of chemicals in the creek as a result of the sewage plant, including high levels of choliform which exceed the safe swimming standards by an excessive amount. Nothing is being done ta, dlean up the creek ahthough the proposed Corbet Creek purnping station scheduhed for 1991 would eliminate the problem. The safety of the Brock Street C.N.R. bridge was also. one af the resident's concerns discussed at the meeting. It was agreed in 1969 that the b1idge was the worst in the area Attersley said. A fence was erected at that time for safety but has since been remaved. Local residents are con- cerned that the bridge wil result in seriaus injury ta, pedestrians crossing the overpass as well as ta, small vehicles which are forced to the side of the bridge by an- coming transport trucks. Bath Herrema and Atter- sley stressed that there will flot be a new bridge in the budget for quite some time as there are matters of higher priority than the bridge. Whitby's other regional cauncillor, Gerry Emm, also present at the meeting, ex- pressed his concern that the bridge should be a number one priority. Emm also indicated he would like to bring the entire committee down to the bridge in order ta stress the urgency of an improved structure. For the time being, Port Whitby residents shall have to make due with "ban- dages" or minar repairs to the aging structure. Revisions will be accepted Because there will be no revision of the voters list for the upcomîng February 18 federal electian those per- sons who are nat on the voters list may make ap- plication to be added by calling the returning of- ficer's office at 668-7222. Revisions to the list will be accepted from January 14 ta February 4. 0F CANADA OWNER OPEPATF* Seo how nice your car can lac Point srviSesavallable ROYAL $159,95 PREMIER $9 9 S<JPREME $.295 AIL PAINT WORK GUARANTEEO COLLISION 11REMI Bring your damag.d car to MAACO end we'II do dme rosi, We'ti contact your Insurnce ag.ncy or broker. W.iI mette sure an adjuater *»a your car. WeII do quality work at a roonab4o prilesand give you faut ok II8FR tANCE EUMATES . e -m 579-4000 'll- of 710OWILSON RD. S. OSHAWA, ONT. wo«tm SHOP HOURS Mlon thru Fr1 8 a.m. ô - Sot 10 a.rn. 2 p.m. i ___ ~L1J w w The partners of Winspear Higgins Stevenson & Co. and Deloitte Haskins & Seils announce the merger of their practices as of January 12, 1980. The combined practice wiII continue under the name of Deloitte Haskins & Seils Chartered Accountants Doloîtt Haskins+SeIIs hreeAconat practising in 31 centres from Victoria ta, Halifax E i È L nqýiqqwF lqmw4mw