WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1980. PAGE 1l Board has new reading course for îiliterate aduits j Bank open for busiçness IOshawa Mayor James Potticary was on hand Monday te officially open the Scotia Bank, I corner of Kng Street and Thorntons Road. IFrom left to rlght Lloyd Faucet, vice president and general manager, Lucy Kluff, toiler, Gord Weber, manager, Mayor James Potticary, Alison Fleming, toiler, and Frank Maguire, district manager. People who are unable to read or write, or who have rrnimal abilities in these subjeets wil be helped by a new prograrn cailed Adult Basic Education being of- fered by The Durham Board of Education. This project is being un- dertaken in response to the staternent issued recently by the Movenient for Canadian Literacy which said that one quarter of the population of Canada te "functionally illiterate"' and ton per cent caxinot read or write. These dlsturbing statistics have prompted the Durham Board to make a determnined effort to find the many aduits Iocally who could be helped by the programn w1hich is now being developed. Nancy Patriarche, an assessnient teacher in Redevelopment planning bas begun Marion O'Donnell, a member 0f the Durham Region District Health Council and the Chairman of the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital Planning and Priorities Advisory Commit- tee, reported that the conm- mittee met Monday, January 21, 1980 to discuss its role in planning the re- development 0f the hospital. The Hon. Dennis Timbrell, Minister of Health, învited the District Health Council to establish the committee following announcement that the Province plans to re-eveop the hospital during the early 1980's at an estimated cost of $28,000,000. The committee comprises officiais of hospital and community based mental health services, including Dr. Desmond Webster, Chief of Psychiatry at Oshawa General Hospital and Mike 0'Keefe, Adrinistrator of the Psychiatric Hospital. Tommy Edwards, also a member of the District Health Council, sits on the committee to represent the viewpoint of the Health Council on the provision of Mental Health services in Durham Region. Following a tour of the existing facilities the com- mittee met to plan its ap- proach in studying the men- tal health service needs of the area served by the psychiatrie hospital. In- cluded in the committee's tasks will ho an inventory of mental health services available to the residents of the hospital catchment area, which includes Victoria County in the east, all of Durham Region, York Region, and a large part of Metropolitan Toronto. Steven Isaak, a mental heaith research consultant, has been hired by the District Health Council to staff the committee. Considerable input will ho sought from different groups in the community, including the Town of Whitby, various TRENTWAY AIRPORT SERVICE To and f rom Toronto International Airport dally. Featurlng a low cost luxury coach as weil as a private car with door to door service. Also featuring a special reduced rate at Holiday Inn, Toronto Airport. By Res.rvatiorlOnly: Cail Trentway Bus linos 1-800-267-0949 Or se. your Local Travel Agent jet CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHUTBY ... CONTRACT W80u1 MUNICIPAL TRANSIT SYSTEM Tenders wil be received until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 13, 1980 for the provision of public transit service within the limits of the Corporation of the Town of Whltby. Specifications and tender forms are available at the Town of Whitby Treasury Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone 668-5803, extension 37. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R.A. CLARINGBOLD, TREASURER, TOWN 0F WHITBY community social services agencies, the Canadian Mental Health Association, and local hospitals, specifically dealing with their perceptions of the need for mental heaith services in each local area, and how Whitby Psychiatric Hospital can help meet those needs. The conimittee will use this information to develop recomrnendIatiofls to the District Health Council and to) Timbreil on mental health prograrns in the hospital catchinent area, with par- ticular reference to the role of the provincial psychiatric hospital. Recommendations to Timbreli are expected by June 30. special education with the Board, will be the first teacher of the course; she hopes to have the assistance of several volunteers. Patriarche said, "at the begimuing we must rely on the public to identify aduits who will fit into this new program; we have no other means of searchlng them out. I do hope members of the public will respond wîth names of people iwhom we can help". The board advises that those people knowing such people should cati 576-460 extension 210. It is expected that classes wilI begin before the end of February. The present in- tentions are for t.he classes to be held at G.L. Roberts Collegiate, Oshawa for 2-1/ hours each Thesday and Thursday evemings for twelve weeks. Initially classes will be held in Oshawa only, but if the demand warrants it, consideration wIl be given to holding similar classes i different parts of the region. -w ReIy On Fords For Rentais ë SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES " LOW DAI LY RATES " RENT BY TUE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH 0*PICK-UP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE *FLEET & INDU VIDUAL LEASES TAILORED TO YOUR NEEDS RENT*ACAR COUIN BALI MOTORS UMITED Hwy. 7A West- Port Perry [~ 985-8411 [: m