WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1980, PAGE: Readerprasees J.O. Ruddy Hospital Dear SI r: 1 would feel remiss if Iwere flot to take the opportunlty of maklng a few camments relatlng ta one of aur very excellent facllilties Dear Sir: The buses in Whitby died on Dec. 3179. The Buses are greatly missed, by ail good citizens. It passed away leaving a town of 31,000) in population or more, wlthout any means of transpor- tation. Also when one real izes that a large number of citizens cannot drive because of their age or because they cannfot afford a Th anks Dear Sir: Once agai Whitby Jayceec debted ta yau. ta thank yau a staff for the ness ln printini letters and fai Ruff It R( Weekend. Eric Cowen Registration commodation Comm ittee Editar's Note: aur hat goes printshop r Robin Lyon worked evenin weekends and bends over ba( for worthwhll( organizationsc the Whitby Jayc n the s are ln- W/e wish ind your prompt- ln the Town of Whitby namely, The J.O. Ruddy Hospital. This building 'through the forsight of It's founders' is ideally car, or have health p rab le ms. What Whitby now needs is a very large coffin, ta be ready ta bury the dying town. Let us ail mourn the passing of the bus and prepare for the larger passing of a dead town, and let us mourn the third of month the passing of the Bus. Mrs. A.J. Jaynes Green St. Whitby situated ln a quiet, peaceful setting and may be reached from any point ln Whitby ln a very short time. lt's location wIll be further camplemented upon completion of the development in various stages of progress throughout the water- f ro nt area. Having some knawledge af similar institutions, i must first remark on the wisdomn and care that has gone inta selecting the ap- paintments for the dif- ferent roorns and areas, certainly with a view of providing the com farts, care and conveniences flot aniy for those con- f ined therein but alsa for thoses wha serve in the performance of their respective duties. Having been a patient ln this hospital (on mare than one oc- casion> it is difficuit ta find words which wauld properiy express mny feelings of deep g of our *.mm u mm m m rifor I M IAMI1 BEACH1î6Day Tour I ound-Up* * Departure Date MARCH 15/80 * Tranportation via Chartered Voyageur Ac-Deluxe air Conditioned Motor Coach I & Ac- ITOUR INCLUDESI I 15 Nlghts AccommMation * Gulded Tour of Washington D.C. Gulded Tour cf Atlanta G.A. I Free CocktallParty li-Miami A tip of Free Yacht Crulse ta aur Gulded Tour Kennedy Space CentreI manager OPTIONAI: Grand Oie Opry NashvilleI wha Discoirni for Senior Citizens gs and* Price Per Perion: $479-'10 Double always * Caîl Collect $4290 QuadDO IL ckwards *DOMLS e local I WILL'S TOURS 4164476536 such as P** mPS SMANIEZ IeeIm m m mm ,ees. m m m m m m m a gratitude ta ail who are part of the services provided here. ln ad- dition ta the regular staff there are quite a number of valunteer workers wha corne ta the Hospital each day ta assist in many ways ta make the days as pleasant as possible. They tao are ta be ad- mi red. This impressive building with its excep- tionally fine appoin- tments, wouid be of lit- tie consequence within aur community were It nat for thase persans who serve there be It an a regular basis or atherwise, for they are surely among the most dedicated, sincere and kindly people we could ~wish for and are ta be highly commended. In offering my sin- cere appreciation for receiving such care 1 would also like ta suggest that t hase who live in Whitby as well as those who may an- ticipate coming here, cansider this hospital ta be one af the Town's finest assets and 'second ta fane. :FI Fîr Thanking you for ailowing me a smal portion of space ln your very Informative paper, 1 remain, Yaurs very truly, W.J. Trilpp -~ -v - - - -i- - TOWNE FLOWERS ilo PLANTS & GIFTS lower Arrangements For Alil Occasions This Valentine's Day, Say It With e "SPRING FLOWERS"" ie Assortment of "Silk & Dried Flowers"e Large Selection 0f ""Tropical Plants" For Convenient Shopping ~~ - "Town Plaza" : 601 Dundas St. W. ~~ ~ Whitby 668-0727 : Lamen tfor the buses D. THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Du"da St. E., Whtby 668-7797 HOURS: Mon. - Sat. & Evenings By Appointment DnIy FEBRUARY ONLY' 7% oTA&X REBATE ON 1979 NEW CARS. dOOKER>H &SONS~ Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Hwy. No. 7 Kinsale 655-3351 (4 mîles East of Brougham) 683-4091a uw4dpmom w