PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 20, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS - DurbhaniRegion Squash league teaim standings "The thri*ll of victory.. It is almost a certainty that everyone has heard the television sports loge "The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." Well, this young Whitby goalkeeper must certainly have felt it. Above, an unidentified Algoma Orchards offenceman put Below, the look of agony from the goalie after the puck had been put past him. The final score was Algoma Orchards 5, White Rose Nur- sery, 3. - irep Pressc nhunohv.imnInnDAndprc!rr By NINA HOLL, DRSL Statistician After the final evening (Feb. 13) of schedul-ed league play in the 1979-80 Durham Region Squash League season, the team standings are as follo'ws: Mens Pts. Durham College -61 Durhamn squash & Fitness Club -57 Ajax Squash Club -42 Oshawa Tennis Club -15 Ladies pts. Durham Squash & Fit- ness-0 Oshawa Tennis Club -55 Ajax Squash Club -47 Durham College -13 Only the top two mens and ladies teams are eligible for the final playoffs. These finals will be held at Durham College with the defending mens chanipions, Durham College against Durham Squash and Fitness club and in ladies, Durhanm Squash and Fitness Club against Oshawa Teninis Club. Each club will field their five best players who have been participating ail season and will send them one through five. There are separate trophies for the winning mens and ladies teams. There will be five matches and the team to win the niost matches will capture the championship titie. The finals are Wednesday, February 27 at7:O00p, m. and spectators are Most welcome. The trophy for the niost mens and ladies total com- bined points at the end of this season has been awar- ded to the Durham Squash and Fitness Club. Last years winners of this trophy was Ajax Squash Club. It bas been another very successful season and en- joyed by ahl the players. We hope to possibly expand the League next year to include greater numbers and calibres of players as there seems to be an increasing need for competitive, organized squash in the area. th e p uck past W htb y 's ,W n îte R~ ose Nu rse ry ne t m an cer. -r L q - tb l U U u u i l c t l u ib l . Wi b vr Ohw andithe agony of defeate,,Whi ove haw Diane Pettis mrade an out- standing return to ringette Sunday leading the 'Whitby Lasco Steel belles to a 9-2 victory over Oshawa N~o, 1. Pettis returned to the game Sunday after a three week absence due to a hip in- Pettis lead with 5 goals Debbie Taylor the scoring followed by with 2 and Debbie Fice and Diana Noble with 1 eACH. Assisting the goal scorers were Karen Laing, Alison Fleming, Michelle Callan, Terry Mullen, Taylor and Fice. Whitby will play an exhibition game in Toronto on Thesday af 8: 00 p.m. followed by a tournamnent in Hastings on Saturday. Ailstar basketball at Durham Coilege on Felbruary 2lst SwimChapioships Feb 23, 24 On February 23 & 24 the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club (WISC) will play host Oie the second aninual Durham Regional Championships at -U Iroquois Pool. Along wiOi WISC. teams from Ajax, Pickering, and Oshawa wil be competing for the Cham- pionship trophey donated by the Whitby Lions Club. Swimmers will be vying for medals for first to third place finishes and ribbons will be awarded from fourth to sîxth. Also there will be high point trophies for in- dividual swimmers in each age group. WISC, the youngest and smalest of the clubs in the Durham Region, being in its third year of operation with an approximate member- ship of 40 swimmers, initiated and organized the first Regional Champion- ships last season. The Championship trophey, won by Ajax last year is on dÎsplay at Iroquois Pool in the WISC showcase. An aIl-star basketball game is scheduled between the Durham Lords and the Durham Men's League aIl- stars. It will take place February 21 at 7 p.rn. in the durham College sports corn- plex. Admission is $1.00 and ail proceeds wiII go to the Oshawa unit 0f the Candian Cancer Society. David Stewart, ]Durham College Athletic supervisor says that Oie gaine will gîve the College tearn a chance to play against soine of the out- standing players in the Durham Region. Is teain has already had a very suc- cessful season, and this should make for a very ex- citing sporting event- Preston Jenniings is teain captain and coach fir the Durham Mens basketball league. Coach for the Durham Lords is Ted Harrison with Nick Wind, Larry Pearson and Hon Win- terink the team captains. There will be door prizes for those attending, in- cluding a Mr. Coffee machine, an apartment sized humnidifier, a 1500 watt blow dryer, a stereo dlock radio and mini-calculators - a total value of $200. Preston Jonnings, education chairînan for Oshawa unit of the Cancer Society has organized the event. Tickets are available by calling 579-7784 evenings), or at the control desk of the Durham College Sports Complex. Admission may also be paid at the door the day of the event.