WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEI)NESDAY FEBRIJARY 20, 1980, PAGE .5 Brooklin benefitsdeveloper, not town s enio r staff say proj eet is ]premature According to a story that appeared in the Febuary 8 edition of the Oshawa Times, Whitby Town Council was warned as early as Sep- tember, 1979 by its solicitors that the development of Brooklin would benefit the developers more than it would the town. The Oshawa Times ac- count says that a letter from the lawyer was introduced at a secret council meeting in September when the decision was mae to go ahead with the development of Whitby's northern hamiet. That decision was ap- proved in a public meeting of council on October 23. The limes' Geraid Rose wrote that council was toid that the disadvantages "far exceed the advantages" and that "the advantage to the Town of Whitby is of a minor nature. " The letter also said that "the present agreement makes considerable com- mitments by the town to the developers and the execution of this agreement is undoubtedly of great ad- vantage to the developers. " The Times aiso stated that the council then drew up a list of conditions that the developer must meet in- cluding a provision that the project could not begin until the lower part of Whitby had grown sufficiently to make Brooklin a paying proposition. In the October 23 resolution, Council decided that Brooklin would not grow until 2,400 building permits had been issued for single family homes south of Rossland Road although no time frame had been given. These conditions are now a matter of negotiation bet- ween the developers and the town's management com- mittee. The Times said that the solicitor's report joins a list of other reports from other senior staff members recommending against early Brooklin growth. Among these, according to Rose, is a report from the town's treasurer which was introduced at the same secret meeting who said, af- ter a discussion of the assumptions on which the plan is based, "In my opinion, deveiopment of Brooklin is premature." The report noted the "sof- tness of the market" for homes east of Toronto and that Whitby has '"a fully ser- viced residential subdivision just off Dundas Street East that hasn't sold one lot. " "In my opinion," the con- fidential report stated, ac- cording to the Times, "'the Town of Whitby is too seriously affected by growth at this stage to support the development of Brooklin. " The Thompson publication said that planning director Bob Short also called the proposaI "premature" and that after council approved the idea of expansion, proposed that the develop- ment be freezed for at least five years. Council rejected Short's recommendation. A comnmittee of top staff members also prepared and presented a confidentiai report that came to the same conclusion iast September. "lIt is the opinion of the staff committee that the development of Brooklin to 10,000 persons at this time is premature," the Times quoted the report as saying. The report is aiso reported to have said that growth of Brooklin is dependent on the growth of lower Whitby and that "this growth pattern bas not taken place as ex- 185 Brock St. N., Whithy/668-3892 NAIRLINES 13 PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT SUSAN ALEXANDRE A LICEN. CED ESTHETICIAN. wUi bu booking appoilntet for tbe followng new seovlc.: FACIALS ACNE TREATUENTS WAXINO MANICURE PEDICURE MAKE-UP APPLICATIONS MAKE-UP LESSONS FACE LIFTS BROW AND LASH TiNTINO #MAKE-UP LESSONS PRIVATE AND EVENINO CLASSES) COURSE DURATION: 7:SOpm .- ¶:Opm. COST: $40.00 payable on reegimtutm FASHION MAIE-UP FOR DAY AND EVENINO WEAR AND CURRENT TREN- DS FOR SPRIN O0F 1MW. HAIRLINES ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE LIME 0F MAKEUP AND SKIN CARE PRODUCTI AVAILABLE FOR YOU. LET US GIVE YOU A COMPLETE MAKE-OVER IN IMAKE-UP AND HAIA FASHION FOR THE SPRINQ. pected." A private consultant prepared a feasability study that assumed Whitby growth as 4,000 persons a year from 1980 onwards. However, the staff report stated that the town has only been growving by 1,000 to 1,500 persons a year and projections indicate a con- tinuation of slow growth. It bas been projected that Whitby's population in 1993 would be 100,000 although the current trend would in- dicate only 50,000. As eariy as 1976 council was advised by it's planning director that the population figures on which the Brooklin proposai is based "imay be somewhat op- timistic. " A report fromn the finance, planning and public works departments of Durham Region also questioned the population figures. It noted that "lthis growth estimate, for one year, is well in excess of the entire population increase that Whitby experienced bet- ween 1971 and 1976. " The region recommended to the town not to proceed with the proposai until that and other concerns about the possible financiai impact on the region and the town were known. Proponents of the scheme to deveiop Brooklin say that LIST 0F NEW SERVICES FACIALS $20.00 ACNETREATMENT $25.00 OFACE LIFT $25.00 full log waxlng $25.00 % log waxing $15.00 under arm waxîig 315.00 brow wxlng 18.00 manioure 3.00 pedicutu 512.00 @ye brow mch 38.00 @ye brow tint 38.00 eye Ieoh tint 38.00 REOULAR SERVICES STYLES FOR MEN ANDWOMEN MEN 89.00-811.00 WOMEN 313.00 -315.00 PERMS 32.00 - 33.00 (cul extra) the major reason is the need for sewer services in the hamilet. Consolidated Building Corporation and Mark- borough Properties have of- fered to instail a trunk sewer line into Brooklin and ser- vice existing homes to the lot uines. Many residents, according to the Times, have said that the installation of» sewer faciities would resolve the chronic probiem created by overfiowing septic tanks in the 10w lying areas. The Times reported, however, that the town received a letter from the region's environmental health services division in 1978 saying there are "very few complaints of septic tank failures in Brooklin. " The letter stated that the region received two com- plaints in 1977, the Times said. Regional officiais said that the present septic tank and water supply systems in Brooklin are adequate to support a population of 2,300. Brooklin's population is now about 1,600. That is down from a high of 1,800 experienced several years ago. the deveiopment proposai caîls for a population of 10,000 within 10 years after the projet begins within an eventual growth to 25,000. The land in question is owned by CBC and Mark- borough Properties, which between them, control almost 2,000 acres of far- mland. Cooel Sanders' Nowjust Acoupon! (You save .55) Store Closed Feb. 25,26, and 27th. Wateh for the Grand Re-opening Feb. 28th. A Snack Pack is the perfect pack for any aid time of day! And ifs probably one of the most nutritious Snacks araund. Yau get two pieces of finger ickin' goad chicken in a Snack Pack. And a generous helping of French fries. There's nathing ike it. Have one today! Just present thiýs coupon ta yaur nearest Kentucky Fried Chicken store. Youll get yaur Snack Pack forjust $ 1.00! Offer expires February 29, 1980. KenÏtu-c ky FriÏe d C k~ie 1t Conel Sars boys and gris make itlngec lokin good > OVER 100 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO-SEE YOUR PHONE BOOK< FOR THE ONE NEARESTYOQu Ir)___Co1odSad $naktc~ $100 This coupon entities bearer to purchase a SNACK PACK forjust $ 1.00 Offer good at ail participatîng Kentucky Fried Chicken stores Expi-y date February 29, 1980 Keî'tucky fred Ck!cloent $1 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC_ 111 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY 668-1464 40mw @da"